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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Short Story · Fantasy · #1842572
Caldric has a dream, and it frightens the strong man
Smoke filled the air as he coughed the sounds of screams of steel upon steel and the moans and cry of the wounded filled the mans ears as he rolled to his side a hand soaked in blood touched his face... The taste of iron on his lips....his blood. He tried to stand to get his bearing some how his fathers axe found his hand yet his leg could not suport him causing him to stumble. They had known he was going to be here... They had let his brother go to their deaths. A barbaric roar bellows from the mans lips as he swings his ancient axe wide letting it bite deeply into something yet it would not give way. He roared once more hearing the splinter of wood as he let go of the ancient weapon, the legacy of his clan keeping his shield raised high. Thoughts of death raced in his head, how he failed his brothers slathered in their sleep.

He had seen the splinter of his shield before he actualy felt it a wicked edged sword dripping blood splintering the warn wood of the targe biting into his armoured shoulder as he screamed in agony pulling his attacker closer. The face though startled him more then the pain. The creatures face was rotted, horns broken upon it's head yet the eyes seemed to pierce deep into the barbarians soul.

"why did you let me die?" the Voice sent a chill down the mans spine forcing him to stagger as an arrow bit into his thigh the kneeling barbarian only seems to wince as if his mind is somewhere else. Another hand finds his shoulder as he tries to shrug it off the powerful man near paralyzed by the enemy holding the sword.

"why did you not save them?" it was only then did the man look around him. Blood and smoke seemed to clear slightly from his vision, the sent of magic filled the air. Bodies... Charred, broken, more friend then foe scattered about lines broken weapons scattered. Slowly those who had fallen began to stir as the pit of the barbarians stomach dropped muscles tensing around the sword that bit into him. His worst fear. The ghouls face started to become clear in the smoke as it swirled about the pair as the voice speaks more normal.

"Cant save them all.... You couldnt save us.. You couldn't even save your friend." the face of his friend, his mentor came into view rotted with the touch of death a shiver running down the mans spine as his hand clenched around the rotted limb as he roared loudly one could hear a popping sound as he squeezed it was his greatest fear, and now his darkest reality.

"CALDRIC!!" His name seemed to echo in the darkness as multiple hands grabbed at the large man as he looked for strength to fight back. "Wake up....please." The voice seamed to cause the man to stop, it was soft sweet sounding piercing the darkness as he opened his eyes slowly. The wound on his arm was bleeding again yet that is not what worried them. A body lay upon the ground a Mage whimpered softly cluching a mangled arm clearly broken at the shoulder and wrist.

"It was just a dream.." the gentle touch upon his head caused him to wince, a woman's hand clad in leather near cuped his cheek. "where we're you?" her voice held a touch of fear as the people surrounding his bed seemed to also desire an answer. He rose slowly to sitting, his leg burned from where he shattered his ankle in his dream yet it was jut that.

"It felt so real...."He winced trying to speak his throat burned from smoke that was never there. The look of worry still hangs on the strong mans face and that scares them most of all. He tries to stand yet is prevented a touch on his arm allows the an to surrender it to the woman who begins dressing his wound again. A shiver ran down the mans spine as he reached for a tankard knowing it would be full of water and not what others drink siping slowly as if coming back to this world, images of smoke and fire and death till lingering in this place they called home.

"Where did you go Caldric..." The question was asked again this time much more clear a mans voice this time yet the barbarian didn't look up. "A..a future one I wish never to see again. The man stands slowly on an unsteady leg as a troll moved to help him only to be pushed away. Pain hanging on the young mans face as he tests the weight he can tolerate. His friends watch in awe as the healers tend to the mage unsure what to make of their formidable friend.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1842572-Where-did-you-go-dream-