Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2185002-World-War-3-The-Tickle-War
Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2185002
A world always at war has finally found a way to minimize reckless casualties.
It had been a century since the last world war, and everyone saw it coming again. Tempers were far too high between allies and enemies alike for it not to all explode. But that would be the only thing to explode. For you see, these countries were tired of backlash when civilians would get caught in the crossfire and were worn out from the amount of soldiers they would lose themselves. So to cut their loses they devised a new method of warfare.

Tickling warfare

No one thought it would work. In all honesty the leaders themselves doubted it. It was Great Britain who first used the new method upon their embassy in Saudi Arabia getting siege. The world watched in complete shock as rather than a hail of bullets and fire, the scene was that of energy firing weapons leaving squad after squad of soldiers giggling and laughing. It was a success with only one injury when a soldier tripped an smacked his head on a small stone wall after getting hit by an energy round.

The leaders were satisfied and began mass producing guns, explosives and sword like weapons that were all meant to leave the enemy in a ticklish mess. Though through this arms race, resources became scarce and everyone began using their new found weapons to invade those who didn't have as large an army. Russia was quick to march west; China wasted no time in expanding through the southeast and into India; Japan began its Pacific take over once more; Great Britain's, Spain's, Germany's and France's forces united to halt Russia's advance; The United States marched on Mexico and continued south; Egypt spread out far and wide, its armor ripping through Africa with little effort.

Now, the world was in chaos, but where are you?

The Russian Advance
Chinese Expansion
Japan's Rise
Europe's Stand
American Charge
Egyptian Conquest

And of course there are rules to war.

1. Tickling, minor fetishes related to such and some basic hand to hand combat are all that is permitted. Casualties must be prevented!

2. No area is off limits to tickling. If you're unlucky enough to get hit in a nether region, be prepared to have a long day.

3. Blatant sex scenes are to be minimized, but no doubt it will occur.

4. You must have a character sheet filled out (bellow) to participate. Maximum of 3 characters per author.

5. If your character dies (casualties are inevitable in war), you must have another. Either already having multiple or one to replace them.

6. If you're unsure on something, send myself an email.

7. No invincibility. Its quite annoying if no one can do anything with your character.

Now for about yourself.

Species(don't be a jerk)
Tickle Spots
Country Of Origin
Branch of Military
Current Front
Weapons(if any)

Let the war begin again!
Name: Draken Cerex

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Warlock

Tickle Spots: Sides, Stomach, Ribs, Underarms, Thighs, Feet(Socked more than bare), Arse, and Groin

Ticklishness: 9/10

Country of Origin: Ireland

Branch Of Military: Spec Ops

Current Front: The Russian Advance

Weapons: Armed with some basic defensive wards, minor object summoning, and a simple alchemy knowledge. He has also been given a silenced Glock 17 and a silenced L115 rifle.

Bio/Backstory: Draken was one of the first to undergo British Tickle Warfare Training or BTWT. To say he was confused was to put it lightly. Originally trained to be a front line heavy gunner, his rather high expertise in tickling earned him a spot in special forces. Unfortunately, his own extreme vulnerability to tickling made him a liability. A special forces liability was the last thing Britain needed. So to save themselves, they put him the farthest in the rear by training him as a sniper and field interrogator. No where he wanted to be, but it kept him safe. Especially like now when he was deep in hostile land.

Name: Duskero Lillanty

Age:94 (looks 22)

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Tickle spots: Sides, Stomach, Ribs, Underarms, Thighs, Feet(Socked more than bare), Arse, and Groin

Ticklishness: 11/10

Country Of Origin: USA

Branch of Military: Navy

Current Front: Japan's Rise

Weapons: Other than his nasty bite, he is armed with an M16 and a .357 revolver.

Bio/Backstory: Duskero didn't have much of a choice about joining up. Especially with his ticklishness, he would have preferred not joining at all. But when its a matter of losing your land or fighting in a literal tickle war, there isn't much of an option. So not really watching news on front lines, he joined with the Navy. It wasn't long before the cruiser he was assigned to was charging through the Pacific to meet up with the fleet that was already trying to halt Japan's naval assault.
Name: Fumiko
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Kitsune

Tickle spots: Everywhere is hyper ticklish but her worst ones are her Tummy, Armpits, behind her fox ears, her Knees

