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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Fantasy · #2110659
Citty is practicing a new spell she learned, but something goes wrong.
Chapter 1: The Spell

Citty, an 18 year old English princess, and her friend Sunshine, a 25 year old princess with a Canadian background, were in Citty's magic study in her castle. Citty was about to practice a new spell she had just learned. "What does this spell do again", Sunshine asked. Rolling her eyes, Citty replied, "It's supposed to shrink the person I happen to last look at whilst casting the spell." Citty looked directly at Sunshine, whom she intended to test the spell on. She then began to cast the spell. However, just as she was saying the last few words, Zak, a 22 year old knight in Citty's army whom Citty had a secret crush on, walked by, and Citty just happened to look at him as she was finishing the spell. Suddenly, Zak shrank down to the size of an ant. "Oh my god ", Citty exclaimed. "I'm so sorry." She then began to cry. "Damn it", she sobbed. "Why do I have to get so distracted all the time?" She was a sweet girl and didn't want to hurt anyone, especially Zak. Zak did his best to try to avoid the falling teardrops, which to him were the size of boulders. "Citty, stop", Sunshine shouted worriedly. "You're scaring Zak!" Citty stopped crying, then knelt down and let Zak climb up onto the palm of her hand. He stared into her huge yellow eyes. "I'm sorry for scaring you ", Citty told him. "Don't worry, your highness", replied Zak. Citty blushed. "I'll do everything I can to keep you safe while I try to find a reverse spell", she told Zak as she carried him to her bedroom.
Citty carried Zak in her hands as she exited the building, to go to the library where the scrolls were kept that contained all of the spells in the Kingdom. Just as she was in between the castle and the library building when an attacking horde from the north arrived. They were on horseback and some of them had torches, which they threw into a window of the library, torching all of the scrolls inside. Now Zak would be trapped at ant size for much longer than Citty had anticipated!

The knights counterattacked and drove them off after about twenty minutes of fighting, with the men attaining flesh wounds, but nothing too serious. Citty just stood and watched as the library building burned to the ground. When the building cooled off and the fire was put out, Citty surveyed the damage. Every scroll was turned to ashes, and every book was burned, too. There were puddles of water on the ground where men had thrown buckets of water to put out the fire.

"I guess this means I'm stuck this way!" said Zak, from the safety of Citty's hand.

"I promise to find a way to restore you to your former stature, Zak!" said Citty. "Fate has played a cruel trick on us!"

Citty returned to her magic study room. Sunshine joined her. "We should make a small dwelling for him, now that he is stuck at ant size."

The two young women worked to make a terrarium for Zak, with small items Zak could use for a bed, chair, toilet and table to eat from. Citty set the terrarium on a shelf, about midway between waist high and shoulder high.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, your highness!" said Zak

Just then, a man knocked at the door and informed Citty and Sunshine that a princess from a neighboring kingdom had arrived. It was Megara, a 19 year old princess who was about to ascend the throne in a kingdom not far from Citty's kingdom. One thing about Megara that Citty knew was that she was power hungry, and somewhat of a tyrant. There was no telling how she would react if she encountered the shrunken Zak, now that he was ant size. Citty wasn't sure what she should do, because she didn't want to let Zak out of her sight, but she had to entertain Princess Megara.

"Bring her to my magic study chamber," Citty told her servant. The man turned and left to retrieve the Princess and bring her to Citty. When Princess Megara arrived, she asked about the horde from the north who attacked earlier. Just as Citty started to explain, Princess Megara spotted the terrarium and approached it. She spotted Zak, and asked, "How did this man become so tiny?"

Citty explained the situation, and Princess Megara stunned her by asking "How much would you charge me for him? I want to purchase him!"

Citty feared for Zak's life as she watched Princess Megara lick her lips. Citty was worried the evil princess would swallow him!
Just then, Princess Trisha, one of Citty and Sunshine's friends from another kingdom, entered. "Hi everyone", she said cheerfully. Then she noticed Megara, then looked at Citty, then Sunshine, then the terrarium, and then back at Citty. "Is this a bad time", Trisha asked. Ignoring Trisha, Megara looked at Citty and said, "again, how much?" "He's not for sale", Citty answered. "He's my, um..." Citty was a bit too nervous to tell Zak that she was in love with him, but this was a life or death situation. "He's my boyfriend", she finished. Everyone, including Zak, looked at Citty with surprised looks on their faces. "Whatever", Megara said, and left.

After Megara left, Zak looked at Citty, whose face was red with embarrassment. "Citty", asked Zak. "Why'd you tell Megara I was your boyfriend?" Still embarrassed, Citty replied, "Because she looked like she was going to eat you, and I didn't want that to happen.... And because I've had a crush on you since I was 12. I've just been too nervous to tell you that before." Zak was speechless. All he could do was stare into Citty's big beautiful eyes in awe. At last, he asked Citty to take him out of the terrarium and hold him close to her lips. Puzzled, Citty did just that. As soon as Zak was in front of Citty's mouth, he gave Citty a teeny tiny kiss on her humongous lower lip. The kiss tickled Citty's lip, and she immediately blushed.

Chapter 2: Later That Night

It was getting late, so Sunshine and Trisha left to go back to their own kingdoms. Then, Citty put Zak back in the terrarium and tucked him into bed. Then she shut off the lights and went to sleep.

