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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1842579
A tale of a girls survival when her family is killed
Age: 18
Hair colour: fire red
Eye colour: ice blue
Build: slender
From: the shadow of the lonely mountain
Personality: quiet, shy, timid

Her looks, her personality
Quiet, shy, timid
Small, thin
Pale white skin
Fire red like hair
Ice blue eyes that seems to pierce through to ones soul

What can be seen on her
A cruel blade nearly 4 hands tall adorns her back its shows of great use though kept in fine repair.
A blood red cloak rests over her slender shoulders marked the with the mark of the once famed Holland Gate. It seems old but it has many nights ahead of it before it is no longer of use.

Short bio for in game
Before you is a lass seeming to have seen to much of the cruelties of the world to match her age. As you look at her you begin to notice more about her for she has not the look of the south about her. Her skin seems to almost glow in the moonlight as she dances about the crowd in a way that does not seem possible with gentle touch she creates a small path big enough to go unnoticed through out the people, her blue eyes darting about finding things that go overlooked. You begin wondering how a lass like this could go unnoticed through out the crowd for even her hair is exotic to these lands a red so red it is as if made of fire itself.

As you gaze at this girl your eyes slowly look to the blade that adorns her back. A cruel piece of steel that seems to speak for its self. It towers over her if she was never meant to wield the massive blade. You see a flashing hand as she moves about a rough steel cuff adorns her slender wrists, one that seems to cruel for this lass to be apart of but yet see seems to not notice the weight.

“My story is a sad one but one that must be shared for those that have fallen deserve to be remember. I hail from a place from Laketown far to the north under the shadow of the Lonely Mountain. The town was a peaceful one holding fast to the ways of the rough lands. The dwarves were our friends, and our neighbors and traded with us fairly. Some of them even walked our walls defending our town side by side with our own watch. For those that lived in the town life was peaceful, safe, and…. Free.”

“Though I did not live in the town but on the out lands nearer the forests edge where the land was feral. Many farmers lived and worked out here for our people depended on what we grew. The dwarves that stood shoulder to shoulder with the men of the Dale built a large hunting lodge to out north to house what was called The Night’s Watch. This was to offer a safe haven to those that forsook the safety of the walled town to aid their kin. It was ashamed that this did not help us when it was needed.”

:::A tear forums in her ice blue eyes as if this tale pains her to remember. She looks away to hid the sorrow in her face but she continues::

It was a night I would never forget. For it was my 14th winter. The night was cold in the Dale a fog coming off the water covering the land making it hard to see. My father….. he….. he….always kept a lantern lit in our window to guide those lost in the night to a friendly door though it wasn’t those lost that came that eve.

::She turns away from those listening her back to the group her eyes closed. There is sadness in her voice as she struggles through her tale the words seem to flow from her lips with out though as if they have been trying to come out for some time.::

There was a loud bang as the door swung open smashing against the wall and the sound of heavy boots rushed across the room to where my parents slept. Another loud crash and the sound of steel on steel sent me scrambling form under the covers and to the window though I was not fast enough. A hand gasped hold of my leg pulling me back to the bed chambers. I kicked out trying to break his grip but he was too strong for me taking hold of my neck he lifted me up squeezing tighter and tighter. Until ….. I couldn’t breath. Darkness came all to quickly…. I felt helpless.

::She falls into the arms of a near by set letting its comforting embrace swallow her up as she pulls her self in close as if she is trying to protect her body from prying hands.::

I awoke to a scream of pain coming for the other room as panic set into my head…… I looked around the place where my captors had left me but it looked hopeless….. I struggled to rise from the ground but my arms would not answer the call. My wrists were tied tightly together, the rough rope that was use cut deep into my skin……. My head was spinning with questions….. Until the sound of steel on steel came again from the other room. My brother had come home early surly he would save me.

My brother was not a small man by any standards and the vision of him gallantly coming through the door sword in hand wearing the colours of The Night’s Watch would strike fear into those that have come to harm his little sister.

::Her face changes and the look of hope seems to show through the tears of sorrow that had come from her face through out the tail. It seems that her brother was very important to her::

::Though the hope quickly fades as her story unfolds more and more into the sad story laid before you::

“Rough hands grabbed my arm and hauled my to my feet before dragging me into the other room. A scream escaped my lips at the sight before me but was quickly silenced by a dagger held close to my throat. He… he….. spoke in a tongue I could not understand as he pressed upon the blade. Drawing the attention of my brother from those he held at bay as he stood near the body of my father and weeping mother.”

::Tears once again flow from her eyes as if the sad story is now coming to a close. She wipes her face trying to stay the tears so that she could continue.::

“Tears flowed from my eyes as I watched helplessly as my brothers blade slowed tiredness was coming over him…… a…. blade seemed to find its way through his defenses cutting deep across his gut slashing the colours of the watch. His own blade clattered to the ground ever still as his hand when to the wound. He staggered leaning against the wall, the captors closed in fast speaking quickly to both my brother and amongst them selves before turning their blades on my mother and I.

A scream escaped my lips as the captors drove home their blade into my mothers chest… she tried to gasp out but no words escaped her lips only a smile appeared on her face as the light faded from her eyes. The they turned on me the man’s wicked dagger seemed to crave blood.

