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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2013930
When the 4th wall opens, what will come out?
Authors. They have the ability to pull back the veil of reality and spin wondrous tales of adventure and excitement. For the most part these stories are just the imagination of creative individuals with great ideas and a desire to share them. Most of the them anyway.

But there is a small group of authors that have done much more. They found a way to actually break through the 4th wall and enter the worlds of fiction. They gained powers to fight the dangers found in these worlds and have since shared their adventures with the rest of us in stories.

That is where you come in. You will make an Author with the sheet below and travel to fictional worlds beyond the 4th Wall. But danger awaits. Are you ready to join the fight? We are each aware that other Authors exist but for the most part we stay separate until something big comes along the requires large numbers to combat...Hint hint.


1) Your character will have powers based on one fandom of your choice. They can be from any show, comic, video game or whatever. Just no god modes.
2) Each character does have one power in common. We each can travel between dimensions. The method of travel is up to you.
3) I will allow most fetishes, just no under aged sex, and try to go easy on the gore.
4) This is just for fun so lets be creative.

That's it on rules. (For now)

Character Sheets:

Your Author

Author Name:
Real Name: (Optional first name)
Background: (Gender, age, history, that sort of stuff)
Fandom: (The fictional work where you powers come from and also the place of your personal base)
Powers and Abilities: (Pretty much as is sounds. What you can do)
Backstory:(How did you pass through the 4th Wall and what did you do)


You Partner: (You can pick one character from any work of fiction to act as you partner in battle) (Note" This only applies in combat. You can still meet and interact with character you want.)

Source: (Which fictional story do they come from)

Any threats the Authors come across will be based on which world they're in. Like if we're in the Kingdom Hearts worlds, the enemy will be Heartless, Nobodies, or any enemy from those games. No time limit on adds, I just ask that you tell me when you need to skip your turn or such.

10/17/2014: For the time being you can do whatever you want ( as long as it follows the rules above). I will bring us all together later on in the story but for now, write what you want, live a little, expand the world of whatever fandom you're exploring. I'll let you know when we start the main story.
Author Name: JMDarkly

Real Name: James

Age: 25

Appearance: Tan skin, brown hair, blue eyes. Average height, use to be a little over weight but quickly slimmed out after starting missions. I wear Black N7 armor with blue highlights for missions along with a Kuwachi Visor for targeting help. I also wear a N7 hoodie jeans and red t-shirt between missions

Fandom: The Mass Effect Universe.

Powers and Abilities: I am a combat Infiltrator. Thus, I can use the Tactical Cloak, I can remotely hack most forms of tech to sabotage or manipulate in my favor, I can use Incinerate to launch a ball of super heated plasma at my enemies, and I can program my weapons to fire Disruptor and Armor Piercing rounds.
While I also have access to all weapons from the games, I usually favor the M-90 Indra semi-automatic Sniper Rifle with High-Velocity Barrel and Thermal Scope for my main weapons. As back up I have the Scorpion hand pistol for short range and the Geth Plasma SMG for medium range, both with Magazine Upgrades and Piercing Mods for extra armor penetration. I also have a melee weapon in the form of a combat knife and katana for hand-to-hand.

Backstory: I found my way through the 4th Wall shortly after joining writing.com. There I met another member who showed me the wonders of fanfiction. After a few tries something strange happened. A hole in the fabric of the universe opened in my bed room and I was sucked through it and dropped into one of my favorite games of all time, Mass Effect. It was right in the middle of the Reaper War and I found myself fully armed and ready to go. As I fought to stay alive I learned to use my new powers and met up with that very same member that helped me when I first joined. He told me what was happening, how I was now an Author, a human from the real world pulled into the fictional one and it was now my job to defend my world from evil, an evil that would use that same portal I traveled through to attack my home.
So I fought, beating back the Reapers and defending my home. I met the Normandy and her crew even becoming friends with Commander Shepard. And when the war ended, I gained my very own Normandy SR-3, a ship made by Cerberus but abandoned during the war. Now I travel the galaxy with my new ship and on board A.I., EVA, hunting stray Reapers and fighting back threats to my world.
A Non-Existent User
Author Name: Redhurricane
Real Name: X (That's all you're getting)
Background: My age is a mystery, but I stand 6' feet tall. I'm Caucasian and I come from the Eastern U.S. I wear glasses and have dark brown hair with a slight beard and mustache.

I've been writing for years, mainly fantasy stories about supernatural beings. But one day one of my drawings came to life, it was a magical medallion that would grant the user the powers of the beasts of legend. Of course, I didn't know about its true powers until Pyron (of Darkstalker) showed up out of nowhere to claim it.

Fandom: Marvel Universe (specifically Avengers Assemble)

Powers and Abilities: My medallion gives me the ability to transform into any monster from mythology and use their powers to my advantage. I just have to think of the monster I want to turn into and the monster's form is determined by my imagination. Even without the medallion I've got above average strength, a brown belt in karate and I'm a very good swimmer.

Backstory: As mentioned above, the moment that medallion came to life, Pyron showed up out of nowhere and seized me. He tried taking me to the Capcom Universe but took me to the Marvel Universe instead. Then I accidentally used the medallion to turn into a gargoyle and escaped. But big surprise, the planet that Pyron landed on turned out to be condemned. Not only was Galactus right there, but the thing was about to explode.

Fortunately, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers were both at the scene and I was able to stow away on the Guardians' ship to get to Earth. I avoided detection by turning into a bogart and turning invisible. Figured it would be the best idea to lay low.

Of course, the moment I stepped foot in New York, the Masters of Evil were wreaking havoc. In the confusion, I ran into Chemistro and had to turn into a Sylph to literally blow him away. That's when the media caught on and started asking who is Red Hurricane. I've decided not to join the Avengers until now, but I like to help put the villains in their place when I can. Just last week I caught some jerk charged with genetic dirty work and threw him in the Big House.

Though something tells me that something bad is coming forward and something else tells me it isn't Thanos.
A Non-Existent User
Hey, it's Hurricane again. At this moment, I was in Avengers Tower with Hawkeye, Hulk and Thor. I was sharing Hawkeye a show I had discovered on Hulu and he didn't think much of it. "How can you watch this? It's terrible? Come on, that Quba guy makes Batroc the Leaper look like a legitimate threat. The dude has a can of aerosol that can bring anything to life and what does he do with an army of gargoyles? He plans to drop giant pizzas on all the major cities. Talk about dumb."

I rolled my eyes. "It's supposed to be funny, Hawkeye," I said. "I happen to know a good cartoon when I see it." Hawkeye just rolled his eyes before we both stomping and I knew it was a certain not so jolly green giant who was probably mad at Hawkeye for stealing his food... again. "HAWKEYE!"

Hawkeye and I both stepped back as I decided to put away my computer and Hulk came forward. "Hawkeye," I said. "What did you do this time?" "Me?!" yelled Hawkeye. "What makes you think I'm the one who ticked off the jade temper tantrum?!" "Because you usually do." Hulk let out an angry roar and Hawkeye was forced to run for it just as Thor walked in and shook his head. "Friend Hurricane, art thou an Avenger now?" the asgardian asked. "Actually," I said. "Hawkeye asked me to come and keep him company while the rest of the Avengers are on some kind of secret mission."

"I doth understand why Hulk and I aren't invited, but doth Stark think us children to leave Hawkeye behind?" "Well," I said. "Last time, he left you and Hawkeye to your own devices, you blew up all his food. By the way, do you think Miolnir would work with french fries?"

That was when we heard an alarm and got a buzz from Jarvis. "It would appear your assistance is needed for this mission after all. Mr. Stark has reported that there is an oil rig under siege." "Let me guess?" I asked. "Pyro? Molten Man? Attuma?" Before I could get an answer, I had to duck out of the way just as Hulk tossed Hawkeye in the center of the room. "What's he mad at me for?" asked Hawkeye. "I didn't even touch his tortilla chips." I looked and saw some crumbs on my hand and quickly licked them off. I swear I didn't know they were Hulk's.

"I'm afraid the threat is much more dire," said Jarvis. "It seems a certain disgrace to us law-ading A.I.s is on the move again." I immediately realized who this was. "Ultron?" I asked. "Oh no." Hawkeye sprung up and felt his arm. "What would Buckethead want with oil?" he asked. "What does he run on anyway?" "I don't know," said Thor. "But it would appear we are needed after all." I let out a gulp. "We better be careful. This is Ultron we're talking about. That guy is harder to kill than gamma irradiated crabgrass."

Hulk simply pounded his fists together. "I don't do careful. Let's smash Ultron already and then we can go home." While, Hawkeye, Thor and Hulk chose to take the Avenjet to the oil rig, I had a better method of getting around. I used my medallion to turn into a kappa creature resembling an alligator snapping turtle with a spiked shell and swim through the water.

