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Rated: · Campfire Creative · Short Story · Death · #1851758
a story about death
A Sin is a Sin
For my entire life I have been in lust, angry with jealousy and contemplating my own end. It is not as if this lustful anger known as jealousy didn’t get me somewhere. It got me dead. Yes dead. Dead like a door nail or any other clique that one imagine, except this was no clique, this was real, real incarnation of the wholly spirit into the afterlife. That is no matter how much smoke or how many mirrors I had to show in order to enter the promised land of the lord I knew that he was on my side, even in heaven which is where I am today. I say this because God is some kind of pissed off prick. I mean who sends their son to Earth to simply make a few friends and then be tortured. It reminds me of a Rich man sending their child to boarding school simply because he thinks he has it made by living at home. I mean sure it was for the sake of all of humanity, in his coming to Earth, but really why couldn’t we all become sin free. Absolved after the first temptation which we give into, not necessarily for the sake of humanity, but for the sake of self and one knows that that is important. I guess then I wouldn't be dead, but either way, I would remain jealous. And as everyone knows the sins which we carry lead us to our life’s end. I was a sinner on earth only because Jesus is the only man who never sinned, that I realize that I must always be myself and find new way to live, in accord with the honor of my father.
I was always a sinner but I never knew a thing about it until I learned through my sinning. I realize that Jesus walked the seven Stations of the Cross but I always thought it was for not sinning like the Romans did , but rather his tragic fate came fourth because he did not sin. Instead I tried living a life of sin and still I bear four of the wounds of Christ. I was living a life full of fast woman, drugs and alcohol. The thing about it is that all of them happened after breaking the law. Not all necessarily in a jail or prison but after the code of society was broken and I know that we are not the Romans, therefore we will not fall, but I do also now that I had to clean up my life on earth. Now that I am dead though I am absolved, I know the lord accepts me, and he will forgive me for what have done. The thing about that is that none of my sins threaten humanity and even if they did I know he would still forgive me because that is what he does, the lord forgives. With this fact being, in life, I let my cards fall where they may and deserted any idea that when I died I would not be with Christ; and it worked.
I have noticed recently, in heaven, that Jesus has been getting pissed like his old man. He keeps talking about going down there, not that he has ever before, and proving it to the people that his old man is right and that, when he does, it will be known that he should have died for our sins; and that sinning will get us no where other than police stations and tantalize our ego with the subjective wounds of Christ. The sin of lust caused me to drink and the sin of gluttony caused me to die from alcohol poisoning; now I am jealous of the living. I was always full of lust and greed when it came to girls. This is why I drank in order to enhance the feelings. I am jealous of all of the things the earthlings get a chance to do such as, live, love one and other, as well as bath in the glory of Christ. I mean up hear Christ pretty much ignores us. Though we are with him he sees fit to allow us to live our due course of eternity in heaven while he holds the bigger dream of healing and then punishing all of those that are not healed on Earth. As it would seem he keeps his mind preoccupied on those guys that will be his friends down there, the ones that he will teach or his students of his majesty, those which I believe he calls his disciples. These are the guys he is going to have to go through hell with so he is making sure that they are all ready to spend the reat of eternity with him and his father. They will probably no longer be known as the dead beats around here. You know the rich kids that have it made because Jesus’ father has his hand in everything. No when they come back here they will be men and the heavens will no longer see them as miscreants who are eternal boys, but instead will trust in their guidance of humanity, we will all be there children.
