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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Non-fiction · Dark · #2144943
read but don't get pulled in too much you might not be able to escape.
I was reading a book at home when I noticed a knock at the door, (don't get me wrong I wasn't into books a teenage boy has better things to do then stare at pages all day I thought, but none the less I was reading it for the fact that I had deleted all my social media buds the day before because they all were backstabbers and the story wasn't all that bad ). I opened the door to find my mom standing there with some groceries, mind giving me a hand? she asked ; I put my book down and headed to the kitchen to sit down ignoring her request. Are you deaf? she asked irritated after me, then walking in hands full and setting them down on the counter next to the sink. GO MAKE SOME FRIENDS - those words I knew too well, I heard her say them constantly through the years until I had them but she had no idea how fake they really were and when I leave them all what dose she do but taunt me yet again with those words ringing in my head; I have friends.. I answered back their just busy I said trying to reassure her, I have news then you'd like to hear! she replied proudly (I looked at her in confusion and put some of the snacks in the pantry). I've called your friend Zach and asked when you could hangout he told me today they were going camping at 4:00 and gonna stay the night until morning you need some friends I took the liberty of telling him how much of an introvert you've become and he set up that as long as your ready at the time they come, packed and everything you can go. I paused my mind telling me to strangle her, but instead I let out a sigh and cracked a smile that's great.. I said; I hurried to my room to pack my clothes and essentials and when I was done I set them by the foot of my bed, my mom had set the groceries all away by now and was sitting on the couch watching a movie. I was set on killing her one day of course id never but it was to the point id thought about it. I walked over to her and looked at the TV, all set I guess.. I replied reluctantly good! glad to hear she answered as she took my hand now.. if you get into trouble with the cops were gonna have a problem but other then that have fun I love you she smiled that warm smile that was why id never hurt her in reality she was the only one id had after my dad died and was caring enough to mend a shattered mirror like me when it all had happened. I took my hand back yea whatever it was only one time to be that stupid again id have to be brainless I finished, she looked at me then turned back to the TV; I made you lunch she informed thanks.. I said grabbing it, just then the doorbell rang COME ON OUT THIS IS THE POLICE!! Zachery teased(I heard him talking to a girl by the door); great its gonna be a long night.. I thought HEY! he yelled again at the door, YEA YEA IM COMIN LOSER! I yelled back after I got my stuff have fun! my mom said after me as I opened the door and shut it behind me. We all got in the car and I sat next to his friends Joe, Kat-lyn and my old friend Bryce; Zane you an introvert now? Zach asked I looked out the window of the car, just prefer to be alone mostly I said no big deal he smiled and turned his head to face me then turned back. We drove for a while passing city then woods until we came to the camp and he parked on the gravel drive way, alright we're here he said opening the door for his girl tammy; I haven't been here in ages Joe replied as he opened the door and got out looking at the wooded area surrounding us, I got out and kept the door open for Kat-lyn Zach smiled at me seeing as it was a past thing and after she got out I slammed it shut in aggravation; just hurry up I said walking to the campsite directory office, Bryce looked out the window of the car and got out tucking something into his pocket. Hello how may I help you? the director asked when we got to the front desk (which was just a wooden booth); we want one cabin and I'm pretty sure Zach reserved I conversed alright your in section one if you have any problems my names Louis be sure to ask and ill assess the situation, We nodded Bryce did nothing and Zach held up a peace sign as we walked in with Tammy clinging to his side, sure thing he answered. When all of us arrived at the cabin we walked in except for Bryce who drank a beer outside and looked to the front gate. Kat-lyn a little timid from me before moved some inches away and sat on the couch, I sat next to her reluctantly with a sigh didn't mean to scare you.. I said just not the best in this clique.. I finished my sentence and she smiled awkwardly I'm not either tammy's an idiot but she's my sister and even if I'm one too sometimes she's not getting drunk off her ass again she laughed I wasn't supposed to be here jocks aren't my thing I laughed a bit and grabbed a beer seems legit I said, Bryce walked in and set his consul on the table along with his beer sup bry I asked sending him a wave from the couch he ignored me and walked to his room. Joe asked if we wanted to watch a movie and seeing as everything was dull at the moment me and kat-lyn agreed; the movie wasn't bad but about an hour into it Zach came out with some liquor and we could hear someone taking a shower so? who wants to play a game? Zach asked, and what would that be? Kat-lyn answered so glad you asked he replied stupidly its a would you rather but if you pick none you have to drink that seems pretty simple said Joe still watching the movie maybe but this one will be challenging it will make you second guess reality to the standard of it falling apart in your mind completely, I smiled (this is why me and zach used to be friends) well I suppose one game couldn't hurt; but we played three. Into the third tammy was laughing at me because I had to drink and Bryce cut a smirk from his serious face do it he urged I thought that this question was the most messed up of all would you swallow 10,000,000 molded slimy worms or 10,000,000 year month old bloody pads Kat-lyn gave me a look of sorrow and tilted her head at Zach to tell me: "well I mean those are the rules", Joe gave a face of disgust and I sipped it until the rum was all gone gross fuck.. I mumbled I did say it'd be challenging he reminded takin a shot of rum a drinkin it too to remind me I wasn't the only one playing fine you win I replied getting up 5 shots is enough for me Bryce drank another and laughed Zach replied not the strongest drinker (he coughed letting the word coward slip). Joe watched Bryce drink another shot and ate a small cake, so what? asked tammy Zach kissed her on the side of her ear and hugged her Kat-lyn looked like she was about to barf at