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Finally the Finale! |
If you remember from the last campfire, Ichabod for one reason or another 'whispered' about Falco's illicit affair in King Revel's ear? Even though Marzipan had explicitly told him not to breathe a word about it? Well unfortunately it got printed in the papers, and Uncle Skeksis made good on his promise that he would unleash his wrath on Rose 'Should anyone find out about the illicit affair.' Skeksis took syringe full of a poisonous fluid and injected it into Rose's neck, however the Dragoness fainted before Skeksis could complete the action Thus she was left in a state of reptilian hibernation, for all appearances she seemed dead and Skeksis decided to keep it that way. "Let's let Falco think you're dead." Skeksis said "And that only you can be brought back to life by a cat's magic. That will make that irresponsible nephew of mine work for you!" |
Marzipan stared at Ichabod as they got into the Fellowship Marzipan was not happy. "You did exactly the thing I told you not to do." Marzipan said angrily "What on Earth are you talking about?" Ichabod asked coyly "Don't give me that!" Marzi yelled "You told King Revel about Falco's illicit affair!" "And what's wrong with that?!" Ichabod asked angrily "He made our lives miserable didn't he?" "Yeah but...that's still no reason to snitch..." Marzi said "I mean Falco may not be a nice guy but he's still a person and we can't just..." Ichabod kissed her full on the mouth to shut her up, Marzipan's tail went straight up in the air "Marzipan..." Ichabod said slowly and seductively "Don't you worry yourself, Everything will turn out for the better, you'll see!" Marzipan didn't look convinced Ichabod ran his fingers through her fur "What do you want right now?" He whispered "More than anything?" "I just want a burger with extra onions." Marzipan said exhausted from her ordeal Meanwhile Falco was making his way to Rose's room, they were planning their final escape together. But when he walked in, he got a newspaper shoved in his face, it read 'Local Hypocrite Falco Lombardi fornicates with Dragon Girl.' "What is the meaning of this?!" Skeksis roared "I told you if this story got into the papers the dragon would get it and now she has!" "What?!" Falco croaked "Here is your precious Rose!" Skeksis said revealing a seemingly dead Dragon Girl. "Oh Rose! Oh Gods!" Falco cried he knelt beside his love and caressed her scaly blue cheek |
"Rose..." Falco whispered in despair tears streaming down the Alien Heron's blue feathered cheeks "You should have gotten that Cat's magic when you could have." Skeksis growled "It's too late now." "Too late for what?" Falco croaked "Don't you know?" Skeksis asked "Only the magic of a powerful Humanimal can bring another Humanimals back to life, if that Cat was here right now we could drain her magic and restore your dragon to life!" "Is it really too late?" Falco asked his blue eyes pleading "Tell me what I must know!" Skeksis grinned, the master of manipulation had Falco right where he wanted. "You have five days." Skeksis said "Otherwise the hour of magic will pass and Rose will be beyond our help, Can you get that Cat in five days?" Falco did not answer he picked up Rose in his arms and took her into his room Meanwhile Marzipan was gorging herself on a feast of fast food, Ichabod had gotten for her, Ichabod himself went to his room on The Fellowship to undress and unwind, When he sat down on his bare behind he winced he cursed himself for forgetting about his torture on the spanking machine he rubbed his backside and sighed. |
"I need to find a way to get rid of this pain," he muttered. "Perhaps some lotion would help," said a familiar voice. Ichabod turned his head, and saw a certain catfish standing in the window, with a big grin on his face. "Bob, you can go jump in the ocean and dehydrate, or whatever it is that happens to freshwater fish when they are put in saltwater." "Ah, that hurts my feelings," Bob said, sarcastically. "I guess you don't want this moisturizer, with aloe." He then began tossing a bottle up in the air. "Give that to me," Ichabod said as he got out of the chair, and tried to grab the bottle. Bob held the bottle out at arms length, and used his other arm to hold Ichabod away. "Only way you get it is if I administer it." "And let you get yourself off on it? Fat chance!" "You'll either have your butt suffer, or you'll have to go though my fantasy of touching your bare behind. I promise you I'll be gentle, but I can't say the same for whatever chair you sit in." |
Ichabod thought for a moment. His butt really hurt. "OK, but only if you swear to never tell anybody about it." "Sure!" Bob said. "I don't get off on telling people about what I do. I get off on doing what I do." "And please don't say you are getting off," Ichabod said. "My, for someone who needs a butt rub you sure are picky." "Dammit, Bob! Just cancel the deal!" "Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'll rub on the soothing aloe; I will not say I'm getting off; and I will keep it all a secret. Now lay down on your stomach." |
As Marzipan was gulping down her French fries dripping with salt and ketchup, she heard strange moaning sounds from the room both she and Ichabod shared and for a minute she could not tell weather it was Ichabod or Bob making those noises as the both of them had very similar naisly voices. Bill Brandy the Bull and Jim Buckwheat the Red Squirrel entered the kitchen "How you feeling?" Bill asked warmly "I feel OK..." Marzipan said "But Ichabod..." She trailed off "But Ichabod what?" Jim asked concern on his furry features "But Ichabod did something terrible and he won't admit he did anything wrong!" Marzipan said "Falco saved Ichabod's life from a torture device and Ichabod betrayed him!" "What?" Bill was astounded "Why did Falco save Ichabod's life?" Jim asked Meanwhile Falco looked at Rose's still body, to Falco's credit he had no way of knowing she was NOT dead, her state of reptilian hibernation was so perfect, her heart beat went all but nil her pulse went to a near standstill. For all Falco could tell she was dead! Falco knew deep in his heart Marzipan was not the one who snitched on him, he knew Marzipan too well, the bond they shared was like that of a brother and sister...Falco knew the ugly truth...Ichabod must have been the one who tattled, He cradled the Dragon-Girl in his arms and wept mumbling "Oh Rose! You didn't deserve to die!" |
Suddenly, Falco sensed something, and looked up. Standing across from him and Rose's body was what looked like a hologram of Rose, there, but not there. "Rose," he said as he tried to touch her cheek, but his hand went through. "How are you here?" Rose's image tried to speak, but no sound came out. Rose then turned her head, and seemed to be speaking to someone else. Then, she covered her mouth, and her eyes seemed to moisten. She turned back to Falco and tried to speak again, her face seeming to be one of sadness. Then, fear showed in her eyes, and she pointed behind Falco, and disappeared. Falco turned around, and saw his uncle enter the room. "I thought I'd find you here," the older Ave said. "Now, are you ready to go and get the cat?" Falco then looked at Rose's body and felt something, a faint warmth, as if the body was trying to tell him something. |