I had a comm link to communicate with Iron Man. "Well kid," said Iron Man. "Looks like you're getting a real trial by fire. I gotta warn you though, Ultron plays for keeps." "I know that, Iron Man," I said. "Which is why I turned into Tortuga. "Element of surprise. Dumb question, but Ultron doesn't want the oil does he?" "No," said Iron Man. "But from what I know, he's drilling for something that is giving off an abnormal energy signature. It's not like the Infinity Stones, isn't gamma and it kinda makes me worried. I don't like what I don't understand." I gave a smug grin. "Maybe it's magic."

Iron Man just let out a groan. "Don't push me, Hurricane. Just be careful." I nodded my head and swam ahead under the water as Hulk and Thor were looking down. "Huh," said Hulk. "This kid's just like the Sub Mariner. Don't know why he chose to walk." "Well, can you blame him?" asked Hawkeye. "This way he doesn't have to trapped up here with your B.O." Hawkeye just can't keep his mouth shut and Hulk would've decked him but thankfully Thor held him back since he knew who the pilot was.

Underneath the water, I was swimming closer to the rig when I saw something glowing in the deep trench that made me rub my chin and swim to take a closer look.

Meanwhile, old chrome dome was in the same room with Dragon Man and some robot that didn't look like he came from the Marvel Universe. This robot looked similar to Ultron but with a more grasshopper like face and cylinders on his shoulder that were filled with glowing, yellow, pink and purple Kirby Dots. He also had a logo on his chest of a screaming skull with two Saturn like rings around it diagonally. Ultron walked up to his accomplice as Dragon Man let out a growl. "Are you certain this is the right location?" asked Ultron.

The grasshopper robot nodded his head. "I am certain, Ultron. Wha-doo-doo-wha. They are sealed under this rig. Wha-doo-wha." Ultron simply gave a glare. "Just for clarity, you had better not be lying, Zonk. You are certain that the United will bring the end of all life." The other robot, now know as Zonk, nodded his head before speaking again. "Positive. My only concern is that the Avengers are on their way. Doo-wha-wha-wha-doo." The cylinders on Zonk's shoulders bubbled before Ultron nodded his head. "Then we must be ready. Come, Dragon Man. Iron Man awaits." With that, all three mechanical villains walked off to await the Avengers.

Under the rig at the time, I swam deep into the trench and saw that there appeared to be a giant hoop shaped structure that looked similar to the raft. But what was puzzling was that it had the same symbol on it as the one on Zonk. As I swam to get a closer look, I noticed shadows moving around inside. From the looks of it, whoever was inside wasn't from around here.

However, I couldn't think too much of that at the moment because I heard movement and had to duck back into my shell as several lasers came at me. I shifted my position to see several of Ultron's drones coming at me. Yep, this was gonna be one of those days.

To be continued...
A quick note before we begin. This is a picture of Garrus Vakarian: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Garrus-324691127

And this is a picture of EDI's robot body, a similar body is used by EVA my AI character: http://www.deviantart.com/art/EDI-386678755

(On board the Normandy SR3 Alliance frigate, Cargo hold)


The sounds of a human landing hard on a cushioned floor rang though the hold as, once again, I was pinned to mat by my current sparing partner. The Turian Sniper now holding my face to the mat while he sat on my back was named Garrus Vakarian, a good friend and invaluable companion through the worst of the Reaper War. And in case you were wondering, yes, Garrus is an alien. Think along the lines of, humans evolving from apes while Turians evolved from birds or raptors.

"So," Garrus said as he smiled down at me. "Are you really this rusty or do you just like the taste of padding?"

"Up yours, bird man!" I grumbled as I tried to push him off my back.

"What are we up to now? 20 15 in my favor?" He just continued to mock my attempts to push him off.

"Fine." I grumbled louder. "You win. Now get off me!"

He grinned wider and released my face as he stood up. "See, that's all I wanted to hear." He reached down to help me up.

I took his arm and pulled down as he lifted me up, a half hearted attempt on my part to pull him to the ground instead...It didn't work. So, I just moved on and walked to the lovely Mobile Battle Android holding my towel, This was the female robot body for the ship's AI, EVA. Short for Evolved Virtual Awareness. She was modeled after EDI, the AI for the Normandy SR2. She offered both Garrus and myself towels as she stood there.

"Commander Darkly. You have received a message from the Counsel. They wish request to speak to you in the Com. room. I've already linked the feed for you."

"Thanks, EVA." I turned back to Garrus. "This isn't over."

"I'd be sad if it was."

I walked into the Com. Room and the video hologram kicked on as I stood before it. The Asari Counselor appeared in front of me and she gave a small bow in greeting. I returned it in kind.

"Hello, James."

"Counselor. What can I do for you?"

"We've received word that a number of ships have gone missing in certain area of the Terminus System. Aria sent her own team to investigate the situation but they have gone missing as well. She has requested aide from us for this matter. She mentioned you by name."

I was a little taken aback. "Aria T'Loak is asking me for help? What about Shepard?"

"Commander Shepard is already on assignment and was unavailable for the request. A fact that Aria was somehow already aware of." The annoyance at the clear lack of security was written all over the counselor's face.

"As such, we will be sending you and your team in to investigate. You are the closest Spector to the area and Aria's second choice. I'll send the mission details over shortly. Good luck."

I nodded in compliance as the feed cut off and walked back to the CIC, my data pad already receiving the mission details. Garrus and EVA were waiting for my when came through the door.

"You have a Spector mission?" Garrus asked.

"Yup. And you're coming along, good buddy. EVA> Plot the course."

EVA moved to the cockpit. "Yes, sir."

(On a small planet in nowhere space)

A young man watches the sky as his men continue their work. He feels it, someone is coming. He smiles. "Good. I was afraid I would be bored..."
A Non-Existent User
Ultron’s robots came after me and fired lasers before I was forced to duck back into my shell. “To borrow a phrase from my favorite member of the Fantastic Four,” I said as I made my shell spin and sprout spikes. “It’s Clobbering Time!” I spun through the water and knocked away the drones. Several of them fired more lasers but I used the back of my shell to deflect the beams and make them backfire on the robots.

Once those robots were smashed, I swam closer to the drill and I was going to wreck it as it was drilling closer to the Hoop but I saw a shadow behind me and saw that Ultron had another accomplice; a certain robot with two faces of ugly. “Bi-Beast.” I said. Bi-Beast came at me and punched me to the side before I sprung back up. “What’s the matter Two-Face?” I asked. “Not feeling all that chatty? Doesn’t matter. Since I don’t like your face, I’m going to send you to the Cube, and I’m not talking about the prison for gamma mutates.”

Well, that creep wasn’t intimidated and instead jet forward and forced me to activate my Medallion again and turn into a creature more suited for the john. I immediately transformed into a twenty-tentacled kraken with muscular pink-orange skin and a spiked carapace with a vertical beak. “Tortuga may not be enough to smash this creep,but I’m confident that Vicious will take you down a peg.”

Bi-Beast swung his fist but I spewed out acidic ink that forced the robot to recall its now corroded limbs. Bi-Beast grabbed two of my tentacles but I used twelve more of them to squeeze his limbs. I had to get rid of this mechanical ogre to get back to the drill. That’s when I got an idea. I tossed Bi-Beast right in the path of the drill and it ripped him to shreds. I then decided to spew acid at the drill in an attempt to destroy it, but it would seem that it was made of a stronger stuff than killer robots with two faces.

What I didn’t know was that inside the Hoop, the prisoners were getting restless. There were exactly seven of them. First of them was a giant green beanstalk in the shape of a man. The beanstalk giant had a mean look on his face, was wearing an eyepatch and smoking a tobacco pipe.

The next of the group was a humanoid swordfish who looked somewhat familiar. He had short red hair and an evil expression on his face, like the face of somebody with ice for blood. He was wearing nothing but a pair of white pants with a strange harness on his back filled with water pumped into his gills. Evidently he couldn’t breathe air.

The third of them was a heavily built red Japanese looking ogre with three eyes, dressed up as a sushi chef. He was even sharpening a knife.

Fourth was a gray-yellowish skinned humanoid hippopotamus who was dressed as an Egyptian sorceress with sigil tattoos all over her body. She was carrying a staff that had a hippo’s head at the top with ruby eyes.

Beside her was an African American teenager who looked like most of his body was replaced with mechanical parts. He had blond hair worn in dreadlocks with a pair of Ben Franklin glasses and six mechanical arms. He was wearing metal boots with a pair of boxer shorts, a purple lab coat and a tank top that had a smiling skull on it with the words “BAD GUY”

Sixth of the group was a large and skinny werewolf girl who looked undead given her ribs were showing. She was dressed in an outfit that would remind one of Monster High and she was missing her left cheek, leaving her jaw exposed.

