Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2045103-Talking-To-Myself
by ruwth
Rated: ASR · Campfire Creative · Sample · Entertainment · #2045103
Remembering other campfires...

Someone once told me:

It's okay to talk to yourself.
It's even okay to answer yourself.
As long as WHEN you answer yourself,
you don't say, "Huh?"

So, am I really talking to myself today?

Although I appear to be sitting alone at this campfire, I'm really sitting here with you. As we are warmed by the fire, I'm talking and you're listening. I'm telling you about other campfires and sharing the additions I made to them.

Enjoy the memories with me...

My first campfire invitation was to:

 Sharing Your Faith  (13+)
Gather 'round the warmth and join the discussion.
#1127757 by vivacious

I joined this campfire shortly before the end.

I only made one addition -- short and sweet.

The other members share their faith more deeply.

Their additions are definitely worth reading.

Take a moment to read some of them today. *Heart*


My only entry to: "Sharing Your Faith"   by vivacious

What can I tell you about my relationship with GOD?

I love HIM because HE first loved me.


God has given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7

My second campfire invitation was from Steev the Friction Wizurd. Steve is the Unofficial Campfire King on WDC. He's got A LOT of campfires in his port (actually, two folders full: "CAMPFIRES and "Campfires 2015-2017 (illustrated)).

My second campfire experience:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2041625 by Not Available.

It was this experience that prompted me to create this campfire memoir. I liked most of the additions I made and wanted to show them off.

My first addition to: "Invalid Item.
Answers the question: "How did the skunk get its stink?"

Name: Señora Maloliente

Species: Mephitis Mephitis

Posture: Stamping a bit...

I thought y'all were my friends! This is not a question normally raised in polite company.

I can tell you this: my momma told me it was a gift - an amazingly potent gift.

All of you have odors but you have no control over them. We, on the other hand, are blessed with the ability to create a powerfully malodorous liquid, store it in a small sac and disperse it as an aerosol at will.

I say "malodorous" but is it? I like the smell. I love the fact it lingers for a very long time. I love the fact that if I spray it on y'all, you will carry MY scent for several days. Even the area in which I release MY scent will tell the tale for days...

Posture Change: Stamping becomes almost frantic...

Speaking of tail...

Posture Change: Tail raises and is turned toward the group...

A gift...

Not a question to be asked in polite company...

My second addition to: "Invalid Item.
Answers the question: "What prayer is the Praying Mantis praying? "

Name: Hoo Hoo

Species: Northern Pygmy Owl

Posture: Sitting on a branch...

What's that I hear?

A mantis in fear?

"I pray please don't prey...

...on me!"

Posture change:

Northern Pygmy Owl Eating A Praying Mantis  


My third addition to: "Invalid Item.
This story is: "A Tale of Two Different Animals"
NOTE: I wish I could edit this addition.

The Tale of The Tree, The Squirrel and Honey...

The squirrel sat high up in the tree watching. Tilting his head to the side, he looked pensive as he saw the new family taking up residency in the little house that shared a yard with his family's tree.

The tree had been here long before the house or the fence or even the road. The little tree survived while hundreds of others never survived their first year.

A dirt road was created just by folks driving pickups to a spot near the little tree. Some of those trucks brought concrete blocks and wood and nails. Some men built the little house between the dirt road and the tree.

The tree grew. The road was paved. Some more men came with fence posts and fencing. They put a fence around a square yard. The house took up almost one whole side of the square. The fencing on the other sides separated the little tree's yard from the fields around it.

The tree grew. Soon it was big enough to hold a family of its own: the squirrels.

Now it became the squirrels' home - the squirrels' tree and the squirrels' yard.

Families moved in and out of the little house. A squirrel family lived in the tree and played in the yard.

The squirrel watched the new family: an old lady, a young woman and a little girl. Lots of other children were there, too. They didn't live there but came and stayed for hours and sometimes for days on end.

Then one day a new member of the family arrived: A DOG!

The dog came into the yard and the first thing she did was made a mad dash for the squirrel. Fortunately for the squirrel, he was relatively close to his tree and scurried post haste to the safety of its branches.

Again, quizzically eyeing the new black and tan member of the family. The dog was an Airedale. The humans called the dog Honey. The squirrel didn't know the dog's full name was Arevalo's Honey Blossom. These humans were not Arevalos but had ended up taking Honey in and providing her with a home in the square, fenced in yard with the squirrel's tree.

Now the squirrel had to be leery. He had to look around for Honey anytime he wanted to leave the safety of the high branches or the hidden nest. The squirrel learned quickly.

A short reconnaissance mission down the trunk of the tree. Alert to any movement in the yard, the squirrel would check the circumference of the yard. If a bounding black and tan beast appeared, zoom, the squirrel would fly as fast as his legs could carry him back up to the security height offered.

With Honey around, it was a challenge to leave the tree at all. The only way for the squirrel to go on a neighborhood jaunt was to go to the base of the tree and across the yard to the fence. Before Honey had come to live in the square yard around the tree, this was a leisurely walk. After Honey, the squirrel would slowly make it reconnaissance mission down the trunk and then scurry as fast as he could across the yard to the fence. The squirrel only stopped for a breath once it had gone over or through the fence and was on the other side. The squirrel didn't get to play in the fenced in yard around his tree like he did before the black and tan beast made her first appearance.

