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Can these up and coming adventures beat the monsters of the world? Or are they just prey? |
Welcome to Mierda, a world overcome with monsters of all kinds. Big and small. Anthro and feral. Dumb or intelligent. Promiscuous or stinky. And everything in between. These creatures frequently overpower the citizens and do all sorts of unspeakable things to them, and so Hunters have risen with the intent of stopping them. Many have been claimed/eaten by these monsters. So, here come some very new hunters, fairly young for most of them, yet very determined. Will their determination overcome the monsters, or are they doomed to be playthings too? Rules: 1. Don't be too gory 2. Avoid attacking other hunters, try to attack monsters. 3. Don't just beat monsters simply. You should struggle against them. 4. Other users may create monsters, though it is recommended users use hunters that belong to them. 5. Avoid scat/watersports 6. Characters can be human or anthro, and the technology is that of the typical hunter, consisting of clubs, spears, stone tools, and other such equipment. |
The adventures of the Mini Hunters starts way over in the grand, Mistletone jungles. This place is native to various amphibious monsters, as well as aviary and quadrupedal. The climate tends to be fairly warm, and unpleasant post rainfall. Though, with the thick underbrush and the many trees, it's fairly easy for the hunters to hide. So, it tends to be a good place for beginner hunters. Though, don't let that mean this'll be an easy hunt, for the moment you underestimate your foe is the moment defeat is imminent. Be careful hunters! |
Arin hacked away at the undergrowth with his machete. He grumbled about having to take point again, but his friend beat him fair and square in their bet this morning. At least Lysander would be watching his back. The crouchy human was clad in makeshift leather armor, adorned with all manner of animal hide patches from his previous hunts. He'd been on trips like this before, which was more than he could say for his companions. Lysander followed a few paces behind, halberd at the ready. The stocky anthro Saint-Bernard was far out of his depth. His dense fur and the hot jungle forced him to shed almost all his armor, packing it in his large backpack. He was accustomed to the wide, cold plains further to the north. But with manpower running low he was forced to join Arin on this venture. The two met up a few years ago in a bar and after far too many a drink ended up in the same hotel room with no memory of the night and bruises all over. When they learned of the brawl they'd started the night before they knew a friendship had been forged that would endure the ages. The two kept their eyes out for monsters at all times. Though they weren't tracking anything in particular, the tracks they had come across painted a grim picture. Many of the trees had claw marks, they'd found crude tribal totems and one set of truly intimidating tracks, each one bigger than Lysander's halberd was tall. And though the Saint-Bernard was a bit out of his element in the damp jungle, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching them. Arin just laughed it off, but he felt nervous all the same. |
The forest seemed calm, just stricken a little with the damage of a previous battle. The tracks seemed to resemble that of a canine monster. The spacing of the tracks seemed to suggest the creature was quadrupedal. And various bite marks around the site seemed to suggest it was hungry. The tracks led just past the site, and towards a thicker patch of greenery. Following the path would be a little tricky, considering that the greens covered up a lot of it. |
The human hunter began to chop at the vegetation more methodically, not wanting to give away their position so easily with a giant beast lurking around.Lysander kept his head on a swivel. The size of those tracks and bite marks was unsettling to put it mildly. The dense greenery made it hard to discern anything around them and all the smaller animals filled the air with their various squeaks and roars. The antro Saint-Bernard tried to ignore the noise, but his blood ran cold when it began to die down. Arin noticed it too, along with an unfortunate smell. Suddenly he whispered to his companion. "Hide!" They both scurried for a nearby tree. Lysander gripped his halberd tighter than ever whilst Arin readied his broadsword. The human's blade was glistening with a thick coat of poison, a potent paralytic to subdue monsters. But against this beast, would it be enough? The silence was shattered as heavy footsteps rapidly thundered closer, screeching to a halt near the hunters. A truly rancid smell followed and they managed to lay their eyes on their prey for the first time. A giant stench wolf stood amidst the greenery, his enormous eyes piercing through the undergrowth. Its dark fur was covered with patches of mossy green, vegetation that grew well on the perpetually sweaty body. Regular canines mostly lack the ability to sweat, but the stench wolf had not just regained it, they evolved it from just a way of cooling down into a natural defense. Bathing was anathema to the beasts as their stench didn't just repel attackers, it also signaled their status. And judging by the eyewatering stink rolling off this beast, he must be high on the totem pole. The hunters steeled themselves, waiting for an opportunity to strike or for the fearsome beast to leave them alone. |
The stench wolf stamped about, seeming unawares at first. But, suddenly, it sniffed at the ground, as if it noticed something weird. It kept sniffing and sniffing. Eventually, it turned around and approached the strange smell. It seemed to've picked up the stench of Lysander, and was encroaching on his position. The dog could smell the beast's stench enwrap him like a thick blanket, slowly piling onto his olfactory senses more and more. |
Lysander stayed hidden as long as he could, but the overwhelming stench was starting to wear him down. He gripped his halberd tightly, preparing for the inevitable. The air near him began to carry the putrid scent of hot wolf breath. With a small growl off his own the fierce Saint-Bernard stepped out of his hiding place, opening up with a broad sweep of the halberd. The blade cut through the undergrowth with ease, but only nicked the stench wolf, who quickly pulled back its head. It growled loud enough to silence all the other noises in the jungle for a moment before lunging forward. A large paw caught the hunter's halberd mid-swing, pushing against the long shaft and twisting it out of harm's way. Lysander was left completely exposed as the stench wolf opened his maw wide, the abhorrent stink of his foul breath noxious enough to daze the hunter even before the great beast took him into his maw. With his prey secured the giant stench wolf bolted into the undergrowth. Arin fought back the urge to step out and challenge the wolf himself. He had a new mission: to rescue his friend. If that beast had swallowed him every minute counted. But stench wolves were known to play with their victims first sometimes. Whatever bought the human the time he needed to track this monster down. At least it wouldn't be difficult to follow the large footsteps and clear path of broken branches. He used some of the tools and scraps in his pack to fashion an improvised mask to blunt the effects of that eyewatering stench. With his blades close to hand the man quickly set off to follow the trail towards his friend. |
Thankfully, it seemed to blot out some of the lingering stench. Fortunately enough, the wolf left behind a foul path for him to follow. Arin was able to follow the path of stinky destruction right into the beast's lair. Within, Arin was sure he'd face a smell unlike anything he could ever imagine. Though, thanks to the mask, a bit of it was blotted out. Deeper inside, Arin could see the wolf, back facing the entrance, and its cheeks bulging. It appeared to be rubbing its tongue over the contents, greedily tasting it wherever it wanted. |