Finally, the leader appeared to be a twelve foot tall navy skinned gargoyle woman with feathered wings and a beak for a mouth. And no, I don’t mean like Brooklyn, I mean like some kind of demonic chicken. She had long hair that was half pink and half light blue and worn in an Afro mullet style. She was pouring herself a glass of a strange purple liquor as she listened to the sounds of fighting up above. From the pile of bottles behind her, that woman had a high tolerance for alcohol.

“What noisy beings these Avengers are,” said the gargoyle woman. “That being said, it is fortunate we landed in this universe.” The hippo girl let out a scoff before speaking in a high pitched girly voice that didn’t match her figure at all. “If only somebody’s robot wouldn’t be taking his time freeing us. I should be painting Mount Rushmore with blood right now.”

The cyborg at the time was reading One Piece before the hippo woman glared at him. “Dr. Madman! Pay attention when I’m complaining!” The cyborg quickly put his comic away and begun to laugh. “I heard you the first time Gaiaos. Why the long face? What am I saying? All hippo’s have long faces. FYE Zonk’s working his crankcase off up there and pulling the wool over Ultron’s eyes. Ultron. And that is not easy to do. I mean, Ultron is all like, “Kill all the Humans!”, in many ways he’s a big badass robot of doom but in other ways he’s got a one track mind and the train’s only destination is evil destruction, baby doll! Which is why Zonk was able to bring the noise. It took a little while for him to find us because somebody, and I’m not naming names, accidentally zapped the Hoop underwater.” The cyborg then jumped to the side and whispered into the oni’s ear “It was Gaiaos.”.

The swordfish man gave an evil glare before speaking in the voice of Tim Curry. “I just hope for all our sakes we are nowhere near Manhattan. There are people there who don’t like me that much and I do not intend to run into the Punisher again. I barely got out alive last time.” “Shut up, Slicer,” said the gargoyle woman. “You were recruited into the United because of your skill in genetic manipulation.” The oni then held out a knife. “And for emergency rations. Anymore complaints out of you and it's blackened swordfish tonight.”

Dr. Madman started to laugh again. “I don’t know about you guys, but as soon as I get out of here, I’m gonna go straight to Bueno Nacho and get 20 nacos, grande sized. Greatest invention ever!” The wolf girl just picked her teeth. “If it’s all the same to you, Doc, I prefer something more, alive.” Slicer let out a scoff. “The sooner Zonk springs us the better. I would rather be handcuffed to Ogress for 10 years than spend one more minute with Dr. Madman.” “You have to handcuff yourself to a chick for 10 years to get her to go out with you?” asked Madman. “That’s sad, Anton.” Slicer grit his teeth and glared at Madman.

The beanstalk man let out an angry roar. “Hurry up, up there you durn tin can!” he yelled in a Texan accent. “I’m gonna wilt down here! Petrona! When are we going to get out of here!” The gargoyle just took out a bottle of gin and chugged it before answering the man. “Patience Beanstalker,” she said. “The Dark Author brought us together for a reason, and it is by his will that we will escape. Ready your strongest kitchen knives, Gyoza. We’re getting out of this Hoop.” Gyoza, the oni man gave an evil smile as the werewolf girl licked her lips.

Suddenly the wolf smelled the air and smiled fiendishly. “What is that strange aroma, it smells spicy. I think I want to eat whatever it is.” What Dire Moon smelt was the Hulk and he was in full on wrecking mode against Ultron’s droids. “Hulk Smash Ultron!” The rest of the Avengers had their hands full with Iron Man and Falcon both dealing with Dragon Man. “Ultron must be really desperate to find whatever it is he’s looking for if he went to the trouble of digging up Dragon Man.” Said Iron Man. Dragon Man roared and breathed out fire as Falcon flew behind and fired his feather projectiles at him. As Dragon Man turned to try and attack Falcon, Iron Man blasted him in the side and knocked him over.

Dragon Man tried to go after Iron Man only to get a face full of Miolnir. “What a pity,” muttered Thor before smashing a few more robots. “’Tis only a robot. I was hoping for a real dragon.” “Don’t hold your breath Thor,” said Captain America. “We’re fighting Ultron, not Maleficent.” Hawkeye readied his bow and shot through another robot before dishing out some snark. “Don’t worry Goldilocks, maybe there’s a dragon sleeping beneath this rig.” “Would you shut up about the magic already!” yelled Iron Man. “This is Ultron we’re dealing with. Ultron!”

Iron Man then let out a yell as he was struck by a laser beam. Ultron came out having been the one to have made the shot. “Right you are, Stark.” Zonk then walked out from behind Ultron, catching everyone’s attention. “Who the heck is that?” asked Hawkeye. “Ultron Jr?” “I’ve never seen him before,” said Black Widow. “He could be just as dangerous.”

“Wha-doo, wha-doo, doo-wha,” said Zonk. “I’m actually more dangerous. “I am Zonk. Doo-wha, wha doo.” “Wha doo, doo wha?” asked Hawkeye. “Who designed this guy? Scatman Crothers?” “Be careful,” said Iron Man. “He’s radiating the same energy as whatever Ultron’s trying to dig up.”

However, Thor just gave a smile and swung his hammer. “So it’s a prison break,” said Thor. “Have at thee, fiend.” Thor flew at Zonk with Miolnir much to the dismay of Iron Man. “Thor! Wait!” Thor came at Zonk and Zonk just held out his fist and pulled it back into his shoulder as it radiated that strange energy inside. The moment Thor reached the robot, Zonk launched his fist off like a rocket surrounded by bubbling energy before it struck the Asgardian in the forehead and let out a gigantic explosion that blew Thor into the side of the wall.

“Thor!” yelled Falcon. The good news was that Thor was unconscious but alive. That attack would’ve killed a normal man and even then it would’ve been a lot worse if Thor hadn’t been wearing his helmet. “Wha-doo-wha-doo-wha.” Said Zonk as he prepared for another attack.

Yeah, this was not looking good.

Author Name: Mr.N, The Crazed Fox

Name: Thornton

Background: I am your average 15 year old male. I pretty much wear a white shirt, blue jeans, white shoes, glasses, have pale skin, brown hair, and blue eyes. I had a great life, I loved my family and they loved me, but I found my world boring.

Fandom: One Piece

Powers and Abilities: Body Alteration, Parasitic Control, Symbiotic Relationship with Usopp.

Backstory: The day I fell into the fourth wall was normal. I was writing my own fiction when suddenly, I got an email on Google. It said READ ME as its topic. Nervous, but also curious, I opened it up.In it contained a gif of my OC opening a portal. I laughed when suddenly my actual OC Thornton Sair sent me into a fictional realm! I fell for what felt like days when it was only minutes. I soon found myself falling from the sky straight into a Marine Base. When I broke from a dizzy spell, I was in a laboratory surrounded by soldiers. My eyes quickly dart to a Devil Fruit being tested on. I quickly devour it, not without a hesitation. These guys were going to kill me if I didn't give them a good answer!

suddenly they all started laughing. A Marine scientist exclaims, "You foll! You just ate the Cell-Cell Fruit, the weakest Devil Fruit of them all!"

They all laugh at me as I stare at my hands. I feel.... I feel like they can change. And suddenly, they do. The biological material in my arms reshapes itself into a tentacle based upon my extensive knowledge of animals, chemistry, and biology. They all stare in shock. Previously the only known ability of the Cell Cell Fruit seemed to be a healing factor. Well, that was proven wrong when I broke out of the facility while healing damage. However, as with all Devil Fruit users, I now can't swim, with the added bonus of being physically weak and must rely on my power to keep my body going.

Desperate to escape this place alive, I saw a vaguely familiar ship. It had a Lion's Head and a Straw Hat jolly roger. Wait... Lion ship... Marines.... Straw Hat?! I gasp. I'm in the world on One Piece! I scramble upon board as the Navy Soldiers shoot at me, desperate to kill me for the Devil Fruit and to aprehend the Straw Hats. I fall flat on my face in front of the Monster Trio of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji.

Luffy exclaims, saying I'm cool. Thank goodness, they can speak English. Zoro puts a sword to my throat and Sanji glares at me. I tremble in fear, I don't want to be killed by my favorite anime characters! Suddenly, Usopp defended me, seeing a bit of me in him before he met Luffy and the others. He then weaseled me into the group in order to redeem myself and I am glad. While on the seas I found that although my strength is now that of a child, I can shapeshift and control living beings. I can program skills into my muscle memory and enhance my body. But my greatest skill seems to be that I can become a living armor of sorts around people that increases their power at the cost of me not being able to unattach without their consent. All the Straw Hats can use me but only Usopp can use me indefinitely

Partner: Usopp of Syrup Village

Age: 19

Gender Male

Appearance: Dark skin, a goatee, Usually wearing suspenders, no shirt, yellow baggy pants, orange hat, orange goggles.

