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Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Erotica · #1842576
a submissive takes control

“My story is a sad one but one that must be shared for those that have fallen deserve to be remember. I hail from a place from Laketown far to the north under the shadow of the Lonely Mountain. The town was a peaceful one holding fast to the ways of the rough lands. The dwarves were our friends, and our neighbors and traded with us fairly. Some of them even walked our walls defending our town side by side with our own watch. For those that lived in the town life was peaceful, safe, and…. Free.”

“Though I did not live in the town but on the out lands nearer the forests edge where the land was feral. Many farmers lived and worked out here for our people depended on what we grew. The dwarves that stood shoulder to shoulder with the men of the Dale built a large hunting lodge to out north to house what was called The Night’s Watch. This was to offer a safe haven to those that forsook the safety of the walled town to aid their kin. It was ashamed that this did not help us when it was needed.”

:::A tear forums in her ice blue eyes as if this tale pains her to remember. She looks away to hid the sorrow in her face but she continues::

It was a night I would never forget. For it was my 14th winter. The night was cold in the Dale a fog coming off the water covering the land making it hard to see. My father….. he….. he….always kept a lantern lit in our window to guide those lost in the night to a friendly door though it wasn’t those lost that came that eve.

::She turns away from those listening her back to the group her eyes closed. There is sadness in her voice as she struggles through her tale the words seem to flow from her lips with out though as if they have been trying to come out for some time.::

There was a loud bang as the door swung open smashing against the wall and the sound of heavy boots rushed across the room to where my parents slept. Another loud crash and the sound of steel on steel sent me scrambling form under the covers and to the window though I was not fast enough. A hand gasped hold of my leg pulling me back to the bed chambers. I kicked out trying to break his grip but he was too strong for me taking hold of my neck he lifted me up squeezing tighter and tighter. Until ….. I couldn’t breath. Darkness came all to quickly…. I felt helpless.

::She falls into the arms of a near by set letting its comforting embrace swallow her up as she pulls her self in close as if she is trying to protect her body from prying hands.::

I awoke to a scream of pain coming for the other room as panic set into my head…… I looked around the place where my captors had left me but it looked hopeless…

kinks Bondage *Heart*, leash and collar, collaring, gags, pet play, romance, incest, Sensory Deprevation


She blushes watching him for a moment seeming to be standng in a doorway, a dark red skirt flows about her legs, a leather shirt leaves her midsection bare clinging to her chest. She is small for an elf, looking bearly 19 winters sliver hair floats about her shoulders as a gentle smile apears upon her lips. "Yes sir. I am I arives this morning.''

Before you is a lass seeming to have seen to much of the cruelties of the world to match her age. As you look at her you begin to notice more about her for she has not the look of the south about her. Her skin seems to almost glow in the moonlight as she dances about the crowd in a way that does not seem possible with gentle touch she creates a small path big enough to go unnoticed through out the people, her blue eyes darting about finding things that go overlooked. You begin wondering how a lass like this could go unnoticed through out the crowd for even her hair is exotic to these lands a silver so cear it is as if made of glass itself.


Cassy is a submissive, wounded by a perevious master and seeking another

I have /say and /emote turned off so whisper me please *bats eyes*

((new rule.....if you wish to rp with me and are not right infront of me....I will be fliping a coin to deside weither you are sir or ma'am... unless you make a point to say otherwise))



Bondage *Heart*
leash and collar
some pet play
Sensory Deprevation

**short story i have been working on.. not related to the character but wished to put something here for people that like to read.**


It all started with a drink.... a simple wine, chilled the crimzon red swirling in the crystal glass. The bar was crowded and the simple slip of the chemical into the glass went as easly unnoticed as the playful grin that apeared with the hand that presented it.

We spoke, we siped, only to have the glass fall from my hands shattering what little of the wine into red droplets upon the floor, giving the look of blood. The inn grows slient, the crash of glass seeming to echo in all ears present as I turn red with embarresment. Your words, a gentle hand pulling me from the fog as we rise you helping me to my feet to clear my head. We walk amongst the stars until I stumble to my knees' a hand going to my head as if to try to get it strait.

A cry from your lips, a warning seems so distant to me as something hits my head or so I think.... your face the last I see in the darkness holding my body. I awake.... slowly, the room spinning as I start to notice my clothes have changed... a tight fitting boned corset is around my waist, half cups holding my breasts at attention arms pulled back behind me held uselessly in a U-binder the laces so tight i can not move my fingers with in the sheath. Everything is locked on yet it screams of comfort, nothing save my head aching for this extended time. I try to scream for help but am silenced by a panel gag held on a harness wrapped around my head seeming to be missing an attachment.

