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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Fantasy · #1842585
I had forgotten I even wrote this a shadows moves in the darkness It is rough draft><
A small playful grin apears within the shadows, as white eyes open the silent graceful steps of a woman slowly taking shape in the low lighting. Candle light flickers, toying across her curves, as a simple mocking nod is directed towards you allowing her fingers to glow, a small thread of blue jumping from finger to finger, toying with the darkness. Creating an ommonus glow upon her face. "Hello dov." Her voice is low, yet sweet gracing your ear and echoing as if a sound you forever craved to hear from any but this dangerous creature. She steps form the shadows, the blue glow dieing as her eyes close, as if breathing it into her flesh, the soul of the elements housed with in her. The soft clip of her hooves sounds on the wooden floor as she reaches out gentle fingers that smell of singed air still lingering on the dark leather. It is rare to see your kind out this late dov.... so soft... so fearful of what is left unknown..." She smiles a soft wisper, the air seeming to pick up around her swirling about threatening with a gentle breeze to send you into the darkness, your beacon flickering, clinging to life.

The room is thrown into darkness, as the light dies, as if being slowly smothered until only the smell of smoke rising to you nose letting you tell where she may be. A gentle voice rises with it, touching your ears and nose and lips as if the body and soul connected as one. YOu turn about, as if confused. The touch feeling so real, so close but so distant. "You seem worried dov.." You can almost hear the playful tone in her voice, a huntress toying with her pray before the killing blow.

A blue flash flickers behind you, a breeze reaching up brushing against your face sending a chill down your body touchin your very core in an icy embrace. "Calm your self dov.. what do you have to fear? The shadows? Or what lies with in..." her words trail off, sounding so close. you can feel the gentle warm touch of her breath upon your neck but as you turn, nothing is there only the darkness, the shadows sending you deeper into your own fears. She knows.... deep into your heart you can feel it.... she knows them all and yet she toys with you enjoying the hunt more then ever.

A flash brightens the room, the fire place igniting with life, flames lapping at the shadowed walls candles springing to life as if souls only waiting to breath once more. Your eyes adjust, scaning about the room, as your heart fill with dread, feeling the eyes upon you... closer then before, the gentle touch of a lover whom is not graces your shoulder, sliding up to your cheek only to turn your head forcing you to meet her eyes....

For a moment, you see your self, watching as your fears slowly come to realaity, slowly leaving your body as you pire into eyes, empty as the void telling you little of her plans. Fingers trail to your lips, silencing any words you might have as she steps back near floating across the floor the once more dimming light playing across her body. "As I said dov....you have little to fear but yourself." A soft chuckle trails from her as she turns on her hooves a gentle hand motioning in two directions, one to the door. the other beside her.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1842585-movment-in-the-shadows