"She is trying to tell you her life force is fading..." Skeksis said "She needs new energy badly." Skeksis got out an envelope with a letter in it "Tonight on Planet Alderbaren, there will be a Masquerade Ball which our little pink and purple feline and her puny human mate will be attending." Falco looked at the letter, it was written on scented paper that smelled of daffodils and lilacs "You shall be attending the ball as well..." Skeksis said "make them an offer they can't refuse..." Meanwhile Marzipan and Ichabod were already getting dressed up to attend the Ball, held at the Animal Opera on Planet Alderbaren. Minsk and Matoaka were trying to get Marzipan in her bright orange dress with an even brighter orange sash "You really have to stop eating so much junk food Marzi." Matoaka said "This like trying to fit an elephant into a tutu!" Meanwhile Edward Green, was helping Edward with his costume, a beautiful Military Uniform like a general would wear in the nineteenth century "It looks good," Ichabod said "But I feel it is missing something..." Edward took down his old red domino mask from when he was called The Hunter and added it to Ichabod's costume "Oh Edward!" Ichabod exclaimed "Really? For me?" "You deserve it." The older human said warmly "But what will you wear to the gala?" Ichabod asked "I...Don't think I'll attend..." Edward said "The Humanimals are still a little afraid of me from when I was the Hunter." |
Ichabod exited his dressing room, the domino mask was a little slippery on him and he had to keep readjusting it. "How did Edward keep this thing on in the first place?" Ichabod asked himself "Ahem." Said a smooth sultry purr. Ichabod turned around, there was Marzipan, all dressed in ready to go. "Whoa..." Ichabod said "You look...amazing!" "Thanks, it took about ten minutes to get me into this dress." She said Marzipan turned to the food table, and took a bite of French fry to satisfy her hunger... As soon as she did that the dress which was already fitting kind of tight started popping buttons everywhere. "Oh fudge." Marzipan said angrily "Can't the make pimped out ballroom dresses for the husky lady?" "Hang on..." Ichabod said " I can fix that." He took a needle and thread out of his pocket and started to sew the buttons back on. And Marzipan was wondering what teenage boy has first hand knowledge of sewing. |
Falco was making the finishing touches on something he was writing. "What are you doing now?" Skeksis asked impatiently "You haven't got all night!" "I'm making something!" Falco barked back, he was making 'the offer they couldn't refuse' It was the finished score of an Opera, the first opera he had ever written Don Juan Triumphant. Falco knew he had to hurry, but every note counted, he couldn't bear to have a single thing go wrong. Meanwhile at Animal Opera, Ichabod and Marzipan walked hand and hand to the entrance. "Name Please." Said Kong the Gorilla "Come on Kong, drop the act." Ichabod said irritably "We're the guests of honor!" "It's all right Kong." Said Aries the Ram Man "Their on the list." "Do you think your sewing will hold up?" Marzipan whispered in Ichabod's ear "I wouldn't want to be seen at the Snack Table with my buttons bursting loose." |
"I just hope that's all we'll have to worry about," Ichabod said. "I hope that we can eat the food." "What are you worried about?" Marzipan asked. "The fish that they had at the last event was fantastic." "No offence, but you're a cat." "And what has that to do with anything?" "The fish was raw, and intact, and it felt like their eyes were watching me." Marzipan laughed. "Come on you big baby. Maybe we'll find you something else, like grilled fish sticks." "I think that beef would be better, or chicken." "I think that the Avans attending would be upset if a bird was on the menu." |
"Damn all these food complications!" Ichabod said. "Whoaaa," Marzipan said. "Settle down. You're all wound up. Very tense. Have a french fry. That always relaxes me." "I'm not tense. I'm just excited that the opera is about to begin." With a little help from an usher they found their seats. A figure several rows away from them put down his binoculars and grinned. Spotting Marzipan was even easier than he had hoped. Falco put away his binoculars and opened up the opera program booklet. It was full of ads for various healthcare products and domestic services, but he eventually found a few pages that were actually about the opera. |
The songs were wonderful, the dancing was wonderful, the plot however was seriously lacking...at least from Falco's point of view. Later at the After Party Feast Falco made his move. He was dressed entirely in red, except for a white skull mask he wore over his face He approached the two mangers of Animal Opera, Sir Aries the Ram, and Sir Taurus the Bull, he approached slowly and deliberately. "Why so silent Good Messieurs? " Falco sang in a low haunting tone "Did you really think I had left you for good?" The Ram and the Bull looked utterly terrified "Have you missed me good Messieurs?" Falco sang "I have written you an opera..." He through down a thick collection of papers "Here I bring the finished score...Don Juan Triumphant!" Falco backed away slowly "I advise you to comply...My instructions should be clear...Remember their are worse things than a shattered chandelier!" Marzipan did not know why she walked toward Falco her legs compelled her to walk toward him Falco turned and grinned "Your chains are still mine!" He yelled at her "You will sing for me!" With that he vanished in a puff of smoke. |
So essentially Falco was extorting the Animal Opera to produce his opera, it sent the two managers into panic "Ludicrous!" Cried Sir Taurus "have you seen the score?! Simply Ludicrous! It's the final straw!" Aries the Ram agreed "Utter Lunacy, well you know my views... Utter lunacy...But we dare not refuse!" "Not a another chandelier...." Taurus moaned "Look my friend what we have here!" Aries gave Taurus a note and picked up one up himself Taurus opened the letter and started reading "Dear Taurus See my Orchestrations We need another first bassoon Get a player with tone and that third trombone Has to go, the man could not be deafer So please preferably who plays in tune!" Sir Aries started reading his letter. "Dear Aries See my Opera Some chorus members must be sacked If you could find which has a sense of pitch Wisely though I've managed to assign a minor role to those who cannot act!" |
