Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1937989-Welcome-to-My-World
by DaniP
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Other · Drama · #1937989
This story is about a set of twins that were separated at birth.
Welcome to My World
}Tina Star Hernandez{/u}

“Ms. Hernandez, you have a 12 o’clock meeting for the launch of your new lip gloss line.” My assistant said to me as I finished my taking my last photo of the day.

“Okay Brenda.” I said to her.

I gathered all of my belongings before me and my team of exited the building and mad our way to my luxury limo. When I became comfortably seated in the limo, I pulled out my Iphone to check my emails and text messages. Most of them were mostly junk emails and no one texted me beside my man of three years. I smiled when I saw the message : We’re on our way to the top and nothing can take us under. I love you Star. I texted back I love you too and put my phone away. I laid my head against the limo window and got lost in my own thoughts.

Before I continue you with my story, let me introduce myself. My name is Tina Star Hernandez. I am a 24 year old model and an Atlanta Georgia native. I was adoptive when I was an infant and don’t know nothing about my biological family. I figured if they wanted me, they would have kept me. My adoptive family was very wealthy and I was their only child. They couldn’t have children of their own. So I guess you can say I am lucky. I never wanted for nothing and they took very good care of me. The Velez family let me keep my birth name since my name was the only real thing that tied me to my family. My parents Martha and Peter died the day of college graduation. They had a terrible car accident while they were driving to come see me walk down the aisle two years ago. When they past, I felt like I didn’t have anybody or anything and I didn’t. My parents left me 10 million dollars and told me to spend it wisely. I used the money to start my modeling career. I paid for all my photo sessions and outfits. I also found my make-up artist on my own. At the age 22, I was being discovered by the hottest modeling agency in Georgia. Since then I’ve been working constantly and now I’m about to launch my own Lip Gloss line called “Simply Amazing.” I’m doing big things and I know I’m making my parents proud.

“Tina, Ttiinnaa.” I heard a voice sing to me bringing me back to reality. “We have arrived.” My assistant said to me.

I stretched and grabbed my purse. The driver opened the door for me and I stepped out the car and stood tall as I observed my surroundings. I smiled as I made my way into the building. My dreams are finally coming true. I thought to myself. I walked through the revolving door and prepared myself for the meeting that was about to change to my life.

My meeting with the makers of my Lip Gloss line went great. They told me that everything was on point and it should be ready to launch in two weeks. Hearing that was like music to my ears. I was so happy. I thanked everyone in the room before I left. I walked out of the office wear the biggest smile ever. I couldn’t believe that this was happening to me.

After I left the meeting, I got a text from my man, Terry Wilson. He told me to meet him at the waffle house for lunch. I texted him back saying that I would be there in ten and added a smiley face. I couldn’t get over what was happening to me. All of my dreams were finally coming true. We pulled up to the Waffle House exactly ten minutes later. I told my driver I was done for the day and then exited the car. I walked inside the Waffle House and immediately spotted Trey. He was looking so good as he always does. He stood up to greet me with opened arms. We embraced each other and exchanged a quick kiss. Then we took our seats.

“So babe how was your day?” I asked him with a smile.

“My day was good. I was in the studio making sure everything was cool for the new album. He said to me staring me in my eyes. I loved the way he looked at me. “How was your day Star?”

“My day was great. Everything is a go for my lip gloss line and they said it should be ready to launch in two weeks.” I said happily.

“That’s great love. I knew you could do it.” Terry said to me with a smile.

“Aww thanks babe.”

Before I could say another word, our food came. Terry always orders my food for me. He ordered us both blueberry waffles, cheese eggs, turkey sausage and hash browns and pink lemonade. Everything looked delicious and I couldn’t wait to eat. I took a fork full of food before we continued our conversation.

“Baby can I ask you a question?” Terry said to me.

“You sure can.”

“Do you ever think about your biological parents? I know you don’t like to talk about this but don’t you want to know where you come from and who your biological family is?”

“To be honest with, I have been thinking about my parents and if I have any siblings. I was adopted when I was an infant so I don’t remember anything about my parents. I was thinking about looking for them but where would I start? I don’t even know my parents’ names.”

“Well babe if this is something your serious about, you know I’m with you all the way and I’m willing to do anything I can to help.” He said reaching for my hands.

