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by N.M.E
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2066294
The princess from the show the twin princess from the Mysterious star plump up.
Duuude I need your help!
In the Mystrious Star there are 7 kingdoms the waterdrop kingdom, the jewlery kingdom,the seed kingdom,the moon kingdom,the fire kingdom, the windmill kingdom,and the Sunny kingdom.
A strange comet is now passing over the kingdoms, which is causing a strange radiation that causes the inhabitants to get fat.

In the moon kingdom the infent princess Milky was eating her normal feast of food when she felt some unknown weight on her chest and went to her mother Moon Maria.
She found her mother had also gained weight as well!

"Good heavens! Could that comet have something to do with this?"

Ba BA BABABU! (Lets Contact Fine and Rein!)
They found them, at a size in between the two's fatness.

Fine-Sama Rein-Sama please stop Pumo!! said there advisor Pumo a fairy and long-time friend to the now long deceased princess Grace
"Pumo?" Fine said. "How are you gaining weight?"

Pumo?! I am gainning out of thin air Pumo?!
"Yes! Just like us!"

Lets go Check on the Jewelry Kingdom with this mess wardrobe malfunctions will be aplenty Pumo.(Fine imagined her love Prince Bright flustered by his weight gain it made her blush thinking about it.)
Undoubtedly, such a thing was already happening!

All right Pumo!(He flies to his teleport box and says)Telepumoson to the Jewerly kingdom.
They soon find some sort of riot outside various clothiers.

I need bigger clothes! said one You didnt take my measurements right!! said another
"Look, I'm doing my best," a clothier was complaining, "but people keep spontaneously gaining!"

Then make clothes a 100 or 1000 sizes bigger then!!!!!!
"I'm running out of fabric!"

THEN I WILL GIVE YOU THE MONEY TO MAKE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!said the Jewelry Princess in her casual travel clothes though they were a little tight.
He quickly began getting as much fabric as possible.

There that should do for now I think hum....said Altezza looking at a job well done.
The princess put it on. It was a bit baggy at the moment, but that might change.

Just then the gang showed up having put on 20 pounds each
The clothier groans.

You want some new clothes as well?
"Sure. Also, do you know what's going on?"

Not really all I know is that when I woke up I had gained weight and apparently the whole kingdom is in a uproar for new clothes I need help bad!
They soon begin helping.

After awhile they had gained about 50 pounds from working.
I'm guessing work might increase the gain?

Yes by a middle margin.
I wonder how the other kingdoms are doing?

In the waterdrop kingdom Princess Mirrio was doing her normal thing painting with the added weight her brush moved more swiftly than before!
Interesting. How come?

She has found a way to make the painting more lifelike with the weight keeping her hands steady.
Any other kingdoms of note adjusting to the weight?

The seed kingdom hasn't changed much except for the fact they roll everywhere.

The fire kingdom does belly dances everyday.
I imagine those are very popular right now.

The moon kingdom eats like their princess now.
Anyone else?

The jewelry kingdom now makes clothes out of super alastic diamond makeing them hard to rip and tear.
Nice! What about the Waterdrop, Windmill, and Sunny Kingdoms?

In the windmill kingdom they use their burps and farts to supercharge the windmills.In waterdrop they use their fat body's to paint and the Sunny kingdom......I will let you deside.
Well, I'm getting the feeling they're growing into masses (which is a step further than blobs).

The sunny kingdom is the planets sun if you haven't forgotten!
I had, actually. Maybe, instead, they've begun floating, in a sense.

With what?
Strangely, their fat is buoyant in air, more or less (so they don't float into space).

All right I will expect this.
Thank you.

How far in time do you want to go a month or a year?
How about a year?

That is fine Now I need you to start the timeskip section.
As things grow bigger and bigger, people eventually decide to roll everywhere, and the calories of food have apparently tripled thanks to the radiation of that star.

Um... okay... So, people eventually find a way to allow them to remain mobile.

Then came the time of great change(Girls to Woman)
Right. I wonder what that was like.

A little bit of girl heat from fine to prince Bright.

This is why it is not E
I wonder how they were able to work in that regard.

Rolling technology Dude.

Now with kingdom do you want to look at?
How about the seed kingdom?

The food there is growing at a phenomenal rate, which is good, what with all the fatties.

The food has all turned into meat and greasy and gassy food.

I wonder how the fire kingdom is doing?

Most of the fat they gain goes to the belly so belly dancing still popular.
The Jewelry Kingdom?

Clothes are made to be very stretchy but it rips and tears from time to time but it doesn`t cause to much trouble.
How about the waterdrop kingdom?
The water has turn into milk and the color pond has turned into chocolate,strawberry,pumpkin,and many other flavors.
The windmill kingdom?

fat drivin windmills.
How does that work?

A rotating circle where the body rolls on it with starts up and powers the windmills sails.
Nice! How about the Moon Kingdom?

Milky has been made Queen as she eats a lot and know how to deal with it now with her brother Eclipse as her translator the kingdom is prospering.
And the sun kingdom?

Not much has changed except everyone is fatter.

Ok from who`s prov do you want to start with?
You decide.

