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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Novel · Dark · #2081563
The novel shows a different picture of paradise
Flowers hid behind her back and come close to door.she can hear voice the Flowers.Flowers close to her face And then say:Hey triplets You should not laugh Because I want to surprise my Uncle Leonard.One of flowers say: Okay Lucy We will try.she knock to door After a few moments the door open And a tall man with gray hair and eyes brown become visible in front door.When he see Lucy he smile and say:Hi Lucy I am happy to see you again Come in.Lucy say: hi Uncle Leonard And enter the house.The house was , as always, neat and clean But of last time that he went to there Some things Had changed
Wooden floors house had changed And now can feel the beautiful green grass under her feet Ivy flowers Covered Walls But glass tables and chairs were still in the middle of the house.Uncle Leonard, that Had noticed Lucy is surprise say:A few weeks after you go I changed here And then continue : Please sit down.Lucy come close to Uncle Leonard and say:Well first close your eyes please.he close his eyes.Lucy put flowers in front of his face and say:now Open your eyes.He opened his eyes when he see the flowers
say: omg These flowers are beautiful.Lucy say: did You love them?.Uncle Leonard say:THEY?But this is only one Flower.Flowers when hear the talk protrude from their Iridescent shell And they say:we're triplets pink And started laughing.Uncle Leonard take the flowers from the hands of Lucy and say : It's amazing I first see these flowers I am really grateful.Lucy sit on the chair and say:I fetch them of Valley happiness for you.That's why they always laugh.One of the Flowers SAY: We are a symbol of joy
Uncle Leonard put flowers on the table.Another Flowers SAY:Oops!I was choking In his hands.And then look to Lucy and say:hey girl give our shoes.Lucy pull out a oyster .Oyster Become colorful in the sun.Lucy open oyster and say:Come here.And the flowers shoes that was like Leaves sewn together put On the table.Uncle Leonard say:wow They really have shoes.Lucy smile and say:Of course!They do not want When they go to circulation Their Metatarsus be dirty In fact, they prefer clean water to the soil.Flowers that were wearing their shoes And going down from the table say: yes We prefer clean water The soil is full of strange creatures.Oysters that had awakened from loud noises Rubbing his eyes and say:What's going on here? Almost I'm getting a headache.He pull out his little legs out from under his belly.He start to walk And continue his talk : Anna promised me Take me to a quiet place.Lucy bite her lip and say: oh ...Yes, Mr. colorful You are right Forgive me
Mr. colorful pick his hand inside his stomach And pull out his small walking stick and While arranged his mustache say: no need to ask forgiveness But once again, do not use me as a bag my belly is Place For the maintenance of pearls and personal belongings No dirty shoes. The flowers that were lolling in fishbowl And watch around say: We did not think that a A gentleman can such talk about young lady's shoes.Mr. colorful that Was shocked say: Accept my apology Beautiful ladies I did not know The shoes belong to yours And after completion of talks bow.Flowers after hearing his talk whit happily of Inside their Iridescent shell unweave Their small mirror that was decorated with colorful diamonds and begin to adorn Their petals.Uncle Leonard take Lucy's hand and say: You showed me some interesting things But i have A magic box .Lucy say: Where's that box؟ Uncle Leonard Standing up from the chair and say: Come with me show it to you.They enter a small room. There was nothing in the room Except a big wooden box Uncle Leonard went to towards the box And stand beside it and say: Come here Lucy Then open the box
Lucy say: what is this؟ A few moments later,that The butterfly come out from inside the box And sit on Uncle Leonard's shoulder. Uncle Leonard say:hi butterfly.Why do not you go inside the box؟ butterfly say : I thought Here is an interesting place But except blur I could not see something else And then fly and sit on the nose Lucy and say : Hello dear friend i was missed you.Lucy say : me too.And then look at Uncle Leonard and say:You want what Show him ؟ Uncle Leonard say : I want to show him something special.And then pull out a bag from inside the box.butterfly say: I guess Show him your camera.Lucy immediately say:Camera ؟ What is camera ؟ Uncle Leonard pull out the camera from the bag and say:With this device,we can record images And turn on the camera And start filming the around.Lucy that was excited say :can i film ? Uncle Leonard say: Yes, but I have to first show you how it works.It took half an hour until Lucy could learn how to use your camera.Watch Uncle Leonard's house Of the camera surprise him With the establishment of triplets all were happier at home Uncle Leonard.Black-tail fish with his big glasses reading a book for Mr. colorful and triplets. Mr. colorful often confirmed speech Black-tail fish
And try To attract attention ladies/ Lucy turn off the camera and say :Where did you get that box؟ Uncle Leonard say:When people die Calculate Their good and bad deeds And accordingly will enter Paradise Or behind the doors of Paradise will Regret forever.When People enter the paradise People can request Things to rate their good deeds.And the number of the remuneration depends to the person's good deeds. Lucy say:And you have a remuneration؟Uncle Leonard say:no dear Lucy I had 3 remuneration And residue the only one of my remuneration . Lucy say:And that box was one of your requests.Uncle Leonard say : YES.Inside that box is stuff that I use of them when I was alive here is Paradise And no one can Of the earth the device brings with itself Lucy say:did the earth is beautiful?Uncle Leonard say:I do not know I dead 150 years ago And I know a lot of things have changed. Lucy say:I do not like to go to the earth.butterfly that all the time Were sitting on Lucy's wreath say:But you have to Soon Go to earth.Lucy say:But if I become guard can stay in paradise.Lucy went to the window and open it.Lucy see her that she is playing on the hill.Lucy call Anna And with a loud voice say: Anna Stay there I want to show you something interesting.Anna wave her hand.Lucy to Uncle Leonard say : I must go Today was fantastic And hugging him.Uncle Leonard Kiss Lucy's face and say:Thank you came to visit me.Lucy say : goodbye And come out of the house And then ran to Anna.when come close to Anna Turn on the camera and say:Hello Anna.Anna say:Hi Lucy..oh ..What is it?Wait please What is it؟.Lucy while running replied:This is a camera. And then stand.Anna herself to bring her.Anna say:Where did you get it؟؟Lucy say:It gave me Uncle Leonard And said to me,This made himself.Anna look carefully at the camera.Anna say:that's mean When he was alive This....Then a little dose Silence and say:What was the name?
Lucy say:The name of the camera.Anna say:Aha that's mean When he was alive made camera؟.Lucy say:I do not know, We can ask him later.Anna say:well What do you want now?.Lucy say: I want put the camera on the rock Which can be both in film.Anna say: So let's go And then they both start running

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2081563-Paradise