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People are stranded In the world of Pokemon only as Pokemon! how u surive. |
Mystery:Be prepared that is all................ Mystery(Pushes you into the world of pokemon)........ you: wait noo!.......... Now the rules Minor cursing only. No legendaries Start alone but you are allowed to meet up if You all want. There is no "level" to increase or "experience points" to gain You can evolve by means of emotional distress or when the going gets tough, or maybe just randomly Begin!! |
Dawn on a world of pokemon There are villages here and along with Exploration guilds but thats about it besides the Beautiful Mountain, Forests rivers and Grassland... |
Peaceful and quiet, the mountain looming over the villages stood as its primary landmark as well as protection from the cold northern winds. The peak is always covered in snow, glistening in the sunlight when the sky is clear. There are several other villages on the other side of the mountain as well (this area is only one part of the world, this isn't the only thing interesting on the globe), however only inhabitants who can endure the cold hardships of an endless winter can truly survive up north. There are guests coming, and whether their intentions are for the best or worst they never saw something quite like this happening to them. Fate pulls the strings today as events transpire on this world, and no doubt does this come with true purpose... *** ... Down I went, down the neighborhood I grew up in with my friends and family, smiling on this bright and shiny day. The weather wasn't too cold, nor was it too warm, but seemingly perfect. We were all laughing together like one happy family without a care in the world, leaving our troubles behind us. There were other folks in the neighborhood, going about their typical business; even the elderly man a few houses down was lively watering his plants! It's been forever since I met the man, being a couple of months ago at the hospital. He was having heart failure, and had the support of the whole family. It was all too inevitable at what happened afterwards; his heart stopped and never started again, being very old and his real time to die. A single thought of awareness passed through my mind as I kept staring at him, being among the living and moving about. "... Aren't you... dead...?" This sudden realization of the old man-- no, everything around me. Even my family, all just pieced together by my mind; it felt like I was falling, and I shielded my face out of instinct... ... I slowly opened my eyes, still piecing the events together in my head. I shouldn't worry about it anymore, it was just a dream... "Wait a minute... this isn't my bed, this is..." I felt the soft and smooth texture of the ground with my hand, finishing, "... grass... What in the world...? I feel strange... I'm almost scared, what's wrong with me?" I saw my hands and couldn't wrap my mind around it, as if there wasn't anything wrong to begin with! It was as if I were brainwashed in to believing I was really like this. My skin's gray, I had red claws on my hands and feet and... my hair... was long! I have no idea why, but I can't tell the differences with me... Where should I even start with? "I'm in the middle of nowhere, that's just wonderful..." I examined my surroundings and saw a dirt road off in the distance, proceeding to navigate towards it... |
Mean while at a nearby town the famous Exploration team AuraKnight is buying supplies nearby when a staraiva Yelled at the leader, a Shiny Riolu " Luk he's awake!!" "then get down here!" Yelled back Luk. " Eve get over here" Luk said to a Flareon Named Eve who Happend to be 2nd in comand. "k" she replied. |
The day was still young for Team AuraKnight, restocking their supplies and selling a variety of collected goods from their various adventures. As an exploration team, being ahead of the game and ready at all times is the way to go. Others look up to teams ready for anything, but being prepared alone wasn't usually good enough for other teams. You gotta have skill, perseverance and co-ordination among your team, in which Luk was always on top of their tasks. "Eve, how much money did we get from what we're selling?" Eve smirked and answered, "Don't worry, what we sold covers today's purchases easily." Luk smiled in approval to his teammate and friend, thinking about how good of a day this one would be. "That's good; hearing that every time is refreshing to my ears." The Staravia flying above had now landed by his leader, Luk now shifting his attention to his winged fellow. "Luk, it has woken up." Crossing his arms and shifting his