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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Romance/Love · #2111345
your a geek who is not the real you! unlock your popular potential with a popular guy!
Mon, Sep 4
Dear diary, today is the first day of TSY high! I know right stupid name TSY but it's actually pretty important. TSY stands for " the special you" It's a high school for how do I say "gifted" children. So maybe your talented in art or science or what ever the case may be, the school provides you with a special class revolved around that subject! cool right? I'm an expert at math so my parents enrolled me there in the "elite" program. So as much as it sucks to be surrounded by egg heads, at least I'm doing what I love. I guess it was pretty cool that my parents signed me up for that but I wish the had consulted me about it first. Like I can do other things... like... I can pick up a pencil! so that means technically I could do art! But there's a catch, you basically have to take a test for them to let you into a program and I cant even draw a circle!!! So that plan would blow up in my face. And although it may sound as if I'm a geek with you know the glasses, the braces, the suspenders and all that kind of stuff, I'm actually not! If I do say so myself I've got pretty decent looks: blond curly hair, button nose, blue eyes and blossom lips. So I hope I don't get bullied for the classes I take but like always I have a gut feeling that the one thing I don't want to happen is going to occur. Majorly. But I've got to go. Bye! (:

OMG diary! Something awe full has happened! These weird guys walked up to me and said " where you going- geek?!" I was about to run off when someone- someone hot by the way- came up to those mean boys and told them " why don't you mind your own business- artsy-fartsy's" And they looked at him like they had seen a ghost and replied "yes Chris!" and ran off! Then the guy who was apparently named Chris came over and asked me if I was ok! I said yes and he told me he was Chris and that he was focused on gym! Also he said that he was sorry about the way those boys had treated me and before I could even say my name he winked at me and was gone in a flash! So dazed, I headed to my class witch was room 303 witch was titled: Rulers Up Pencils Down. witch sounded pretty cool I guess but I've got to listen to the teachers instructions so I've got to go. Sayonara!

Diary, I've got the best news I've had all month! You know Chris right? cause during lunch he came up to me! and may I add: again. and told me he thought that I was very beautiful and wanted to know if I wanted to go to this freshmen party with him! Obviously I said yes and the craziest thing was he hadn't even learned my name! OMG! He started to walk off again but I was determined to let him know who I was! "umm Chris?" I said "ya?" he replied "ummm I kind of sorta forgot to tell you something very important" I stuttered " and what was that?" he answered "my name. You were forgetting my name. And just so you know it's Ameliya" I said confidently" well I'll catch you later Ameliya" and he walked off. Again. And the craziest thing happened! a girl walked up me and looked like the queen bee. She had two girls marching behind her like she was leading them! "hi!" I said nicely "hi!" she said mocking my voice. Then she continued: "oh put a sock in it!" then she looked back at the other two girls but they were staring of into space! but unfortunately she snapped them back into the real world. Looking mesmerized they both yelled "ya!" to back this girl up! Then she started to talk again " do you know what you've just done?" she questioned me " umm no..." I said " YOU'VE JUST RUINED MY LIFE!!!" she harshly replied at the top of her lungs. "oh I am so sorry! wait... what did I do again?" I said " umm what did I do again?" she mocked me again " you are going to the freshmen party with my crush. MY CRUSH!!!" she said. Then the other girls snapped back "her crush!" " but I-" she cut me off "if you go to that party... let's just say the rest of you week... It will be a living nightmare" she said. And before I could say anything she walked off. OMG!!! that's crazy! I'm still gonna go though, cause what can she do. Right? . Anyway hola! XD

hey diary! the first day was so in lighting! I feel super refreshed and like I can take on anything that life's gonna throw at me! Wow I sure as heck am optimistic aren't I? Well I'm probably so happy because I got asked out on the first day of high school with maybe the hottest guy I've ever seen! I told my mom and she said I was a fast worker but to keep my guard up cause it was a bit sudden and to be home by 12:00. My mom is so kind and charming and my dad split up with her but I don't know why. I guess I was upset when I got the news but I saw it coming. So... uhhh ... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Lol I need to stop being so optimistic right now but I guess I'm trying to deny the fact that this could go horribly wrong. Well I better get down and get funky at that party. lol . I crack myself up! Toddles!

I should have seen it coming. I really should have. IT WAS A SCAM!!! It all began like this: HONK, HONK !! " It's a limo!" I said aloud and then the window of the limo came down and Chris's head popped out! " only the best for the best girl! " I walked down the patio and opened the side door of the limousine! It was amazing! There were changing colour seats covered in leather and Chris was sitting there in his tux. " hey babe " he said with a cheeky smile. " hey Chris " i said and sat down " are you ready for the time of your life? " he said proudly " I think so " I said flirtatiously. " well it looks like we're almost there! " he said as the car skidded to a hault. " were Here " the limo driver said in dismay. Me and Chris threw open the limo door and walked out hand in hand. And then we strolled down the pavement and swung open the door to the party and it was amazing! There was people dancing, kissing and more dancing it was awesome! A real high school party! ". Alright babe I'm going to the bathroom BRB " he said and began to walk away " TTYL! " I shouted back waving my hand. Then I walked down to the kitchen and stood at the counter where some one was making drinks " hey can I have a cockt- " I cut myself off as I realized it was one of the three guys that were making fun of me at the beginning of the day! " what is it pretty la- " he stopped talking for a moment just like I had and I think he was remembering who I was. " a cocktail please. " I said looking down. He made me one without saying anything and I walked away. By now it had been 20 Minutes and there was still no sign of Chris and by now I was starting to worry. I walked up and knocked on the only bathroom door in the house and then opened and no one was there! I started panicking! I checked outside and the limo was gone! He had left! I imidiatly ran to the most quiet room I could find and dialled my mothers number and asked her to pick me up. And now I here. In my bed. Crying. And eating chocolate. But it's getting late so I'll talk to you later. Cheerio!

Ok diary I'm going back to school today and I'm mentally prepared for tge worst. And i have a feeling the worst is exsactly what's gonna happen. so let's go straight into it! I got to school and here's what happened:

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2111345-U-and-I-together