That is the thing about death, when one sees others living on earth or on whatever other human inhabited planet they are from, even in heaven, the dead once again, becomes jealous. I think this is why God is so pissed. We as the dead, become envious of the way it looks when one is alive, ya know, the way it looks on earth when one finds the kingdom. I could remember on earth that it was invigorating to find God’s realm. It was all of the glorious beauty that one could sustain and still maintain a casual indiscriminate psyche. It was heaven on earth. Sure GOD accepts us, that is while we are in our jealous states, all except for the Greeks whom he banishes to The Island of the Dead. Ya never know what one of those guys are goint to do whether it be conquer a planet or fuck their mother, GOD always saw them as no good. GOD sometimes has to correct their Gods on the island of the dead and remind them that they are no longer welcome in the kingdom , it is really old hat now. But he still allows the Greek Gods to rule the island of the dead. It makes them happy. One can not take someone out of power without providing an outlet it would be in humane. The reasons for their banishment go few and far between what one could expect from a good jew or catholic on earth but they pretty much curtail to the events that took place before GOD had the idea of creating a son whom he could send to Earth to prove the he exists. Once Orestres killed a guy in heaven for flirting with his sister Electra as she was nursing her child, Clytemnestra tried breaking it up but it was too late, the man had died. The Greeks come and go so quickly that I don’t get to know them anymore even the guys that one would think would be calm. Guys like homer I mean. Homer grew to be so old for living such a life in fear of GOD’s wrath, that he became delusional. I think this fear came about because he was very wise and knew GOD existed but with the way things were in ancient greeece he still had to deal with the Gods on Earth, so GOD allowed him to live a long life. I feel as if the Contradiction from God to God while knowing that one true GOD the father almighty really exists make him go bonkers. Well GOD gave him to much time down there and he is now in heaven loony as a coot. He one day thought that he was Odysseus and went into the leaper colony and slay the leaper with one eye, thinking that the leaper was the Cyclopes. So our eternal God became mad and had him sent to The Island of the Dead. I guess it was tragic irony, I feel that one like Homer can understand it wich would almost make it comedic. I got a good laugh out of the whole ordeal. I wonder sometimes what the island of the dead would be like but then I retract my curiosity because of believing in Jesus will die for all of our sins.

Well if one were to ignore all of the glory and beauty, not like they do when they first get here but as they do after they get accustom to it, then Heaven would be a lot like alone time on earth. A lot like the hole in a prison or solitude granted by a sanitarium except there is much to say. Because GOD'S glory is ever-present, we sometimes become overwhelmed and don’t get all of our thoughts said. These thoughts are transmissions to earth for we are in the land of entity and signifiers. Nothing goes on in the minds of the humans of other planets that does not go on up here first. When someone reads we all see the image in our mind and then discuss it amongst ourselves then the transmission goes to earth via natural satellite, moon, comet, meteor ect and the reader then understands. If the reader is compassionate enough, humble enough, and wise enough we then allow him or her to make discourse with their heavenly thought and when they do they are invited to share in the glory of the heavens the same way that we had shared in it amongst ourselves as dead citizens who find home in the heavens. This is what that Plato guy does. He is good to go but for some reason he ignores the woman up here. I know the guy has got game to real in the ladies but he never displays his talent to the woman. Hmmmm it really makes one wonder. Up here anyway, we will sometimes stumble across a poor soul that has never read on earth and then decides to read, not knowing the way it works, they decide to say all of their thoughts before completely clearing the shit out of the way. Not that the shit is not divine it is just that the minds of others are affected when people have a head full of heavenly thoughts like memories and then decide to share heavenly intellect. It really makes us work over time up here because we have to get It all said.
This is all because I never really wanted to understand until I had had a death experience based on envy because of alcohol. I know not where I am now. All that I know is that I am warm it smells nice and I have saliva in my mouth. As a matter of fact I am so completely crestfallen that I miss spelled saliva a few times before I got it right. I thought it was spelled with an e in place of the first vowel A, I was completely mistaken. After my death on alcohol my existence is now boring, because it exists in heaven and heaven is nothing more than alone time. I did though just receive and email from an attractive girl, from California, this boosts my ego. Sure I am dead but one can still receive emails in heave. I mean there is no need to email amongst each other up here but down there sometimes needs some fine tuning; that is before Jesus goes down there to prove it to his old man. And it is us the inhabitants of the clouded city that pick up that slack. Did you ever know that ego meant I in Latin? It is true. Not only that Latin noun but that I have nothing better to do other than tell you about my interpretation of heaven.