the sight ; imma go outside I said opening the front door and closing it behind me (this was such a waste of my time) I thought that was so lame.. I let those words slip from my mouth as I looked to the woods from the porch; Just then my eye caught movement in the woods a shadow I couldn't make out from most of the plants, I tried to zero in on it and someone touched my shoulder from behind I looked over to see Joe sup I guess.. he replied couldn't be in there anymore I said looks desolate he answered we were gonna set up some games but that's pretty lame huh? he asked; I didn't answer lets make a fire instead.. I finally replied after a short silence ill let the others know he said walking inside. A fires a great idea! tammy exclaimed to everyone when the door opened Zach held her side and walked out with her and everyone. When we got to the fire place we sat down on the log provided and Zach and Bryce tried to get the fire going, when they did tammy warmed her hands in delight and smiled toward her sister who sat there awkwardly in between Bryce and me, Joe sat next to tammy and Zach its been a while sine I've been near a fire and cooked marshmallows tammy said cutting the silence and taking one from the bag to put on a stick and burn; huh.. Kat looked at the marshmallow that fell as she failed to stop the fire in time, Joe threw another at her and pointed at the stick to try and show her a trick on how to keep it on, once more she tried and it fell; here .. I said as I handed her another just put it a bit above the fire like this I said holding it to show her. Bryce took it off and ate it when it was finished, the hell man? I asked tammy laughed and I looked over at the fire. I have an idea Zach said lets tell ghost stories its lame but not as lame as board games I guess.. said Kat-lyn it was a stupid day I began then you shouldn't have come Bryce replied, I got dragged out by a couple of idiots Bryce stood up and kicked fire and firewood my way from the fireplace real mature.. I said Bryce walked over to me and grabbed my collar you didn't have to show up Zane maybe I did just for the hell of it I provoked, Joe pushed Bryce that's enough .. he said; Bryce out of anger punched Joe in the face and he fell to the ground picking himself up halfway ready for a fight, stop it! Kat exclaimed Zach walked over to Bryce and smacked him in the face, get back to your seat he said Bryce let go of me walked to his sit and sat down irritated; Kat walked in the woods to avoid what had happened tammy followed her in concern eyeing Zach. Zach looked at us seriously and sighed you couldn't hold it in..? he asked we have two women here not my fault I said Bryce looked over still irritated; meanwhile Kat-lyn sat on a ledge of wood on the ground looking into the dark brush Kat.. tammy replied it was stupid coming here.. she said I'm not a people person so what? asked tammy its fucked that's what Kat answered bring me along for a troubled nobody to stay out of trouble and he still causes it that's when I showed up from the back of tammy and stood there processing what I just heard now I understand I thought she looked over at her sister to see me behind her, I was just leaving I assured tammy stood up to see me tapped my shoulder and walked away. Its funny a nobody to distract a nobody she replied in my direction picking up a rock how retarded I accepted humans are strange I replied they are a faint voice mirrored from the brush we both stood up to see who it was now there was no noise coming from the position we'd once heard it we listened to the calm in disbelief of what was heard and after a bit saw a flash of light, this was enough to make us both run back and we did. when we arrived back at camp the fire was out and Zach was waiting for us how long were you gonna make me wait? he asked we heard something.. I said out of breath lets get back he answered I hit him in the gut we heard something or someone I said again angrily all three of us looked back to see nothing look whatever it is its gone Zach said grabbing Kat come on your sis is worried about you, I looked back (whatever it is.. its still there.. watching..) I thought. When we got inside tammy hugged her sister and I walked upstairs to my room. Zane.. Kat said in a soft voice ill be back I said shutting the door. What happened? I heard tammy ask from my room I went in the closet and took out a pair of binoculars then headed to the window, put them up to my face and looked through the window at the woods; I noticed a shadowy figure look up at the window from the faded front yard and put them in my pocket, I knew it.. I mumbled. I opened the door to downstairs and sighed come eat Joe said sure.. I replied, I sat down next to Kat and stared at my food in disgust (its all disgusting its all normal to them do they not notice? someone's been watching us from the beginning) I thought (how did I not notice?), the woods at the beginning.. on the car ride, in front of the gate, when we arrived, the campfire.. supervised by some creep .. I stopped thinking and acknowledged everyone who was staring at me from the table; what? I asked dose it look that bad said tammy Joe motioned for me to eat the food on my plate not hungry.. I said is there something wrong?.. asked Kat you heard it.. I said and your pretending? that's sick!.. I answered Bryce stood up and walked out of the room heard what? asked Joe Kat looked at me confused and I looked to Zack who looked at the door, that's when I heard a faint knock; I opened my eyes breathing heavily to realize I was on my bed, I opened the door and ran downstairs to find everyone packing. just a dream.. I thought, everything seemed normal I looked to Zach your up.. Joe said walking past me to the front door and heading outside was out? I asked it was too much for you after the campfire you skipped dinner and just locked yourself in your room Kat answered packing the rest of her things surprised you slept with how much noise we made Zack winked shut up! tammy said hitting him on the side of the head embarrassed that's the last time I go camping with you! awww come on~ Zack trailed along behind her as they walked to the car laughing just get in the car Kat said to me as I moved so she could get through to the stairs Bryce walked to the door irritated. when everyone was in the car we drove off onto the road back the way we came; I looked out the window but noticed something different a figure no a person waving goodbye to us in the woods on the side of the road holding a knife in his hand giving the biggest smile I've seen in my life, the words (they are) echoing in my mind as I tried to unhinge the car lock only to find that it wouldn't budge.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2144943-A-Beast-among-fog