Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2097576-Kita-of-Midnight-Clan
by Kitten
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Animal · #2097576
A clan of cats band together in the city lights, what could happen?
Kita was alone with her brother Kiro in the dark alley, abandoned. Kita was a dark blue color with black speckles all over her fur, and Kiro was black with dark blue speckles. These two alley-kittens were left to die, but on this fateful night, stepping into the street light...saddest of all the creatures in the night.. a widower she-cat, who just had a miscarriage.
Kita's POV
All I can feel is this cold,wet,shivering body next to me...and all of the limp freezing ones around us.. where is our mother? I cannot open my eyes.
I try to stand but my legs feel so weak, I can feel blood rushing to my wounds, as memories of what just happened creeped into my mind...and I sense my dear other is remembering as well.
The sick,twisted beast who called herself a mother bit down into her tiny kits neck, his body shaking from shock, and it shook until she sunk her teeth in further... He finally fell limp and she tossed him to the side. "STUPID, KITTENS!" she hissed, "I never wanted to give birth to you in the first place!!!" She moved onto the other four kittens that were still alive and whining and meowing in fear, Kita forced her eyes to open, and looked up at her mentally challenged mother. The she-cat picked up another kitten in her mouth and started beating it back and forth against the wall. Kita struggled further back into the corner, knowing she had to do something. She bit down on her brothers tail, biting hard so as to try and make his eyes open.
He managed to open one of his eyes just enough to see his mother drop the next kitten and lick her jaws before she attempted to snatch him up like a ragdoll. Kiro pressed further back against his sister and meowed in a slurred way, he could feel his fur stand on end as his pulse started to rush. "Play dead!" begged his sister "Play dead!"
Their mother dropped the kitten, which just a minute ago she was beating unnaturally against the wall, and started to scratch at it violently as if she were a scratch post, a piercing sound of pain rang out from that tiny kitten...over...and over again.. until it went silent..and suddenly the room stood still.

Kitas POV
I lost train of thought when I heard what sounded like a can being kicked, the kind that two-legs drink out of.
I tried once again to open my eyes, slowly trying to pry them open,but with every attempt.. there was a stinging pain that felt like piercing claws inside of my eyes.
Slowly my muzzle felt cold and damp, I started to feel numb. We're gonna die... I thought to myself as my muscles started giving out from being so exhausted. We're gonna die here...

Kiros POV
My heart started beating faster the moment I heard the metal clanking of something against the hard ground we lay on. Too close for comfort I thought.
I knew I had to get up, who knows what could be lurking in this cold, dark place.
I pushed with my back legs but I couldn't make them work for anything. I dropped back onto my belly and struggling to stretch out my front paws... I managed to move THOSE at least. I suddenly felt the body next to me start to go limp, and cold. Much, much colder.
We're not gonna die here! Not here!

??? POV
My babies.. All I could think about was my babies, laying limp as soon as they came out my belly... My poor babies...
I let a yowl of grief escape from the bottom of my heart as I strayed down the nearest alley. I can still smell them... I followed the sent of feathers and remembered their soft, tiny bodies ...dead bodies I thought to myself. I stumbled on a tin can and scraped my paw pad on the rough rock the two-legs walk on. I sat down and licked the fresh wound... but stopped when I remembered I failed as a mother. My children.. I was supposed to give them life... and I failed I growled slightly and stared into the deep dark alley. Maybe.. I thought to myself I should lay down and die.... I stood up and padded deeper into the darkness.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2097576-Kita-of-Midnight-Clan