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This is a Stargate fanfic, so the usual disclaimers apply: This is a GAY story: |
"How the hell could you come out with such a wacky idea?" That question was half-exclaimed, half-shouted, in the Stargate Project Headquarters, by Admiral CLarke, who had became the head of the Project in 2022. Now it was three years later, and the war against the Goa'uld had came to a crucial point. New worlds had been discovered and new alliances had been forged, but the enemies of Earth were still powerful; our planet needed all the help the other civilization could offer, and that was the object of the current meeting. Actually, the premise wasn't unusual: after a First Contact, the Earth forces had gotten news that a community of warrior lived on the newly discovered planet, and the matter of what the best way to contact and befriend them, in oreder to turn them into valuable allies, had to be discussed. What was unusual was the WAY of befriending those fighters, that had been suggested by Mr. Sanders, who was in charge of the Diplomacy. Sanders calmly addressed the Admiral. "Think carefully about that, Sir. In ancient times, marriages were considered a good way to cement alliances between different communities. Why shouldn't do the same?" "Well..." Clarke said. "First of all, I doubt that those ancient marriages involved only GUYS!" The other people at the meeting seemed as much embarrassed as him, and Sanders quietly went to explain: "First of all, I have to remind you that, on Planet Zogrun, the dinstinction between males and females is unknown... I realize all the inhabitants of the planet can be thought as males, according to human standards, but some... guys are meant to carry babies." The Admiral grunted. "I wonder what Goa'uld could be so much more perverted than the other ones, that he could come out with such an idea!" Sanders shrugged. "My theory is that the Goa'ulds who genetically manipulated those people's ancestors wanted to create a race of perfect warriors.... Who didn't need women to procreate." Doctor Harding, a female scientist huffed: "What a chauvinistic pig!" "Well, many Goa'uld are." Sanders said apologetically. "Anyway, it's likely that the Zogrunians's... creators genetically manipulated them, not only mixing their DNA with genes of animal of any kinds, making them exceptionally big and strong, but also to change their reproductive ways. Some males, however, were made unable to do that: those were chosen to carry babies." "So, how does it exactly work?" one official asked, feeling actually rather curious.... a feeling shared by the whole audience. Sanders snickered. "The one who impregnates is called... Sire, in our language, while the one who gets to carry the baby is the Carrier. First, the Sire must drink the Carrier's sperm, in order to absorb the other's genetic code... and to get in heath!" He chuckled again. "That process can need just a few drinking sessions, or plenty of them, depending on the case. When the Sire feels ready, he fucks - AHEM HEM - has sex with the Carrier, and when his seed is deposited inside the Carrier, it mixes with the latter's DNA and grows into babies, with a complete placenta." "Wow...." sighed Doc Harding. "So the Carrier must produce seed as well. That's why you suggested to send only guys... a woman can't be useful for those aliens." "Correct." Sanders said. Clarke spoke in a thoughtful tone. "From my information, they aren't much advanced." "Not fully correct, Sir." said the Diplomat. "They are at Medieval level, and I think their artistic abilities are very evoluted, although their scientific knowledge hasn't still reached a point where gunpowder is a known concept..." "Not to speak about laser beams and airships!" one official commented. Sanders nodded, then continued: "They're a warrior society, where authority and social status are determined by strength and fighting abilities; and they have a caste system. With a rough translation, their leaders can be called Alphas, who lead their Beta warriors; the working class is made by Gammas (mostly artisans and farmers) and Deltas, who have the lowest jobs, mostly field and mine workers and servants... Deltas basically are slaves, although the people of that world have strict rules about treating them with humanity. Amd then..." he smirked. "There are the Omegas, who are the only ones able to become Carriers." "I suppose they're on the lowest level of the hyerarchy?" asked one official. "Technically, they are." said Sanders. "Apparently, their only duties are pleasing their mates and providing them with children. They're supposed to obey whoever belongs to the other castes, and can be sold by their Sires for mating purposes. Yet that doesn't mean they're mistreated; on the opposite, they're highly valued and usually pampered and protected... especially lately, because, for unknown reasons, lesser and lesser Omegas are being born." He paused, and glanced toward