A few years passed. One day, if the squirrel had been noticing, he might have seen a car with a pet carrier pull up on the other side of the house. The squirrel might have seen a kindly person helping Honey into the carrier while the old lady and the children looked very sad. The squirrel might have seen tears flowing that day and heard talk of Honey moving to Chicago.

The squirrel didn't notice these things and for a while, the squirrel kept up it daily routine. Down the tree slowly looking around. Zoom across the yard to the safety beyond Honey's domain.

Then the squirrel did notice something. NO HONEY. Could it be? The squirrel had not seen the hairy beast in days. He still made the slow reconnaissance mission but did not dash for the fence. Instead, the squirrel extended the slow reconnaissance into the yard - across the yard to the fence. No dog.

The next day, the squirrel's walk was more relaxed. Before a month was out, there were no more reconnaissance missions. The enemy had vacated the territory. The squirrel's kingdom again extended from the tree to the fence and everything in between. The old lady watched from a window in the house. Were those tears in her eyes?

The lady missed Honey. The time had come she was not able to care for the big dog. She had found her a home far away. She cried the day Honey left. She cried the day the squirrel no longer made a bee line for the fence and then...

Eventually, she laughed. The squirrel became a pet from a distance. The old lady could watch its antics and laugh. The squirrel could take care of himself, all the lady had to do was watch out the window for the adventure of the day. Not as warm and loving as Honey but maybe as entertaining in a wild kind of way.

And that is the tale of the Tree and the Squirreland Honey...

My fourth addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition is: "A Picture of An Animal"

Hope this works...

QUESTION: "Who is ruwth?

A storehouse for my ideas about things to write! You can add yours, too! We can share!As a Nano Rebel in 2014, I wrote over 50,000 words worth of reviews and product reviews.Utilities: In&Outs and Madlibs that make my life easier. They may be useful to you, too

ANSWER: All of the above.

My fifth addition to: "Invalid Item
This addition: "begins...It was a dark and stormy night..."

It was a dark and stormy night on Writing.Com, a perfect time for reading and reviewing...

"Invalid Item :

"It Was A Dark And Stormy Night! 13+: Writers just don't say "Merry Christmas", they write stories about it.

"It Was A Dark and Stormy Night 13+: A woman's walk home turns into a nightmare, her attacker marking her forever.

"It was a dark and stormy night 13+: Lost in the middle of nowhere, in that most cliche of circunstance


NOTE: Read and write a public review for any of these and send me a link to your review/s. On the next dark and stormy night, I will send some gps your way!


That's my story and I'm stickin' to it...
My sixth addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition is: "Something about a zoo."

This time, hopefully, I am going to follow the prompt. *Blush*

Something about a zoo...

I have had many zoo experiences. Two stand out in my mind:

The elephants at the zoo in Atlanta, Georgia: They were playfully rolling around like kittens. I never realized elephants would play in this way. I was mesmerized. It is the one event I wish I could have recorded for posterity. I tell folks about it but I do not have the words to make it real. It was amazing.

The lion's roar at the Peoria, Illinois zoo: It SHOOK the ground! I was at a snack bar nearby the lions. A male began roaring and the ground where I was SHOOK. I knew experientially why this beast is called the king of the jungle. AMAZING! So loud and powerful a sound! I will likely NEVER forget it.

My seventh and final addition to: "Invalid Item.
Steve said: "Put up anything you like..."

Words from me to you:

God has given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7

"Priorities . . .

"Not feeling well . . .

"19 days in a row!

NOTE: My addition will be different every time you load it. *Delight*
My third campfire invitation was to:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2081645 by Not Available.

Our additions are to have SOMETHING to do with numbers.

This is a rather disconnected campfire.

Most of us are dancing to our own drummer.

My first addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition has: "Something to do with numbers."

I remember our phone number from my childhood:

2126, please.

My second addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition has: "Something to do with numbers."

4   7   2   17   9


Use each of the numbers in the top row one time,
adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing to arrive at the number shown below.
My third addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition has: "Something to do with numbers."


My fourth addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition has: "Something to do with numbers."

There are only 10 types of people.

Those who understand binary


those who don't.

11 cheers for binary!

My fifth addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition has: "Something to do with numbers."

I John 1:9

Some numbers are more important than others.

#1562731 is the item number to this image:

When we confess our sins, God forgives us and cleanses us!

This image contains the numbers to a verse
pivotal in my life and in my walk with God.


My sixth addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition has: "Something to do with numbers."

CLICK-----> 5-3-7-8-7

My seventh addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition has: "Something to do with numbers."

Who is Number 1 in your life?

Are you the boss of your life? In a sense you are but are you the most qualified for the position? Perhaps not.

In Proverbs it says,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.

Seek 1st the kingdom of God...

My eighth and final addition to: "Invalid Item.
This addition has: "Something to do with numbers."

God has given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7

This is 1 of 8 randomly rotating images.
Refresh the page until you've seen them all.

Here is a list of the images and their ID Numbers:

[#1564255] "Do not be anxious . . .
[#1564241] "Jesus gives me strength!
[#1564853] "A Spirit of Power, Love and a Sound Mind
[#1562731] "I John 1:9
[#1563313] "This is the day that the Lord has made
[#1562271] "Trust in the Lord
[#1563998] "Jesus is Lord
[#1564199] "Every Knee Shall Bow . . .

These are my last numbers for [#] "Invalid Item.

Banking The Fire.

© Copyright 2015 ruwth, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2045103-Talking-To-Myself