"I dislike it when those sorts of peoples do these things to us," Taurus said. "They just ruin things, I mean, how are we supposed to find new people on such short notice?" "Makes me wish that we had hired that merc and his men to be security," Aries mumbled. "Expensive as hell, but he'd be worth it, for the most part." "What are we going to do? The last time he showed up, we lost ourselves a good singer/actress you know." "I have a little something in my room that might do the job; spoiled strawberry juice. Get him to drink that, and he might die." "How are we supposed to get him to drink that?" "Through manners; It's impolite to just refuse a drink. A small sip should do the job. And, if it doesn't kill him, it will make him look like one hell of a fool. After all, Avans go crazy after eating strawberries, or drinking strawberry juice." "Let's hope he pisses off the wrong husband, and gets cold cocked." |
As Aries and Taurus managed to make there way to the Feast Hall, Lea Draco the Dragon was fuming. "Outrage!" She roared "What is it now?" Taurus asked "Have you seen the size of my part?" Lea fumed throwing the script in the Bull's face. "Ms. Draco listen." Taurus began to say "It's an insult!" Said Lea's lover the Dragon Boy Taren "Not you as well!" Aries bleated angrily "Just look at this it's an insult!" Taren fumed holding up the script "The two of you just listen!" Aries said to the two dragons. "The things I have to do for my art." Lea said folding her long arms "If you can call this gibberish art..."Taren said breathing smoke out his nose. Marzipan and Ichabod entered. "Here's our little flower..." Lea said coldly "Aw Ms. Cheshire quite the Lady of the Hour!" Aries said "You've secured the largest role in Mr. Lombardi's opera!" Taurus said |
Iris Ogg the Silver Haired Bat Woman flew in from down the rafters. "Please Dear Friends another note" "Oh for the love of Isis." Bill Brandy said as He, Jim, Bob and Kong entered in order to show Ichabod and Marzipan their moral support "How does this guy keep sending notes, what does he have the power of teleportation?!" "Yes." Marzipan said "Yes he does." Iris opened the letter "Fondest Greetings to you all..." She read "Just a few notes before rehearsal starts, Lea Draco most be taught to act, not her normal trick of strutting round the stage, Our Don Juan must lose some weight, it's not healthy in a Beast of Draco's age...and the managers must lean that they're place in in office not the arts..." Aries and Taurus grimaced. "And as for Ms Marzipan Cheshire.." Iris said continuing to read "No doubt she'll do her best it's true her voice is good but she has much skill to learn should she wish to excel, if pride will let her return to me her teacher....Your obedient fiend and angel..." Ichabod suddenly had a flash of inspiration. "We have all been blind...And yet the answer is staring us in the face!" This could be our chance to ensnare our clever friend!: "We're listening go on." Aries said "We...shall play his game." Ichabod said with a sinister grin Marzipan had never seen on him before "Preform his his work but remember we hold the ace!" Ichabod licked his lips and got an evil look in his eyes "For if Marzipan sings he is certain to attend. "We make certain our men are there!" Said the Ram "We make certain that they're armed!" Said the Bull "We make certain the doors are locked!" Said Ichabod "The curtain falls! His reign will end!" The three of them sang in triumph. Iris put up her wings you don't want to do this!" "Are you sure about this?" Bill asked "This could be disastrous!" "Not if it works!" Ichabod said "Ichabod Please!" Iris said "It will not work!" "You stick to your cheap parlor tricks!" Aries said "Please, My Friends..." Iris said "I do not mean any ill will but remember he is a Mage of extreme power!" "But you're also a mage!" Ichabod said "So help us!" "Instead of warning us help us!" Bill, Jim, Kong and Bob said at once Marzipan let out a cat like shriek to get everyone's attention "Ichabod I'm frightened, don't make me do this." She mewed "Ichabod it scares me, don't put me through this ordeal," Ichabod lost that sinister look in his eyes, he put his hand on Marzipan's shoulder "You said yourself...He was nothing but a man, yet while he lives...he'll hold us till we're dead." Marzipan turned away, something about Ichabod seemed strange, this was not the Ichabod she fell in love with, she sang a tormented song "Twisted every way, what answer can I give? Am I to risk my life, to win the chance to live? Can I betray the man who once inspired my voice? Do I become his prey? Do I have any choice? He kills without a thought, he murders all that's good . . . I know I can't refuse and yet, I wish I could . . . Oh God - if I agree, what horrors wait for me in this, the Phantom's opera . . .? " Ichabod walked over to her, he wiped away her tears with his hand "Marzipan, Marzipan..." He sang "Don't think that I don't care" His green eyes looked into her brown eyes, he sang at almost a whisper "But every hope and every prayer rests on you now..." The two of them embraced and kissed, a shining sliver light enveloped them, they floated into the air...No that is not a metaphor, the literary floated into the air the whole Opera House was filled with silver light All the Humanimals attending were filled with shock and wonder, Only Kong the Gorilla had an inkling of what this meant "The Prophecy... " The Ape whispered "They are the chosen ones!" Ichabod and Marzipan kissed for a long time, when they finally broke the kiss they gently floated back down to earth still shining with silver light "So it is to be war between us." Ichabod said as the two them floated back down to Earth, "But this time Falco...The disaster...WILL BE YOURS!" |
"I just have one question; Where's James?" Bob asked. "I don't know," Bill said. "He mentioned something about needing a vacation." "I'm sort of hoping he doesn't show up." "Why?" "Trouble just seems to erupt whenever he shows up." "Trouble showed up long before he did." "But I don't like having to take orders from him. I mean, he's too old. It's like he's fighting a previous war." "Maybe the war hasn't ended for him." |
