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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2149394
a werewolf and gargoyle fight. that's about it
A young man with golden blonde hair was entering a museum. the museum looked like something out of the dark ages with its huge grey brick castle like appearance.The man looked creepy. He had nappy, frizzled hair, a pretty big scar on his left eye that would never appear to blink, and smelled like a wet dog. before the man could enter a group of young women were standing in front of him blocking his way into the museum. the women were whining about how inaccurate the museum was for having its monsters look ugly and scary instead of sexy and hot. " I hate how they said that vampires are evil and monstrous" one girl said. " I know right, everyone knows that vampires sparkle." another girl said in a nasally and generally annoying voice. "excuse me please" the man softly said. the girls took on look at him an screamed their heads off before running away in fear. a night guard followed the noise and witnessed the strange man in his corpse like state. He cautiously walked towards the figure. his breath reeked of alcohol and drugs "What's your name sir? the night guard he man froze trying to remember." Ronald" he said very anxiously "Ronald Whetiv. " well then sorry Mr Whetiv, but your going to have to come with me" the night guard whispered into Ronald's ear. "Now listen here asshole I have to go in there " Ronald shouted before pushing the night guard to the ground. the night guard got up and took out his baton. The night guard hit Ronald in the stomach. Ronald grabbed the baton from the night guard and whacked him across the head, effectively knocking the man out. Ronald strangled the night guard. Ronald shuffled the night guard's body behind a bush, before finally entering the museum. " and this is a clay recreation of the "Wolf Man from the famous film "The wolf man" Directed by...someone" a voice said. Ronald followed the direction of the voice and came across a museum worker talking to a few people with VIP passes. right above the clay statue was a sign that said " What could stop this bloodthirsty behemoth?!" in bold red letters with plastic blood at the bottom of it giving it the appearance that the letters were bleeding. The man scowled at the statue. " were not all like that" he thought. "oh who am I kidding, if that were true Cindy would still be here" Ronald remembered his beloved Cindy as one of about five other people who could keep his secret. He let out a long sigh and paced around the room, Ronald's phone beeped. Ronald took it out and noticed he got a reminder. It read: there will be a full moon tonight. Ronald dropped his phone and sprinted to the exit. Unfortunately, another VIP crowd were blocking the door, Ronald tried to punch and kick his way out but his efforts proved fruitless as the group walked right over him. Ronald crawled out from underneath the crowd and dusted himself off. "Wait a minute?" He thought "this museum is pretty tall so if I get to the top and jump off I will rid this world of one less werewolf. That alone could make a difference" with ending himself on his mind Ronald ran up the metal stairwell so fast that nearly tripped about five times . When he finally got to the top noticed this and immediately tried to run out of the museum but got blocked by incoming crowd taking him upstairs to the top of the museum.

The man was constantly twitching like a schizophrenic on every energy drink in the world. the weird man man looked at a fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and sighed. The man then took out a small purple ring. "This was where I got married to Cindy" The man said as tears streamed down his face. "Why did I have to have this curse, Why god why!" Ronald screamed at the top of his lungs, scaring everybody else i the room. "sir have you been drinking. A museum worker asked. "Yes of course it's the only way to stop the pain" Ronald replied.

The man turned to look at the worker and accidentally looked at the full moon through the window behind the worker. The man started howling as his body slowly shifted. Before someone could try to help him a stone gargoyle crashed through the window and kicked the worker away. The gargoyle ran at the blonde man and picked him up. The blonde man tried to punch and kick the gargoyle, but his efforts proved fruitless as the gargoyle tightened his grip and bared his fangs. The blonde man slashed the beast with his now werewolf hand. The gargoyle dropped the blonde man who's body just became covered in pitch black fur, his face elongated, and his muscles grew. That once ordinary

The gargoyle was frozen in awe as most of its victims were just humans. The werewolf took this moment to pummel the gargoyle repeatedly. The werewolf grabbed the gargoyle by the neck, before slamming its face into the ground. The force of the impact caused the gargoyle to break its nose. The gargoyle had enough and it slashed the werewolf down some spiraling stairs. Thinking it had won the gargoyle started slowly flapping its wings as it was ready to retreat. The werewolf crashed into a metal stair well.

The werewolf howled in pain. The gargoyle was frustrated that its enemy wasn't dead. The gargoyle hovered above the spiral stairwell, before stopping and dropping down to the werewolf. The gargoyle hit the werewolf in the throat. The werewolf tried to howl to intimidate gargoyle but all that came out was a croak. The werewolf uppercut the gargoyle.