Source: One Piece

Background: Usopp hails from the East Blue. He is an honorable coward who fights for his friends and wil lrun with tail between his legs when he sees any sign of danger. He joined the Straw Hat gang after defending his home town. ever since he has aspired to become a brave warrier of the sea armed only with a master slingshot called the Black Kabuto and his supreme sniping skill.
A Non-Existent User
Author Name: Mr12thDoctor

Alias: Doc

Background: Male American Caucasian, dark hair and eyes, simple clothes. I prefer staying vague

Fandom: Doctor Who

Powers and Abilities: No real powers, but I am good with computers. Extensive Doctor Who knowledge is also helpful

Backstory: I was sitting at my computer, when suddenly, I was pulled in by a vortex. When I came to, I was on a Cyberman scout ship, with a bunch of Cybermen staring at me. They were about to turn me into one of them, when the TARDIS materialized around me. I look up and see the 7th Doctor. He sensed my arrival. He doesn't know how I got here, but he says he'll try and get me home. Until then, he offers to take me around the universe. Of course I accept. But in the back of my mind, I know something is wrong if I'm in the Doctor Who universe.


Name: The 7th Doctor

Source: Doctor Who

Appearance: Caucasian, brown haired, brown eyed man wearing a beige jacket, question mark jumper, checkered pants, and a panama hat. Carries a question mark umbrella.

Background: A Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, The Doctor ran and began to explore the universe with his TARDIS, a time machine the resembles a 60's police box that's bigger on the inside. He constantly saves the universe from alien threats, and always travels with a companion. His 7th incarnation started as a goof, but matured into a brilliant manipulator.
A Non-Existent User
As Thor laid unconscious on the ground, Hulk had to run in front of him just as Dragon Man was going to hit him while he was down. Hulk had to deck the robot and slam him into the wall. Hulk then turned his attention to Zonk. “Nobody beats on Goldilocks except me, Buckethead.” Zonk wisely stepped back but it didn’t look like Ultron would.

But before Ultron could make another move, he heard something and turned to see the drill coming down with me at the edge trying to stop it. “Hurricane?!” yelled Iron Man in surprise. “Hello,” I said as I kept being shook up. “Looks like I couldn’t stop the drill.” At that moment the drill actually did stop As the drill stopped, Ultron went to take a quick look only for somebody to blow his head off for his troubles as Iron Man gasped in surprise. Ultron’s headless body fell back (don’t worry, he’ll live) and out jumped Dr. Madman as giddy as can be. “Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! Great to be back. Oh is Mrs. X gonna freak when she sees me!” Needless to say, the Avengers were all confused and so was I.

The doc ran up and then wrapped three arms around Iron Man before taking a selfie. “Always, we will fight as one,” sang Madman. “Man, I love that song.” “Uh,” I said. “Is this a Marvel superhero I don’t know about?” “I’ve never seen him before,” said Black Widow. “Could be dangerous.” “Oh,” groaned Madman as he jumped to the side. “Where are my manners. Dr. Madman M.D.” “Well,” said Hawkeye as he took out an arrow. “At least we’re sure he’s a villain now. A weird one at that.”

Zonk then walked up and shook hands with Madman. “Not bad, Zonk,” he said. “Took out Thor with one punch.” “Wha, doo, wha.” Said Zonk as he nodded his head. “You built that robot?” asked Tony in surprise. Madman nodded his head. “Uh yeah, Zonk’s mission was to get us out of the stoney lonesome under the rig. Mission accomplished Z-man.” “Us?” asked Captain America in concern.

“Olly, olly, oxen free!” Shouted Madman. It was at this point the rest of the villains came out. The last to come out was the Beanstalker who let out a loud roar. “It’s a prison break,” said Captain America. “Who are you seve?.” Petrona sucked up some gin before answering. “You can just call us the United. I gotta say, Dr. Madman, I must apologize. I didn’t think that plan would work.” Madman grinned smugly as Gaiaos glared at him.

“Who are you people?” asked Captain America. Petrona took another swig from her flask before she responded. “You can just call us the United. Sorry we cannot stay for long, the Dark Author awaits.” “Dark Author?” asked Falcon. “I think you said too much, Boss,” said Gyoza as he sharpened a knife. “They really don’t need to know what we’re doing.” Slicer spotted the Avengers and looked worried. “The Avengers?” he asked. “Oh no! We must be in New York!” “Sevarius, shut up.” Said Gaios.

My eyes then popped and I was filled with rage. I didn’t waste any time turning into a bright pinkish red Chinese dragon with my medallion and breathing fire at Slicer to make him scream and jump back. “Tonight I dine on swordfish bisque!”

In my transformed state as Snapdragon, I tried to tackle Slicer to send the S.O.B. straight to hell but before my fist could reach Slicer, Gyoza blocked with the blunt of his knife all while Slicer was hiding behind Beanstalker. “I don’t think he likes you, Anton.” Said Dr. Madman. “Shut up, Damon.” Said an irate Slicer.

Beanstalker just stomped the ground. “Time to fight!” Beanstalker swung his vines and forced us to run as the rest of the United closed in. “Hulk!” yelled Iron Man. “Defend Thor!” Hulk lifted the unconscious Thor onto his shoulders just as Dire Moon was closing in and let out a growl. “Looks like somebody taught you how to play undead.” Said Hulk. Dire Moon growled and jumped at Hulk forcing him to block with his fists. Hulk tried to punch Dire Moon but Dire Moon bit him on the wrist and held on like a clamp as Hulk grunted in pain and tossed her to the side. After the zombie werewolf reattached her jaw, she licked her mouth and from the expression on her face, she developed a taste for gamma and her muscles even expanded slightly. “You taste heavenly.” She said. The wolf woman growled and then ran after Hulk again.

Cap and Tony at the time were occupied with Slicer and Madman. “I’ve heard of your crimes,” said Cap as he held up his shield. “But, why did you turn yourself into a fish?” “It was the damn Punisher! He chased me out of my lab when this happened!" Cap tossed his shield and it hit Slicer in the face. Dr. Madman laughed like Hyena at his pain.

Iron Man shot an energy blast at Madman but Madman made his torso jump off of his legs to dodge. Iron Man flew down and Madman flew up using the jetpack grafted into his back. “Too slow. I gotta say though, that armor isn’t anything like the one of that amateur I met on my last trip to New York. Let’s hope your head’s stronger. Tongue Fancy Cannon!” Madman curled his tongue and fired a wave motion cannon from it that forced Iron Man to duck as the area around him was destroyed. But Iron Man flew at Madman and Madman reached into his belly bag, taking out a huge gun that logically shouldn’t have fit in there. “Stand back. I brought my elephant gun.” Madman held out the gun and shot out a mechanical elephant that trumpeted before ramming Iron Man into the wall. “Leave the jokes to Spider-Man.” Groaned Tony. Slicer at the time held out his sharp sword nose only for Captain America to block with his shield and cause Slicer to hurt himself.

While Hulk was still busy with Dire Moon, Beanstalker tried to rush at him but I breathed fire in the way. “Your fight is with me salad face.” I said. Beanstalker let out a roar and swung his vine arms to try and smash me as I moved and climbed up his shoulder towards his face. That plant shot seeds at me that turned into creeper vines to try and tangle me as they sprouted thorns, but I breathed more flames and Beanstalker roared in pain.

Black Widow and Hawkeye had their own hands full with Gaiaos and Gyoza. Gyoza held out a kitchen knife and tried to swing it at Widow while Gaiaos pointed her wand at Hawkeye. “Y’know,” said Hawkeye. “We’ve fought a lot of weird villains, but never a hippo and an ogre at the same time.” Widow shot Gyoza’s knife out of his hand, prompting Gyoza to assault her with an eggbeater before she kicked him in the chin. “Also the first time somebody tried to kill me with an eggbeater.” Gaios teleported behind Widow and grabbed her by the hair before grabbing her by the neck and laughing fiendishly. Gyoza would’ve cut Natasha’s throat but Hawkeye fired a taser arrow to shock the ogre, giving Widow a chance to kick Gaios in the knee and make her let go.

Gyoza recovered and let out a yell as he tried to assault Hawkeye with his eggbeater. Gaios got up and let out a growl at Widow. “Let’s see if your blood is as red as your hair.” Gaios then held out her wand and conjured a bolt of lightning that forced Widow to duck before jumping in the air and trying to body slam Widow. Thankfully Widow got out of the way in time.

Finally, Falcon was taking on Petrona who was surprisingly laid back about it. Literally. She was laying down on the ground as she swung her tail at Falcon. Falcon shot his flechettes at her but Petrona blocked with her wings and scratched her side lazily. “Okay,” said Falc. “Now you’re just being insulting.” “Can you blame me?” asked Petrona. “I didn’t think we’d run into a fight this quickly.” Petrona fired a ray from her eyes and turned Falcon’s boots into stone, causing him to fall backwards. She would’ve petrified the rest of him but I jumped in the way and breathed fire to force Petrona to use one of her wings as a shield.