Bill talked to Matoaka to get Captain Tiamat of the Indefatigable...Hopefully with both the Teams of the Fellowship and the Indefatigable in the opera house at the night of the premiere, hopefully Falco would not have the ability to escape. Bob approached Kong "You said something, during that moment Ichabod and Marzipan kissed..." "No I didn't!" Kong said quickly "Don't lie to me." The Catfish said "I'm both psychic and I have sharp ears...Now what exactly did you say? Sounded like something about a... prophecy." "Promise not to let the secret slip if I tell you?" Kong asked "My fishy lips...are sealed." Bob said "Something about the final chapter of the Heresy Stones..." Kong said "Something about love making all intelligent being equal." "Come on!" Bob said "There has to be more to it then that!" "You got to understand this like Revelations!" Kong said in a harsh whisper "if the Wrangler Empire, or any People who are against Interspecies relationships gets wind of it, they may do whatever they can to stop this prophecy from coming true than we the Humanimal race may very well be doomed!" Kong whispered in Bob's ear "The last part of the Prophecy states that if a virgin human male loves a virgin Humanimal female with all his heart and loses his virginity to her, then the nature of the universe will be altered and all intelligent beings will be made free and equal." "But surely that can't be Ichabod!" Bob said "He's not technically a virgin! Marzipan gave him a blow job way back when!" "Actually he is still a virgin." Kong said "Under the laws of Animalia which are as old as Animal Kind itself, getting a blow job does not count as losing your virginity, anymore than getting a hand job would count...Under the Laws of Animalia unless it's the kind of sex that leads to pregnancy it does not count as losing your virginity." Bob scowled "Then I guess us Gay Man are perpetual virgins by the Law's standards." |
"Ha, there are ways around that, like artificial insemination." "But you just said-" "Yeah, but there are plenty of ways." |
After Bob got through telling Bill everything that he had learned, Bill said, "But you promised Kong you would tell no one." "You're not exactly no one," Bob said. "You're almost my brother." "I still don't like your loose lips. They don't stay sealed. It could be dangerous if you become such a blabbermouth." "I intend to tell no one but you, my brother. You should be proud that I trust you." "I can keep a secret," Bill said. "All these years and I never told you that Grandma loved me best." "What?!" Bob said. "Oops." Meanwhile, Falco strode back and forth in his Planning Room, grinning and smacking his fist into his palm. "And so the plan comes together! The pieces are in place! The table is set! Let the feast of victorious action begin! Actors! Follow your cues! I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille!" There was a message beeping for him on his answering machine. "Falco! This is your Uncle Skeksis! I wish you luck in your bold adventure! And can you send me a dozen tickets to the opera? Cousin Nora wants to attend." "Bah!" Falco fumed. "He treats even my mightiest projects like the play of a child. In his eyes I shall always be the fledgling on the edge of the nest, afraid to flap his wings and fly. But the truth is tonight I am soaring! I have conquered the moon!" At that point Falco ran around the room with his arms extended, laughing one of those long cackling mwahahaha laughs. Even his most loyal private guard was a bit embarrassed by it. |
As the Humanimals of Animal Opera began their rehearsal for Don Juan Triumphant the Conductor of the Opera, Leopold the Lion Man was having trouble getting Taren to lose the Dragon accent and speak with the more refined bird accent. "Now...Mr Dragongnache for the Umpteenth time... Here is the phrase!" The Lion Man started playing his piano Speaking with the more refined bird accent "Of those who tango with Don Juan...." "Of those who tango with Don Juan...." Taren sang in his thick dragon accent "No! No!" The Lion said exasperated "Nearly but no! Repeat after me! Of those who tango with Don Juan...." The Lion managed to say in the chirpy whistling voice. "Of those who Tango with Don Juan!" Taren said still with Dragon accent "His way is better." Lea said to Leopold "At least he make it sound like music!" "Young Lady..." Iris said harshly "Would you speak that way in front of the composer?" Lea however was deaf to the implications of the remark. "The composers is not here and if he was I would tell him..." Leopold decided he would break up a potential fight between the Dragon and the Bat. "So Taren!" Leopold said "Let's try this after seven! A five six seven! Of those who tango with Don Juan..." But Taren still couldn't drop the dragon accent, everyone burst into laughter. Leopold started furiously playing his piano, everyone started dancing about wildly singing mockingly "Poor young maiden! For the thrill of the tongue of stolen sweets! You will have to pay the bill, tangled in the winding sheets!" Marzipan did not sing along with them, she sneaked out the back door when everyone started singing and dancing wildly. She hurried to a special place on Alderbaren, the Humanimal's graveyard, this was where they buried all the Humanimals who died on Planet Alderbaren. In front of the cemetery were statues of all kinds of greats beasts, deer, horses, zebras, elephants, giraffes and other charismatic mega fauna. As she approached the Heavy Gate she sang to herself "In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came, that voice which calls to me, and speaks my name..." In Marzipan's imagination the beautiful statues seem to come to life and help her push the door open, she ran into the graveyard, straight into the mausoleum..." Ever since Marzipan had been stolen away from her home as an 8 year old kitten, and taken to Planet Alderbaren, she never did find out what happened to the rest of her family, her mother, her father, her little sister Emma, she could never find out if they were dead or alive, the human empire had seemingly conquered every planet that didn't already have an intelligent species living on it. Jonathan Crane, Ichabod's father tried to soothe her distress by saying "Until you get closure on weather your parents are alive or dead I can be a father to you in the time being..." As kind as that sounded, Marzipan knew know substitute would be good enough right now, she needed her real mother, her real father, even her real little sister... |
"Are you alright young lady?" a voice asked. Marzipan turned her head and saw an old mouse woman sitting on a bench, wearing some dark glasses. "Come and sit by me, and tell old Rita about what is making you so sad," the mouse said, as she tapped the place next to her. "After all, I don't like hearing some young person cry, especially when there is no real reason to be sad." "Oh it's nothing much," Marzipan said as she sat down next to the old mouse. "It's just that, I was thinking about my mother, and what she'd think of me." "Was she not to happy in your choice of a lover or something before she passed on?" Rita asked, looking forward. "No, I was taken from her, long before I ever had those sorts of thoughts in my mind," Marzipan said with a sigh. "I'm guessing that someone helped save you, or you saved yourself from your captors, otherwise we wouldn't be talking now would we," Rita said with a slight smile. "Yeah, Ichabod helped me to escape." "I sense that this Ichabod is important to you young one," Rita said with a chuckle. "Is Ichabod a he or a she, or one of those stuck in-between?" "He's most surely a guy," Marzipan said with a smile. "He any good in bed?" "What?" "Is he any good at having sex with you?" "We haven't really done that, and why is someone of your years asking?" "Sometimes I like to imagine what it would of been like if I had had sex with this man or that woman, that cat or that dog, or even the occasional human. It doesn't matter much to me, as long as it was good. Sometimes, we even did it for real, especially after a show." "Did you even get pregnant?" "Oh no, we'd both use protection, that was one of my rules with my lovers. Sometimes is was one of those managre trio things, or whatever they call three in the same bed having sex with each other, sometimes it was more. Of course, now days, I have to imagine what they look like." "Why's that?" "I was involved in an accident, and lost my sight as a result." