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Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1857260
in a world beyond our own, the peasants rise up to fight for freedom
The Chasmworld is an alternate-dimension world so called because it is populated by people, animals and plants (but mostly their descendants) who were sent there by one-way “chasms” connecting Earth and the Chasmworld. The section of Chasmworld the story takes place in is a big circular continent controlled by an empire called the Main Realm. (The Main Realm also has a colony on another tropical continent of the Chasmworld.)

The Main Realm’s first dynasty of emperors was overthrown by a peasant revolution installing a second dynasty. This dynasty over the course of a few centuries gradually impoverished the peasantry through taxation forcing it into servitude to a new aristocracy that increasingly divided the Main Realm into autonomous fiefs. Another peasant revolution overthrew the second dynasty and its feudal aristocrats; then just as the third dynasty rose to power like the second dynasty so too did a similar feudalism arise over the next few centuries. This pattern over the course of millennia led to the overthrow of six dynasties.

Now feudalism has arisen in the Era of the Seventh Dynasty. Impoverished peasant men face servitude, vagrancy and starvation. Impoverished peasant women are seduced into castles by the charms and wealth of aristocratic lovers though the whims and arbitrary power of these lovers trap the women as concubines and maidservants after the spark of romance has died. The dire fate of the peasant men has led to the promise of a new peasant revolution by a mysterious cult leader known as the Stern King. He has appointed a renegade sergeant named Martin Callahan as General in Adjaiween, Chief of Army Staff and War Minister. The Stern King’s calls for self-punishment to show dedication and repentance of sins up to the point of suicide-bombing have created tensions between Martin Callahan and him. For now, Callahan is the loyal servant of the Stern King…
Seven young women escaping from Gathwin Castle—Erin, Jane, Jill, Kathryn, Natalya, Sakura and Samantha—have returned to the village of Adjaiween. They have organized a women’s component to the originally all-male rebellion.
Erin is the current girlfriend of Martin Callahan, the General, War Minister and Army Chief of Staff of the Stern King. Samantha is the woman destined to be his true love, a love that will likely end in tragedy when victory is within Martin’s grasp—keep that in mind, if any of you pick her as your character. Otherwise, pick Erin, Jill or some other character.

Samantha woke up the women and children in the village of Adjaiween.

“They’re gone, they’re all gone!”

The assembled crowd was lamenting the very noticeable absence of the men under 50 and half the teenage boys.

Erin sighed. “You need not worry,” she calmly explained. “The Stern King sent a message to Martin calling on him to bring as many fighters as possible immediately to besiege Tagseen. The siege is a diversion to force the Lord of Gathwin to withdraw his advance into our territory.”

Samantha turned to Erin. “Tell us everything you know.”

Erin sighed again. “It’s a long story. The story begins two days ago when Martin told me about the problem he was facing, that he could not summon the 500 soldiers the Stern King demanded.”

“All the men available in Adjaiween and the smaller villages surrounding it have been recruited and all the followers of the Stern King fleeing the Lord of Gathwin have come here,” he lamented.

“The women flocked to the Lord of Gathwin and his kind for most of my life. They only joined me when the reputation of the young men as worthy protectors brought them to the rebellion. Now the Lord of Gathwin will decimate this township as soon as he crushes the Stern King’s diversion. Men, women, children, all will be in the danger. Unless I choose who joins me carefully, the community here will not recover from this decimation for a long time!”

Erin noted, “At this, I stroked his big manly bicep. This was the man I turned to, to take care of me, when the Lord of Gathwin’s nephew cast me aside for a prettier mistress. I was determined to advise him wisely so that he could protect his people from decimation.

I told him that decimation was probably inevitable because the Stern King miscalculated the proper time for the redemption of the people. The only question was, “Which kind of decimation could have a quicker recovery time?”

I reminded my love that although we are all at his service, a dead woman deprives her man of her womb but a dead man’s colleague could impregnate both his woman and his colleague’s woman. Still I stressed that he was the general and it was his decision to decide for the good of his people.”