The werewolf started smelling something.... something delicious......something sour.....human blood. Sirens blared as cops came rushing into the museum. One cop pulled out his gun and shot The werewolf and the gargoyle. The werewolf howled in pain and the gargoyle got the tip of its tail shot off. The werewolf brutally slashed the cop and grabbed him by his neck. The cop reached into his pocket and pulled out pepper s spray.

The cop sprayed the werewolf and sprinted up the stairs. The gargoyle, the werewolf and the police ran up the stairs. One cop threw a grenade at the gargoyle. The grenade backed off of the gargoyle and exploded. Now the people at the top were trapped. The gargoyle looked at a small young girl in a pink jacket like a fat slob looks at sizzling bacon.

The gargoyle lunged at the girl. The cop tackled the girl and the gargoyle ran into a wall. The gargoyle chomped on the cop's leg and slammed his body on the ground. The werewolf started slashing the gargoyle. The gargoyle tried to block the flurry of punches but failed.The werewolf dug its claws into the gargoyle's shoulder and shoved it through the window over about seventy feet. The gargoyle ripped out some of the werewolf's teeth. the werewolf screamed and let go of the gargoyle. The gargoyle hanged by the the bottom of the window.

The werewolf kicked the gargoyle off. Finally the beast had won...or so it thought, for before you could say "padding" Two more gargoyles came in and kicked the werewolf down the stairs. The werewolf accidentally got its hand stuck in a light bulb. The werewolf's hand got caught in the electrical fire. The fire surged the werewolf's body, scorching it. The werewolf jumped around to try and escape the fire but only managed to accidentally jump back up the stairs.

One of the gargoyles lunged at the werewolf. The werewolf was too busy dealing with the fire to notice. In a blind rage of pain the werewolf jumped int the air just as the gargoyle made contact with the werewolf. The werewolf unknowingly punched the gargoyle in the stomach. the fire activated the sprinkler system. The water was like acid to the gargoyle as it's skin started to melt.

The gargoyle died as it had lived, a useless waste of space. The other gargoyle also died from the water, letting out a bloodcurdling scream before crumbling into dust. Luckily the water healed the werewolf's wounds. Unluckily the werewolf now couldn't see and the first gargoyle was flying to the werewolf. The gargoyle caught the werewolf off guard as it body slammed the werewolf. The werewolf sucker punched the gargoyle in the face. The gargoyle was sent flying into a wall.

The werewolf tried to attack the gargoyle again but couldn't due to the pain from the fire. The gargoyle grabbed the werewolf by its hands so the werewolf couldn't attack it. The gargoyle flew into the night sky. The gargoyle used its spiked tail to hit the werewolf repeatedly. The cop weakly hobbled over to the window and took out a sniper pistol

. "Come on, come on" the cop said furiously as he tried to get a fix on the fast gargoyle. "Excuse me mister maybe this will help that boo boo" the young child said very sweetly. The girl walked over to the cop and put the band aid on his aid. "Thanks" the cop said feeling good inside. Now he knew had to take the shot, not just for him but for this little girl. He shot the gargoyle in the hand making it drop the werewolf. The werewolf grabbed the stone behemoth by its wings and pushed upward making the werewolf go into the clouds.

The gargoyle felt the acid like water droplets hit its face it shreeked . The gargoyle screeched and started becoming desperate to stop the werewolf, so it stabbed the werewolf in the back repeatedly until..."scritttch!" The gargoyle made a huge gash in the werewolf's back. The werewolf started losing its grip, while the gargoyle started shaking and trying to throw it off. The werewolf threw a powerful uppercut in the gargoyle's jaw, launching it into the air. The gargoyle got colder and colder as ice surrounded its arms and legs

. eventually the creature's arms and legs broke off. The gargoyle felt its life slowly being steeped away. As the gargoyle fell its wings broke off. Now it was just a dying body. The werewolf needed a plan if it wanted to do the final blow.

The werewolf grabbed the wings and impaled the gargoyle with them. The gargoyle knew it was going to die, but it wanted to take the werewolf with it, as it bit the werewolf in its arm and didn't let go. The werewolf then realized something, in about 23 seconds it would crash into the pond.

With that in mind the werewolf used its non free hand to pull out the gargoyle's tongue before jumping off and hitting the ground with a hard thud with only a few scrapes and bruises. The gargoyle on the other hand fell into the pond with a huge "splosh!!" Before disintegrating into nothing. The werewolf just fell into unconsciousness while its body regenerated. Maybe the human on the inside would be crippled until the next full moon, maybe that person will die a slow death from their wounds. One thing is for sure. This battle has been won.

Winner: The werewolf

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2149394-the-werewolf-vs-the-gargoyle