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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1832640
A Story of ward and his group of followers trying to bring peace to Tamerlaine
A story of a group of people who want peace for the land of Tamerlane who keep growing face changing odds and faces dangerous foes
In the world of Tamerlane there was war chaos destruction fighting and there was one person who could change it all by rallying an army containing great strength and power i will be the one who manages the party and the leader is my charecter his name is ward and his info and bio are below
No killing other players
No ridiculously Overpowered characters
Romance between characters is allowed but no Sex you can hint that they might be going to do something together but no just outright saying it
No more than 3 characters per person
This is a medival fantasy story magic and swords and bows not guns and bombs
Be respectful to other pepole and follow these and you will love the story
Basis for creating a character
Race:availible races are human elf half elf dwarf or beastkyn if beastkyn describe what race you resemble and what animal you transform into)
Name:anything you want but not ridicoulously long or hard to read
Age:(how old your charecter is)
Role:warrior mage rouge or any combination of the three
Weaapons:magic is available for any race the classes of magic are as follows black magic:necromancy fire and lightning white magic:healing holy magic and alchemy elementalist: summons elemental avatars too assist them in battle Weapons anything you can think of besides gunpowder and futuristic weapons
Appearance:describe how your charecter looks in battle and outside while traveling and any makrings or scars
Extra:anything else we need to know like they have a pet or somehting like that
Backstory:not required but recomended maximum 300 words


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1832640-The-Story-of-Tamerlaine