Ticklishness: 11/10

Country of Origin: Japan

Branch: unknown

Current Front: Japan's Rise

Weapons: other than her powers of illusion she is armed with the Caterpiiller (a weapon that attaches to your spine and tickles your upper body. She is also equipped with a smoke bomb, and an optimizer (ehances ticklishness). Her tails can also be used as weapons

Bio: the Kitsune were a naturally playful species who didn't really involve themself much with human war but help but notice this time that the human decided to switch tactics. Japan in particular seemed to be using the help of other species and oni to help with this new warfare. Fumiko is a crafty and playful girl who always did love tickling so it was right up her alley. She's used as a scout and spy unit to gather Intellegence from other nations.
Name Rhea
Age 20
Gender Female
Species Addonexus
Tickle Spots. Tummy, sides, knees, underarms, hips, waist, feet, legs, thighs, neck
Ticklishness 15/10
Country Of Origin USA
Branch of Military Airforce
Current Front American charge
Weapons(if any) Enchanted Bow, wings, ability to manipulate her bone structure, and control the light, shadows, and the elements if she practiced enough
Born on the planet Addonexia, Rhea was a fun loving girl. But then everything changed when her mothers old friends spirit was consumed and became what was known as Abbadon. Her mother pushed her through a magic mirror portal to the safety of Earth where Rhea was taken in by the military and raised as a soldier. Tickling was a game she always played with her mother and it brings her happy memories of when life was peaceful.

Name Alex
Age 23
Gender Male
Species Human
Tickle Spots Tummy, sides, knees, underarms, hips, waist, feet, legs, thighs, neck
Ticklishness 12/10
Country Of Origin USA
Branch of Military Airforce
Current Front American charge
Weapons(if any) Sniper Rifle
Bio/Backstory Rhea's foster brother. His family took her in and he aided in her becoming the woman she is. He was often bullied as a young boy and upon meeting Rhea was a bit of an asshole, but after growing up together, they became bonded and often have tickle fights and cuddle sessions.
Name: Makoto
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Tickle sports: Armpits, Stomach, Sides, Hips, Thighs, Knees, Groin, thighs, and feet. Feet are his worst spot.

Ticklishness: 9/10 (13/10 feet)

Country of Origin: Japan

Branch of Military: Special Ops

Current Front: For now the Japan's Rise

Weapons: Any ninja weapons, Blowgun, darts (each dart has different effects for example: knockout dart, tickle dart, and others), he is also a master martial artist.

Bio/Backstory: Makoto is from Chaos village, one of the few hidden villages that train young people to learn ninjutsu and become a ninja. They are a well known ninja village but nobody except for a select few know where the village are. They are neutral to every side of the war but are willing to join any sides for payments. They mostly work for Japan. They sell there services for work as body guards, gathering secret information, retrieving stolen items, interrogating people, etc.

Even though he is young, Makoto is one of the best ninjas in the village. Makoto is a kind and fun loving person. He sometimes doesn't take things serious, but he can be serious when he wants to be.
Draken bit his lip as he watched the Russian sentry through the scope of his rifle. He continuously wrote in a journal next to him, following the soldier's every move and documenting every aspect of his patrol possible. Seeing what he wanted, he realized only one way to get past the guard and it was quite the ticklish one. But if he wanted the two weeks of surveillance to mean anything, he needed to get into that munitions factory and see exactly what Russia was building. It wouldn't have been odd for Russia to be producing munitions, but the only activity was at this once Polish medical lab turned factory.

Lining up his shot, he let out his breath slowly and squeezed the trigger, letting the almost invisible energy round fly. He grinned as he saw a glow at the impact point, directly on the guard's crotch. A slight blush came to his cheeks as he watched the guard collapse into hysterics, bucking his hips wildly. Draken quickly put his rifle on his back and moved up, pistol drawn. He stopped next to the still howling guard and smirked at him.

"Let it take its course and I'm sure you'll enjoy it in no time." Draken teased, earning a loud moan from the soldier as he no doubt released. Draken made quick work of cutting through the fence and heading inside, taking cover in a tool shack. Just in the nick of time as several soldiers found their cohort, a laughing moaning and no doubt sticky mess.


Duskero grumbled and blushed, his black boot covered feet locked in metal stocks while his chest was restrained to the chair with a thick rope. he hadn't tried to even escape. Yet his fellow sailor decided to make sure he couldn't.

"You know I'm shocked you even boarded the ship. Honestly thought you'd flee before we left the docks." The sailor teased as he made quick work of untying and removing the boots, revealing thick purple socks underneath. Duskero blushed and looked away,only to let out a surprised squeak a second later as a finger was dragged up his socked sole.