Samantha’s closest friend Jill spoke on her behalf when she asked, “But why did Martin sneak away like a thief in the night?”

Erin asked her, “Did any of you see the men come back from gun practice?”

All assembled agreed that indeed the men did not come back from their gun practice.

Erin said, “Martin had emphasized to me that the Stern King was really worried. So worried that if he did not show up the day he was supposed to receive the letter, the Stern King would then sent a messenger to call up the soldiers at a minute’s notice. All of you know that the Stern King is a strict and unforgiving overlord. If his messenger saw the men delay for any reason, the Stern King would punish Martin and sent in a new commander to establish a stricter discipline.”
“Mama, I’ve finished my chores.” A little girl of only 6 years with black hair and green eyes exclaimed as she burst through the hovel’s only door.

“Sakura, there is no chance Above or Below that you’ve finished everything. Go back outside.”

“But Mama, I did do everything you asked. I want to go watch for Papa. He might come home today.”

“He’ll come home when our liege lord releases him, until then, we have to make sure to keep this place running.”

“Yes Mama.” The little girl sighed in the most audible and resigned way possible and trudged back out the door.
She grabbed a bucket and began her trek to the town well. It had been her brother, Daisuke’s job to fill the water troughs for the animal and also wash, brush, and exercise them every day. Sakura remembered her father’s favourite saying, “Healthy beasts bring healthy brats.” He would bring out the saying whenever Daisuke complained about his chores. Though he would always say it in his most stern voice, humour would sparkle in his eyes.

“Papa loves his brats... ” Sakura spoke softly with a smile and sighed again.

“Do all of the town’s urchins talk to themselves?” A haughty voice sang from behind her. The voice startled Sakura and she dropped the bucket. Turning around she saw the most beautiful woman leaning out of a gilded carriage drawn by 4 sturdy gray draft horses. She looked at the woman’s finery, her entourage, and the crest of Gathwin. There were at least a squad of armoured men and three other older women, not nearly so beautiful or finely dressed. The woman looked to her fellows and laughed musically, “it seems as though the urchins have no sense of propriety either. Or do you not know me Little One?”

Sakura fell to her knees and let out a hasty apology.

“You may stand Little One and tell me your name and lineage.”

“My Lady, I am Sakura, born of Haruto and Yuna, sister to Daisuke. Both my father and brother have been conscripted by my Lord, your husband. My grandfathers are-” She rattled off a few other ancestors but the lady cut her off.

“And do you miss them?”

“My Lady?”

“Do you miss your father and brother?”

“Well yes, my Lady, but Mama says that we have to keep things running until they come back.”

“Would you rather bring your mother to my castle, where you can visit your father and brother whenever you life? You can keep me company until the men’s business is done. Your mother can wash linen and you can make tea. You can make tea I assume?“

“Yes, of course, my Lady. Why would you help me like that?”

“Because Little One, you are pretty and I like pretty things. I do not like when they are covered in dirt and smell of droppings, but I think if you grow up to be half as pretty as you are now, you might warrant a marriage of honour. I cannot bear children of my own and I simply like the look of you.”

“May I go tell my mother that we’re going to the castle?”

“No Little One, my men shall do that. You shall sit in my carriage and tell me more about yourself.”


Sakura nearly scalded herself with hot water as the old memory came unbidden. A wave of sadness enveloped her and she fought back a tear. It was the last time she had seen her mother. The Lady Gathwin was emphatic that her mother was working diligently in the lower levels of the castle, but Sakura could not shake the feeling that her mother was dead. She was not allowed on the lower levels or outside into the courtyard, unless it were as the lady’s companion. But it had been a decade and in that time her mother surely should have been in contact... by letter at the very least.
She turned and kneeled before Mirana the Lady Gathwin and poured the tea with perfect etiquette. The last ten years she had been tutored and educated to within an ounce of her life. Her being had been pledged to the Lady to see to her every whim. That included being a fine conversationalist, an expert tea ceremonialist, versed in music, storytelling, and poetry, always being perfectly presentable, and the compulsion to fall before an enemy blade (if the situation ever arose).