“Hurricane!” yelled Falcon. “What about the Beanstalker?!” “Don’t worry,” I said. “He’s mulch by now.” But I had forgotten the most annoying thing about evil plants; their kickass healing factor. Beanstalker arose bigger than before and let out a yell as all of us were forced to point our attention to him. “I’ll deal with these Avengers!” yelled Beanstalker. “I’m itching for a fight.” Petrona nodded her head and got up. “Very well. United, retreat.” The rest of the United then ran towards Petrona. Humorously, Zonk had to carry Slicer by the nose and drag him given that Cap beat him up badly. “Ow! Ow! Ow!” yelled Slicer. “Dude,” said Madman. “You got it wrong. It’s the seal that goes “Ow! Ow! Ow!”. Not the fish." Before we could chase the crooks, Beanstalker stomped forward and let out a roar.

At that moment, the rest of the United were getting away in a makeshift raft. “This is a rather impressive craft you’ve built, Dr. Madman,” said Petrona. “It would’ve been even better if it had a motor.” “Then it was a good thing we remembered to bring a spare.” Said Madman. By this, he was referring to Slicer who had to get out and push. Not the easiest thing to do since Petrona and Gaiaos’s combined weight was making it an almost Herculean task for the jerk.

“Why can’t Gaiaos push?” asked Slicer with a grunt. “Because hippos can’t actually swim, stupid,” said Gaiaos. “They float.” “You’re a geneticist and you don’t know that?” asked Dr. Madman. “Are you sure that doctorate isn’t mail-ordered?” As Madman laughed at Slicer’s expense, the fish jerk grit his teeth.

Unfortunately, it looked like me and the Avengers had our hands full with a veggie with a bad attitude.
I sit in my cabin on the Thousand Sunny, excited that I live here now. Granted, I'm weaker than Usopp now, but I believe my skills in the sciences are helping us somewhat. Only Nami, Robin, Chopper, and Franky possess significant intellects, but they are all specialized. So I started to research the curious aspects of the One Piece world. But mostly I've been training my new body. While it is the weakest Devil Fruit, it is the most versatile. With it, I can do a multitude of tasks while not seeming too strange out of a crowd. Shapeshifting seems to be the most useful outside of combat, the ability to create diseases and materials in my body comes in handy, and the ability to shape my arms is quite amazing during combat, not to mention the ability to grow bone plates and move around organs.

One thing I've noticed though is that everyone here is super human or incredibly weak. I sometimes wonder in my hammock, are there others like me who came to such peculiar worlds like this one?
A Non-Existent User

Me and the 7th Doctor are in the control room. The Doctor is flipping switches, his hat on the panel, while I'm playing my 3DS (the only thing that came with me when I was sucked into the Doctor Who world). Despite distracting myself, I'm overjoyed at finally being in the TARDIS. Just then, the time router stops.

"Ah, we've landed." The Doctor says.

"Really, where?" I ask, turning off my 3DS.

"Hm, according to the read out, we are in Japan in 1996." The Doctor replied.

"Tokyo?" I ask.

"Yes, specifically the Jinbōchō district. It has antiques and used book stores." The Doctor tells me.

I grin enormously. I love antique and old book stores. "Awesome!" I yell. I then grab the door controls, open the main doors, and race out.

The Doctor shakes his head. "Humans. Always so excitable." He says as he replaces his hat and walks out.

As he steps out, I'm already looking around. We landed right in front of a used book store.

"Huh." I say. "Sign's in English."

"TARDIS translation circuits. They can trrranslate any language into one you speak." The Doctor says, rolling one of his r's. I knew about the translation circuit, but I couldn't tell that to The Doctor. If he knew he was a show where I was from... it probably wouldn't matter, since he's seen weirder, but I'm not risking it.

"Hm, 'Toshino Books.' Looks promising." I say, starting for it.

"You can't go in there."

We turn to the voice. We see a policewoman nearby. She looks worried.

"And why would that be, miss..." The Doctor says.

"Officer Jin Yamamura. And you can't go in there because it's been closed for years." Jin says.

The Doctor and I look closer. The place is very rustic. I can see cobwebs through the door.

"Aw, that stinks." I say.

"Doesn't stop people from going in anyway. There's a legend that says this place grants wishes." Jin says.

"Really?" The Doctor asks, intrigued. I swear the guy can smell adventure from light years away.

"Yeah. It's a myth, but some people claim it to be true. They say an Onryo names Yuki lives in there. If you go in, she takes you to the basement and grants a wish. Not that I believe that." Jin explains.

"Hm, well, my frrriend and I are experts in this kind of field. Do you mind if we go in and have a look around?" The Doctor asks.

"I need some credentials first." Jin says.

The Doctor reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out, to my surprise, the Psychic Paper. Guess he did have that before his 9th incarnation. He shows it to Jin.

"Akihabara Paranormal Society?" Jin reads, the paper showing her what she wanted to see. "I've heard of you. Fine, I'll call the station, have them give you permission."

The Doctor and I smile. Time for an adventure with ghosts.

Author Name: Jess Lynn
Real Name: Chelsea
Background: I am a 25 year old woman. I'm pretty average looking, but I do have some stellar blue eyes that have specks of grey, green, and darker blue throughout. I have long dark hair, and my body is average, but curvy.
Fandom: The Supernatural Universe
Powers and Abilities: I'm a white-witch with some psychic tendencies.
Backstory: The day was pretty normal. I was in my basement doing laundry. I heard a noise behind me and turned. For some reason, there was a door where there hadn't been one before. Of course, I opened it and walked onto a dark lit cemetery. I was flummoxed, until I saw Sam and Dead Winchester sitting around an altar. It looked like they had been summoning something, but now they were arguing.

"Dude, it's a woman!" Dean exclaimed, a little too loud.

"We don't know that, Dean. She just appeared out of nowhere. She could be anything." Sam was just as concerned.

"Guys, I can hear you."

I've been trying to help them solve this case in Ohio ever since.


You Partner: Sam and Dean Winchester

Source: Their own, Supernatural universe.


Age:Sam is 22 and Dean is 26

Gender:They are both men.

Background:Sam and Dean's mom was killed by a demon when Sam was 6 months old. Their dad became a Hunter soon after that, and he dragged his boys with him as he crossed the US chasing down and killing all kinds of monsters, ghouls, and things that go bump in the night. They grew up, "like warriors," and have an arsenal and the moves to prove it.

There dad went missing, and the boys have been searching for him. They live on the fringes of the law, driving along in their dad's 1967 Chevy Impala, looking for Dad and ganking monsters along the way.
In space just over a un-populated planet, The Normandy SR3 comes out of hyperspeed and begins orbiting said planet. I watch with great interest as we fly around, a joy to behold.

"You never get tired of this?" Garrus asks amused by my staring out the window.

"You forget, Garrus. In my world and time we are barely able to reach the planet next to us. And that takes nearly two years, round trip. Its every kid's dream to travel through space and explore the galaxy. To actually do it, well, I can't help but turn into that 5 year old boy that once looked up at night with wonder."

"Very poetic." He snarks.

"Thank you."

"Commander Darkly, we're picking up a strange energy signal below on the planet's surface." EVA said from the pilot seat.

"Well, that didn't take long."

"Can you analyze it?" Garrus asked quickly.

EVA pulled up the read outs and scanned them all in lightning speed, and humming sound coming from her as she went. Suddenly, her visor turned red, and a warning alarm buzzed.

"Commander, we have a problem. I've analyzed the energy source and only one other match comes up. It is an unknown, not matching any recorded tech or even Reaper device on file. It does, however match an anomaly recorded just before the Reaper War. On the same day you appeared in our universe."

Both Garrus and I glanced at each other quickly.

"Are you saying someone is trying to come through the 4th Wall here?"

"It would seem that the '4th Wall' you refer to is somehow involved with whatever is happening below.All I can say for sure is that the anomaly is several times bigger than the one that brought you here." EVA said matter-of-factly.

That got me worried. I knew it was part of my job here to make sure nothing made it through the 4th Wall that could harm this reality. And something making a hole that large could only lead to bad things. I look at Garrus and nod my head to the elevator, which he nods back and follows me.

"EVA, have the copilot take over. Get yourself ready for an away mission involving ground combat with a large number of possible enemies. I want you to meet us in the hanger in 10 minutes. Garrus, same thing. Come expecting anything. Move people!"

I march into the elevator and move down to the armory and hanger, Garrus close behind, and EVA on her way. I hadn't been aware of ti before, but now that EVA mentioned it, I could feel it. The odd pull of something taring into reality itself. However, I couldn't be sure which side the thing was coming from. Most likely, this was going to be one hell of a fight...
Name: Dr. Shrink

Real Name: John

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Appearance: I have short brown hair and matching colored eyes, red and black colored glasses that tint automatically in the sunlight, and a clean shaven face. I stand in at about 6' 4" tall, and normally wear a variety of short sleeved shirts, (even during the winter weather) stonewashed colored carpenter pants, and a pair of brown steel toed shoes.