"Imma tickle you crazy to ma-" "HEY GET HIM OUT OF THERE! JAPANESE FLEET SIGHTED!" Duskero's heart leaped with joy as his boots were hastily put back on and he was freed. He grabbed his rifle and side arm, the sailor giving him a "we aren't finished" look. Duskero rolled his eyes and made his way to the control room, taking his seat at the armament console.

"Cannons ready sir! Where are we aiming?" Duskero sounded off as he watched the live gun readings. He looked up to see the captain staring straight ahead, face emotionless.

"Sir?" The captain glanced over and pointed straight ahead.

"We are alone boys, and that, is our greatest fear." Duskero followed the point, his jaw dropping as he saw what they had run into. Two Japanese carriers, each being escorted by a destroyer and a cruiser, were lined up. The unmistakable black dots that were incoming fighters and possible bombers were numerous. The familiar sounds of spinning chopper blades were heard and no doubt the few airmen onboard were preparing to flee. Duskero himself fired up two of the anti air gattling guns and prepared to start firing.He wasn't going down without a fight.
It seemed Draken wasn't alone in the tool shack as a another presence could be senses within the room. The atmosphere became suddenly tense as Fumiko hid from him. She used her power of illusion to blend in to the environment as she started at him. Does she strike? Does she flee? She ponders these things as she's stuck in the moment. Inspecting the uniform she notices this is a Russian troop. She starts to think to herself "[w-what!? An Irish soldier? In a place like this? No doubt a fellow scout. They must've heard the rumors of the Russians. I have to act fast. I got an idea]" she throws a nearby wrench to the wall in hopes Draken would be caught up on it.
Rhea stood ready as she waited to pilot her jet. She was to fly to the Naval base and wait for further command.

The breeze drifted by and her hair flown behind her, grazing across her back and caused her to shiver.

A hand came up behind her and danced across her side as she jerked away. "H-hehehey!!!"

Her brother Alex was beside her and smirked playfully. "Is the little bird ready to fly~?" He winked and pat her head.

"You...You meanie, I've been ready for the last half hour! Where have you been?"

He slung an arm around her shoulder. "That is a surprise for later"

He had his leather bag behind him, bulging more than normal.

Rhea whined. "Aw come on! I'm dying to know!!"

He smiled and shook his head before wiggling his fingers in her side again. "Ah ah ah! Later!!"

This continued a few minutes longer until they were both blushing in a pile on the ground.

"Woo...now come on, let's get going, commander will be awaiting us within the hour" He rubbed her head and smiled.

Rhea nodded and got in the Jet, and Alex got in the seat behind her. They took off and flew to the base.
Unknown near a government facility and a military base, sitting in a tree was Makoto, a black haired, short, lean, 19 year old. He is wearing black baggy pants, a short black sleeved shirt, tabi boots, and a mask that conceals his lower half of his face.

He was asked by the Japan government to get back a scientist they once had but the scientist was captured by a enemy nation for the scientist information of a new device.

He knows where the scientist but he does not know the codes to get to the doctor.

Makoto begins to hum and look around in his binoculars looking around trying to find figure out who might know the codes. He stopped and found the person who might know the codes.
Duskero was sweating profusely. Bomber after bomber carpeted the area around the cruiser, fighters strafed the deck and control room constantly. Round after round from their anti surface cannon were launched at the enemy ships, namely the two cruisers attempting to do the same thing. Their anti air gattling guns had overheated after the third pass of aircraft.

"How soon till AA is back?! And someone get the disabled off the deck!" Duskero shouted, realizing that officer of the deck was no more than a giggling and slightly bloody mess from the strafing run. This leaving Duskero the commanding officer.

"Are the escape craft ready?" Duskero got up from his station and looked towards the fleet, one carrier was smoking from several lucky rounds disabling and crashing an aircraft on its deck. One cruiser and destroyer a like were arse up and nose half, the anti surface rounds doing their job.


Draken grumbled lightly as he sat in the shed, waiting for the commotion outside to stop. It wasn't safe to move with the higher presence and even less so if it was daylight. He was going to have to hunker down and sit tight until the next night, which was far from ideal. Especially since he was supposed to report back by lunch. Letting out a sigh he decided to get comfortable, unrolling a small map and getting to work on untying his boot.
Fumiko saw that her distraction didn't phase him at all which at first seemed awful but she noticed he wasn't even on alert. She carefully approaches him from behind, still invisible using her illusions. It was clear to her she needed that map.
Rhea sat in the pilot's seat and kept them steady. Alex leaned back in his chair and held his behind his head lounging. The leather satchel laid next to them.