weight onto one leg Luk asked, "What do you make of him? Does he have a 'threatening' appearance, or friendly?" Staravia looked down at Luk's feet, answering quietly "Well, I didn't exactly catch details, y'know, he could be dangerous..." "Am I gonna have to go over there myself and look, or are you gonna go back up there and look?" Luk watched as Staravia flew back up in the air; airborne again, he flew a bit closer in order to not let Luk down again. "Where is he? Or she? It was around that spot over there and... IT'S GONE! Where did it go off to!? Couldn't have gone that far, could it?" As Staravia circled around a general area in hopes of finding the creature, it actually was navigating down a dirt path that takes a detour around the town. Identified as a Zoroark with its red claws and distinct biped form, he thought hard about what his next move will be in this strange new place. "Now... Where in the world should I go next? It'd be ironic if I were circling around an entire town... Although, why would there be this road here anyway? There HAS to be some sort of civilization nearby!" Wings flapping could be heard in a distance, Zoroark's ears able to hear much farther than before he arrived here. "Wow, either that bird is really far away, or large in size... In fact... I can see it, why is it circling like that? Perhaps I should call for it or something." |
Meanwhile a Floatzel is walking towards town with a worn bag slung over his shoulder. He is rather beat up from a dungeon and is very tired but he keeps on walking. Pretty soon he hears something in the air. The Floatzel looks up and notices the Staravia flying around in the air. He gets under a tree so he could avoid a possible encounter. As the Floatzel sit's he peeks around the tree and notices a Zoroark standing in the distance. "Hmm what's going on?" Floatzel hides behind the tree and watches. |
"There IT is!!" Yells staravia and uses Quick attack suddenlly The Zoroark side steps Causing Staravia to crash into the Floatsel whom goes flying! Luk notices and Uses Mach Punch which sends Zoroark into a KOed state... 1 hour later Zoroark wakes up from this and Notices he is right back where he started as he sits up Eve says "HI!"to his face which scares the hell out him he tries to back up but he hits a wall! then Luk calmly says "Hello what is your name?" The Zoroark says "Wendell" "ok" luk replies "Say do you want to join my team?" |
Wendell was still piecing everything together, like what just happened now. "Hold up, gimme some time to think..." He pressed the side of his claws against his head, assuming a more comfortable sitting position as well. Eve paced around the premises eagerly while Staravia's bruises were tended to by himself, Luk examining Wendell with watchful eyes. "Okay, why'd all this happen? I'm walkin' one moment, the next I'm bein' attacked..." Luk looked over at Staravia, crossing his arms and hearing the bird say "Sorry, I kinda freaked and went on instinct." Luk explained to Wendell further, "As an exploration team we generally run into some form of trouble, so I reacted on instinct as well and attacked. Sorry about that, I expected someone like you to be more offensive." Wendell looked at his claws and thought, I wouldn't blame 'em, I look pretty frightening with claws alone... "You don't seem to be in your element! You're from far away, aren't you?" Eve energetically assumed what was quite right about Wendell to which he answered, "Yeah, the place I come from is much different than what y'all find to be home... Perhaps a completely different world..." "What was that?" Luk didn't quite catch what Wendell said under his breath. "You have a funny accent!" Eve piped with energy, hardly able to keep still at all. "Nothin', just a thought to myself. I don't have a funny accent, it's just different y'know?" Eve's smiling was on the verge of turning into laughter, but she managed to keep it under control for the time being. "So you don't have a home around here, nor food, and much of everything else that's considered a necessity?" Wendell nodded to Luk, then finally accepted his invitation. "Alright, I'll join y'all's exploration team... Oh, uh, what else happened earlier that I saw struck me as strange?" Luk looked puzzled, tilting his head and asking "What do you remember being strange?" Wendell put his right hand up to his chin as if he were thinking deeply, answering "Hmm... Was there another member with y'all? He was orange in color..." Staravia suddenly exclaimed, "Uh-oh, I remember! When I went after you I missed and hit someone else!" On that note, about a mile away laid a Floatzel about to regain consciousness in a field of grass... |