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." "It's alright, I'm rich with plenty of friends, especially right here." Rita then waved her hand to the left and right. "Many of them are resting right here, right in front of us. Sadly, I don't know where they rest exactly, and I'd like to give each one a flower before I go. Could you help me out?" "I guess I could do that," Marzipan said. "It will be a while before I'm needed." "That's good to hear," Rita said, as she stood up, holding onto a white cane with a red stripe and grabbing a bunch of long stemmed yellow flowers. "Lead the way." |
As Marzipan and Rita lay flowers on the appropriate graves, Marzipan caught a whiff of a familial scent. "Do you smell that?" Marzipan asked "I smell many things." Rita said "What specifically?" "It smells like...Roses!" Marzipan said "There are many roses in the cemetery." Rita said "But it smells like a specific rose..." Marzi said "It smells like the roses that grew in my Mother's garden back on Planet Mizzer!" Marzipan had no way of knowing Falco had gone to Planet Mizzer to gather the roses there, he was going to lay a trap for Marzipan now that he had found her in the graveyard. He lay a trail of Mizzer roses that led straight into the Mausoleum... As Marzipan followed the trail into the cold stone house, she found something that made her turn pail "Emma..." She whispered There on the ground was a little blue plush toy. "Emma's smiley worm doll..." Marzi said filled with regret and sadness She sniffed the toy, it still smelled of her baby sister, she knew it was her sister's because it had the same tooth marks on it from when Emma was teething. Falco hiding behind the stone statues of angels, began to sing, doing his best impression of a Cat's accent "Wandering child, so lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance... " "Angel, or Father, Friend or Phantom, Who speaks in this whisper?" "Have you forgotten your angel?" Falco said keeping up the mewing cat voice. Fortunately for Marzipan, Ichabod had found her, he was wondering where she was and he had come just in time to see Falco was beguiling Marzipan into bending to his will with a siren song. "Marzipan," he said 'Whatever you may believe, this creature, this thing is not your Father!" Marzipan continued to walk toward the sound of Falco's voice "Marzipan!" Ichabod croaked then he shouted to Falco "For God's sake let her go! Marzipan!" That snapped Marzipan out of her trance, she turned around and saw Ichabod behind her "Oh God! Ichabod!" She ran to him and hugged him |
At that moment, Rita showed up. "What's going on?" the old mouse asked, looking around and sniffing the air. "What's the deal with all the shouting, and, phew! who's wearing that bad cheap cologne?" "I don't know about cologne, but that bastard was trying to steal my girlfriend," Ichabod said, still holding onto Marzipan. "Then point me in his direction and I'll give him the spanking he needs," Rita said with and angry squeak. "There's nothing worse than one who steals boyfriends and girlfriend, except for those who steal husbands and wives!" "Ha!" Falco squawked. "Like a little blind mouse like you could do anything to me! Preposterous!" Rita then lifted lifted her cane and removed the bottom two inches off. Then, she pointed it at Falco and said, "Eat rock salt!" She then pushed a button at the top. Falco then screamed in pain as some of the salt rocks managed to hit him in the shoulder."I'll get you for this!" he screamed as he fled the cemetery. "That ought to teach him," Rita said as she screwed the bottom part of her cane back on. "Too bad I didn't get him in the mouth, or better yet, in his nutsack!" "Remind me not to make you angry," Ichabod said. "Well, don't you have a date or something to get to?" Rita asked. "Actually, I think that we're going to be in a play." "Well in that case, be sure to end it on a good note," Rita said with a smile. "Now, could you help me out of here?" |
After putting the blind mouse on a trolley headed for her neighborhood, Ichabod and Marzipan ran back to the theater. There was unfinished business to complete. "But what shall we do about Falco?" Marzipan asked. Ichabod's face was solemn. "I have a feeling the fate of Falco will be determined very soon." She grabbed his arm. "Because you intend to kill him?" "What? No! I just meant I had the feeling that his fate would be determined soon. Do you WANT me to kill him?" "I don't think so," Marzipan said. "I guess I... I don't know what I want... except... to be done with Falco and never have to worry about him again." |
Falco has requested that the Opera not be performed in Animal Opera on Planet Alderbaren, but on Crystal Mountain Theater on his home turf, this was exactly what everyone feared. Soon the Actors were acting, the singers were singing, the dancers were dancing there was but one chance. Leopold the Lion Man had switched roles with Taren the Dragon Man. Marzipan had suggested it as since Leopold could pull of the bird accent and Taren could not Marzi suggested they switch roles, to which they willingly obliged. Now the Actor's playing Don Juan's servants started singing the chorus. "Here the Sire serves the Dam! Here the Master takes his Meat! Here the sacrificial lamb Utters one despairing bleat!" Lea lead the other singers in song "Poor Young Maiden! For the thrill of the tongue of stolen sweets You will have to pay the bill Tangled in the winding sheets!" |
Leopold playing Don Juan, and Taren playing Passarino, Don Juan's most faithful servant, Entered the room, Belladonna the White Dragon playing a gypsy dancer, pirouettes coquettishly behind them, Leopold threw her a purse of gold, and she skirted off Leopold sang "Passarino, Faithful Friend! Once again recite the plan!" Taren sang "Your Young Guest thinks I'm you! I the Master,You the Man." The Lion Man sang " When you met you wore my cloak, with my scarf you hid your face. She believes she dines with me, in her master's borrowed place! Furtively, we'll scoff and quaff, stealing what, in truth, is mine. When it's late and modesty starts to mellow, with the wine . . ." The finished their song with a great a laugh, and walked offstage, As Leopold went behind the scenes to change outfits, he felt something tight go around his neck he gasped, Falco had ensnared him with his Punjab lasso "Terribly sorry Sir..." Falco said "But I'm going to take your place from here on out..." |
