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Remember this is for your stories character not youself!!!! How old are they? What is their gender? Where do they live? What type of home do they reside in? Profession? Physical condition? Addictions? Special needs or Medical conditions? Do they take medication? Do they have knowledge of healthcare? Cooking? Can they start a fire? How about transportation…you know, getting from one place to another? What about navigation -- how good are they at finding their way around? How would you rate their endurance? Have they had any training in combat and/or self-defense techniques? Have they ever been in a fight or physical altercation? Have they ever fired a gun? Do they own a gun? Do they have blunt objects at home? i.e Baseball bats or Crowbars. Do they have sharp objects at home? i.e Knives, Axes, Machetes and Swords Can they improvise a weapon or make one? Are they good at hiding? Can they climb well? What do they usually do when faced with difficult tasks? How is their diet and nutrition? Do they have any special skills? What do they do in freetime? Do they like the outdoors? MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS You have been walking alone for what seems like days and have not seeing a single living soul. Finally, you spot a group of perhaps a dozen survivors from a distance. What do you do? -Observe them, gain intel. -Run towards them shouting HELLO and wave your arms. (I sincerely hope nobody does this!) -Introduce youself to them -Sneak up and kill them all. Then raid them. -Alliance with them (FOR NOW! MWAHAHAHAHA.....) -Wait it out. You come across a group of people who are in the middle of a heated argument over some looted food and supplies. One guy is very aggressively asserting that most of the items should go to him since he helped them survive the trip and carried most of the loot out of the building. The other people (a family of three) want to do a 50/50 split between themselves and the other guy. Things are getting ugly when you show up, and the family pleads for your help. What do you do? -Offer to help, then grab as much food as you can and book it! -Kill all of them and take whatever goodies they had. -Threaten the aggresive guy with unspeakable pain and torture unless he gives all the food to the family. -Try to reason with the aggresive guy. -Just kill the aggresive guy. -Say it's none of your business and walk away. You've just obtained a fair amount of supplies from an abandoned store, including some much-needed food and medicine. On the way back to your home, you're stopped by a group of survivors, who demand that you give them everything you're carrying or they'll kill you. What do you do? -Say then can have the food but as soon as you put the bag down, you pull out your weapon and give them a good fight. -Threaten them back. You aren't just gunna take it. Also you're pretty sure you could handle them if the situation escalated. -Give up and give them the supplies but say they have to let you go. -Scream that there are zombies behind them and when they look, book it. -Offer toshare the supplies with them. -Yell help, hpoing someone will come to save you. (I hope nobody does this!) What is their tolerance to gore and blood or even death? -Pshhhh that's nothing compared to my scars. -I can handle it. -Nope, nope and nope. You have a fairly large laceration on your arm. You think you got it when you were squeezing into a hiding space a couple days ago, but you're not sure what you got cut with. You were able to stop the bleeding at the time using a piece of your shirt, and you didn't think it needed stitches, but now the cut is very sore, swollen, and itchy, and the entire area around the cut is hot and red. You decide to check out an empty pharmacy and see what you can find. The following are items you find in the pharmacy that are not damaged and can be assumed safe to use. Which ones will you take with you to treat your wound? -A packet of sterile gauze dressing -A bottle of labelled povidone-iodine -A bottle of pills labelled Levofloxacin -A bottle of pills labelled Acetominophin -A tube labelled Basitracin -A bottle of pills labelled Fluoxetin -A tube labelled Clotrimazole -A box of large adhesive bandages -All of the above -Just the bandages and a bottle of paracetmol You're in a basement looking for supplies. Suddenly, zombies start breaking in the door at the top of the stairs. You don't know how many there are, but it sounds like more than just a couple. You quickly scan the room for something to defend yourself with. You see a long metal pipe, some old chairs, an old hunting rifle and box of ammo, and a chainsaw and an old gas can. For the purpose of this question, you can safely assume that all the weapons are in working condition. What do you do? -Grab the gun and position youself in the furthest corner from the stairs -Grab the pipe and get into a position that you can stun them from and then make a run for it. -Grab the chainsaw and gas can, fire it up, and get ready to dismember some zombies! -Hide near the steps, wait till the zombies come and then make a run for it while it is clear. -Barricade the door with the chairs, hopefully that gives you time to come up with a new plan. -Just wait until your inevitable doom From the vantage point of your hiding spot, you see zombies surrounding an overturned car. You can hear someone screaming in terror from inside the car. There's no one else around, and you count at least a dozen zombies, but there might be more. What do you do? -Grab whatever weapons you can and do whatever to save the person. -Create a distraction to draw the zombies away from the person so they can escape to you. -Cover your ears and wait it out! It will be over soon. -Use it to your advantage! Sneak past the zombies, while they are distracted to get to your destination quicker. -Something else not described (If so what?) Finally, have you spent any amount of time thinking about what you would do in case of zombies? -All the time -Sometimes -My friends and I joke around about it. -It's crossed my mind -Never Ever Forever THE END I hope this was helpul to somebody, I really enjoyed making it and I plan to make more! -Fridge |
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