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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2111453
discover an inlighting secret as an 11 year old girl down on the farm
[Introduction] Hi. My names Savana. I'm an 11 year old girl living in the countrey side of North Carolina. Life's pretty darn simple hear out on the farm. 6 PM wake up call, 6:30 breckfast, 7:00 cattle feed, 7:30 horse feed and 8:00 pigs fed pretty simple considering my age and size of our farm. Any-hoo it was'nt my choice to do the work but im happy too help out! i mean it is my fammily after all. So anyway one morning just after i fed the pigs, Gross! well i decided to go do some painting beacause i enjoyed art, I was scavenging through my dresser to find my paints but guess what. No paint. I was fresh out! all there was a couple squeezed out tubes. Then my mom Doan knocked on the door "honey? can i come in?" she said in a cheerfull voice "of course!" i replied " ok great! listen hun, i know you've already done your chores today, but would it kill you to go down to the market and get me some tulip seeds? i was plainting and ran out. but if not its ok..." "why wouldent i mom?" i said with a smile. Its the perfect oportunity to get some paint. i thought to myself " oh thank you thank you thank you! what would I do without my beautiful young lady" " I don't know mom" I replied with a laugh. She handed me ten dollars " should be enough to get tulip seeds and something nice for yourself" she said with a wink and gave me a kiss on my forehead and she was off down the hall. I threw on my leather boots, put on my dark blue jean jacket and grabbed my purse off the coat rack. as I was stuffing the 10 dollar bill into my pocket my dad, walter threw on his trench coat and asked me where I was going "Honey dearest, where are you going at this hour?" he said with a puzzled look " mom asked me to go to the store and pick up some tulip seeds for the garden" I replied " alright then, well I was just heading off to pick something up so I'll see you later but if you go to the store with no money you cant but the seeds!" " its ok dad I have-" here's 20 dollars that should cover it" and just before I could tell him I had money he walked out the door. what good luck I have today. Am I right? I was just heading out and felt a puff of smoke come over my body as my dad's car drove away down the dirt road. The smoke cleared and I got a whiff of the fresh summer breeze. I walked across the lawn and onto the gravel path. the sun was shining through the leaves of the oak trees. and as I past birds sung sweet melodies and animals scurried into bushes as I walked by. it really was a beautiful day. ding! the bell made a sound as I opened the glass door to the corner store. There was an old man at the desk. His name is henry. he is the boss of the store. he's such a kind mellow man. And by the way he calls me vana. " good morning vana!" he said in an old voice " good morning henry!" its nice to see you! so what brings ya here on this fine morning?" " my mom needs tulip seeds for the garden and I'm going to buy some paint!" " that's great! well lucky for you today if you buy 5 paints you get 1 free!" wow it really is my lucky day. I thought to myself " ok thanks henry!" he waved and vanished into the staff room. As I was looking through the shelves of the dusty old shop I spotted a row of paints! I chose the ones that's stood out to me: Baby Blue, Coral Reef, Peper-Mint, Setting Sun, Peacock Pasion, and Pumpin Orange it was a great bunch! I walked over to the wooden desk and range the bell when I heard henry talking in the back. It sounded like he was on the phone. Though he seemed kind of unsure of what he was saying. " listen I don't know if she's ready" henry said to the caller " I think she is! and image what she could do with her powers!" said the caller. omigod! powers!? I thought to myself. Henry continued talking " she's only eleven! what if things get out of hand?! I don't want to lose her..." only eleven? this is getting weird. I thought to myself. the caller continued " I'm sure with a little bit of guidance she would catch on really quickly! and it's got to happen some time right?" " you're right..." henry replied "I'm gonna do it" said the caller and hung up. I quickly grabbed the 20 bucks and threw it on the desk with the seeds and paint and left the shop. What did he mean by powers? who was he talking to? I had so many questions and they would all remain unanswered. For now. I opened the door to my house. it smelt like burning plastic. " mom" I said " is it supposed to smell like that?" " Oh honey your home! does it smell like burning plastic? oh sorry I'm just making some tea. Why don't you sit down and have some?" she said " um actually mom, I was just going to go paint... so gonna have to pass that up" " no, no, no, honey, come on sit down" " no really mom its ok" " honey, SIT DOWN AND EAT! I mean... tea is good for you..." " mom are you ok?!" " honey I'm fine just... ummm... drink up..." then she ran down the hall. omigod this is so strange maybe I do need some tea... I walked up to the table and saw a white mug with some green tea inside. I pulled out a chair from the light brown table and sat down. I lifted the mug and took a big gulp. At first it tasted like normal green tea and then the after taste was not your everyday tea. it tasted like something the cat would have thrown up. then I started to feel a little dizzy and then a little sick and then I blacked out onto the floor. I woke up to face the grey floor tiles with the mug shattered on the ground and the tea in a puddle underneath me. It was so dark in the kitchen you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. I felt so