Clarke, before saying: "That's where my.... whacky idea comes." "Sending gay guys as mates!" Clarke exclaimed. "We have better ways to create diplomatic contacts!" Sanders sighed. "I know, I know, Sir, but THAT way could be the best one to get friends with the Thunder Clan." "But are you sure that... Clan actually exists? After all, we just heard of it by the peasant inhabitants of a small village...." "I call it a small rural town, Sir, and it's called Purple Lake.... and I trust those people." Sanders stated. "According to them, the Thunder Clan is led by the most powerful warriors of the entire planet. They're honorable, and generally regarded as peaceful if not provoked, but not very eager to interact with other communities... unless they have something to earn from that." "For instance, to get Omegas for reproductive purposes!" said Clarke. "Exactly." Sanders nodded. "It seems the scarcity of Omegas has affected the Clas as much as it did the rest of Zugronians. Because of that, Carriers are highly valued." Clarke huffed. "But... Are you sure that...?" "That sex between Earthling and Zogrunian MALES can lead to PROCREATION?" Sanders finished the other's sentence with a sighing tone. "I am." Now his tone was sad. "The... consequences of the... first contact haven't been just a coincidence.... Doctor Harding can confirm that." The scientist woman nodded. Everyone in that room knew how the "first contact" between the explorers from Earth and the Zogrunian natives had went; for the formers, it hasn't been a pleasant contact. The squad had had the misfortune of being attacked by a band of rogues, who had killed the only woman (obviously thinking she was a defective creature) and had kept the men captives for five days, before a rescue party had managed to free them.... but meanwhile, the poor guys had been repeatedly raped, that had resulted in three of them getting pregnant! Shocked, as soon as they had been brought back home, they all had insisted to get abortions; however, as Doctor Harding explained, the scientists of the Stargate Project had found out that Earthlings were not only perfectly compatible with Zogrunians, they could be extremely "productive"! So, when the Stargate forces had met the people of Purple Lake, creating friendly relationships and learning more of the planet, Sanders had elaborated that idea... Whose purpose was not only to cement an alliance between Earth and Zugron, but to get many strong fighters to help Earth forces. But Clarke shook his head. "It's a wacky idea! Nobody with a bit of sense would volunteer to become the sex toy of a.... giant teddy bear!" "Are you sure?" Sanders said with another smirk. Clarke looked puzzled, and Doctor Harding, sighing but smiling himself, explained: "I guess, Admiral, that you aren't aware of how many people are into the Domination lifestyle. I guess you have at least heard of that." Enbarrassed , the Admiral uttered a "yes", and Sanders started to explain: "Many gay guys who are into that would be happy to be mastered and taken care of forever by big, strong guys...." "Even if those guys aren't human?" asked Clarke. "Should we send a club of Bestiality fans?" It was Harding who answered: "Not necessarily. Zogrunian anathomy, notwithstanding their size and animal features, is very close to human; and plenty of people have sexual fantasies about aliens. Besides, do you know hom many gay people dream about conceiving children? In a natural way, I mean." Clarke said: "Well, okay, we could help those people to avoid enxtintion... But are we sure they'll help us in our fight?" "The Earthling volunteers will work on that." Sanders said. "Zogrunians are dominant with their Omegas, sure, but usually get get deeply attached to them. Especially if the Omegas are attractive." "And what are the Zogrunian standards for attractiveness?" Sanders smirked to Doctor Harding, who explained: "It depends on the caste. Regarding the frour top castes, from Alphas down to Deltas, the biggest and stronger they are, and the more natural protection they have (including fangs and claws as well as fur and scales), the more handsome they're considered. But for Omegas.... the opposite is true! The smaller, weaker and defenseless they are, the more they're likely to find members of superior castes who lust after them!" Both Harding and Sanders smiled, while the implication of what she had said sank into the minds of everyone's. "But..." someone said, "Since Earthlings are a lot smaller and weaker than Zogrunians..." "With smooth skin..." added another. "And without fangs nor claws..." said a third one. Clarke blushed, uttering: "Are you telling us that Zogrunians..." "ANY Earthling would be extremely attractive, from their point of view!" Harding chuckled. "Even the tallest, most muscular and ugliest guy on Earth would be seen like a pretty girl there." Clarke was still skeptical. "Why do you think that a bunch of..." he was about to use some offensive word, but stopped