“We have had this discussion before Little One.” Lady Mirana’s voice, though still sweetly musical lingered on the edge of anger. “I do not condone frowning or crying in my presence.”

“Apologies my Lady. I was simply remembering.”

“Remembering is dull. Recite a poem about love and conquest...”

Sakura dutifully recalled a poem that she knew the lady would love and began to recite it, but half-way through, the door burst open. The Lady’s nephew waltzed in and proclaimed, “Auntie Mirana, I am terribly bored. Your Little One,” venom dripped off the pet name, “always has the most interesting stories to tell.”

“Yes, and you’ve just ruined one. The White Lily is one of my favourites. You’ll have to begin again Little One.”

Sakura dutifully obeyed and when she had finished, the Lady’s nephew dismissed her. She inclined her head and slid out of the sitting room, quietly closing the door behind her. Knowing the lady’s vile nephew never had good intentions, Sakura slipped into the adjoining room and pressed her ear against the weak spot in the stones. What she overheard disturbed her greatly.

“You cannot keep her to yourself forever my dearest aunt.”

“She will wed when I feel she is ready, and in the mean whilst I shan’t have you pass her around the garrison like some harlot off the streets.”
He laughed, “You have forgotten then.... that is all your little one is, just a harlot off the streets. You dress her up like a doll and teach her as a daughter, but she is still a peasant with mud and manure in her veins. She is beautiful enough to bed, but never to wed.” He laughed again, more derisively. “You see auntie dearest. I can compose poetry too.”

He must have left then, for Sakura heard the heavy oak door slam shut. Ice dripped down her spine as she thought of the man given a chance to defile her. The other girls (the ones not protected by the lady) had been forced to his bed and their stories sickened her to the very core.


Luckily, Sakura had already been planning an escape with six other women and she had managed to avoid the vile nephew. Even now the mere mention of him caused bile to well up in her throat. She swallowed and refocused her attention as Erin spoke.

“Martin had emphasized to me that the Stern King was really worried. So worried that if he did not show up the day he was supposed to receive the letter, the Stern King would then send a messenger to call up the soldiers at a minute’s notice. All of you know that the Stern King is a strict and unforgiving overlord. If his messenger saw the men delay for any reason, the Stern King would punish Martin and send in a new commander to establish a stricter discipline.”

“Martin walks a fine line. I do not envy him.” Jill shook her head.

“There is truly nothing we can do now, save wait.” Sakura ventured.

Several of other women looked at her, as though she had suddenly turned into some despicable, other-worldly creature. Kathryn was the first to speak. “Wait? Is that the only reason you came with us, to wait?”

“I do what is necessary. We cannot affect change, so we must wait.”

“You disgust me Sakura.” Kathryn sneered. “Castle life did you no favours and yet you still yearn for its’ comforts. Like a horse hungering for the whip or a fish lusting for the baited hook. How can you stand your own company?”

Shocked, Sakura said nothing, as she had nothing to say... She possessed no useful skills or wiles beyond culture and the old honeyed promise of a “marriage of honour”. She felt as useless as the beauty of the sun setting on blind eyes. Erin went to Sakura and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You will remember your fire Sakura. I know it is there, or you never would have escaped with us. In the meantime, we must learn all we can of warfare and strategy. Our will is strong and we are wiser than we know. So we will fight. As it stands, I’m open to suggestions.”
Over the next year, Martin managed to expand the realm of the Stern King. He trained women and youths to fight to expand his armies. The seven Gathwin Girls were his aides in managing the women. Yet the Gathwin Girls noticed that he was more eager to bring teenage boys onto the battlefield than women, even women who had proved themselves on ambushes and hit-and-run raids upon the enemy.