strange. it was like when you go to the dentist and come home after with a really sick feeling. well at least that's what happens to me after the dentist. I got up and looked down the hall. there was one light on down it kind of far. I hobbled down the hall towards the light. and I heard my mom speaking on the phone. she said " yes I did it" " and how long ago?" said the caller in dismay " about six hours ago, she's still on the kitchen floor" my mom said. clearly she was talking about me. Wait a second... did she spike my tea? is that why she freaked out when I said I didn't want any?! OMIGOD! DID MY MOM TRY TO KILL ME?! wait I got to listen in. " 6 hours?! that's to long! you'll be lucky she's not dead if she's been out so long!" said the caller " dead?! my pour daughter. what did we do?!" she said " come down Doan its only if you over dosed her then it will over load her body so if you gave her the right dose than she should be fine... vana is strong" OMIGOD DID HE JUST SAY VANA?! that's what henry calls me! this is so strange "ok henry I'm gonna go see if she's up. bye" mom said. Oh no! I better go! I darted down the hallway trying to be as quiet as possible and lay back down on the kitchen floor where I was before. My mom walked in and turned on the light. "Honey? are you awake?" she said " ya mom I'm awake" I said " but I don't feel very well..." " oh thank god" mom said " pardon?" I said even though I heard her " oh ummm nothing. so you said you don't feel good? ok well ummm... hun I-I think I know why..." she said in a worried voice. " what is it" " well hun... umm I don't know a simpler way to say this but... your a witch." I literally didn't say anything for what seemed like forever. and for the first time ever I said something nasty. " so that's why you spiked my drink!" I harshly replied " no honey its not that way!" she replied " oh sure mom sure that's just great. so you spiked my tea then I pass out on the floor and wake up to you trying to tell me its 'not what it seems'" " no honey I know it seems like I'm in the wrong here but I was just activating your witch powers! it wasn't my fault henry talked me into it!" (GASP) she covered her mouth with her two pale hands and she turned as red as a tomato! it was priceless! even though I already knew I still ran to my room all surprised like with tears rolling down my face. And I flopped onto my bed. My mom knocked liked she did before this time I just didn't answer! it was awful. it was like my hole entire life was un-raveling out in front of me! I changed into my pajamas and probably fell asleep. when I woke up it was 11 in the morning. I slept like a baby. I slowly opened my eyes and- OMIGOD EVERYTHINGS FLOATING (BANG) the bed fell back on the floor along with all my stuff. I was either going crazy or my mom was telling the truth... no, no, no it cant be that, there are no such thing as witches! and if my mom was telling the truth why would she tell me now? she would have told me when I was younger! so I knew in advance that one day i'd wake up floating! I heard a knock on the door but this time she didn't ask me, to come in she just barged right in! #privacy invaded " honey what was that noise!" she said all panicked like. I didn't say anything I just sat there on my bed with my arms crossed for what seemed like forever. And then she started talking to me. " well listen if your just going to ignore me than you don't have to talk just listen. I was telling the truth back there and I'm your mom! why would I ever try to do something bad to you?" she said. and this time I replied. " so if your telling the truth then... Prove it!" I yapped back at her " ok then I will follow me to the kitchen" she smiled in response, so I got up and followed her. I mean what else was I supposed to do? sit there? we were walking down the hall and she pulled a silver rod out of her pocket. and on it there was purple-ish pink dust floating around the top. it was almost magical. As we kept walking down the hall, the sun shun through the stained glass of our dusty old hallway and the dust bunnies flew up against the wall. It felt drafty and shady. I wasn't getting a very good vibe about what mom was about to do. from what seemed like forever we finally reached the kitchen. On the counter there was a dusty old book. It said spells for beginner's. Ok so not only did my mom had what looked like a wand but also, a spell book. could you believe it! Cause I definitely couldn't " ok hun" she said well pulling out something of her what seemed magic pocket. it was a witch hat! " lets just cast a beginner spell to prove to you that were witches" she said and then chanted something out " witches, witches, united strong! crafted by our powerful bond. shoes and coat, dress and hat get me in a witch uniform stat!" Suddenly there was a puff of purple smoke! and when it cleared there was mom in an amazing witch outfit! I gasped in awe " ok honey dearest she said, lets see what to do first" she said pointing at a plastic cube sitting on the counter. " your going to turn that into a pumpkin! or a flower! or a..." she was still talking but I wasn't really listening. " alright now, give it a try! she said handing me the wand. " ok" I said and thought to myself what rhyme that I can make up can turn something into a flower? I cleared my throat and began. " flower, flower, with my power turn the cube into a flower!" BOOM! there was a beam of light and when it cleared the object started to float! and spun around so fast all you could see was a mini tornado! and then with a bang It landed back on the counter and it was a flower! wow I guess I had it in me after all...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2111453-the-secret-of-the-witches