The Floatzel wakes up in the middle of a field feeling sore. "Ow ow" Floatzel tries to get to his feet "I picked the wrong day to fall in a dungeon and lose all my supplies." Floatzel starts making his way to the village not moving very fast. "Well this is a setback. Why did they attack the Zoroark?" Floatzel sighs as he keeps on walking to the village. |
Luks Dream: Luk is that you? Luk:Gardevoir! Gardevoir: how is your new teamate?Luk He is doing good... 2 minutes later Luk woke up and found Wendell awake... Luk: (whispering: what are you doing up?) |
"I woke up hearing you talk in your sleep, you okay?" Wendell kept his voice down, making sure to not disturb others' sleep. Luk turned over, saying "I'm fine, it was just a regular dream." In moments, he fell back to sleep; Wendell, however, was wide awake and full of questions. "... I need to step out for a moment..." The night was still young, yet not a soul except Wendell must've been up. He silently made his way through the darkened room and out onto a balcony sometimes used for lookouts. Stars filled the sky unlike how it did back at Wendell's place of origin, the ground structures lighting up the ennvironment rather than the sky. The air was fresh and cool as well, breezing past him comfortably; all was well. "I may not know why I'm here, but," Wendell paused to look at his newfound company, "there's a reason for everything, I just know it. These next days I go through Team AuraKnights' training to come to par with all of them. I must do my best..." After a little bit of stargazing, Wendell went back into their base and found restful sleep waiting for him. The Floatzel, however, was busy examining a map he found at a dungeon. His home was well lit and suitable for a water-type, being next to an ever-flowing river. "Hmm... What strange writing... I've seen these characters somewhere before, but where?" He turned the map back and forth, looking at the little characters seemingly printed onto the worn out parchment... |
The Floatzel continued examining the map trying to figure out the writing. "A Traveler from afar will lead the way to what you seek... What does that even mean?" The Floatzel continues glancing at the map as he ponders what the writing meant. "*Sigh* Well I may not know what that means, but I do know where to go." The Floatzel looks at the map and looks at a forest that is marked on the map. "But if I go alone I'll be at a major type disadvantage." Floatzel Scratches his head as he panders what to do. "I know, first thing in the morning I'll post a job up at the guild. If I have an explorer’s team with me that will make things easier." Floatzel thinks for a moment before he goes to sleep for the night. |
Darumaka awoke to the bright sun's rays. As he looked around, he was quickly startled. He was surrounded by nothing but trees. "Where the heck am I?" He asked himself. This was definitely not his bed! Darumaka ran around frantically trying to find something, anything that looked familiar. He saw nothing but trees. As he ran around, he quickly noticed mysterious creatures roaming about. He was definitely not anywhere near his home. Darumaka noticed a river and decided to go wash himself. Maybe some cold water on the face would help. As he approached the water, he jumped as he saw his reflection in the water. What was once a decent looking guy was now a round red creature. "Aaaaaah!" He screamed as he ran away. "This can't be happening!" Darumaka ran back into the woods, screaming and terribly confused. A couple steps into the forest, however, Darumaka accidentally ran into a low hanging branch, knocking him back unconscious. |
"Say" said Luk it was breakfast and wendell was nowhere to be seen "has anybody seen wendell?" I think he's still asleep" replied Eve "But I was wondering about wendell he might be what you are" they all knew exactly what that meant A human stuck in a Pokemon's body. And he is A human stuck in a Pokemon's body. " Why don't i go check on him and ask.2 minutes laterLuk sees a sleeping Wendell... Boo! he did with aura which scared Wendell after a minute of yelling from Wendell after which he calmed down Luk then told Wendell that he (and by he I mean luk) is a human. luk thern asked are you. |