Up here in heaven I have nothing better to do so we all sit around and practice Latin. A language that is useless on Earth but not in the Galactic societal dance that goes on in the uncreated. It is the language of the universe. I will tell you the truth now if you choose to believe, the Romans, they never did any of that stuff to Christ it was all a figment of imagination dreamt by the church. Jesus has not been to earth yet he is simply waiting for GOD’S approval before he heads down there. He does absurd things with his time up here because he knows that all is well and we are the saved not the ones that need saving. He pulls off practical jokes and tells the gruesome stories of what the earthlings will do to him when he walks the Stations of the Cross, and he dreams. His dreams are of the fellows the he is supposed to guide along his crusade for his father. If word of this leaks because of reincarnations those guys will have hell to pay too, and they are not the son of god, they are simply the lord of the universe’s friends. We all know what are fathers think about friends they always get you in trouble. I mean that peter guy gets Jesus in so much trouble down there. I think is because they like the same girl. He keeps giving Jesus the snide up here and I could see him doing the same thing down there. But of course Jesus being the person that he is got him a job at the gate to keep track of who comes and goes. This is a hefty job because Peter will be responsible for who gets in and who has to go. It is almost Like god owns a bar and peter is the bouncer. And as the story goes Jesus got him the job to work for his father it is those Orientals that we have to watch they come and go as they please from up here and then back down to earth. They obtain heaven so often and so quickly that I think that they are spies for Siddhartha. Even if they are we all know that Siddhartha has no bad intent sure he screws up sometimes by outdoing the creator of heaven and earth but we forgive him and he falls right back into place among the common people. This is the cool thing about Siddhartha he had done the job of Jesus in his absence. It is like Siddhartha has Jesus beat sometimes and God holds it against his son for not being the best. This is why the up here the lord is such a cut up, there are too many other guys trying to outdo him. he keeps bringing up his father’s will saying that I am more soul full than you but none of the other guys want to listen. They all want to go about their job for Jesus’ father that is for The Father All Mighty. Who gets so agitated sometimes that I think he is sick. Did you know that the affix for sick in Latin in agge- so since God speaks Latin I feel as if he is just joking by getting so pissed or rather so agitated. It is like he is playing a joke on those that do not speak the original romance language. I am like god you are not pissed you are sick.
That’s what goes on up here to epistemology of words. The earth lings take talking for granted so often that they decide to war over it sometime. It is all about who can communicate with god better and let me tell you those Chinese give the English speakers a run for their money. When war breaks out, up here we all just sit on our clouds, and place bets on who God will Kill off, that is who deserves the heavenly right of death. Jesus Keeps the books and of course all of his disciples place bets because daddy got them a job and it would be a waste to save their money because if they don’t smoke their stuff then all the junkies on earth will steal the havens right out from under them. I mean can’t all of those addicts just wait for Jesus instead of doing it themselves, I wonder about those guys too when they get up here. The junkies are so disturbing. Sometimes they think that they can out do Jesus and this reveals so much to GOD that he almost wants the fight to take place. God threatens Jesus and says stuff like 023356549612698611311 15135156581681 165156156494854168 4865416584984944 or, if you guys don’t get it together I am going to adopt those guys and send them back to absolve Earth. Jesus and his disciples would never let that happen so sometimes they do stuff like one time they threw a can of paint at the junkies house in heaven, and another time Jesus went toe to toe with one of the junk heads it was like Pow Pow beating, I mean he laid the junky down and stood over him and said you are catholic not Jewish you will worship me, but then of course being the kind of guy he is he forgives them and gives them card blanch up here. I think they shared a beer or something?
The coolest thing about heaven is all of the people you get to meet. In fact right now I am sting next to Cicero he was a Roman but he is on his way back to earth with the rest of them, for the universe which is perceived as large is so small once one conquers space and time or, rather, once space and time are alleviated. What this means is that Rome never fell, rather, it was abducted, because it was stolen, from the heavens. No there are no aliens in heaven everyone is human being. It is amazing that with the absence of animals there is really little to think, but then again, everything is known so there is really no need to think. There is nothing that could be taught on earth that is not known in heaven and we do know that the heavens are open to humans on earth but we did not know that it was closed off to animals. It is know in heaven that soon the earthlings will find out that the pope is actually alien meaning that he does not die. He does not actually come up here as he sort of rules the show from the earth just as we are all Jesus’ brother he is GOD’S brother with his own experiment going on in a different dimension or something. When they explained it to me in heavenly lecture I really did not follow but he is there not here and he does Gods job sometimes. This gives god a chance to be at ease for a while so he can afford to do what else but play gold with the oriental people who stop by for a visit. Those guys really confuse Peter they are here so much that he has got to start stamping their hand, they really come and go as they please, and it gets awfully confusing. I mean the whole show does because earth is where it was chosen to go on. Sacrificing Christ that is. But those oriental still choose to come up here before it happens in order to prove it to their masters that they can obtain anything. One time one of them beat GOD at golf and GOD got pissed! Now then the entire world must speak Latin for then and only then will it be safe to send Gods son to earth for sacrifice. God does not want it to be that Siddhartha guy and he does not want to loose at golf. I mean GOD invented the game. So in all of his might and glory Jesus decided to play a joke on Siddhartha, he is up here now still having hoot, about it. He put crushed up cereal in a pair of boxer shorts and hid them in the shower. He called them shitty drawers. The roman soldiers who stole his existence from the Pope’s alien empire really got a kick out of it when Jesus called him over to show them. It was then that they Roman soldier told Siddhartha to eat it and of course out of love and compassion for the soldiers he did, he thought it was poop, but then he tasted it. It was only crushed up bran flakes. Everyone laughed. So did he. Now he requests Jesus’ meal every day for dinner and Jesus asks him whether or not he wants it served in the drawers or not. Once again Siddhartha laughs.