Personalty: I like to think of myself as a kindhearted person, almost always putting others before myself, though on rare occasions, i couldn't care less about anyone but myself. Though i do think of myself as a team player when I'm working with other people, i will often go off and do my own thing if i feel I'm the only one who knows what the right thing to do really is.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Fandom: Kirby

Powers and Abilities: To be described in my backstory.

Backstory: When i first arrived in Dream Land, i was greeted by the sight of the one and only pink puffball of terror and kindness, Kirby. He was sleeping on top of a hill underneath a large apple tree. As i approached him and tried waking him up, he was startled by my sudden appearance and ended up swallowing me.

As i began floating through the endless void that was Kirby's belly, i saw him approach me in his astral form. He seemed greatly upset having devoured me by accident, and together we tried to find a way to get me back outside. Eventually, Kirby developed a technique that he could use while in astral form to spit me back out, and it worked.

However, after i was removed from Kirby's body, i slowly started to realize my own powers and ability's were starting to change. I was now able to open my mouth up to ten feet wide and twenty feet tall and inhale things like Kirby could, and i also found out that i could eat almost anything without worrying about things like upset stomach or food poisoning, and anything i ate would be fully digested in under three hours.

Partner Name: Kirby

Everything you need to know about Kirby part one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwzH7eSOwAc

Everything you need to know about Kirby part two: Kirby's hobbies include singing, (although he is tone-deaf) and working on many different kinds of devices. (As Kirby is an extremely skilled technician)

Kirby is a character of few words and rarely speaks. His dialogue is largely limited to brief comments such as Hi! or Poyo!, although he does occasionally say the names of his special attacks and certain foods, and sometimes repeats other words that he hears.

Kirby can also sacrifice his copied ability to create a 'Helper', an allied version of the enemy he had devoured. Kirby eats food and other special items like lollipops to restore his health, and even gain temporary invincibility in the case of the lollipop. Kirby can also share the food he's eaten with other people via mouth to mouth.

In addition, while Kirby is in his astral form, he can retrieve the many objects, food, and creatures he's devoured and pull them back into existence, just in case he eats something or someone he really shouldn't have.
A Non-Existent User
The Beanstalker was really going at it. No matter how much we shot at the creep, he wouldn’t go down. I tried to breathe fire on Beanstalker but it had no effect on him. The plant monster let out a roar and formed his vines into a club in an attempt to smash us. Hulk grabbed the Beanstalker’s arm and managed to pull it off, but Beanstalker immediately regrew it and let out an angry yell before he slapped Hulk to the side. Of course, this only provoked the big guy to jump up and try to strangle him.

“If anybody has a good idea on how to get Groot’s evil twin here to take a chill pill,” said Iron Man. “I’m all ears.” Beanstalker tossed Hulk to the side and formed his vines into a drill before trying to bring it down. As we moved out of the way, he pierced a hole into the floor and touched the ocean. As the Beanstalker pulled that arm out, he yelled in pain and the arm wilted and broke off. “Well,” said Hawkeye. “It’s clear that he’s not much of a swimmer.” “That’s it!” I yelled. “Saltwater! Just like the Day of the Triffids!”

The Beanstalker let out a yell and then sprouted several tentacle vines to wreck the place. “Just try and stop me!” The Beanstalker stomped forward and Widow and Hawkeye took aim to distract him. As the Beanstalker turned his head, Captain America tossed his shield and it slashed Beanstalker in one of his legs to cause him to tilt. “Now, Hulk!” yelled Iron Man. Hulk let out a roar and jumped into Beanstalker to punch him in the face. As the big plant spat out a tooth, he slipped back and almost fell off the rig into the ocean. But at the last second, he sprouted several roots to stop himself from falling.

“You ain’t getting me that easily!” yelled the Beanstalker. “You’ll all be fertilizer once I’m done with you!” I tapped my medallion to turn into a sylph-like skeleton made out of tornados and let out a sigh. “Give me a break. Time for Monsoon.” I blew right underneath the Beanstalker and into the water to create a waterspout. The Beanstalker spotted the waterspout and jumped forward only for Iron Man to shoot at his roots. The Beanstalker slipped and roared before he fell forward and Hulk let out a roar. Hulk tossed Beanstalker into my waterspout and Beanstalker let out a yell of pain as his body was rapidly decaying. In no time at all, Beanstalker was reduced to a vine that was twitching at the Avengers' feet. The vine tried to get away but Black Widow stepped on it to make sure Beanstalker couldn't escape and regenerate. "Looks like this nasty plant is heading to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hothouse."

In the distance, the United saw what happened. "Looks like your big break out didn't do the Beanstalker any good, Dr. Madman." Said Gaiaos. Madman shrugged his shoulders as he was lazily sucking a lollipop. "So who's perfect? Besides, you can't say the stalk was growing on us." Dr. Madman laughed at his own joke as Slicer continued to push the raft.

Much later Black Widow took Beanstalker's vine back to S.H.I.E.L.D. as the unconscious Thor was checked into the sick bay. "I don't recall seeing any of those villains in the com... er... S.H.I.E.L.D. files." "Can't say I've seen them before either," said Captain America. "But anyone who can build a machine that can knock Thor out is not somebody to take lightly. A sorceress, a geneticist, a gargoyle, an ogre, a zombie werewolf and a kid with breathtakingly bad mental health. This can't end well." "If only we knew what those creeps were up to," I said. "I think they might be working for someone else." Hulk let out a scoff. "Like who? Dr. Doom? The Leader? A.I.M.?" Hawkeye just fixed his bow before speaking. "Let's face it, kid," he said. "They're out of control, have some powerful members and definitely are up to something big. Like always, we'll just have to wait until..." "Until it's too late," I said. "For all we know they could be working for Thanos. Whatever they're up to can't be good for this or any other world."

“What we need,” said Iron Man. “Is to capture one of the United and interrogate them.” “Well,” said Hawkeye. “Who’s gonna be the unlucky slob we catch.” Hulk grumbled and rubbed the spot where Dire Moon bit him. “If it’s that stupid wolf, she’ll find it really hard to saw anything once I get through with her.” Suddenly Tony got a call from Falcon. “I just spotted Slicer and Dr. Madman near the Bronx. It looks like the United split up.” “How ironic,” I said. “But this is perfect.” “I don’t think you’ll get anything out of that metal basket case, Hurricane. I don’t think he’s playing with even 1/2 a deck.” Said Hawkeye. “I think he’s referring to Sevarius,” said Captain America. “And would I like to get my hands on him.” “I’d like to get my hands on him too, Cap. Specifically, his neck."

At that time, Slicer and Dr. Madman had entered a bar filled with super villains. Dr. Madman was pigging out on takeout from Bueno Nacho. "Stuffing your face as usual I see," grumbled Slicer. "Well at least you finally did something right and got us out of the Hoop. But we're not out of the woods yet. Since the Avengers know we're here, it's only a matter of time before the police do and that includes a certain detective who doesn't like me that much." "Well you can't really blame her," said Dr. Madman. "You mutated her brother. Oh boy, I hope for your sake gargoyles don't like seafood." The bad doctor gave a giggle. Slicer gave him the stink eye as they walked past the Wrecking Crew who stared at them. Nearby there was a green-skinned alien with red tear-like marks around his eyes who appeared to be dressed like a milkman.

The milkman alien turned his head and spotted Dr. Madman. “Doctor!” yelled the alien as tears gushed out of his eyes. “Thank the Great One.” The milkman alien bowed to Dr. Madman who let out a laugh as Slicer looked in fear. “Slicer,” said Dr. Madman. “Meet my subordinate, Warcryer. Warcryer, meet Anton. By the way, before I got Nicholas-Caged, I told Warcryer to wait for me under the cover of a milkman, because it’s funny!” Dr. Madman gave a laugh as Slicer shook his head. Warcryer lowered his head to speak with Dr. Madman. "Have you heard from our glorious leader, Doctor?" Dr. Madman gave a wink. "Oh. Don't worry. Everything is going exactly as planned." Dr. Madman broke down in hysterical laughter as Slicer shook his head. “You're daft, Dr. Madman. It’s a good thing I need you for my plan. If this goes south, I won't be able to run fast enough. I need to be ready for winged creatures who'd like to take me apart."

"Uh," said Dr. Madman. "Out of curiosity, if you hate being a mutate so much, why not just create a retromutagen?" "Because I don't know how to make retromutagen! Okay!?" yelled Slicer. Madman just blinked. "But what about that antidote Goliath forced you to make for the Mutates?" Slicer bit his lip. "That wasn't an antidote. It was a deadly poison that would've killed them in seconds. You think that after I was paid to create artificial gargoyles out of human beings that I was going to turn them back? I knew I'd be rescued while those fools were distracted and that no one could incriminate me for the deaths of what the public saw as monsters. It’s not as if Elisa had any proof. But it doesn’t matter now. Just wait here and don’t cause any trouble.”