How about the fire princess Lione?
Okay. What's she up to?

Teaching the younger kids to bellydance
I wonder how it's working.

The kids keep hitting themselves with their bellies.
Lione: "Try moving with each other's rhythm."

that seems to be working then the twins arrive.
I wonder how it works with them.

the hover remember?
Oh yeah. "Hey, Lione. How are you doing?"

"Doing good but I still wounder how the people of the Sunny kingdom can float in the air like balloons it really puzzles me".
"Perhaps some of the fat reacted oddly to our planet, so we didn't blot out the sun."

I guess that makes sense but watch this!(She does a bellydance and fire appeared in her hands.)
"Cool!" I wonder if other kingdoms have stuff like that going on?

Well the jewelry kingdom can make grow and shrink gems into any size they need.
Nice! The Windmill Kingdom?

They control the wind. and the moon kingdom can make stars.
How about the waterdrop kingdom?

waterbending nuf said
HOw about Seed Kingdom?

growing food plants very effectively.

What do you want to see now?

A Giant Cake eating contest!
Sweet! Who's hosting?

Queen Milky of course.
Nice! How big has she gotten?

about half a ton or so
Oooh! What does she look like?

Most of her weight is in her breasts and butt.
Wow! (By the way, it's your turn in "Animal Crossing: Gourmet Town").

Now, let's see how that eating contest is going...

Well fine and rein are using the hovering ability to start from the top of the cake.
Sweet! And the others?

Eating at the bottom
I wonder how big everyone's gotten?

At the half way point everyone gained 250 pounds.
I wonder who wins?

Rein wins of course!
And how much has she gained?

About 250 pounds
Where's most of her weight centered?
Her butt
Who's in second place?

Altezza amazingly enough.
How much has she gained?

150 pounds in the chest and face.
Sweet! What do you want to happen now?

A loudest burp contest
This is gonna be fun. How will they go about doing that?

Soda,fizzy water,beer,if it make you burp it is on hear!
Sweet! I wonder if any of them start to float because of gas.

Maybe but lets get the contest started my friend.
So how do they start?

They first start drinking all of soda.
I wonder when they start floating?

Abit later right now they are now drinking the fizzy water.
Cool, How big have they gotten?

There stomachs are extended by 5 ft as of right now.
Go on.

after about 5 hours the fizzy water ran dry and they went to the beer drinking contest part.
I wonder if they start floating now.

How do they react?

Shocked at first but Fine & Rein take action and comes them down.
Sweet! Let's see them drink more!

ok so do they get drunk from the beer?
Cool idea!

Thank you do you want to make them do anything while they are drunk?
I don't know. What do you want them to do?

OH! Midair fat sex... intriguing... (devilish laugh)...

you can write it and the boys are in on this two.
I know they're drunk and they might get into some... interesting positions.

Should we add pregnancy to this?
Maybe. You decide.

I say yes
Yeah. I wonder how big the babies start out?

i think maybe 150 pounds.

so what next?
When do they burp?

now if you wish or they can drink more.
They can drink more.

Ok but what would they drink that can cause burping?
I don't know.

Liquid lard?
Sweet! Something might also make them lactate.

Junk food flavored Blood?

There is your lactate.

thank you.
Anything now you want to see?

What do you have in mind?
Nothing comes to mind yet.


go ahead and write.
So, when do they start?

Three months later.
Who's up against who?

Fine vs Leone.

So let's begin.

So... how does it begin?

A test of strength.
Go on.

Fine outpowers her.
So, who's up next?

Rein vs Sophie.

Hand to hand combat!
I wonder how it's going.

Sophie is domanting!

So who wins?


ok who next?
I don't know.

Altezza vs Mirrio.

Mirrio swift hand strokes end the match quickly!
Sweet! Anyone else?

Milky vs the Seed princces.
Any edges?

Seed has numbers.
Nice. Is this good?

Not really Milky Stomach thrusts them all out of the ring at the same time!
Wow. Is she a bad guy?

Oh, thank heavens.

So, it might be getting hard to even roll, eventually. Maybe most folks just start "oozing", a little, eventually?


so what now?
Not sure.


how long a year or a decade?
Decade. Definitely.

So... what's happened in a decade?

The kingdoms flourish!
How much have things changed amongst its people?

BABY BOOM!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, yeah! And what are the kingdoms themselves, like now that people mostly ooze from place to place and stuff?

Um... What are the kingdoms like now?

pretty normal
Except everyone is just REALLY, REALLY fat?

Any examples?

lard fulled vehicles
What do you mean?

There bodies power the vehicles!
Sounds interesting.

I now right!

so now what?
Well, what do some of the characters look like, now?

How do they carry things or see?

Holo hands and eyes.
And how do they speak?

Head sets they were given before head went into flesh
Nice. And how do they eat, since their heads are covered?

The area were their heads are is a tunnel to their faces!
Okay. What shall we do now?

I don`t know
Well, what would you like to do?

end it I guess

© Copyright 2015 N.M.E, duuuuuuuude, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2066294-Princess-of-the-mysterious-stars-plumpup