"Ow. Ow. Fuck ow!!" Her leg began to cramp up so she put the plane on autopilot. She stood and stretched her legs and saw that Alex was asleep. "Hmmm..."

Alex was squinting in reality and smiled at her behavior. He was counting on her to pick the bag up and snoop.

She did just that. And just as she opened the bag, Alex reached over and wiggled his hands on her again.

she squeaked and flailed. Little did they know that the Naval base was below them and they passed by as they were distracted
Name: Lexi Johnson
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Tickle Spots: Inner Thighs, Feet, Sides, Neck
Ticklishness: 14/10
Country of Origin: USA
Branch of Military: Airforce
Current Front: American Charge

Weapons: Rifle, Katana, ability to bewitch/seduce the mind from teaching by an old friend

Bio/Backstory: Lexi was brought up in a home of violence, and abuse, but was more than happy to be able to branch off on her own, and join the service when she was able to. She battled with options, until she joined the Airforce. She's always had to have a violent fight in order to save her life, but was hopefully looking for some peace and harmony before too long....
Past Member 'feetsforlife65'

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Tickle Spots: Ears,neck,armpits, bellybutton,hips,groin,thighs,feet.

Ticklishness: 12/10 ,20/10 for feet

Country of Origin: Australia

Branch Of Military: SOCOMD

Current Front: Australian charge

Weapons: Automatic baton,monkey fist,background in ju jitsu,suppressed PPK,Suppressed STI edge,Barret sniper,bowie knife and tranquilizer gun,various powders.

Bio/Backstory: David allways had an interest in the military, but with the introduction of tickle warfare, he finally decided to sign up, and was placed into special operations trained as a scout,sniper and interrogator.Despite not always classed as stable,usually able to keep a cool head, with an interest in psychology,weaponary and technology.Wearing tough boots that are difficult to take off/cute through.Althoughto fight for his country.He doesn't mind getting his hands dirty for his work.
Duskero was the last in the control room, watching as boarding craft sped towards his crippled cruiser. He had long evacuated his crew, the escape craft mere dots on the horizon, aft of the ship. He was left with an inflatable raft that would get him going in the right direction, but he knew he was going to be captured.

He glanced at the radar and his heart slightly leapt. Where he expected to see numerous boarding craft closing in, he spotted a fast moving aircraft coming in as well, and not from the carriers.

"I don't remember sending for help." Duskero got on the comms and dialed into the incoming plane.

"Fast approaching aircraft. This is the captain Lillanty. I am uncrewed and low on ammo. Requesting a strafe on approaching boarding craft off the bow." Duskero crossed his fingers, hoping for a quick reply he noticed both his anti surface guns and AA guns come back on line.

"Couldn't hurt."


Draken hummed and flexed his purple and light blue striped socked toes, setting his boots next to him. He continued to over the roughly sketched map, plotting his route through the base. His only job? Get the intel, screw up production and get the heck out without getting tickled. Simple? Well it would be if it wasnt so well guarded!
Fumiko studied the map and route closely attempting to sketch a copy of the map. She also saw that his weapon was unguard and goes to steal it slowly and subtly. Would she succeed?
"Wait...I think we missed our stop...Alex you distracted me!!"

Alex was focused on something though. "What is that?" They looked at the craft in the water and tried to make contact and hoped for the best
Lexi woke up in an unfamiliar place, and unaware of how she got there. She heard muffled voices outside the window of wherever she was, but doesn't remember how she got there. All she knew was that she had to figure it out fast, with everything going on, the last thing she needed was to be unaware of her surroundings.
Sighing, she got up, so she could stretch her legs, and neck, gathered her weapons, and headed out to see where she was. Or at least try to find someone that could give her some answers. Nothing prepared her for what was about to go on...
Past Member 'feetsforlife65'
David leaned against the wall of the shed,breathing slightly heavily as he had run for some time.After looking around,he began scouting off into the distance with his scope,searching for any enemies/comrades

© Copyright 2019 MidnightWolf, Hyper Katou, Girlwithinthemirror, KIMO, butterfly, Feetsforlife65, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2185002-World-War-3-The-Tickle-War