Wendell could only confirm his teammates' suspicion, saying "Yeah, I was until this happened. It's... hard to remember the details for some reason, but could I have a meal first?" Wendell remembered be hadn't eaten for an entire day yesterday, nearly drooling over the thought of some good food. His taste buds changed with his body, now favoring berries and other types of fruit and vegetables like all other Pokemon do. He enjoyed a fairly average meal (gathering supplies was cut short, so that meant less food), and even though it wasn't much Wendell claimed to be full for the sake of supply stock. "So, when do I start trainin'?" Eve spun around and happily blurted out, "Today! Guess what we'll be doing?" Wendell hated the guessing game; never did, never will. "What?" The Flareon signaled Wendell to follow her outside, to which he did. "We're going out shopping for supplies!" His memories were fading, but grocery shopping was nothing new and not too enjoyable to him. "Joy." |
Meanwhile the Floatzel is making his way to the village. With the map in hand and a bag filled with basic supplies he makes his way to post a job. "Hey you there!" Floatzel stops and sees a Bisharp and a Drapion standing behind him. "Umm can I help you two with anything?" The Drapion steps forward a bit and speaks. "Well we over heard from someone that you are in need of an escort, so me and my team thought that you could hire us." The Floatzel looks at them and thinks. He never told anyone about this so that meant these Pokémon where spying on him. The Floatzel also couldn't help but notice that these two Pokémon where giving off a vibe of greed. "Umm thanks for the offer but I think I might post the job up to see who else is interested. I'll keep you guys in mind though." The Bisharp then steps forward in anger "Look either say yes or we'll take the map from you!" The Floatzel looked at them feeling frightened. "Way to go hot head that was plan B! Oh well I guess we got no choice." The Floatzel then starts running but the other Pokémon start running as well. "Don't make me pop you!" The Floatzel quickly looks to the sky "Rain fall down." Soon clouds start to gather overhead and rain starts to fall down. The Floatzel soon picks up speed but the other Pokémon aren’t giving up the chase. The Floatzel keeps running hoping to soon get to the safety of the village. |
Gil, or what had been known as the Darumaka, slowly sat up as he awoke. Something felt... strange. There was a strange pounding in his head, but that wasn't it. He felt... stronger. He stretched his arms and froze. He was looking at big red arms. His arms! "Oh boy, Gil, you've really done it this time!" Gil muttered to himself. He tried to remember where he was, what had happened, and what the heck he had turned into. Not a single thing came to mind. Gil walked back to the river. This will have to lead to a village eventually! As he approached the lazy river, he noticed something wasn't right. He had transformed again! He was now looking at a Darmanitan. It was him! "Augh! What is that?" Gil shrieked. He slowly waved at the river, and his reflection waved back. "Oh no. This can't be happening! That's me!" Gil plopped down, confused as ever. He tried looking around for anything familiar. No luck. Suddenly, from the left an image appeared. A strange creature was running! It had a pack over its shoulder and looked terrified as it ran. Gil jumped up and noticed that the creature was being chased by two different vicious looking creatures. They were closing in on that creature fast! Gil started running after the trio. He wasn't really sure what he was going to do when he caught them, but he hoped maybe they could help explain what was going on. He ran as fast as he could after them. Gil was never much of a runner, but in this new form he was sprinting faster than ever before. He was gaining on the trio fast! As he started approaching the trio, he stopped. Gil tried to continue running, but couldn't move. Gil tried yelling, but nothing could come out. What just happened?! Gil thought to himself. He looked down and noticed his body was now completely gray. He tried to look behind him, but his head seemed to be frozen. Gil gave up and accepted the fact that he was not going anywhere. Gil was forced looked ahead as the three strange creatures ran off and eventually disappeared. |
Fwwosh! thats what was heard as a Jet of fire was sent at Bisharp and Drapion, burning them both! then a light thud was heard as Eve landed on the ground. Which made Wendell Mumble "showoff" there were two more thuds as Bisharp and draipion fell to the ground. Already anticipating what the floatzel was going to say next she said In her very chiper way "your welcome!" then she yelled into the Bisharp's ear "Stop chasing this guy around!!" |