My thighs brush against something cold and mettle but it is what is inside me that makes me worry. I am filled a vibrator with in my pussy and a smaller mate in my rear locked in with a chastity belt that offers no outside stimulation even if i was free. I try to stand, my eyes slowly traveling my leather clad legs only to see a bar
connecting my ankles keeping me kneeling helpless for any whom stumble upon me. I mew in frustration as I plee for help with my eyes..... then.... you enter.

A grin upon your face as you walk forward. Your body gleaming as the low lighting flickers across the supple black leather, heels clicking against the stone as you come before me. A shiver runs my spine as a gentle touch brushes against my hair, stroking it as fingers raise my chin to meet your own lustful gaze. You bend slowly whispering softly into my hear words that cause a shiver to run my helpless form.

"Everything is alright dear.... now you are mine." The last part rings clear in my head as you branish a remove, the low buzzing with in me rising me to a tormented state near begging as I squrm. You grin as you kiss my gagged lips attaching the missing piece to the harness gag... a blind fold sending my world into darkness a collar slipping around my neck bearing my name below the D-ring. Sobs come near silently from behind the gag as your heels ringing out a click upon the floor disapearing into the night.


and a diffrent one....


You hear a noise. A muffled moan from a dark room. The door is cracked, flames flicker on the walls. Furniture is moved aside, the wooden floor seems bare save a dark red rug in the center. You slowly peek your head in the door watching the two bodys move in the firelight the gentle steps of one as she runs her fingers along the others womans side. She leans up on her toes whispering something soft as a silken cloth slips over her eyes. The naked woman smiles softly letting her hand slip back running along the side of the young girl that is clothed the one in charge here. This dance seems one of love,of passion, a lesson from one to another. The girl steps away from the naked woman, her bare feet making little sound in the darkness until she returns with something that looks like a leather strap.

"let the dance begin love." She speaks softly her lips inches away from the naked womans face as the collar wraps tightly around her neck the click of a lock echoing though the darkened chambers. You would gasp a smile apearing on your lips as you question to yourself weither to watch or not not wishing to disturb the two.

You linger at the door watching as the young girl moves quietly about the naked woman, her touch gentle, kind as she kisses the back of her neck running her hands down her arms. "Are you ready ma'am?" The woman nods biting her lower lip as her arms are pulled back slightly the tender touch of the young girl guiding them into a special bag. You can see the girl grin as she clips a strap to the back of the womans new collar the click of the lock sounding like a shout in the darkness causing you to gasp.

The girl seems to strain slightly pulling laces starting from the bottom of the armsleave, slowly traveling up them. A soft moan escapes the woman as her elbows are drawn slowly together, forcing her chest out more. The blindfold scures her vision and yet you can almost feel her eyes closed opening only when her elbows touch.

The girl kisses the womans neck whispering something soft in her ear as she dances around to the womans front. You can almost make out what she says a hand trailing down the naked womans side.

"You asked me what it felt like ma'am...do you enjoy it?" She presses her lips gently to the womans closing her own eyes. "To see nothing, to give control to another....unsure what to expect?" The young girl blushes red as she steps back slowly making the woman look about in the darkness lost behind the blindfold, left to wonder what would happen. The young girl disapears into the shadows leaving the bound woman to stand in the fire light a shiver running her spine feeling eyes upon her pondering if this is what the blind girl feels like all the time.

Time passes slowly for both you and the woman whom is bound standing in the middle of the room a shiver running down both your spines in antisapation the young Cassaina comming from the darkness a soft smile upon her lips. She kneels silently before the woman, running a gentle finger along her leg as a metal cuff locks around one ankle then the other, a simple chain standing between them taught.

"Is this what you feared ma'am? What you wished to know if I felt when it was me here?" The young girl smiles standing upon her toes kissing the womans lips gently. "Tell me..what do you feel ma'am." Cassiana's gentle touch runs along the womans side and for the first time you hear her speak her voice trembling slightly as she gives a small squrm in her restraints new to all of this.

"I am afraid of what you will do Cassy....I do not like not being in control." The womans voice seems soft sounding of somoene that usaly commands and renders others helpless. Cassy smiles softly as she kisses the woman once more. "Does it exicte you ma'am?" YOu can almost see cassy blush a smile arising upon her lips as she pulls a harness gag from the shadows holding it at the ready.

The woman pauses for a moment. "Yes It does." You can see the woman look down embarressed as the gag is pressed to her lips the woman willingly opening her lips accepting it.

Cassys fingers work lightly tightening the harness gag, leather straps wraping around the womans face seeling the ball in tightly only a soft whimper escaping the traped woman. You close your eyes for a moment your breathing shallow as you open them slowly clearly aroused yet you gasp softly, the eyes of the young girl seem upon you even though She can not see. A leash rests in her fingers before she turns away guiding the woman into the shadows leaving you to your thoughts.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1842576-Cassys-in-control