for a fraction of second, then continued: "...of homosexuals can be able to convince an elite of strong fighters to join a war? Isn't it more likely that they will be stuck as sex slaves and child-bearers?" Sanders frowned; his tone became more serious. "Admiral, being a submissive male doesn't mean to be a spineless and cowardly wimp! Many of them are clever and assertive men, who willingly choose that lifestyle, as long as it gives them some advantages and fullfills their desires." Admiral Clarke sighed. "Okay, got it. And do you think there are guys who could like to go on a mission that will bring such a change in their life?" "The only way to find out" Sanders stated "Is to start searching!" ONE YEAR LATER Darien looked for the upteenth time out of the window, hoping to see something new; but his hopes were frustrated. The sight had been interesting, like most novelties, on the first day, but now the yong man was used to it. A violet sky with purple clouds and two suns - the bigger one yellow, the smaller one a pale blue - loomed above Purple Lake, a town made of stone and wooden buildings, no taller than two stories, inhabited by Gamma peasants and their Delta servants; the formers were mostly anthro goats, and he could see several of them walking around or attending to their daily chores; they were from 10 to 12 feet tall, covered with brown or gray fur and, of course, with huge horns on their heads, and were dressed with shirst, pants and sashes, mostly colored in dark green or red or brown, their feet covered by socks and sandals - except for those who had hooves! Some of them, in fact, looked a bit more human than the others. The Delta servants were of various species, mostly mice and squirrels, from 8 to 9 feet tall, wearing gray clothes. The town was surrounded by guarded walls, to protect it from bandits; open fields occupied the vaste area between the town and the lake, but in the opposite direction there was a thick jungle, whose depths were the home of the Thunder Clan. While he stared out of the window, Darien thought: *When will we learn if the.... mating deal has gone well or not?* He wasn't the only one who worried. "We've been here for been two days!" Leslie's high-pitched voice complained for the sixth or seventh time that morning. "How long will it take those darn warriors to pay us a visit?" Darien sighed. Standing on a chair to peer through one of the windows, he didn't even turn his head to look at his friend, while he said: "Be patient! They warned us that the messenger needed at least a couple days to reach the Thunder Clan territory." Then he smirked, hearing Leslie's annoyed grunt. Well, it was understandable that the guy felt pissed off at being powerless, but after all, that was expected. They had been warned that, as "Omegas", they were going to have very little to absolutely inexistent power to decide what could happen to themselves; but living that out for real was a different matter, although they were treated comfortably. When the group of Earthlings who had volunteered for the "Mating Mission" had been escorted by the soldiers to Purple Lake, they had been immediately "handed" to a group of big guys, who clearly were the Zogrunian equivalent of the police force in the town, and vere led by the Town Chief. Then the men had been taken to a very large stone building, a warehouse that had been equipped to become their temporary living quarters: the furniture was simple but nice, wooden beds with clean sheets and (relatively) small chairs, a low table for meals in the center of the huge room and soft pillows everywhere. And then, they had been stripped and bathed by Delta servants, in spite of their protests about being able to take care of themselves! The ones who had gone too far in their protesting, had endured some swats on their rears... Damien almost snickered, remembering that: it was nothing too severe, just hard enough to make them understand who was in charge. Darien suspected that some of the spankees had secretly enjoyed that! The Town Chief had explained that being taken care of and "disciplined" was considered a great honor, reserved for valuable Omegas like them; and he had provided all of them with new clothes, fitting the fashion of Zugron. Well, after all, they were considered pretty attractive males, even back on Earth! And Darien wasn' an exception. His most noticeable characteristic was his small stature, being barely 4' 10'' tall; in spite of being 23 years old, he could be mistaken for a little kid, with his fair boyish face, longish golden blond hair, azure eyes and thin body. He was now dressed in a shirt with long wide sleeves, which almost reached his knees and was tied by a sash, large pants, socks and sandals; those clothes were white, but covered with multi-coloured embroideries looking like flowers and leaves; the sash was purple, ornated with a small red jem on its knot. The villagers had told him they were especially luxurious clothes, given