However, Leopol.d managed to grab the lasso, and jerk it out of Falco's hands. "Security!" he shouted. "Get in here now!" But by the time security and the other dancers and singers got there, Falco was gone. "Are you alright?" Aries asked. "I've been better," Leopold said as he lifted the lasso. "Someone tried to strangle me." |
Unbeknownst to them, Falco had not fled the theater but turned invisible, when the rest of them went back to their places, Falco became visable again and took out his knife. "It seems I may have to use less subtle means." He said to himself. When Leopold was left by himself and thought he was safe, Falco stabbed him in the back multiple times, leaving the Lion Man dead as a door nail. Marzipan unaware of this had changed into her Ameita costume and entered the stage singing "No thoughts in her head but thoughts of joy, no dreams in her heart but dreams of love..." "Master..." Said Taren expecting to here Leopold's voice. Instead Falco now wearing Leopold's costume responded "Passarino...Go away...For the trap is set and waits for its prey..." Falco entered, everyone gasped...Bill, Jim, Bob and Ichabod who were hiding behind the curtain knew this was what they were waiting for. "All right." Ichabod said with a dangerous glint in his eyes "The Bastard Bird, made his move, let's kill him..." Then Bob got a psychic flash, he grabbed Ichabod's shoulder "Ichabod! Wait!" Bob cried "If you walk onto stage on now you'll be killed!" "I think you have that backwards Bob." Ichabod said flatly "Falco is the one who will be killed!" "No! NO!" Bob said "You're forgetting this is not Animal Opera, we're not on Planet Alderbaren, this is Amethyst Theater on Planet Ava! Falco's home turf, besides...someone more powerful then Falco is hovering above our heads just waiting to make the first move..." Bob's flipper gestured to the chandelier, hiding on it was Falco's Uncle Skeksis grinning wickedly at them. "What do I tell the soldiers in the orchestra pit?" Bill asked "Tell them to hold their fire." Bob said "I see in my mind's eye if we let this play out things will work out." "It better." Ichabod said darkly "Bob's clairvoyance has never failed us before." Jim said Falco cornered Marzipan, she looked utterly terrified, Ichabod looked ready to punch Falco in the face All three of his friends had to hold him back. But something happened inside Falco's psyche, he looked at Marzipan, her big brown eyes full of tears streaming down her furry cheeks, Falco felt something overcome him 'What is wrong with me?' He thought 'Is it really that my People shunned me because I had a hooked beak or was it that I didn't help the problem by acting like a bully?' He wondered if it were possible he tried to be nicer to his peers as a child, they would not have shunned him, Up above Skeksis was waiting. "Do it!" he whispered to Falco, but Falco did not hear "What are you waiting for Falco?" Skeksis whispered |
(Important Note I wrote this entirely on Final Draft script writing program Two Months before I wrote this campfire if will return to normal narrative format after this addition) (The Falcon-like alien sheds a tear and pleads with Marzipan) FALCO Marzipan, I have lost myself, I no longer know who I am anymore, I have been swallowed by hate and consumed by grief, Teach me Marzipan, teach me what your heart knows so well...teach me how to love the world again! MARZIPAN (V.O.) But unfortunately Falco’s Uncle Skeksis would have none of that from his nephew (A hideous vulture-like alien, Falco’s uncle Skeksis appears floating in mid air he waves his clawed hand and causes the chandelier to fall, Belladonna Starchild the White Dragon-Woman screams as everyone ducks for cover, Falco shields Marzipan with his wing arms The Chandelier causes a gaping hole in the floor of the stage, the curtain falls revealing another of Falco’s victims the Lion-Man who was intended to play Don Juan Falco had killed to steal his part.) (Lea the Blue Dragon woman rushes onto the stage) LEA What is it what has happened? Who killed him! (Taurus the Bull-Man and Aries the Ram-Man rush onto the stage) TAURUS Oh my god! My god! ARIES We’re ruined Taurus ruined! (Bob Buttz the Catfish-Boy gets a psychic glint in his eyes he has had a vision) (Bob grabs Ichabod’s arm) BOB Ichabod! Ichabod I know where they are! ICHABOD How do you know? BOB I had a vision we must go down that hole and it will lead us to Falco’s lair! But remember we must all keep our hand at the level of our eye or else he’ll strangle us to death with his Punjab Lasso! (Ichabod and his comrades, Bill the Bull-boy and Jim the Squirrel-boy follow Bob into the hole) (Falco is dragging Marzipan by her paw, he comes across a cage, an old sideshow attraction, that he was a part of) FALCO Why you ask was I bound and changed in the cold and dismal place! Not for any mortal sin but the wickedness of MY ABHORRENT FACE! (The crowd of angry humanimals is hot on Falco’s tail, they chant angrily) ANGRY MOB ...track down this murderer he must be found... (Falco moves off again tearing at his feathers with exasperation and despair) FALCO Hounded out by everyone! Met with hatred everywhere! No kind word from anyone! No compassion anywhere! Marzipan, Marzipan...Why, why...? ANGRY MOB Track down this murderer he must be found! Hunt out this animal that run to ground! Too long he’s preyed on us, but now we know the Phantom of the Opera is there deep down below WOMEN He’s here: The Phantom of the Opera (Scene cuts to Falco’s dungeon, Marzipan is sitting like a cat sits tied to her neck is a spiked collar connected to a chain, she is chained to the wall!) (Falco is not paying attention to her at the moment, he is tending to some strange something or other covered in a purple blanket) MARZIPAN Have you gorged yourself at last, in your lust for blood? (Falco gives no reply) MARZIPAN (CONT’D) Am I now to be prey to your lust for flesh? (Falco turns around, he looks at her sternly but she can not tell weather he is angry or not) FALCO That fate, that condemns me, to wallow in blood, has also denied me the joys of the flesh! (Falco strokes is hooked beak he recoils as if repulsed by his own deformity) FALCO (CONT’D) All my life I have been the untouchable my own mother abandoned me, My own people shunned me! (Falco turns to the thing covered with the purple blanket) FALCO (CONT’D) When I finally found someone who could love me for who I am I was overjoyed! I did not care that she was of another race or even that she was an uplifted animal, all I knew was that this woman could see me for who I was on the inside...but now... (Falco pulls away the blanket revealing a glass coffin. Inside is Rose the Dragon-Girl apparently dead as a doornail) FALCO (CONT’D) She is dead now! My Uncle killed her as penalty for having my secret revealed...The secret that you’re scrawny human mate revealed to the king! MARZIPAN Oh Falco! