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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2096256
Feudal Western Lord Sesshomaru meets a new companion.
(I do not own any off the characters from the manga/anime Inuyasha. I only own my character and the idea of this story. Please enjoy)

         The cold night wind was blowing very peaceful through silver locks of a very powerful demon lord of the west. He sat at the edge of a cliff looking towards the sky thinking about the past few years. He thought how him and his half brother destroy Naraku and how Naraku took Rin and that boy Kohaku with him in the depths of hell. The great dog demon growled when an image of that day passed through his mind. The dog demon was snapped out of his train of thoughts when he picked up the scents of smoke and blood. He looks towards the north and see a demon village up in flames with hawk demons circling over the village and some swooping down. The great lord got up and walked away to look for Jaken, but then he heard a innocent feminine scream coming straight where he was facing. The demon lord stood still looking forward with his usual emotionless face just waiting for the female demon and her chaser to show their faces. The dog demon could hear them getting closer by their heart beats and scents. The first one to appear was of course the female demon, but she was actually a female dog demon. She had long braided black hair that reached her waist, crystal blue eyes, a small black star on her forehead and stripes like Sesshomaru on the cheeks but silver color. She was wearing a beautiful baby blue sakura design yukata that hold her curves very good, but the yukata had blood spots all over it. The female dog demon stopped right in front of Sesshomaru, being as tall as his shoulder, looked up to meet the eyes of the cold demon. When they locked eyes Sesshomaru could have swore he had seen her eyes from somewhere before, but he ignored it and look back where she have come running from. A hawk demon appear next ready to attack the female demon, but stop when he spotted the great lord glaring at him with cold eyes and growling.

         The hawk demons were disgusting creatures to Lord Sesshomaru because they wanted everything and would kill everything in their paths. The female demon yelped and ran behind Lord Sesshomaru taking a little grip of the silk of his kimono shirt then closed her eyes shut tightly. Sesshomaru took a glance over his shoulder to see the demoness shivering with her eyes tightly closed, so he gave a warning growl to tell her not to get too comfortable. Sesshomaru looked back at the disgusting creature in front of him just to catch the demon grinning straight at him. Sesshomaru was assuming that the hawk demon was thinking that this was going to be a easy win, but how wrong that disgusting creature was. The hawk demon started charging at Sesshomaru, but the great lord stood his ground. He just whip his wrist and the hawk demon was slice in half by Sesshomaru‘s poison whip. Before the hawk demon died off, it shriek making the female demon open her eyes and look towards the village. Sesshomaru looked at what the demoness was so hurry to look at only to see her looking at more disgusting hawk demons coming their way. The demoness started backing up scared out of her mind, so she turns to the dog demon beside her only to see that he disappear. The demoness looked all around her only to see that the dog demon was walking into the forest like everything was normal and no hawk demons were coming this way to kill them.The demoness took a quick glance at the coming hawk demons then back at the retreating dog demon, so she thought of one thing that’s going to save her skin again to talk and beg the dog demon not to leave her here to die.

“Please…don’t leave…I…don’t want to die.” said the demoness softly only making it loud enough for the dog demon to hear.

         Sesshomaru stopped in his footing and glance over his shoulder to the demoness with cold eyes. When they locked eyes the demoness saw that in his eyes were telling her that he did not care what happens to her. Sesshomaru broke their eye contact and started walking away again in search for his servant Jaken and the two head dragon. The demoness wanted to shed tears because she knew that her death was coming quick, but she didn’t know that she had to be strong and face her death sooner or later. The hawk demons were coming closer and the demoness knew that she needed to think of a plan and quick. Then she thought of something, but she knew it would be even more dangerous. She thought of tricking the dog demon back here to kill the hawks for her, but she also knew that the great dog demon would be piss off that she made him waste some of his time with her troubles. The demoness thought more on it till one of the hawk demons swooped down towards her, so she started running and picking up small rocks on the way to the dog demon. The demoness stopped few feet away from Sesshomaru and started throwing the rocks at him, but he dodged all of them except one that hit him in the head. Sesshomaru gave a deep growl and glared straight at the demoness with a hint of red in his golden orbs. The demoness gulped and started running back to the clearing where the hawks were. The demoness could hear Sesshomaru growl growing louder and she can also hear the shrieks of the hawk demons. The demoness glance back only to see that he wasn’t chasing her. When she look back in front of her, she saw two hawk demon grinning and ready to grab her, so she stopped and was about to run another way, but the two hawk demons grabbed her and sunk their talons in her arms making blood be drawn. The demoness whimper in pain and tried to hold in her tears, but one sled down her right cheek making all the hawk demons burst out laughing. The leader of the hawk demons walked behind her and grabbed her neck sinking his sharp talons all the way into her throat making her cough up blood. The demoness began crying more making the hawk demons laugh more haughtier. The demoness can feel her life slipping away and her body going numb then she saw silver and gold at the corner of her eye. She tried to turn her head in that direction, but that only made the talons in her throat sink deeper and making her cough up more blood. The demoness looked with the corner of her eye only to see the great dog demon stand in the clearing glaring at her and the leader hawk demons. All the hawk demons turn towards Sesshomaru hissing and growling making their leader look their way and sinking his talons even deeper in the demoness throat. The demoness whimper a little louder making Sesshomaru glance at her with something showing in his eyes that made the demoness think twice about him and his ways. The hawk leader looked at the two hawk demons holding the demoness arms and the two hawk demons nodded their head.