“Thank you babe. What would I do without you?” I said to him.

Terry was the man of every woman’s dreams and he new it. I met him on the set of his video shoot. I was one of the ladies in his video. After the video was done, he asked me if he could take me out and I said sure. From that day on, we have been inseparable. My relationship with Trey has been a rocky one but we always managed to work through the rumors, long tours and sleepless nights. Trey and I have no secrets and that’s what I love about our relationship.

“Oh before I forget, next Friday my friends are gonna be in town they wanted to go to Magic City. Can I go with them? He asked with puppy dog eyes.

“Yes you can go.” I said with laughter. He leaned over the table and kissed my lips. We finished our food and Trey paid the bill. We walked out the restaurant and got in Trey’s Bentley. He pulled off and headed straight toward our condo in the suburban part of Atlanta.

We arrived home thirty minutes later. We both got out the car and walked to the front door. I waited patiently for Trey to open the door. When the door was open, I went straight to our master bedroom. I dropped my purse on the bed and grabbed my towel so I could take a shower. I turned the light on in the Master bathroom and went over t the shower to run the water. I got undressed and got in the shower. I let the water sooth my body for a while. Just when I was getting to reach for my rag, I felt Terry’s arms wrap around me. He started kissing on my neck and my juices started flowing. Oh how I love this man.

Katrina Diamond Hernandez

“Damn Diamond, I didn’t know you could make ya ass clap like that.” A customer said to me as I walked off stage. “You are so beautiful ma.”

“Thank you.” I said as I continued to make way to the dressing room.

I ignored the calls whoops and hollers that came from men in the club. I walked into dressing and flopped down in a chair in front of the vanity. I laid all the hundreds, fifties and twenties in front of me. I put my head down for a minute then lifted my head again. I looked at myself in the mirror. The person that was staring back at me was beautiful on the outside and had a smile and body that turned on any man but on the inside, she was filled with hurt, pain and anger.

I got out of my daze and counted my money. My outcome for the night was $2500 dollars. I nodded my head. I collected my money off the table and went to get dressed to go home. I put on my navy blue Aeropostale sweat suit and my Old Navy flip flops. I put my costumes, shoes, lotions and money in my Nike duffle bag and walked out the dressing room.

When I got to the main room, I saw my coworkers doing their thing on the stage and the floor. I walked passed the bar and I felt somebody grab my hand. I didn’t even turn to see who it was. I snatched my hand away and proceeded toward the exit. I walked to the parking lot and got in my 2005 Nissan Altima. I pulled off and headed toward my Decatur Georgia home.

I got home fifteen minutes later and was happy to be home. I opened the door to my house and turned my lights on. I flopped down on my couch and put my head back. I looked to my right and saw a baby picture of me and twin Sister Tina on the table. I picked it up and stared at it. “I miss you. It’s a shame you don’t know me.” I said aloud to myself.

Before I go any farther, let me give you the facts about me. My name is Katrina Diamond Hernandez and I am a 24 year old stripper. I am a Decatur Georgia Native. My parents were Dominican and Black and lived a beautiful life. My father and mother were your normal everyday people. My mother was a Kindergarten teacher and my father worked for the City. They had me and my sister at the age of 27. They weren’t expecting twins but they did the best they could. They gave my sister up for adoption and I never found out the reason why. When I was five, my mother showed me a photo album. She said these are pictures of you and twin sister when ya’ll were first born. I asked her where my sister is now and she never answered me. She just cried. I looked at the photo album all the time and wondering where my sister was. My father is dead and my mother was in jail for killing him. She got locked up when I was ten and I haven’t seen her since. My aunt and uncle took me in after that. I lived with them until I finished high school. When I turned 18, my aunt gave me a check from dad’s insurance policy. It was for $250,000. She also gave me the key to my old house and told me I could have it and I’ve been living there ever since. I became a stripper so I can have a steady income. I couldn’t see my self in anybodies college or working a regular 9 to 5 so I decided to be a dancer. Plus the money was fast and easy. I work at the Magic City Strip Club in Atlanta and I love what I do.

I cried looking at the picture of me and Tina. I wanted my sister to know me and vice versa. I lifted my head to the sky and prayed for a miracle. “Lord please help me find my sister.”

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1937989-Welcome-to-My-World