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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1935156
3 men battle mother natures best.
Lightning struck downward into the land across the highway the sky turned from red to green. A dark black cloud stretched from the sky to the ground. With a defining roar it charged toward the little farm house. AND THAT'S HOW IT ALL BEGAN.......

The red ford pickup truck speed down the highway. The tires turned red and the truck blurred and jumped as it hit every bump and crack in the road. The music on the radio stopped and a loud warning buzzer came through the speakers.
"a tornado warning has been issued in the following counties"
The truck picked up more speed and headed off the highway. It kicked up dust as turned down a dirt road. The red truck was nothing but a pink blur as it slid down a bend and started up to the house. The house was nothing more than an old old farm house with a small broken silo. The fields were dry as the sahara desert. The tractor had lost a wheel and was covered in dirt clumps. The red pickups breaks squealed as hit came to a halt in front of the house. A man jumped out of the truck and ran into the house. The inside was no different it was run down and looked no different from a funeral home. The attitude was no different. The man ran into a make shift living room. There was a very old man sitting in a chair. he looked up at the painting man.
"what is it Bo? What you running from this time?" he asked
Bo looked at him still trying to catch his breath. His face showed no emotion. But he did look worried or exited by the way he hopped on one foot then on anther.
"we got us another one. Just north of here. Ryan it's going to be a big one!" Bo yelled excitedly and ran into the kitchen and picked up an old phone and turned the dial. Ryan stood up from the chair and picked up his hat from the rack. Bo was yelling at some one on the phone while Ryan walked out side. Bo wasn't joking the clouds were miles high and white light flashed in side. It literally was the mother of all storms. Ryan starred at the clouds the black death from above as he called it. The black death from above wasn't just that it was a lot more. The clouds seemed to fall over each other trying to push ahead quickly. Bo ran out and into the pickup.
"come on! I made some calls to my friend we have to pick him up and stay ahead of the storm! I all ready called mom and tolled her to get to cover! Come on we gotta go!" he finished yelling and started the car
Ryan nodded without taking his eyes of the sky. Bo started spinning the wheels while Ryan hopped into the tailgate. The car was quickly consumed by dust as the red pickup disappeared down the road.
Bo dogged cars left and right as he speed down the highway. Ryan ducked behind the cab trying not to fall out of the speeding truck. The black clouds chased them down as Bo went faster and faster. The cars became blurs and Ryan watched In horror as the storm started to catch them. Bo was busy trying to slow down as he entered Oklahoma city. Bo went slower doing the best he could not to hit cars but keeping ahead of the storm. The city roads opened up to small houses and 2 story buildings. Bo stopes almost on a dime sending Ryan ahead. He then backed up and into a drive way. Ryan slowly got out of the truck and watched as Bo ran into the back yard of a house. Ryan not wanting to go through his near death experience again got into the cab. There was a loud clunk and the grinding of metal against metal then the drivers door opened. Bo hopped in and started the pickup. Ryan strapped himself into the seat and turned to Bo. His knuckles were white as he griped the steering wheel in a death grip.
"how fast were you going?" Ryan asked
Bo nodded his head and continued his mile long stair. Ryan raised his voice this time
"bo his fast were you going?? I need to know no lies this time!"
Bo hesitated " 80mph to 90mph"
Ryan nodded "the storm was going faster than us. I watched it during my nerd death experience. Who and what did you pick up?"
Bo shook his head "doc. I've been helping him chase. That and the thrill of watching these monsters roam! It's like god let loose the gates of...." his voice was cut off by the squealing off brakes. A cop bad blocked off a road Ryan got out and walked up to the car. Inside the man was playing some pop or punk rock music. The cop rolled down the window and turned down the music. He had powder all around his mouth from a donut. Ryan leaned down to the cop.
"sorry" he said with part of the donut in his mouth "roads closed a trailer slid off the road and into a car."
Ryan nodded and turned back to the red pickup. When Ryan got in he saw a white man in his mid 40 with a buzz cut in the seat of where he was sitting a second ago. Ryan opened the door.
"out! Out! I'm not going through my near death experience once again!" Ryan yelled and pointed to the back of the car. The man got out and lowered the tail gate. Ryan got in as he heard a matlic thump! Ryan watched Bo as he started the car and opened the bAck hatch.
"drive around him Nd watch out there's a tractor trailer over turned and fire trucks." Ryan said and opened the glove compartment " I guess thats your secret friend and why you wouldn't tell me where your goning or who your with?"
Bo grinned and sped around the cop and onto the green grass. The cop turned on his lights and tried to turn but Bo was already to far down the road. The red pickup sped up and around the trailer and past the 2nd cop. Ryan watched as the second cop also tried to chase him. Bo was to far down the road but the black clouds was almost on his heels.
"stop!" the man in the back yelled out the window. Bo quickly put the car into a slide. Ryan got out of the car and followed him to the back of tailgate. The man hopped out and started pulling the big machine out of the truck.