         The two hawk demons took their talons out of the demoness arm making her scream in pain then they started charging straight towards Sesshomaru with the rest of the hawk demons except the leader of course. Sesshomaru only stood his ground and waited for a good moment to strike. The demoness tried keeping her eyes open, but with her life slipping away by the minute she was having a hard time. When the hawk demons came close enough to Sesshomaru, he just whipped his wrist letting his poison whip slice threw all the hawk demons that dare attack him. The leader of the hawks growled and sank his talons even deeper into the demoness neck. The demoness screamed in pain and coughed up blood while looking at Sesshomaru straight in the eyes like almost asking help through her eyes then the hawk demon snapped her neck and let go of her neck making her fall to the ground dead. Sesshomaru watched how her crystal blue eyes turn to a lifeless color and the blood from her mouth spilled onto the ground.

“It looks like I took this bitch’s life in no time. What a weak and helpless creature she was right, Lord Sesshomaru?” grin the hawk demon while he looked straight at Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru looked at the hawk demon with disgust then the hawk demon drew his sword and started charged straight at Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru unsheathed Toukijin and waited till the hawk demon was close enough to strike him down. When the hawk demon was close enough, Sesshomaru jump up and landed behind the hawk demon and turn towards the hawks body falling to the ground dead.

“What a waste of my time.” Sesshomaru looked back at the demoness lifeless body and saw that she must of used whatever strength she had left to close her eyes. Sesshomaru was about to leave when Tenseiga pulse making the dog demon pause and look down on it then towards the demoness.

“Tenseiga, do u wish for this Sesshomaru to revive this demoness life?” Tenseiga pulse again and again till Sesshomaru unsheathed it and held it up to his face while it pulse again. Sesshomaru thought about it then used Tenseiga on the demoness then sheath Tenseiga. Sesshomaru kneel down and picked the demoness up and put her on his knee. Sesshomaru heard her heart starting to beat again and saw her inhale air into her lungs. The demoness opened her crystal blue eyes only to see golden orbs looking straight at her. The demoness then looked around to see all the hawk demons dead on the ground with their blood surrounding them. The demoness looked back at the dog demon that was still looking at her with his emotionless golden orbs with a hint of something, but she didn’t know what though. The demoness thought she was dead, but how can that be so if she breathing then it accrue to her that this dog demon that she is looking at must of save her from the depths of hell that demons belong. The demoness wanted to ask him, but didn’t because she didn’t want to be rude to her savior. She did want to thank him for saving her life. The demoness did the unthinkable and daring to hug the great dog demon that made him flinch and tense from her sudden touched. Sesshomaru stood up with the demoness still hugging him, but Sesshomaru still felt tense, so he kept his arm to himself.

         It's been a year since that day and it felt like it happened yesterday to Kaya, but after that day she decide to travel with the great dog demon. He didn’t say anything about her following him, but he did looked back once when she started humming a song that her mother had taught her. She got to meet his other companions the next day and she got along with the two head dragon who was so sweet, but the imp annoyed her to no end. She couldn’t understand how Lord Sesshomaru stood him.


“Lord Sesshomaru! Where are you?” screamed a little toad imp. A-UN was laying in a field of flowers till his heads looked towards a forest opening. Sesshomaru walked out in the clearing where Jaken and A-UN was. Jaken ran up to Sesshomaru with tears in his eyes.

“Lord Sesshomaru! Where have you been? Are you alright?”

         Sesshomaru just stepped over Jaken and walked to the middle of the field before looking towards the demoness that soon appeared into the opening. The demoness looked back at Sesshomaru with innocent eyes till she jump when something nudging her side. The demoness looked beside her to see the two headed dragon growling softly, so she petted the two headed dragon gently. Jaken saw the demoness and ran to the demoness grasp A-UN reign and glares at the demoness.

“Woman! Who are you? Why are you here following Lord Sesshomaru?” The demoness went wide eye when she heard that the dog demon's name was the great lord of the west.

“I'm…Kaya,” said the demoness quietly. Kaya looked at the imp then to Lord Sesshomaru then to the ground. Jaken was about to yell at her before Lord Sesshomaru words stop him to tell them that they were leaving. A-UN kneel down and she hesitated, but got on and relax a little when A-UN started walking the same way Lord Sesshomaru was heading. Jaken just stood there in awe, but just shrug it off and ran to catch up.

End of Flashback

         That day was like a dream to her because the Great Lord Sesshomaru of the West had accepted her as one of his daily companions. Pass the year she gotten to learn a lot about Lord Sesshomaru and his companions and what they been through in their past few years. Jaken even compare her to a little human girl that use to follow them, but he only did it when Lord Sesshomaru wasn’t around because the first time he did Lord Sesshomaru threw a giant rock at him. That had made her laugh every time she thought about it. What really made her embarrass was when she went into heat while traveling with Lord Sesshomaru. She didn’t notice right away, but Lord Sesshomaru gave her signs in his little way that told her she was in heat. She remember on that day she would try to ask him something or just stand close to him, he would growl softly and grit his teeth like he wanted to stop himself from doing something. Then she would think to myself if she did something wrong, but Jaken yelled at her to hide her scent because she was making Lord Sesshomaru mad with the heated scent. She blushed in embarrassment all that day and she also stayed away from Lord Sesshomaru as much as she could not to make Lord Sesshomaru uncomfortable. She had some good memories over the year with them and she never wanted to give up that life, but she knew it's going to end soon because they will be coming for her.

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