Of course, as Slicer walked away, Dr. Madman turned off a tape recorder hidden in his pocket and gave a smirk as he handed it to Warcryer. “Take this tape recorder to the NYPD. Then come back and we’ll watch the fireworks. Eee, hee, hee.” Warcryer sniffled as he took the tape recorder and left. “As you say, doctor.” Dr. Madman smirked and then he decided to mingle with the other villains who were walking by. “Hey Melter? What’s hot with you?” Dr. Madman laughed to himself as Melter ignored him. “How now, Hellcow.” Hellcow let out a moo and passed Madman before the latter noticed Avalanche. "Yo, Avalanche! What’s shaking?” By this point he was laughing at his own joke while the other villains groaned. "Who let that guy out?" asked the Mandrill.

At that point, Slicer returned dragging a transparent coffin that contained an unknown creature, most likely one of his mutations. "Ugh," said Dr. Madman. "What's that? The fisherman's platter?" "This creature is my bodyguard, created from scratch from the genes dozens of dangerous animals. Anybody who tries to arrest me will be brutally killed.” Slicer smiled wickedly but Dr. Madman pounded the coffin like a coconut. I think she’s dead.” “It is not dead, Damon! It just needs a brain. You do have a brain on you don’t you.” Dr. Madman reached into his fanny pack and took out a brain in a jar. “Zort.” He said in response.

Slicer gave an evil laugh as he held up the brain. “Gargoyles, police, Avengers, let them come at me.” But as Slicer was laughing, Dr. Madman turned to face the audience. “The more the scarier. Heh, heh.” Gaiaos poked her head around the corner and rubbed her chin. "I think I'll let those two distract the Avengers while I get to work. Maybe if I'm lucky they'll shut Dr. Madman up."

A Non-Existent User
Outside Toshino Books, Tokyo, 1996

"So, Doctor," I begin asking as we stare at the store. "What exactly do you think is going on?"

"Well, the officer said the Onryo is grrrranting wishes, so I believe something here is affecting probability or reality fields. If that's the case, then there may be a hole in space-time." The Doctor answers.

"Uh huh." I say, not understanding completely. "And the Onryo?"

"It's either a projection of this hole, or a Kalanto." The Doctor says.

"Kalanto?" I ask.

"A race of beings from Epsilon Kal. They look like what human's call an Onryo, or Yurei. They're normally peaceful, but prefer to stay on their planet. If one is here, something must be very, very wrong." The Doctor explains.

"Right. And our plan is to simply go in?"

"Yes. As I said, Kalanto are peaceful, so this "Yuki" shouldn't attack us. And I want a close look at whatever is granting these wishes."

I just shrug. I've learned that asking more questions to the Doctor will just cause a headache. So with that, me and the Doctor walk up to and enter the bookstore.

The inside was falling apart. Broken floorboard, fallen lights, dismantled bookshelves. It looked like this place hadn't seen work in decades.

I was about to say something when I heard footsteps in front of us. Very heavy footsteps. Both me and the Doctor turn. Coming through the back door was the Onryo (or Kalanto) Yuki. All 600 pounds of her.
I rubbed my eyes and looked at my watch. 4:30 AM. This sucked. I couldn't find any information on what kind of creature we were hunting. Apparently, every 25 years something killed 5 seemingly random men. This was all we had to go on. Well, I said, they, loosely. The Winchester boys are a highly suspicious lot. No matter. I will prove my worth. I yawned loudly, and hit the wall of my hotel room. The shout and curse that followed it told me I had woken up Dean.

My door was kicked down within minutes, and Dean strolled in. He looked surprised when he saw my smug smile. "You again?"

I winked at him. "I told you in Kansas, you're stuck with me."

Dean kicked out a chair and sat, hard. "Well," he looked over my papers and papers of research. "What have you got?"

"Jack Shit." I yawned again. "But. One family's name came up in connection to two murders; One in the 1960's and another from this last murder, Harold Thompson."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "A family name in connection?"

Sam peered into the room. "Um..."

"Dude, she found a family name in connection to two of the murders." Dean walked over to a bag of junk food left on the still made bed and began munching on the cookies it held.

Sam looked my over research with an extremely critical eye. "You did?" He finally asked and took a step in the room. "What family?"

I smiled to myself. I had them.


The Grenards were a wealthy family back in the 50's and 60's, but they lost most of their money to bad investments in the 70's. The only surviving members of their family lived in the Grenard Moblie Estate Park, a rundown trailer park in the center of Perrysburg, Ohio.

The 1st victim, Gerry Hawker, was killed on May 15, 1962. He, according to the police reports, had been out to a local bar with his friend Manny Grenard. He left the bar with a "pretty redhead," according to his companion, and wasn't found until the next afternoon, his face ripped from his head, and his entrails strewn across a motel room. The police could never find the red-headed woman.

The most recent victim, one Eric Berns, was reported out with a group of friends playing pool and drinking. His friends said that he left early in the evening with a, "Smoking hot red-head." The quote was credited to his friend, Greg Grenard. He was also found disemboweled and defaced the next day.

I told the Winchester's this as the morning sun tried to peak through the early summer clouds.

"So, in both cases, the Grenards were witnesses." Sam state thoughtfully.

"Let's go pay them a visit." Dean jumped up, crumbs falling from his shirt.

Sam rolled his eyes. "You go. I have an idea as to what we might be dealing with. But I need to do a bit more research first."

"Whatever. Bitch."


It was my turn to roll my eyes. "You guys are adorable." I bumped Dean on the shoulder with my own shoulder, playfully. "So What's our angle?"

Dean looked blankly at me for a moment before shaking his head. "This isn't amateur hour, Sweetheart. Thanks for the info, but you're not coming with me." He began to leave, putting his hand in his pocket to grab his keys. He obviously couldn't find them because he started patting himself down.

I smirked and jingled a set of keys loudly. Both Winchesters turned to me. "Looking for something?"

The brothers looked at each other. Dean looked incredulous. Sam snorted his laughter. Dean walked purposefully toward me. "I'm driving," he said and grabbed his keys. I grinned and followed him out the door.
A Non-Existent User
It wasn't long before Falcon, Iron Man and I were flying over New York looking for that fishface, Slicer. Since Slicer was Sevarius, I decided to use my medallion to turn into a gargoyle with triangle shades and magic runes built into his body. I call this form, Constantinople. "You know," I said. "It's unusually bold of Sevarius to be running out in the open. There are a lot of people in New York who don't like him that much." "Especially since he got turned into Slicer because of the Punisher," said Falcon. "Castle isn't one to leave a job half-finished. "Let's try to at least interrogate him before the Punisher executes him," said Iron Man. "We don't have any idea what the United are up to."

On the ground, Slicer, Zonk and Warcryer were carrying that tube with Slicer's so-called secret weapon while Gaiaos and Dr. Madman were following by. "Our world's about to break!" sang Dr. Madman happily. "Tormented and attacked! Lost from when we wake. With no way to turn back!" Slicer grit his teeth and waved his hand. "Could you be quiet for once in your life, Madman? We don't want to attract unwanted attention." Gaiaos gave a scoff. "Yeah," she said sarcastically. "A hippo, a swordfish, a robot and an alien aren't going to attract any attention." "I don't care if humans see us," said Slicer. "As long as...." Suddenly Dr. Madman stomped on the ground and shouted "GARGOYLES! Come out and play-ay!"

Slicer held his chest as if he was having a heart attack and glared at Dr. Madman. "You yutz! Those are the people whose attention we don't want! If Goliath and Talon see me like this, I'm toast!" Dr. Madman let out a yawn. "I'd be more concerned if Broadway saw you like this, fish man." Slicer slapped himself in the face and grumbled. "You know. It won't be a problem. Once my most powerful creation is fully matured, it won't matter who comes after me. I'll be untouchable." Gaiaos let out a sigh. "Your cowardice is boring, Anton. If you ask me, your plan is doomed to failure." "Are you implying that I'm a bad scientist?" "For one. You don't know how to turn yourself back to normal and for another, you're not very good at controlling your creations and mutations."

While Gaiaos and Slicer were busy arguing, Dr. Madman smirked and reached into his belly bag to take out what looked like Roman candles. "Oh, like you're one to talk! Let's not forget the witch who turned herself into a big fat smelly hippo without any way to undo the spell!" "At least hippos are tougher than swordfish, Anton Septic! You can't even breathe for yourself anymore!" "Why I... hey, do you smell gunpowder?" Both Gaiaos and Slicer turned and looked in horror at Dr. Madman lighting the Roman candles. "Damon!" they both yelled. "You idiot!" Dr. Madman just smirked as the fireworks went off and loudly exploded in the air, right in plain view of the flying Avengers.