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know... FALCO It is too late for simple apologies! Rose is dead! Only one thing can save her! Magic! More specifically, a special kind of wild magic, of Nature’s magic the kind of magic that grows in your heart! MARZIPAN So...now you demand my magic to save your love? Really Falco we’re not as different as you make us out to be. (Falco stops and considers what she says for a moment, but than a crystal bird flickers by for a second a telepathically gives him news of what the crystal spiders found in the cellars, Falco flashes a wicked grin) FALCO Wait, I think My Dear, we have a guest... (Falco pulls on a lever an immense crystal spider drops down from the ceiling, Ichabod is being dangled from spider’s legs by silky streams of thread he is being held like a marionette ) (Falco smirks at Ichabod smugly) FALCO (CONT’D) Sir, this is indeed and unparalleled delight! I had rather hoped that you would come, and know...My wish come true, you have truly made my night! (Ichabod fights to free himself from the spider silk but only ends up tangling himself further in it) ICHABOD Free her! Do what you like, only free her! Have you no pity? (Falco turns to Marzipan) FALCO Your lover makes a passionate plea MARZIPAN Please Ichabod it’s useless. ICHABOD I love her! Does that mean nothing? I love her! Show some compassion! FALCO The world showed no compassion to me! ICHABOD Marzipan! Marzipan! Let me see her! FALCO Be my guest Sir... (Falco takes Ichabod’s head and turns it to face Marzipan, Marzipan cries with Ichabod seeing her chained up like a dog) (Falco circles Ichabod with a mincing little walk. He sings this tune to Ichabod) FALCO (CONT’D) Monsieur I bid you welcome, Did you think that I would harm her? Why should I make her pay...for the sins which are yours! (Falco pulls a Lever and the Crystal Spider grabs Ichabod rears up, a tile of the floor moves revealing a pit of fire! Ichabod winces as the spider lowers him perilously close to the flames) FALCO Order your fine horse now! Rise your hand to the level of your eyes! Nothing can save you now, except perhaps Marzipan! Marzipan gasps, she is terrified, and she knows what Falco will demand of her FALCO (CONT’D) Give you magic to me! Buy his freedom with your soul! Refuse and you send your lover to his death! This is the choice! This is the point of no return! (Marzipan flattens her ears against her skull and arches her back cat-style, her fur ruffles) MARZIPAN The tears I might have shed for your dark fate grow cold, and turn to tears of HATE! (Ichabod is being lowered tortuously slow toward the flames he pleads with Marzipan for forgiveness) ICHABOD Marzipan forgive me, please forgive me... I did it all for you and all for nothing... FALCO HA! A scoundrel’s last words! Is this the thanks I get for saving YOUR life? I save you from Skeksis’ Death Machine and set both of you free, and you in turn rat on me and sentence my poor Rose to her untimely death! Now it is up to Marzipan, will she let you fall into the fire or give her magic to me? ICHABOD Marzipan! Don’t do it! I’ll only lose my life, but if you give your soul to him you’ll be his slave for all eternity! FALCO So do you give your magic to me, or do you send him to his grave? ICHABOD Why force her to die to save me?! MARZIPAN Oh my love, my protector... ICHABOD For pity’s sake Marzipan say no! Don’t throw your life away for my sake! (Marzipan turns to Falco, her brown eyes full of fire) MARZIPAN You deceived me...I gave my mind blindly... (Falco crosses his arms and scowls like a father very cross with his child) FALCO You try my patience Make. Your. CHOICE! (Marzipan stands up, she walk toward Falco her leash straining) MARZIPAN Pitiful creature of darkness...What kind of life have you known...? Fate give me courage to show you are not alone... (Grabbing Falco’s face in her paws she kisses him full on the beak...this is not a Romantic kiss it is doing two things, first she is transferring some of her magic to him, symbolized by pink glowing fluid that goes from her mouth to his mouth, second she is performing Harkaskeerah forcing Falco to feel all the pain and suffering she felt as a slave girl, As they kiss golden fairy dust irradiates from the two of them, filling the room with golden light, Bill, Jim and Bob, Bruised a bloodied from having to fight their way through the crystal spiders and birds appear just in time to see the magical kiss and are filled with wonder) (Marzipan breaks the kiss, having given only ten percent of her magic to Falco her magical pink and purple fur only a little duller in color to show for it. The moment is tense, Falco’s eyes are full of tears after feeling that bombardment of pain and suffering,) (Falco reverses the lever’s direction and the floor tile covers up the pit of fire, The spider lowers and releases Ichabod harmlessly, Ichabod runs over and hugs Marzipan Falco removes Marzipan’s collar) FALCO I can not do it! As much as it pains me I can not bring you anymore suffering than you’ve already felt! You are right Marzipan despite are differences we are the same, we are both two souls tarnished by a cruel world. |
From far above them comes the scream of Uncle Skeksis: "Noooooo! I will not be thwarted in my desires!" He launches himself into a hawk-like dive straight at Marzipan! |
For once Falco felt the courage to stand up to his Uncle he launched himself into Skeksis with a full on magical assault, Using his new found strength, Falco released a force of psychic energy that managed to throw his uncle against the wall. Ichabod rushed to Marzipan's side "Marzipan!" He gasped "Are you all right?" "Of course!" Marzipan said with nervous laughter "My fur is a little ruffled but now I'm OK thanks to Falco." |
"I think we might want to get out of here," Ichabod said. "It looks like those two have some unresolved issues with each other." "Yeah, we might want to do that." |
After a few minutes Skeksis was left unconscious laying still and cold against the dungeon wall but still breathing. Falco was breathing harshly after his magical fight, he spat out blood. Bill, Jim and Bob helped Marzipan onto her feet, she was a little wobbly at first but then quickly steadied herself |
"Alright," Bill said. "Now we have to deal with this mess. Who wants to handle Falco, and who wants to carry out Skeksis?" |
