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Legend of an ancient tribe, their story of magic and betrayal, curses and curruption. |
Long ago, there was a struggling tribe of people. They had no name, and consisted of just ten people. This tribe traveled long and far, searching for a land where they would be safe and have plenty of food and water sources. Eventually, the tribe found the place they had been searching for, a sheltered pine forest surrounding a crystal-clear lake. Sadly, other creatures had found this paradise, some coexisted peacefully with the human tribe, but most were either competition or predators for them. And so, their struggle continued. What the tribe didn't know was that this was the sacred place of the god, Baeverys, who would occasionally come to earth from his palace in the clouds in the form of a beaver, his sacred animal. Baeverys noticed the tribe's struggle for survival on one such trip, and decided to help them. He granted each of them the form of another animal, one of their predators so that they'd be equal, and guarantied that each of their children would also have the ability to change form into another animal, so long as they worshiped him, and they became the Beaver People, after Baeverys and his beaver form. During his time on earth, Baeverys fell in love with a young woman of the tribe, named Alina, with the second form of a raven. Alina had fair, tanned, skin, night-black hair and piercing green eyes. He invited Alina to join him in his cloud-palace as his Immortal queen, and of course, she joined him. He gave her the name Ravæn, for her raven form. Baeverys and Ravæn watched over the Beaver People from their cloud-palace for centuries, peace reigning over the land, but sadly, a trouble arose among the people. Some people were abusing their powers, taking them for granted and using them to show off. Ravæn and Baeverys debated what they should do, Ravæn wanting to go to earth to punish them, and Baeverys wanting to take away all the powers they had given them. After a grand dispute, Baeverys agreed to let Ravæn go to earth to punish them, yet she was not aloud to kill a single being. Ravæn descended to earth in her raven form, vengeance on her mind. She couldn't understand how the Beaver People could disrespect the mighty Baeverys, to abuse his power. Once she reached earth, she rounded up all those who had taken advantage of their second animal form. Ravæn changed into her raven form, glossy jet-black feathers and emerald eyes to match hers in her human form. Ravæn pecked out their eyes, then clawed them all over. She asked them if they would stop abusing their power, and a few agreed, nodding their heads mutely, and left. The majority however refused to say anything, a few even straight out saying "no." Enraged by their selfishness, Ravæn murdered them all in a tornado of blades and claws. Baeverys knew of her deed before she returned to the cloud-palace. He waited for her arrival, then caught her in a net while she was a raven, he tied her up to keep her from changing back to human. Completely, utterly, enraged, Baeverys stripped her of her immortality and then attempted to lock her in her raven form, but she was too strong for him and he almost burned out his magic. Instead, he cast her down to earth and forbade her from ever returning again. Baeverys also cursed Ravæn so that she could not have any children with the tribe, and if she so much laid her finger on another member of the Beaver People their skin would burn like she was dripping hot acid on them. What both Baeverys and Ravæn both didn't know, was that the curse only extended to the Beaver People. To anyone outside of that tribe, the curse would be ineffective. As an apology, Baeverys sent nine talismans, in the form of carved sticks, embellished with gems, to earth, each one possessing a magic trait. They have since been lost, but were a long time source of great power for the tribe. |
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