"this is it all calculations point here!" doc shouted above the wind. Bo and Ryan set it on the ground. The doc opened the top to revile a thin like computer on top. He opened it up and started typing. Bo started pulling long bolts out along with a sledge hammer. Doc got done typing and took a bolt Ryan just stood watching the dark clouds move closer.
"how big is it?" Ryan yelled over a defining clap of thunder
Doc finished driving the bolt into the ground and handed the hammer to Bo who started hammering.
" Ef 1 maybe 2." doc yelled "at least I hope." he mumbled under his breath.
Ryan continued to watch the sky. He could see the rain in the distance falling in sheets. He turned and got into the running pickup. Ryan watched the clouds pass over the windshield. The rain started pouring down next as Bo got in. He waited for a tap on the roof of the cab to tell him doc was in the back. Bo shot forward and down the high way. Doc started screaming
" stop stop and bail it's coming! We can't out run it!" doc screamed
Ryan turned to see doc jump from the moving truck and into a ditch on the side of the road. Bo quickly hit the breaks and jumped out. The defining roar and winds hit first. Bo had made it to a ditch but Ryan couldn't get out fast enough. The winds nocked the truck over tumbling it over twice then rolling it off the side of the road. Ryan screamed as it spun wildly and took off the ground. The last thing Ryan saw was the ground rushing up at him

Bo watched the truck fly through the air and tumble into a house. The roar stopped and the rain started to light up. Bo looked right up to the sky to see the funnel retreating to the clouds. Bo stood soaked and looked around him. The only thing that stood was a little dot in the distance. Doc crawled out of the ditch holding his head. Bo did a quick 20 degree turn to see the tuck no where to be found. The small house was gone to.
" Ryan. Ryan. No it can't be! Why did it have to be you!" he fell to his knees and looked at the sky " why him! Why!" he screamed and let his head fall into his palms.
Doc stood and removed his hand from his head. It was covered in blood. He looked at Bo and where the truck once stood. Then he looked down the road to see the pod down the road still intact. His head then swung to his friend who was now running into a dirt field. His vision became blurry but he stood and followed his friend.
Bo slowed to a walk as he tracked the home. It wasn't really a home anymore it was just a pile of rubble that had collapsed on it's self. There was a loud thump thump of wooden doors behind him. A man and wife along with 2 children not even older then 10 walked out if a storm shelter. Bo watched them emerge into the rain now lightly falling. They stared in amazement and bewildered by the pile of rubble and man in front of them. The father stepped forward past Bo to the pile. He removed a peace of roof to reveal the tailgate if a red pickup. It wasn't even red anymore. It was stripped of the paint. Bo ran over and started ripping piles of rubble off the truck. The front end was ripped away the motor missing. The man started helping get to the door. The passenger door was missing and the drivers side was jarred shut. Bo saw Ryan inside his head against the steering wheel.
" oh god Ryan!" Bo yelled
The man turned to his 2 sons who were still standing and shaking. One had dropped to his knees and tears dripped down his eyes.
"Martin! Jack! Find some leaves of wood! And cloth quickly!" the man said to his sons
They quickly moved to find wood. The man had removed a peace of roof on the wind shield. The glass was mostly shattered but the reenforced glass held. Ryan was completely moved over to the drivers side but his legs were on the passenger side. Bo quickly grabbed his legs and lifted them up on to the seat. The two kids returned with a peace of wood split in half. They set it down and ran off to find another.
"martha! Call an ambulance." the man said and started to pull away the windshield. Bo checked Ryan's pules. It was faint but there. Bo moved through the rubble over to the drivers door and started to open it. After 60 seconds of pulling he stopped and moved to the far end of the house where he found a ling metal rod. Bo ran over to the car and looked at the door. There was a spot where the door was bent in pushing the top part of the door opened. Bo slid the metal rod in and pulled down. The rod started to bend but the door still wouldn't open. The man moved over and busted the window out. The glass stayed intact but part of it broke off giving a small hole. Bo looked towards the highway. Doc was setting with the 2 kids making sure they were okay. The mom was talking on a cell phone. The man followed his gaze to the bright lights speeding towards him. Bo grabbed the pole and pulled with the last bit of strength he had. The man below him pulled too. The door started to pop off but it still was stuck pretty well. Bo heard Ryan moan and pulled as hard as he could.
"hang in there Ryan." Bo mumbled.
The horrible sound of metal grinding peraced the air. The stench of blood started to reach him. Bo could see a big gash in Ryan's head. The door was almost open. Bo pulled once again only this time the door opened. Bo quickly pushed the door away and it immediately fell off. The man grabbed the door and moved it away. Bo checked pules once again. It was stronger than before but was still faint. The ambulance stopped and two paramedics hopped out and ran over to doc who immediately pointed to the wreckage. Bo grabbed Ryan's shoulders and started to pull him out.
"get his feet and help me move him out of here." Bo said and started backing up.
The man quickly helped Bo and grabbed his feet. They moved him past the rubble.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1935156-Twisted-part-1