One day, Sakura asked Erin why this was Martin’s policy.

“Don’t you see?” Erin asked her. “Over the 250 years of feudalism, the lords of the realm have accumulated women in spite of their oppressive ways while the humble have had celibacy as well as poverty in spite of their decency. The insurgency was an affair of male outcasts until we are attracted to its success.
Martin has asked me how to get women to support his men and after pointing these things out to him, he sighs and asks, “So women are always attracted to the strong horse?”

And I ask him in reply, “And men are not?”

And he says, “You have a point—there is always glory for the strong and woe for the weak. Even now, we are lucky that people overestimate our strength. It is very likely that before the war is over, the people will be decimated. Who then will regenerate our people’s strength if not those victorious heroes with a lover and a serving girl at their side to sire the children that the dead cannot?”

And I say, “But you would never have a serving girl on the side!”

And he says, “Never but as you yourself have reminded me, a statesman must be realistic in preserving his people.”

And that, my dear Sakura, is the reason brought up in many conversations for his evasive policies on women in combat.”

Just then, Martin showed up.

“Sakura, you said you had something to say to Erin and I?”


Edgar Malocarus, the Stern King, was not pleased, as Martin stood before him with Jim, the leader of Martin’s youths, Erin and Sakura.

“You have not called up your quota of suicide-bombers, you have allowed the peasants to take the land supposedly liberated on my behalf, you have not fought off the feudal lords quickly enough!”

WHACK! The Stern King struck Martin’s lip with a riding crop, drawing out a bloody cut.

“You better begin sending the loyalists of our cause to carry out suicide-bombings against the Lord of Gathwin’s men-at-arms or I will have you do so personally! I do not tolerate failure!”

“Remember when the Stern King chastised me? He wants an immediate all-out offensive to achieve victory against the Lord of Gathwin before I can surround the Lord of Gathwin’s capital. This will fail but even then he cannot destroy our dispersed forces. This stalemate will last for at least a generation, wearing down the population to its lowest point. The People will need fertile mothers more than an extra soldier or two.”

“I am making preparations now. Remember Sayed?”

Sakura remembered Sayed. Sayed came from the jihadi kingdoms that plagued the Chasmworld. Yes, Chasmworld had long been plagued by warlords fighting for Islamic jihad as well as warlords fighting for more basic feudal reasons.

When the Lord of Gathwin defeated a raiding party of jihadis, he had captured Sayed. Sayed was abused by the Lord of Gathwin’s men-at-arms. When Sayed had escaped to the rebels, he started making fanatical rants about how thugs like the Lord of Gathwin would think twice if the jihadis in Chasmworld had focused less on loot and more on massacres like al-Qaeda carried out in the Mother World, as Earth was called for being the source of life in the Chasmworld. While the rebels had appreciated Sayed’s hate towards the Lord of Gathwin, his fanaticism jihadi attitude had scared them. They did not know what to do with him.

“I remember Sayed.”

“I will not lead our cause to its greatest stumbling block nor will I wait for the Stern King to order me to commit a suicide-bombing. I have a Ring of Death.”

In Chasmworld, there were lifeforms that were native in spite of what came from Earth. Deathweed for one. This weed’s juice was a poison. When mixed with human (and only human) blood, it turned a person’s body into a bomb. Accordingly Chasmworld’s most fanatical fighters wore a Ring of Death. This ring had a spike instead of a gemstone. This spike dipped in the juice of the Deathweed would be jabbed into the flabby skin before the thumb and its nearest finger, being far simpler than a belt of TNT in turning its fanatical wearer into a suicide bomber.

“I have done the best I could for the cause of liberty. Now I will make the ultimate sacrifice and in the process, get Sayed out of our hair. Sayed and I will use our Rings of Death in an ambush on the Lord of Gathwin!”

© Copyright 2012 Hidden Author, Daizy, (known as GROUP).
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