to him because he was the most beautiful Omega of his group. He smiled at the idea. Well, after all, he had been told by many Earthlings that he was "cute". But in spite of his size and looks, he was actually athletic, and what he lacked in height was compensated by his strong personality. In addition to that, he was very cultured, and a good dancer and singer. And now, he hoped to get the chance to use his many talents. And he hoped his twelve companions could get the same chance. Sitting on one of the pillows, he watched the whole group with a mix of interest, amusement and affection. They all had grown pretty close to each other during the latest six months, and formed a very assorted group. He mentally divided his friends into "Nerds" and "Jocks". He watched the six "Nerds", who were gathered at one side of the long room, busy either playing card games or reading books. They were seen as the best-looking ones by Zogrunian, who valued small size, defenselessness and hairlessness in "Omegas": that was why they had been given the richest clothes. Leslie was the closest to Darien, in terms of both physical looks and personality. Twenty years old, barely 5' 1'' tall and lean but well-toned, he had short curly strawberry -red hair and green eyes; as to enforce a classic cliché about reheads, he had a fierce temper, in contrast with Darien's usually calm behaviour. Since his parents had kicked him out for being gay, he had spent almost one years as a street boy, so he was pretty bitter. However, the young man was clever, and skilled at dancing and at playing several instruments, like his friend. His current clothes were azure, with green leaves-like embroideries, and his sash was white. Jason, unlike Leslie, came from a wealthy family; he was almost 6 feet tall but pretty thin, with short black hair, dark brown eyes and and aquiline nose. He was a 26 years old English Literature highschool teacher, and had a gentle personality that had made very hard for him to deal with students, especially after said students had found out he was gay. The lanky guy was dressed in pale green clothes, with a multi-coloured sash. Arthur was an Afro-American, 22 years old Architecture graduate, with long raven hair tied in a ponytail and a merry character. The tunic that had been given to him was red with purple sleeves, while his pants were pink, with matching sash and socks. Gilbert was of French descent, was 24 years old and 5' 8'' tall and had sandy brown hair and hazel eyes; he was a very quiet guy with a curious mind, and being a Chemistry graduated, had used to work as a lab assistant. They had dressed him in a gray-and-red striped tunic and orange pants and socks, with a sash embroidered with red birds. Matt was 5' 7'', 23 years old and chubby (he had worked as a cook), with short reddish brown hair, gray eyes and a goatee; he was easygoing yet pretty shy and self-conscious about his looks. His clothes were covered by embroideries of yellow and red fishes, that made him look a bit funny. Then there was Akim, a lanky 6' 1'' tall and 21 years old guy of Arabian descent, very serious and reserved, with short brown hair and dark eyes, dark skin; definitely not a talkative person but a nice guy if you get to know him well, he was fascinated by ancient cultures, and was very interested in learning about life on that alien planet. He was dressed in gray, with purple trimmerings and white socks, that made him look especially elegant. Then Darien smirked, driving his gaze on the six "Jocks", who were doing stretching exercises or lifting weights. They were dressed in plainer and less expensive clothes than the "Nerds", because their relatively bigger size and their hairyness made them less "beautiful", according to Zogrunian standards, than their small and delicate-looking companions, and so relatively less desirable as mates. The most noticeable among them was Adam, a 7' 2'' tall and 28 years old behemot with a shaved head and dark eyes; his rough imposing attitude (and his martial arts abilities) him look like a military man... that he had been until 8 months earlier, when he had left the Army, tired of being teased and challenged about his sexuality. He was dressed in brown robes, finely embroidered with black leaves, that were a bit more elegant than the ones gives to the other Jocks, because his lack of hair increased his attractiveness a bit. Pedro, a 6' 4'' tall yet lean Latino with long black curly hair ans a square chin, had been a dance instructor back home; he was a friendly guy, and Darien hoped those qualities could help the group in their "diplomatic" mission. He wore a gray tunic with red pants and a matching sash. Leon, of French ancestry, 6' 3'' and 23 years old, with short blond hair and brown eyes, had been a competitive track athlete, until an accident had put an end to his career; now he hoped to find a new goal with that mission. He was in a good mood, that was emphasized by his orange-and-red striped