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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Entertainment · #2022860
A young woman has time to be alone. It is in the silence at night she finds inner peace.
         She sits in her favorite spot. It is night time. All the main lights are off except for the "special" lights- such as the lava lamp and the purple flower-power light on the wall. A deep purple and red radiate from the borders of the room. She sits reminiscing about the past thinking how enjoyable it used to be sitting, writing in the quiet of the night. The pen would talk in such a unique voice that the writings were always interesting to read- even in years to come.
         What was it in those moments that made the writing so powerful and the moments special? It seems duplicating these times are impossible. Yet, she constantly tries to find that side of herself again.
         Night-time. It always seems magical. This is when some of the greatest moments occur. For example, the brain unleashes the thoughts from the day. Whether good or bad, there are always entertaining moments to think about and then write about..
         Speaking of entertaining, at this very moment that "strange but loveable" cat enters the room. Tall, slender, long body with tiger markings, he walks towards the purple light. He stops. He's skid-dish to begin with, but he sees a red scarf hanging on the wall and freaks out. He sways up. Moves downward. Sways side to side. He's unsure what to do. He sways in each direction, dancing in the light with fear for a little longer, then he suddenly perks up, realizes there is no harm, and graciously walks away to join his companion on the bed.
         For a short moment, she can't help but laugh. "What a goofball", she thinks. But this cat is her companion and she loves him all the same. It's the quirky side of her friend that makes him fun to be around.
         Maybe that's it. It's the little details in our daily lives that make moments so special. But if you don't take the time to enjoy the small details and see the beauty in life then the day-to-day routines become grueling, nothing seems special, and you forget how to enjoy "the should-be" precious moments.
         Too many people in this day and age constantly have noise. Whether the noise is literally noise- such as tv, music, or people talking, or there can be noise such as light, cell phones, tablets, or something that disrupts the peace, way too many people have lost the joy of connecting with their inner peace. Remove the noise and release the inner peace.
         Looking up and listening to the silent sound of her breathing, smiling at the cat laying on the bed, she looks over towards the other direction. Again, she laughs out loud (disturbing her inner peace) to see her other very fluffy, almost realistic-looking-stuffed-cat, climb up the cat tree. She climbs the base of the tree, stretches to walk behind the blinds on the window silt, prowls back to the tree base and slowly begins to climb up (claws sticking in the carpet) reaching the top of the tree to chase lights on the wall, then moves downward to crawl into a hut-like house on the cat tree, circles to get comfortable, and looks out at her owner. At this point the owner laughs out loud and thinks "miracles do happen." That cat has never used the hut portion. She goes back to writing, and of course, the cat leaves because she feels ignored. This cat has to be the center-of-attention or else things will not be okay.
         Interesting. Very little movement. Her favorite place at night is to sit upright on her bed and write. Jane is suddenly comprehending what she has been missing for the past several years. Time alone and silence.
         She loves her boyfriend Evan (her companion) but she's realizing how nice it is to be alone. He is out with the boys. After work, all the guys decided to go out, grab a few beers, and enjoy one heck of an awesome hockey game. Lord knows what those guys talk and laugh about, and no one knows what time they will be home, but that's the point of guys night. Jane is loving it too because she doesn't even know what she's going to get into while Evan is out until she does it. Apparently, it's her time to write tonight. The setting is perfect. Inner peace is being explored. And once again, the pen begins finding it's own voice. The magic of the night.
         When Jane wakes up in the morning she is surprised to see the ground covered in snow- at least two inches. Yes, it is only six days before Christmas but the ground has been green for the past couple weeks. The weatherman predicted snow in another three days "Typical meteorologist. They never know what they are talking about." She drops the blinds, rubs her eyes and goes out to the living room to turn on the coffee pot for Evan and make herself a nice cup of hot coco. On a Saturday morning, especially when there is snow outside, nothing beats a nice cup of hot chocolate.
         Jane turns around after everything has been started and sees no sign of Evan on the couch. It's always agreed if one of them stays out extremely late then that person will sleep on the couch to not wake the other.
         "Evan." Jane calls out. No answer. 'Evan?" She checks the sun-room. No Evan. Okay, they live in an apartment. The place isn't big, only three main rooms, and no sign of Evan. She checks the bathroom. You never know; it could be that time of morning ritual. No Evan. The clock on the living room wall says 9:30am. She has a text message from the night before at 10:46pm that says "doing ok! be home soon."
         "What the heck could have happened?" Slightly worried, but not concerned yet, Jane goes back to her morning tasks and figures it is best to stay calm. Evan is responsible. Though this is out of character, he is with the guys.They probably had a little too much fun and decided to change plans. "He'll be home soon." And she turns around to begin cleaning house. But something just doesn't seem right...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2022860-The-Magic-of-Writing-In-the-Night