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With earth "dying" story of a new world and its inhabitants from year January 1, year 0000 |
WORLD Rich and abundant island founded by Jamison Kerber in year…? on the planet of __R_. Each sector region is mostly dominated by the decedents of the humans who took over __________ after its discovery in ___. Society created by Humans(On earth in year ?... After receiving knowledge of existence of other worlds from unknown sources and desperate to find a resolution to their impending demise ;private astronauts Sadie Malheur and Eric Christine and their team secretly created the first space Capsule that could travel on less fuel farther and faster distances. Jamison Kerber and his team embark on voyage to discover the new world. They found a world that was like Earth. It was abundant of Oxygen and H2O. Stephanie Horton. Why did the citizens want to leave Earth? Because the Earth had become so polluted that new industrial buildings were the size of skyscrapers and those high tech motor homes are now a bigger pollutant than the 18 wheelers that crowd the highways with soot. Global Warming was coming into full affect- with acidic water levels rising and temperatures becoming literally unbearable. The plants continued to die and ultimately so did the animals leaving humans too ration and barter what little they had, eventually resulting in the complete obliteration of customs and traditions, laws and governments. Money made no difference. At that point money was no predictor of status; and status no predictor of respect. Humans transgressed to the old methods of bartering and trade. Mostly in rice, flour, and beans. Higher priced items agreeably consisted of sugar, beans, and seeds (though efforts proved futile to crop or grow any seedlings to full maturity.) Malnutrition and deadly fast paced diseases came into play and hardly a breath of fresh air seemed safe. People were dropping like flies. Citizens were desperate at a second chance for a clean world free from industry and gas pollutions. To decide who from Earth could live on _____ the Leaders drew up a lottery in which each country -Whoever submitted their family- -a certain amount of families would be drawn from a random selecting lottery system depending upon the countries population. Those with criminal histories cannot apply. Of course doctors and militia were necessary applicants or volunteers rather. red that the lottery was rigged by the Leaders and so there forth …. Not too many families were chosen if they had seniors in their homes. Well off families were rumored to be desired in order to safeguard the founders wishes as to what the purpose of the planet is ---to provide an opportunity to experience a safe heaven environment with “good people” and most importantly only those who wished to live a clean environmentally respectful life style in a pollutant free environment. The story picks up in the new world as high school students, doctors, lawyers, etc re-create their lives and the obstacles and new age technology- ------ A powerful lime and navy blue colored weapon(pg) Electrically charged and weighing almost 30 pounds. When used correctly its purpose is to electrify with the intent to cause injury and further more this weapon by law can only be used by humans------ ...not to mention the geronian slaves ....that threaten the progression and success of the new world. Most are of middle class to high class with the exemption of unlawful individuals. Their wages are cut by fifty percent and any Hard earned degrees could be erased if the unlawful act is of a serious( or related double negative such as childcare field/child molestation) degree of recklessness and the majority of the counsel votes in favor. -Mostly reside in sectors 1 through 6. - Clothing consists of the approved industry garments for the particular year. Dresses that don’t reach at least mid thigh and extreme low v neck shirts are not made ..(least not legally)discrete and professional. Geronians- Original inhabitants of _______.Thick skinned husky creatures with a blue hued …over time hearing our English language the Geronians have learned to properly converse with us. gills on their under arms and behind their ears ability to breath under water is an essential part of their lively-hood. And we require that most Geronians provide the fish and other aquatic food sources by law. They are located in all undeveloped sectors and are slaves to the humans. Geronians are fascinating creatures Clothing in public; most wear second hand clothing from their own stitching skills or cheap shops around their villages. They mostly feed on genetically enhanced fish located in many creeks in the sectors they live in, Geronians are rarely found in developed towns. They tend to be held in more undeveloped areas, as farm hands or a select few(for their brut strength)every 15 Years become Flight Guilders for their particular sectors upon intense psychological training. Every sector abides by one Law book. It is called “The Book of ______”. The book’s laws as well as over all values by law must be upheld and practiced in the UDG by all citizens. In the event that a citizen should fail to abide by these laws he/she will be brought forth before the counsel of their Sector. + Flight Guilders are protectors of all citizens of UDG. They are the individuals that keep justice and order in their sector. Because Flight Guilders are so few and limited those who choose to become Flight Guilders must only serve his/her sector of birth. Flight Guilders are trained in flight aviation, astronomy, and engineering to name a few. They also most pass rigorous physical agility tests depending upon the terrain and climate in their particular sector. In the New World Structure of the law and Counsel: There is no president or king...no one person who resides over the people, only counsels for each sector. The counsels consist of 8 individuals- selected by drawing out top elite students ages 25-45 Each sector ensures fair pre-trial treatment and fair trial process. Criminals: If an unlawful individual is seen committing an unlawful act by a citizen of the sector the citizen must contact their Flight Guilders capitol immediately and upon doing so can make a citizens arrest if the unlawful individual is considered un-armed and non-dangerous. If the individual is dangerous or presents a weapon then the citizen should only call upon his/her Flight Guilders capitol and remain in safe distance. 2000 Geronian The entire population is estimated around [15,000] 13000 human accountings for populations on all 4 islands-with rising numbers annually. The Police/Military Flight Guilders are equivalent to Sheriffs or Bounty Hunters depending on their location. Flight Guilders must participate in advanced studies and rigorous training methods for a period of 3 years before they can become FG. Flight Guilders wear bright and burgundy colored uniforms. And are equipped with extra-terrestrial weapons and devices some capable of mass destruction. All FGs must pass a psychological exam every 6 months due to the extreme nature of their work. If a FG or Avid. FG(military) is found to be an unlawful spy(from another world) then that individual will be executed in the most severe way by law and before the counsels of all sector. Advanced Flight Guilders are called Avid FG. Select few of ___200__ individuals. They are equivalent to ….Military |
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