The two troublemakers skedaddled out of there quickly, leaving a trail of dust behind them. "Gee, thanks for getting those two off of my tail like that. They would've taken something away from me, but now they can't... Hey, hold up..." The Floatzel looked over at Wendell, pointing at him while saying "You were the one I saw in the forest yesterday, and I got caught in that mess!" Wendell waved his hands in a defensive gesture, explaining "It wasn't intentional, honest! Just a misunderstanding at the time; it's all patched up, so sorry 'bout that." Eve chimed in and added "Yeah, one of our members overreacted! It was almost funny!" The Floatzel nodded, glad that there was one less thing bothering him at the back of his head. "So why were you in the forest alone? Usually your kind travel in packs, so it was odd to see only one Zoroark." Wendell twiddled his claws around, afraid to say where exactly he was from. "Well, you see, I kinda... I'm from very far away, y'know, so what you may find odd, well, I may find normal." The Floatzel's tail twitched as he remembered how to unlock the mysteries of the map, with the help of a traveler from afar... "So, you're from far away? Maybe you can help me with this map I have!" He pulled out his map from a bag and showed it to Wendell, explaining "Only someone who is from a faraway land can guide anyone with this map; can you understand any of it?" While gazing at the worn map, Wendell answered with a question: "So, is this a "chosen one" kind of thing? I hate that kind of stuff..." "Well, it's quite vague on who the traveler is so I wouldn't think so." "Hmm..." Wendell focused on the text. "Can you read any of it?" "Hrmmm..." "..." The text was actually imprinted with the characters of the Unown, similar in appearance to that of the regular alphabet that Wendell knew. However, it only read: "Foggy Plains." |
The Floatzel watches as the Zoroark reads the map. “So did you find anything?” “Well I could read Foggy Plains if that helps any.” “Foggy Plains?” The Floatzel scratches his chin in thought. The Flareon speaks up “What do you suppose is there?” “I’m not sure, but I know that I won’t stand a chance alone.” The Floatzel scratches his arm. “I sorry to ask this, after saving me from those Pokémon, but is there any way you c-could travel with me there.” The Floatzel was nervous since he never wanted to be a thorn in one’s side. “If you help I-I Promise to reward you.” The Floatzel watches hoping they wouldn’t react badly of his request… |
Gil (the Darumaka) sat up and reached out. His big red arms brought some relief as he stretched out. At least he didn't transform into a strange creature again! He rose slowly and wandered down the path. Something about this place seemed... different. It almost felt like he was living in a dream of sorts. Gil had no idea what was going on, or what the heck he even was, but he was feeling peace about it. As Gil walked down the path, two large creatures ran towards him in a cloud of dust. Of course Gil didn't realize this, but it was a Bisharp and Drapion. The two of them looked frightened. "Excuse me!" Gil called out to them. The two slowed down as they approached him. The Bisharp looked at Gil with a sly smirk. "Yes?" "I'm sorry. I'm just completely lost right now. I have no idea where I am, or what I am, or anything. Can you help?" Gil asked. "Of course I can help!" the Bisharp exclaimed. "You, my friend, are a Darumaka!" Gil shuddered. "A what?!" "A Darumaka! You know, the Pokemon that can go into zen form?" the Drapion piped. Gil sat astonished. He had only heard of Pokemon. He was too busy to get into the whole Pokemon "fad", so he knew nothing about them. "Okay, that's not good. Do you think you guys can help me get home?" Gil asked. "Of course we can," the Bisharp said with a sinister smile. |
"Hey,"saind Wendell "where is staravia?" "guard duty' Replied Luk. They were almost to Foggy Plains when they saw The pokemon... "Wait!" said Luk " I smell a trap"... There it was an injured Darumaka lying there coughing up blood "other pokemon around?" asked Eve. "YES." replied Luk. As if by signal Luk was sent flying to a nearby tree Or so it seemed he landed an foot away from it, while at the same time eve rolled away as a claw almost crushed her, and still at the same time wendell stepped back.But The claw had caught Floatzel by the chest! And Luk was Preparing a Bone rush/Mach punch... (note this Darumaka is Gil) |