I tried to run I truly did but my legs trembled with fear and soon the captor was upon me pinning my bound arms to the ground running the flat of the blade upon my cheek its cold steel nipping at my flesh. But the blade never got the chance to taste blood for a sound drew the attention of my captor and his allies from their duties.

“A loud thump came from behind a wall drawing everyone in the room to silence……… THUMP……..THUMP…….a smile appeared across my brothers face the hand clutching his side covered in blood.”

“Looks like the cavalry has arrived” Then the wall burst apart but standing there in the hole was no man.

:: She begins describing a horrifying creature that seemed to be taller than the room its self. But fear is not was is in her voice nor the sadness that most of the story called for::

The creature stood so tall in the blood red armour. And he seemed to strike terror into the hearts of those that did my family harm. He was faceless but you could almost imagine the grin behind his horned death mask as he stepped through bringing his shield to bear as almost if this lone warrior was challenging the world. As he entered I could tell he was a dwarf of some sorts a white cloak hung about his shoulders bearing the mark that stood upon the hammer. The captor issued orders to his comrades though they hesitated to move.

:: The girl lets out a small laugh recounting what this dwarf in red did and it is only the second time through out this sad tale where she seems at piece with the past. ::

“My captor got off me bringing forth a short sword, and he and his four allies circled the dwarf disregarding me and my brother. I remember the dwarf jetting out a loud roar as he swung his hammer in a wicked arc keeping the four at bay as he yelled to us both.”

“RUN LASS! This is not the place for ye to stay quivering. Be strong and run swiftly.”
Determination set in, after hearing the dwarfs words I was determined I was not going to die here. But I was not the only one who understood the dwarf the one who banished the dagger turned upon me as I scrambled to a nearby wall so that I could stand but so to did my brother.

“Run sis. Run and do not look back for I will be behind you.”

His sword met the dagger as he winced upon impact of the blades. He had bought me the time to stand and I did not waste it. I pushed through the broken door and ran off into the fields, leaving the sounds of steel on steel behind me.

:: she finishes her tale but does not seem to be done. To many questions left unanswered. She looks as if she wishes to tell more of her tale but stops and looks somewhere off into the distance.::

::She motions to the inn keep for a drink one so perhaps stay the tears from her face. And after a short time he returns with a fowl smelling amber liquid that seems to do the trick. She offers a smile and some coin for the “special” drink as she stands heading into another room motioning to fallow.::


::You blindly follow her into the back to a small room that seems to go frequently unnoticed by not just the patrons. Plates lay upon the table as if unused for some time the fire some what dieing its wood pile lay near empty. She kneels before the hearth placing some more wood to the flame. As she stands you notice her face for the first time you notice a scar running down her cheek almost unnoticed in any light. She blushes and turns that side of her face away so that you can no longer see the scar.::

“I ran through the fields in a blind panic the brush tearing at my night cloths my hands tied before me almost useless to my plight. I….. I remember getting turned around somewhere and hearing a noise from behind like boots…. But the night went dark once again as something crashed into my head sending me to the ground. I rolled over trying to stand to see what hit me only to be struck again in the side by a boot. The last thing I saw that eve was the man with the cruel dagger, but it was no dagger in his hands. A long blade gleaming silver of old was grasped tightly in his fists….my brothers blade. A smile adorned his face as he approached and then the world once again went black as he drove the pommel of the sword down upon my head.

::Her eyes go to the ground as she swirls the amber liquid in her glass seeming to decide what is the less painful of the two. She sips from the drink taking a seat near the fire and a small table. Upon the table she places a dagger, a small pouch, and her folded cloak but not the large sword. That she seems to pull close to her its blade gleaming a silver that does not seem native to these or any lands.::

“Awoke with the rising of the sun feeling pain all over the blade I had seen last lying on the ground not to far from where I lay. I….. I reached for the hilts my bound hands reaching for something that I could hardly lift only to hear a laugh from across the way. There sat the man his dagger in hand cutting away at something he was eating but yet I could not tell.”

::She shudders for only a moment remembering the mans words as if he just spoke them this eve::

“He laughed at my attempts to raise the blade saying that if I was not going to fight for my life that I should beg for my life.

“He lunged for me his dagger thrown out wide as I still struggled to raise the sword my brother wielded in
my defense. As the man reached me the sword came off the ground as if another lifted it in my time of need..”

“The man halted as if time froze around up blood coming from his mouth as his eyes and my own fallowed the blade to his is gut. A smile appeared upon his face as the blade came free from my hands the weight of the hilt angling down to the ground, he reached out pulling me close as he brought the dagger to my face.

“Something to remember me by girl.” The daggers bite was as cold as his words as he dragged it down the side of my face as the life faded from him. His blood mixing with mine as it pooled upon the tattered remains of my night cloths. A noise off to the side stilled my tears as fear took over. I… tried to stand I but…my legs would not move… my body was so tired. As darkness over came me….I…I saw the demon in red. He stood over me his face so kind. Blood trailed form a dozen or so wounds. He leaned down….picking me up with gentle hands.

“Ahhh lass its alright…ye are safe now.”

And..then…..there was nothing.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1842579-caitronas-tale