"Don't bother with him." Falco said putting the blanket back on Rose's glass coffin, "There is no point in you taking him back to Earth to hold him on trial for crimes against the Federation." "Why?" Bill asked "Because his magic is so much stronger then that of normal Earth creatures." Falco said "If you put him in jail he would probably melt the bars and fly the coop before you get get all the jurors." "Falco..." Ichabod said "I'm sorry about Rose...If I knew back then that telling Revel would..." Falco put up his hand cutting Ichabod off "It's too late for any of that now." He said "Now I see we are alike in many ways, we would both do whatever it takes to protect our women." "Falco..." Ichabod felt a lump in his throat, this creature, this alien, this man whom he wanted to destroy so badly for what he thought he did to Marzipan was now forgiving him! Falco sighed "You don't have very much time." He said "The Mob will be here in a few minutes, there are two boats down there on that underground river it will lead you to safe ground. "Falco..." Marzipan was choked up with emotion. Falco looked at Marzipan's Mother's music box, the two little cat figurines danced forever entwined It was a tune Falco knew...he song softly to himself. "Masquerade..." He sang "Paper faces on parade...Masquerade hide your face so the world will never find you." Marzipan rushed up to him, "Falco!" She said "There is still hope for you! Come with us! To Earth!" Falco shook his head "Without Rose there is nothing left for me now." He picked up the Red rubber ball, He gave it to her "Remember..." He said in a whisper "You will always be the dear little sister I always wanted." Ichabod took Marzipan's paw they both looked at Falco, they felt awful about leaving him there to face the mob on his own... Bill put his hand on Ichabod's shoulder...The two of them headed down the steps, Ichabod and Marzipan took one boat, Bill, Jim and Bob took the other As the punted away, Marzipan began singing the song, the song that belonged to Her and Ichabod "Say you'll share with me, one love, one lifetime, say the the word on I will follow you..." "...Share each day with me each night..." Ichabod sang "...Each morning..." They sang together They did not know that Falco had resolved to commit suicide and destroy his Uncle at the same time, Falco watched the boats floating into the distance and he knew what he had to do. "You alone can make my song take flight!" He sang "It's over now! The Music of the night!" With that he hit such a high note that Crystal Mountain started to collapse on itself , huge boulders fell into the water creating tidal waves, pushing the boats forward. To Marzipan's eyes it appeared a huge collection of boulders had crushed Falco...I repeat appeared to crush Falco she didn't see that they had fallen around him! "Falco!" She cried but already the rushing river had flushed them out of the cave and onto safe dry land where, Matoaka, Zander, Minsk and Edward were waiting for them |
"Well, that could of gone better," Bill said as he sat down. "Could of been worse," Bob said with a grin. "We're alive, and best of all, James isn't screaming down our ears telling us how foolish we were, and all that stuff." Just then, Bill's cellphone began to vibrate, causing him to get it out. Looking at the Caller ID he said, "Speak of the Devil." "Oh no, it's him?" "Oh yeah." Bill then answered the phone. "Hello?" "Boys, the next time I'm on vacation, I'm bringing you with me," James said in a cheerful mood. "You would not believe the excellent service that they have at this place. The food is to die for, the sunsets are beautiful, people are friendly, and there are plenty of women who walk around with next-to-nothing on. Just fantastic." "That's good to hear," Bill said with a chuckle. "Oh by the way, I was watching the opera on the TV. What the Hell Happened There?!" "That might be a little hard to explain." |
"Apparently it was Ichabod's fault." Bill sad giving a glare to Ichabod, "If Ichabod hadn't been a snitchy tattletale then Falco would not have had a reason to come after us and this whole fiasco could have been averted." "I beg your pardon?" James said confused "It's like this." Bill said "Falco saves Ichabod's life from a torture device, and let's both him and Marzipan go due to a complete change of heart because he plans to run away with his Humanimal bride to the Bahamas or something..." "Go on..." James said obviously intrigued "Then once Ichabod and Marzipan are free they Bump into the King...Ichabod let's the secret slip that Falco is in love with a Humanimal..." "Yeah I see." James was obviously more and more interested "Then Falco's wicked uncle decides to Kill the Humanimal and send Falco on a quest to steal Marzipan's soul in order to bring back the dead dragon to life." On the other side, James' jaw dropped "I've heard some pretty fantastic stories...but this is like something out a bad romance novel! Have you got the bird and his Uncle in custody?" "No..." Bill said sadly "Falco decided to kill both his uncle and himself by causing the entire mountain to collapse on itself, fortunately he gave us plenty of time to escape." "That sure was nice of him." For once James wasn't being sarcastic Meanwhile, in the ruined dungeon of Crystal Mountain, Falco, surviving his own suicide attempt crawled out of a pile of rubble that had fallen around him just so... "I can't believe I survived that! " He whispered to himself He looked at saw Rose's coffin also unharmed by the rubble "Rose!" Falco said he flew over to the coffin. He opened the coffin and caressed Rose's scaly face "I'm sorry My Love! I failed you! But I couldn't harm a child! Especially not a child who had been through so much pain and suffering has she had...But at least I get to say one last good bye..." With that he kissed Rose on her scaly mouth, the small amount of magic that Marzi had given him flowed into the Dragon's body and wakened her from her hibernating slumber. "Er...Falco...Where am I?" She whispered "Rose!" Falco cried "You're alive! Thank the gods! You're alive!" He hugged her |
"I had a scary dream," Rose said as she wrapped her arms around Falco. "I dreamed that I'd been poisoned by your uncle, and I was trying to warn you but I couldn't. It was just-" "It will be alright," Falco said. "Skeksis is dead. I doubt we'll have to worry about him anymore." |
Bob held up his hand. "Hold it, guys. I'm getting something with my psychic sense." Bill and Matoaka and Marzipan and Ichabod turned to look at him. Bob's eyes were shut. He had fingers to his temples. "Here it comes..." he said. "Falco... still alive... Rose... alive... happy together." "What?" Bill said. "That's so unbelievable. Perhaps it is wishful thinking on your part for a happy ending to a tragic affair?" "Perhaps, but I trust my psychic sense quite a bit." "I trust it, too," Marzipan said. "And even though I once would have been almost happy to see Falco dead, now I can only smile with pleasure to hope he may have survived the collapse of Crystal Mountain." |
And so they left Crystal Mountain with Heavy Hearts, Not because anyone died who did not deserve to die, but because they knew they had all acted like jerks this day Ichabod in particualar felt most guilty, after all if he had only the good sense to hold his tougue and not seek petty revene then this whole truamatic event might have been nipped in the bud So I purpose a riddle, What is that makes a hero and what makes a villian? And is it possible for two people to be hero and villian at the same time? The End! |