"Augh, what the heck?!" Wendell stumbled backwards as Floatzel was grazed by the Bisharp's dangerous attack, regaining his ground against a tree. Luk with readied fists charged at the sharp assailant, leaping in the air and aiming for his head until he realized the consequences of attacking like this! It was too late, so he had to heavily improvise and turned the back of his paws outward to shield himself from getting shredded. The Bisharp swung wildly at Luk's general destination with his reduced visibility, sparks flying as Luk made contact with his blades. Luk's tail shone with a white light, spinning himself around and slamming it into the Bisharp who recoils backwards and away from the Floatzel. "That was close, thanks!" Luk nodded and turned his attention back to Bisharp, stepping forward with an offensive fighting stance. "That was a lucky shot, you! I may be weak against your type, but you won't walk away without a loss of blood!" Ignoring Bisharp's attempt at intimidation, Luk prepared a bone rush to use as a weapon against his opponent. "Stand! Still! You! Whelp!" The Drapion was having a hard time keeping up with Wendell, swinging his limbs in an effort to rake his skin. It was apparent that Wendell had the upper hand thanks to his speed, but what about an attack? How should I go about attacking this guy!? Suddenly, Wendell found himself against a rock wall! "Got you!" Drapion scored a painful slash to Wendell's face as he attempted to get himself out of this mess, falling to the ground and holding the side of his head. "I'm coming!" Eve ran at the Drapion, who wasn't too happy to see such acts of bravery. "No you're not!" With his tail and arms, he hurdled many boulders taken from the rocky wall at Eve; she dodged the first two but was hit by the rest! Covered in boulders, Eve struggled to break free from her rocky situation. "How do you like my Rock Tomb? Now, back to the Zoroark..." Luk wanted to help badly, but was kept busy with his battle against Bisharp! "No!" He sent out a barrage of punches with glowing paws of iron, knowing even though it didn't effect very much it at least did something. "..... Hrgh..." The Drapion was right next to Wendell poised to strike at him again, taunting by asking "What was that? I can't hear you with your face on the ground." "Hrrrgh...!" His purple and white claws were brought up over his head, further taunting his wounded opponent. "What's wrong, upset? I'll end this quickly for you, whelp!" "Hraaah!" Wendell roared as rational thoughts left his mind, the more ferocious side of his species taking over as he punched the Drapion with formidable strength, sending him back several feet away and on his back. "What the-- Drapion!" Luk seized the opportunity as he put his wrists together beside his body. The distracted Bisharp didn't see it coming; "Now!" Luk sent out a powerful Focus Blast, defeating his opponent with a clear knock-out. Wendell had a very limited amount of attacks to use, but after witnessing one he can use beforehand, that won't be a problem. He inhaled deeply as Drapion recovered and charged, shouting "Not on my watch!" His charge was in vain as Wendell delivered a surprising blast of fire from his mouth! "Wha-- Can a Zoroark even use Flamethrower?!" Eve was just as surprised as Floatzel who was aiding Gil, using supplies from his bag to help him recover. Drapion was left scorched, seeing Wendell's eyes glowing red in anger. "Guuh... Not again..." |
The Floatzel looked at Wendell in shock seeing the powerful attack. "A-amazeing." The Floatzel then shakes it off and resumes to helping Gil with his injuris. "I was next to useless back there. Floatzel sighs a bit as he resumes helping the Darumaka. "How are you feeling?" |
Gil opened his eyes slowly to see another creature, he guessed another Pokemon, staring at him. "How are you feeling?" the Floatzel asked. "Aaaaah!" Gil shrieked. Gil jumped to his feet and shrieked again in pain. He tried to remember what had just happened, but he couldn't remember a thing. He looked to his left and saw a couple creatures fighting off one of those Pokemon he had just encountered. As he saw the Pokemon he had just encountered, Gil could feel rage building up in his body. Gil let out a vicious roar, and immediately lights started shining from his body. "What the..." Gil said in wonder. The lights shone brighter and brighter until it blinded everyone in the area. Then the lights died out. Gil looked down at himself to see his body had transformed. He had just evolved! He had no idea what he evolved into, but he looked much cooler than he did before. (Gil has now evolved into a Darmanitan) Gil looked out at the Drapion and walked towards them, infuriated. The rage continued to build inside Gil as he walked towards them. As the rage built up inside of Gil, could feel his body getting hotter and hotter. When he was close enough to the duo, Gil let out all his rage. A large bright stream of heat and fire streamed from his body as Gil unknowingly used Overheat. The fire burned the Drapion, knocking him out. The Drapion simply collapsed at Gil's feet, heat emanating from his scorched body. Gil looked back at the other Pokemon. They were all staring back at him in shock. Gil simply thanked them with a nod of the head and ran off down the path. He was now determined to find his way home. |