Though is a kind and loving savior he still had his opposition but he is not all that bad. I mean The thing about it is that Jesus like to reveal naturally, while that Muhammad guy, his opposition, just wants everyone to know, so he ran around the entire heaven telling everyone what Siddhartha had done. Jesus called him a rat and Muhammad called Jesus a snake but then Mother Mary stepped in and said animaols are not allowed in heaven but both of you are. Once again Siddhartha laughed. Siddhartha is really great and took it in stride it is just that I hate when he gets drunk puts his arm around you and says he loves you like a brother. I know if it had been the lords son that had been tricked he would have probably fought Muhammad for raping that truth to people instead of having it revealed naturally. What an animal, right? It would be all in good fun though. There would be like a nuclear war on earth or something like another crusade these guys don’t care once you get up here you will see that they are both kind and generous in their own facet of existence. I mean come on he’s Christ for god sakes. I don’t want my brother to be known for turning water into wine on earth because then I would have to visit him in a mental institution. So instead I know him for the shitty drawer’s incident. That’s what the doctors up hear keep saying but the fun loving guy that he is he never believers them. He is always all like yeah right gonna send me to a mental institution for turning water into wine, and they are all no it’s true, and he is all like, is that before or after those big goons give me my crown of thorns? The soldiers laugh and say stuff like we won’t really do it to you Jesus but then all of the Greeks step up and rally on The Island of the Dead and say the they must. I never knew what to think when the pope had all of the Greeks rounded up and taken to the island of the dead. For them wanting everything to actually happen to Jesus I was all like good riddens but then again I am confirmed Roam Catholic and realize that all will be well once again. I guess what the Greeks don’t see is that the world will be more well because he and his father will have a better relationship. And he will hopefully quit playing all of those jokes.
One time when I was banging dope up hear I died in heaven my father ignored me for like two years. But any way they took me to the island of the dead for punishment. I know, I know, what kind of screw up dies of alcohol to get up here and then screw the pooch so bad that he dies up here too. My grandfather is really ashamed of me but he talks to me now he is always worried that he is going to lose me again. I like this part ya know of being talked to by him. I never met him on earth and let me tell you, with all of the fun he my old man and myself are having up here, it was worth it. When I first got up here he had had all of the Roman soldiers convinced that they sent Jesus down and he died and was now back. The thing about it is that it was me. So there I was before st peter. He asked me my name and I said Jesus. The guards put me up on the highest cloud. It was so impressive up there. And of course Jesus being the kind of guy he is he put a mask on and convinced them that he was a Greek. I laughed because then he could never be sent to earth that is, if he went to the island of the dead, os he would never have been crucified. It is just like GOD’S son to try and get out of something. But right before they sent him they walked him by all of the saints and they knew to pray to him as he walked by that ‘s where the game had ended, we were all caught.
You should have seen it. If he wasn’t going to earth for crusifaiction soon his father would have kicked his ass. I mean he is always screwing something up here. I mean I remember one time he was supposed to feed all of the lepers that suffered on earth the idea to eat their own deification so they could go back and become doctors. Apparently that is where the magic happens and one could make a doctor out of a leper who at defication. Then that Aristotle guy puts up a fuss that he is right, that, “a doctor must suffer from every ailment in order to find the proper cure,” he even wrote that in his Nicomachean Ethics so as a matter of course for the Greeks he gets sent to the island of the dead to forget his life ever existted. He always forgets that everyone knows everything up here and it really pisses me off. He thinks he is so high and mighty so I just can’t wait until they sent Jesus down for crucifixion just so they could send him back up to beat the hell out of Aristotle. You should see the saints weep when they fear that they have found that they are worshipped an idea that has not gone through yet. So they are usually on Aristotle’s side and cry until he makes it back from the island of the dead. Oh wait wait it is time Jesus I going to go down to earth now…
oh lord I can’t wait until he gets back he was so interesting and funny. Supposedly though he is going to return a man so instead of pranks he will probably be doing what his father trained him to do no earth ya know making discourse and having discussions. Well that s were I gotta stop because Gods getting kind of pissed at me
Brain Sowaquinas

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