She was awoken about 2 hours later to the faint sound of tiny whimpering coming from the terrarium, which she decided to put on her nightstand next to her bed. She looked and saw Zak tossing and turning in his little bed. Citty tapped on the glass and woke up Zak. "Sorry, your highness", Zak said sleepily. "I had a bad dream." "Aww, you poor little guy", Citty cooed sweetly as she got up to hug the terrarium. Before Zak could think, he got an eyeful of two massive mounds that were Citty's boobs, which were a bit more pronounced due to her near skintight pajamas. Zak blushed at the sight of Citty's breasts, while Citty giggled cutely at the tiny bulge in Zak's underwear. Zak looked down and noticed he had an erection, and quickly tried to cover it up. "Your highness! I'm so sorry", Zak exclaimed nervously. Citty giggled again. "Please, just call me Citty", she told him. "And I think it's kinda cute. I guess it's not every day a guy gets shrunk down to the size of an ant and gets to look at a girl's boobs. And don't worry about your bad dream. Your sweet, giant princess/girlfriend will keep you safe and make everything better." She then carefully took Zak out of the terrarium. "Left or right", she asked him. Puzzled, Zak replied, "Left?" Citty then placed Zak inside the left cup of her bra and went back to sleep. Zak found Citty's breast to be very warm and soft, and he too fell asleep.

Chapter 3: The Next Morning
Zak woke up inside a dark cloth-like enclosure with a soft, warm, flesh colored floor that was nearly covered with what looked like giant freckles. He then remembered he was ant sized inside Citty's bra, and that the floor he was standing on was Citty's left boob. Just then, Zak's stomach started growling. Luckily, Citty was awake enough to hear that and lifted her bra cup. "Good morning, my darling", she said to Zak with a sleepy but cute smile on her face. "Would you like something to eat?"

Jeena, Citty's 40-something year old maid, was in the kitchen making breakfast when Citty came down the stairs. As she and Zak were eating breakfast, Citty noticed a tiny, dark, wet spot on the front of Zak's underwear. "We'll go to the mall today and try to find new clothes for you until we can get you back to normal", said Citty. After they were done eating, Citty took Zak with her to the bathroom.

"No peeking", Citty giggled as she got the bathtub ready while Zak stood on the side of the tub with his eyes closed. Zak heard the water crash in front of him. Suddenly, Citty took her pinky finger and tapped Zak's back, causing him to fall into the water. Zak opened his eyes and frantically tried to tread water. He realized he was in the bathtub, right in between Citty's tower-like legs. "Citty! Help", Zak cried, flailing his arms and legs wildly. "I can't swim! I'm drowning! Help!" Citty quickly extended her finger for Zak to grab onto, then pulled him out of the water. "I'm sorry", Citty said with a sad look on her face. "I thought you might want to take a bath with me. I didn't know you couldn't swim." Zak could see that Citty was starting to cry, so he tried to cheer her up. "Don't worry, sweetheart", he told Citty. "It's not your fault. I should've paid more attention when I took swimming class in tenth grade." He then cuddled the tip of Citty's nose. As they were washing up, Zak asked Citty how she ended up having a crush on him. "It was when being chased by those big scary monsters once when I was 12", Citty explained. "I was lost in the woods, and I was so scared and alone with those monsters. But then you saved me and carried me in your arms to my parents. After that, you became my favorite out of all my knights, and I wanted to be with you forever." "Well, it's funny you should say that, Citty", chuckled Zak. "Why's that", Citty asked curiously. "Because now it looks like YOU might be the one to save ME from big scary monsters", answered Zak. Both he and Citty laughed playfully. After their bath, Citty began getting dressed. "Can I stay in your right cup this time", asked Zak. "Of course you can", smiled Citty. "Just letting you know you don't have any clean clothes that fit you at the moment, so you'll be naked inside my bra."

Chapter 4: The Mall
Citty arrived at the mall, with Zak in her bra. She tried to find some clothes for Zak's now ant sized body, but without much luck. Eventually, she found a store where Crystyl, a friend of her parents, worked as a sales associate. "Hi Citty", she said. "Is there anything in particular you're looking for?" "Yes", Citty replied, and carefully took Zak out of her bra. "I accidentally shrank him, and now I need to find some clothes that will fit him." Citty knew that the store sold all sorts of stuff. Luckily, Crystyl found some clothes that fit Zak perfectly. Zak felt a little (pun intended) embarrassed getting dressed in front of Citty at first, but he soon got used to it. Then, Citty paid for the clothes, and she and Zak left the store. When they arrived back at the castle, Citty noticed there was a letter on her bed. It was from Cal, a princess from another kingdom who was interested in science. The letter stated that Cal thought she might know how to change Zak back to normal. They hurried over there immediately.

Chapter 5: Lost... Almost

They decided to travel via horseback. The ride was quite bumpy, and Zak was starting to get motion sickness. He crawled out of Citty's bra cup as carefully as he could. Then, it all seemed to happen at once. The horse jumped over a gap, causing Zak to fall off of Citty's breast and onto the ground. Unfortunately, Citty had no idea that Zak had fallen off and kept going. Before Zak could cry for help, he was surrounded by a bunch of large ants. Then, Zak and the ants were picked up by a large hand.

Citty arrived at Cal's castle within about an hour. Cal was 25 years old, with red hair, purple eyes, and glasses. "Hi Cal", said Citty. "Hi", Cal said back. "Where's Zak?" "He's in my bra", giggled Citty. Be when she looked inside her bra cup, Zak wasn't there. "Oh no", Citty gasped. "He must've fallen out on the way her!" She began crying. Cal placed a hand on Citty's shoulder. "Don't worry", she said. "We'll find him." "I hope so", sobbed Citty. Just then, Cal's assistant, a 19 year old, ditzy blonde name Martha, walked into the lab. "I got that stuff you asked for, your highness", she told Cal. "Put them on the table over there", Cal instructed. So Martha did as she was told. There were 2 pounds of titanium, 5 gallons of Windex, 5 bottles of Sprite, and a jar of ants.

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