"that was weird..."Luk said as Gil left."But awsome!" "that's putting it mildly," replied Eve." Well I think we should be moving along now." said Luk. |
"Ungh, I don't feel too good... What just happened? The last thing I remember was getting hit, and... and then I think I shot fire..." Wendell had his claws around his neck carefully, feeling something like that of a burning sensation. Eve went over towards him and asked, "You don't remember? You flipped your lid on that guy!" Everyone got back together into a group, checking for any serious injuries and the like or if any items were missing from their bags. Luk then gave out his opinion on the matter, based on the nature of the Zoroark species. "I'm assuming that your instincts took over, even influencing that of your emotional state as well as awareness. When we get back, you need to learn about control; by the by, do you remember how you shot fire from your mouth?" Wendell put his claws down to his sides and could feel the sensation of burning in his throat whenever tightening the muscles in his neck with a certain mindset, answering "Yeah, I think I do. I just gotta be careful with it, is all." Luk nodded, saying "Don't worry, I've been there with learning how to use moves. Floatzel, you seem to be real handy with remedies and such, so would you mind if you carried the medical kit?" Floatzel took the bag and swung it onto his side, replying "Yeah, well, you know, you learn several things out in the world when traveling. I just pick up whatever I can." "Sorry, but do you have a name you go by?" Wendell asked, wondering if other regulars around have titles they go by (or names). |
The Floatzel pauses for a moment and thinks. "Ummm...My name is... Donald." the Floatzel replies. "You sound a bit hesitant?" Luk asks. "Oh sorry, it’s just been so long since any ever asked me my name I had to remember that's all." The Floatzel smiles to hide the fact that he is ashamed for forgetting something so simple. "Well good to meet you Donald." Wendell says. Donald smiles hearing that. "Ok so are we ready to go?"... |
Questions raced through Gil's mind as he walked down the path. Who were those other Pokemon? Why were they so helpful? What does it take to get home? What the heck was that power he used? Gil tried to shrug off the questions, but it was useless. Gil looked back, and considered going back. Maybe those Pokemon would have some answers... Gil decided it best to just continue, and came up to a small village. He was immediately greeted by several small Pokemon. Gil had no idea what Pokemon they were, but he was happy to meet some nice Pokemon. The little Pokemon chattered and squealed at Gil, but Gil wasn't able to understand a word they were saying. As Gil tried to communicate with them, the Pokemon ran off, prompting Gil to follow. They led him to some mysterious looking building. Gil hesitated, but all the little Pokemon kept chattering and pointing him inside. Gil decided to listen to the little Pokemon, and walked cautiously into the building. The building had one room. It was dark and empty, except there was a lone Nosepass sitting in the center of the room. He seemed to be floating on thin air; Gil was slightly confused. The Nosepass's eyes shot open, startling Gil. "Hello, Gil," the Nosepass said. |
"Say Donald," Luk said. "how come you are such a good... um whats a good word... um... medic?" "i don't really know" replied Donald. "why?" " just curi.... wait, Halt!" said luk. " I sense something" Suddenly another luk appeared! " wait a sec!" Eve said. The Imposter Luk snickered. " A Zoura!" cried Luk, Eve and Donald all at once. The Zoura then said "oh hi Luk and Eve!!" The Zoura then trasformed back into well a Zoura. "Madi?" said Luk and Eve. |