clothes. Jack, 6' 2'' tall, 21 years old, a former construction worker, was very broad-shouldered and muscular, yet a bit shy, and was one of the most eager to have a family of his own; his clothes were a sleeveless green shirt and brown pants. Kurt was an Afro-American, 6' 7'' tall, 29 years old, huge and with pumping muscles, since he had been a bodybuilding star; a career that paid well, but he wasn't getting younger, and wished for a family, so he had volunteered for the mission. It was hilarious to see him dressed in pale yellow clothes... with pink flower embroideries! Their hosts had insisted that such an attire increased his cuteness! Nick was a Chino-American, 6' 3'' tall, 25 years old, with short raven hair and dark green eyes; he was a police officer, with a very tough character, yet all his toughness hadn't been enough to deal with all the hostility from many homophobe colleagues; a world where guys like him were appreciated seemed like Promised Land! His attire, too, seemed funny to Darien, since his tunic was covered by horizontal orange, green, blue and red stripes, and his pants by vertical black and white stripes. The blondie thought with a grin: *We are lucky that skirts are not known on Zugron!* Darien's musings were interrupted by the sound of the door opening: then, in walked thr Town Chief, Brown Horn, a 12' 6'' tall anthro-goat, dressed in black clothes that made him look even more intimidating. He was followed by his mate, named Small Delight, a middle-aged Omega, who was wearing pale green garments, and carried a big tablecloth and several napkins. Damien liked Small Delight, who had always been very nice to him and his companions, and many times had told them that they were even cuter and more delicate than how he had ever been in his youth. The blond guy smirked at the idea of the Omega calling himself "cute and delicate".... Small Delight was nearly 8 feet tall, and although he looked more human than the Gammas and Deltas the Earthlings had met so far, his body was muscular (albeit rather fat, because of age and many gravidances) and covered by short brown fur, and the horns on his head were much smaller than his mate's, yet still intimidating for the Earthlings. "Hello, Omegas!" said Brown Horn, who had decided his guests had to get used to be called that way. "Breakfast time!" He and his mate were followed, as usual, by several anthro-mice servants, carrying dishes, glasses, utensils and plenty of food and drinks. "How are you today?" Small Delight asked with a sweet smile, while helping the Deltas to set the table. "Pretty good as usual, dear!" Darien said. "Just a bit nervous..." "Why?" the other asked, worried. Leslie approached, saying in an annoyed tone: "We've been here so much! When are those warriors supposed to arrive?" Brown Horn snorned, now annoyed himself. "Supposed to? How many times should I explain? nobody can suppose anything about what the Thunder Clan does! I sent them my messenger... now we just have to hope they'll believe him and come to take you." Small Delight spoke in a maternal, comforting tone: "Don't worry, Leslie darling! I'm sure you'll be mated into the highest ranks of the Clan! Such lovely creatures like you don't deserve anything else." Leslie thanked him for the compliment, blushing, while Darien giggled. Then Brown Horn huffed: "I really hope Chief Ripped Ear will take you! Not only because that would help our town a lot.... but also because keeping our youth away from you is getting harder and harder!" Darien looked at him apologetically. As soon as the Earthlings had arrived to the town, all its inhabitants had gotten enchanted by those alien creatures, who were seen as divine beauties on Zugron; and whoever was young enough to allow his own sex drive to prevail on his good sense, had ran to the Chief to ask to buy one of the Omegas as a mate, no matter the price; and very few of them had been discouraged by Brown Horn's explanations, about the small guys not being for sale and being destined to get Red Lake a great advantageous bargain. That was why the men from Earth had been locked in their quarters, with a solid door, bars at the windows and trusty guards around the building to protect them. And in spite of that, peering out of the windows, they could always spot some teens watching the warehouse from afar! Darien sighed, looking at Brown Horn. "What can I say? It's not our fault, if we're cute!" Some of his friends chuckled, sitting to eat breakfast, while the Chief rolled his eyes. Several miles afar, deep in the jungle, a young anthro-goat stopped in his tracks, almost exhausted, after walking through most of the night. He was aware of the danger, but wanted to reach the Thunder Clan territory as soon as he could.... His mission was so important! Now he was in a small clearing... looking around, he wondered if he was close enough to the Clan den to be spotted by its sentinels. |
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