"What the heck was that?!" yelled Falcon. "It's nowhere near the 4th of July!" Iron Man and I decided it would be best to follow towards the source of the fireworks. Needless to say, Slicer was really upset. Didn't help that one of those Roman candles misfired and covered him in soot. "Nincombot! Metal moron! You could've gotten us killed!" "I could've?" asked Dr. Madman in disappointment. "Rats." Gaiaos coughed up some smoke. "Well, at least nobody saw us."

I wouldn't say that, because something big and buff with wings flew down from the sky right in front of the villains. The creature's eyes glowed white and he revealed himself to be the gargoyle leader, Goliath and he was NOT happy to see Slicer. Of course, when is he ever happy to see Sevarius? Slicer's knees were knocking. "G-G-Goliath," he said nervously. "What a surprise? I was just... leaving." That's what he thought but there was a sudden gunshot and Slicer turned his head to see that he was almost shot. Elisa Maza walked forward and she looked really angry as she prepared to fire again. "Detective," said Slicer nervously. "I can...." Elisa, unfortunately for Slicer, wasn't willing to listen to old fish face and fired again. Slicer gave a gasp. "She was actually trying to shoot me." "But her aim is getting better!" yelled Dr. Madman with a smirk on his face.

"You have some nerve coming back, Sevarius," said Elisa. "The captain was not happy to hear that tape recorder but I am savage." Slicer looked in confused. "Tape recorder? What tape recorder?!" Elisa took out Dr. Madman's tape recorder and pressed play and it repeated what Slicer told Dr. Madman about trying to poison the Mutates. Slicer was horrified that his crimes were exposed but then he glared at Dr. Madman who was smiling like the Cheshire Cat. "You ratted me out!?" yelled Slicer as he tried to strangle the laughing mad doctor. "You backstabber! I'm going to take you apart and make you into a washing machine!" Gaiaos just stared at Slicer. "You divulged information that could get you life imprisonment or worse to Dr. Bigmouth? Some evil genius you are."

Slicer saw Elisa and Goliath closing in on him and tried to run away but before he could get far, Talon, Maggie and Claw suddenly flew down from the air, royally ticked off and they were growling. That stupid fish looked up at the really angry feline mutates and his face turned pale white before he begun to laugh nervously. "Hello, Sevarius." Said Talon with venom in his voice. "Would it help if I said I'm sorry?" asked Slicer. Slicer's answer was brought to him with three lightning bolts to his feet. "I didn't think so." The Mutates shot lightning at Slicer's feet and the creep was forced to dance.

"Gaiaos! A little help here!?" Gaiaos was already walking away. "NMP." "NMP?" "Not my problem." Slicer let out a yell as Maggie tried to scratch his face off and then slipped between Goliath and Elisa to make his getaway before they and the Mutates ran after him. "Come back here, you lowlife!" Dr. Madman was laughing at the entire scene as Warcryer and Zonk stood behind him. "Weaksauce, Slicer! Weaksauce!" "Shut up, Damon! You got into enough trouble already!" "Hey," said Dr. Madman. "I didn't turn innocent people into mutates and then tried to poison them." Slicer yelled as he dodged lightning. "Come back here!" yelled Maggie. "I've got a bone to pick with you!" Slicer begun to sweat. "Why did I use jungle cats? I should've used hamsters. Hamsters don't try to kill you." "Not usually." Said Dr. Madman.

I had spotted Slicer and then gestured towards the Avengers. "Falcon. Tony. I found Slicer and it looks like Goliath, Elisa and the Mutates found him as well." I begun to laugh. "They'll tear him to pieces." Iron Man just stared at me. "First we grill him, then they can tear him to pieces. We better call the big guy." By the big guy, Iron Man obviously meant the Hulk and Hulk at that moment had jumped in front of Slicer as he tried to run away. Slicer saw the Hulk on one side and three angry mutates on the other side and bit his fingers. "Scylla and Charybdis, Anton!" yelled Dr. Madman with a smirk on his face. "Scylla and Charybdis!" Elisa noticed Dr. Madman and seemed to recognize him as she let out a sigh. "Not you again."

Slicer was shaking nervously and Goliath and Talon advanced. "So you did try to poison us," said Talon. "But it looks like you got a taste of your own medicine." "A swordfish?" asked Goliath. "Not the best thing to be fused with when your opponents are made out of cat, bat and eel DNA." Slicer tried to take out a gun but Maggie shot it out of his hand and caused him to scream in pain from electric shock. Iron Man, Falcon and I at that moment flew down to confront Slicer. "Mr. Sevarius," I said. "You're under arrest." "That's Dr. Sevarius!" yelled Slicer. "No real doctor would do what you do," said Falcon. "If you come quietly and discuss the United's plans, we might be able to get you off easy with only life in prison." Slicer begun to sweat as he was cornered but then Goliath heard something and turned his head.

Goliath then had to hold back another villain. It was the Wrecker and it wasn't long before Thunderball, Bulldozer and Piledriver showed up and forced Goliath and the Mutates to hold them back. "The Wrecking Crew!" I yelled. "Should've known Slicer would show up with backup." Said Elisa. Speaking of Slicer, the punk ran up to the tube that held his creation and gave a smirk. "Thank goodness. She's almost ready to hatch. It won't be long now." Dr. Madman shook his head. "Really? The Wrecking Crew?" "Hey," said Slicer. "I happen to have Mr. Hyde, Chemistro, Trapster, Tiger Shark and Hypnotia as my backup plan. I offered them big money to ambush Goliath if Thunder Kraken wasn't ready soon." "Do you have that kind of money." "Shut it."

Well, predictably, the Wrecking Crew was soon unconscious and we turned to face Slicer. "No use delaying the inevitable, Slicer," I said. "You're doomed." "Oh, that's what you think." Said Slicer. Elisa saw the cracking tube and looked in horror as out popped a large muscular creature as big as Goliath. The creature was female from what could be seen and had bright red and white striped skin. She had octopus tentacles for hair, the tusks of a mammoth, the wings of a flying fish and a lobster's claw for one arm. Slicer let out a laugh as his creature roared. "What is that?!" I yelled. "Avengers, Mutates, Goliath, Maza," said Slicer. "Meet my newest artificial life form. A creature I create through splicing the genes of the most dangerous animals in the ocean. I call her Thunder Kraken. Now, Thunder Kraken! Destroy them!"

Thunder Kraken just stared at us and didn't move an inch.

A Non-Existent User
"Um, Doctor, are Kalanto usually so... buff?" I ask, a little nervous.

In front of us was Yuki, the supposed "Onryo" (or Yurei). She had some of the usual look, with long black hair, pale skin, and dark eyes. But she was RIPPED. Easily 600 pounds of pure muscle. Heck, her arms were as thick as the TARDIS. She looked like she could bend a tank in half easily.

"Hello," Yuki said, in a soft voice that clearly did not fit her massive frame. "I'm Yuki. And you are?"

"I'm the Doctor. This is my friend, Doc. No relation." The Doctor said, smiling.

"And where are you from?" Yuki asked.

"That's complicated for me. So I'll just say the US." I told her.

"Gallifrey, originally. But I've taken to travelling." The Doctor said.

"Oh, you're a Time Lord?" Yuki said.

"Yes, and I assume you are a Kalanto?" The Doctor asked.

Yuki motioned for us to follow and we complied. As we walked, she explained herself.

"I'm not completely sure what happened. I was on Epsilon Kal, minding my own business, when there was a flash of light. Next thing I know, I'm in the basement of this bookstore. I turn, and there's this hole in the wall, glowing blue. I turn and try to exit the door, but it wouldn't budge. Not thinking, I wished that I wasn't so weak. Another flash, and, well, this." She said, indicating her massive muscles. "That's when I found this hole could grant wishes."

"And you started the legend to get people to come?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes. I thought it could help people." Yuki replied.

I stay quiet. Yuki clearly isn't evil, just trying to help. But if what the Doctor said earlier is correct, then this hole could still wipe out the planet.

Eventually, we reached the basement. Yuki points to a far wall and we look. Sure enough, there was a large hole in the wall. It was glowing softly.

Yuki frowned. "It wasn't that big when I first got to this planet." She said.

The Doctor carefully walked up to the hole to examine it. He looks for a bit, then motions for me. I walk over.

"Look closely. What do you see?" He asks.

I look. "I see... a spaceship with the name Normandy SR2, a tower with the word Oscorp... wait a minute..."

"Yes, it seems this hole is a tear in reality. Leading to other dimensions." The Doctor says. "Fascinating. But we still need to close it."

"That won't be happening." A female voice said from the tear.

"Doctor..." I said, a little freaked out.

"And you are?" The Doctor asks.

"Call me... DA for now." The voice says.

© Copyright 2014 J. M. Darkly, xx-xx, Thornton, xx-xx, jesslynn, Dr. Shrink, (known as GROUP).
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