Wendell: "..." Luk: "Madi, it's been quite some time! Where did you disappear off to?" Madi: "Well, y'know, just been running around solo style after I left your team." Eve: "I still wish you could have stayed with us on our explorations, I mean it was a lot of fun running around together!" Luk: "You had your reasons, though, I'm sure." Madi: "Nah, I just had better things to do than run with you guys." Luk: "Your aura seems to tell me otherwise." Madi: "Don't be trespassing my aura, that's rude!" Their conversation about their past continued for awhile now as Donald and Wendell kept quiet until Madi asked a bit louder, "So who's he, my replacement?" She was obviously looking over at Wendell, who only heard the "my replacement" part and looked over at Madi. "What?" Luk reassured her that Wendell was not her replacement, in fact saying it was mere chance of him being the same species. "So yeah, we recruited him just the other day." Madi seemed fine with it more or less, asking Wendell for his name. "It's, uh, Wendell." She examined him for a little bit, circling him and even staring into his eyes. "You aren't too social, are you?" Wendell answered, "Antisocial, but I can socialize nevertheless." She seemed pleased with herself, saying "I can tell just by looking at you; I'm good at analyzing individuals, y'know. Anyways, Luk, what are you guys doing out here?" |
Donald steps up. "I can explain." "Please do." "Well I found a map on my travels and it says that a traveler from afar would guide the way. When I found out Wendell could read the map I asked them for their help." "What is the map for?" "I... don't know." Donald scratches the back of his head." |
Gil stood frozen as the Nosepass approached him. Every part of him wanted to run, but something told him to stay. "How do you know me?" Gil asked. "I am the keeper of this area. I know that you are not alone in this area; there are others from your world in this area." Gil stared blankly at the Nosepass. Those other Pokemon that tried to help me! They must be trying to get home too. "Do you know how we can get home?" Gil asked expectantly. "I do." "Well, I'll be right back!" Gil shouted over his shoulder as he ran out. The Nosepass tried to call him back, but Gil continued running towards the others. He had to tell them how to get back home! |
Without turning around Nosepass said, "You can come out now little one." A shadow disconnects itself from the rest of the shadows revealing itself to be a Deino. "Who you calling little? I can still take you on." He growls. "But ignoring that, I feel like I should go with them. Next time they come by, make sure they take me with them. After all they used to be human just like me." The Deino then dissolved back into the shadows to wait for the others to come back. |
"Not all of them," said Nosepass "just some of them." some time later... "... so you're telling me that there is this village nearby?" asked Luk. "yep" said Gil. "Well we should sleep for now " pointing out that it was getting dark fast. the next day... "Well we should get going then." "oh and Donald don't worry I have not forgot about it." |
"So, uh, where we headed?" Wendell swung their exploration bag onto his back, freshly restocked thanks to the market in the village they just visited. The group now consisted of Luk, Eve, Donald, Gil, Madi and Wendell, although Madi doesn't seem too interested in staying with them for much longer. "Hold up, I'm setting some priorities at the moment..." Luk knew that as team leader it was his duty to juggle the objectives in mind, sorting it aloud so that everyone else hears. "... So we have to complete Donald's objective and now see what was troubling you, Gil... It wouldn't be very fair to keep Donald waiting like this - it's like telling him to let others pass him in a waiting line." Eve brought a suggestion up to mind while Luk was in silence, saying, "Hey, why don't we split up into two groups? Luk, you and I could go with Donald while Wendell goes with Gil!" Luk liked the idea, especially when it came to multitasking their work in a more effective way. "As long as he's alright with it, then I don't see any harm in it. How about it, Wendell?" "Sure, I'm fine with that. I'm thinkin' it'll be excitin' either way, so why not?" Eve was overjoyed to see her suggestion unfold like that, shouting happily. "Yay! Woopee! I'm so helpful! Let's get started!" Madi walked into Luk's path, keeping him from proceeding with the already moving Eve and Donald. "... Well? What about me, huh?" Luk was a bit surprised at Madi's behavior. "Well, I figured you had better stuff to do than go with us, so..." Madi scowled and walked over towards Gil and Wendell, telling Luk "Well I'll just tag along with these two, then! Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I won't be interested. Look at Eve over there! Yes you, smilin' over there as if it wasn't even a thing! Come on, let's move it you two, we've got places to go!" Gil agreed, telling the steamed Zorua "Alright alright, it's off this way, follow me." The two parties quickly agreed on this small town being their rendezvous when each have finished their task, and went their separated ways. "Don't you boys pull my weight, alright? I'll give you a something or two when I'm through with you." Oh, boy. |