Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1776015-The-Black-Angel
by eliss
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1776015
What might you do if anger transformed you into huge superhuman with wings?
It was my last day of school, when strange things begun to happen. The same old bell rung and all the students jumped up and left the classroom, in exactly the same way as they had done for the last nine years. I didn’t rush. I didn’t leave the room at once, because somehow I couldn’t and I felt that I had to say goodbye to my teacher, as if I will never see him again but I knew that this feeling was wrong, because he was too close to me for that to happen. I didn’t know why I felt so strange but I soon discovered what caused these feelings.
We were in deep conversation when the teacher suddenly squeezed his head between both hands and cried out in pain before he fainted. Slowly he collapsed and I was so stunned by this that at first I didn’t know what to do. Then I grabbed my cell phone and called the ambulance.
In five minutes the room was full of teachers, students, an ambulance man and even a policeman was there with his leathered notebook and ink pen. The policeman asked me many questions but when I had answered all his questions he smiled at me and said that this had nothing to do with me. The doctors said that my teacher had had a stroke.
I couldn’t stop feeling guilty even when my parents, grandparents, doctors and policemen told me not to worry.
“It is not your fault that someone has been very unhealthy and now is on his death bed!” They kept saying.
However, I knew that this excuse was extremely wrong, because he was my best friend and he used to be my PE teacher and he didn’t live far from me, so sometimes we went running together and sometimes on Fridays we went ice-skating too, which meant that I knew him quite well and I was sure that this was something to do with supernatural energy.
Next day I went to hospital to visit my teacher. I went into his room and looked around. It was very small, with light blue walls and a white floor. There were no curtains covering the perfectly clean and clear windows and four simple but beautiful metal beds, and my teacher was the only one who lay on one of them, each had a thin blanket and the beds were placed in the four corners of this square room. Next to each bed was a small, simple but stable table. All the tables were completely empty except one. There was one beautiful glass vase with one small sunflower in it. That seemed very strange because I don’t know anyone who has been close enough to my teacher to bring him a flower. I looked at the bed that the table was next to. Who would bring him one single sunflower? That was the question I was determined to find out so I went over to the bed and kneeled down next to it, so my mouth was next to my teacher’s ear. He was breathing very slowly and his eyes were closed all the time.
“Did you see who brought you this flower?” I whispered in his ear.
Very slowly he turned his head and looked sadly at me. His eyes looked empty and lifeless. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t do anything but he made me understand that I should not try to find out who the sender was. Instead of being more scared or confused like most boys would be, I stood up with more courage than before to find out who the sender was.
As I went to the door I felt my teacher’s blue eyes follow so I turned around and looked directly into them and said, “I will find the man who is responsible for you being here because I know that it wasn’t just an accident.” All that the teacher answered was a small faint smile.
The way home was quiet and peaceful but my brain seemed to be on fire. All the possibilities of this accident sped through me but none of them added together.
Suddenly a female voice made me jump.
“David! Wait!” I turned around and saw Anna running towards me. She hugged me and suddenly I felt warm and happy. That evening I forgot my worries there and then.
All that evening and next day I felt happy and not even once thought that I had a duty to do. But then….
Just like every other day, I rode to my favourite park to put the loose ends together. As I reached the park, a surprise awaited me. The park was full of policemen and an ambulance. I had never expected this in the place where I had always rested in peace and sometimes met my best friends, so it quite shocked me to find this was another crime scene. I got off my bike and walked to a well known policeman. He was named ‘Big Nick’. He saw me coming and didn’t wait for me to ask what had happened.
“David, someone has been shot and I think you might recognise who the victim is.” He gave me a photograph. I took one look at it and turned away. This time it wasn’t just a friend: the victim was my step brother. Seeing my reaction, Big Nick didn’t ask me anything because he was all too well able to see my rage and pain in my eyes to trigger these feelings or else he might have to run for his life. I didn’t know what to do. I felt like crying but even more I wanted to catch the killer and slaughter him.
My rage increased to boiling point. Then I turned my head to the dark night sky, stretched out my hands and roared in pain and anger just like wolves do when they are really hungry.
Everyone in the park turned towards me and saw something that was completely unbelievable. They saw me transform into a huge, black human with black wings and fire coming from my outstretched hands. The angel from hell!

It was cold, wet and windy January day. The day of my step brother’s funeral. Heavy sadness sunk over the cemetery as the priest began the ceremony and many were crying as my brother was lowered into the soft but damp earth. It was like a sad nightmare to me but throughout all this, a strange feeling bothered me. I was waiting for something and I wanted to do to do it badly but I didn’t know what it was or how to achieve it.
The transformation on the day of my stepbrother’s death had done something strange to me. My heart has hardened and all I could think of was revenge.
“What has happened to you? You seem… so strange,” my dad asked me one evening and that was when I noticed it too. The feeling that I had had at the time of the transformation still bothered me and I felt like I was able to transform at any moment and that I really wanted to. So this thought made me switch on the alarm clock and wake up in the middle of a night and walk to the hill that was next to our house because I knew that no one would go there in the night.
As I stepped outside into the dim, yellow street lights, a chill went through me because I remembered the last time I had left my house in the night and how I ended up in the police cell. But this time was different from the last time and I had real determination now.
I reached the hill and looked around to make sure that no one was walking around tonight. Then I let the detained feeling go and in no time at all I became the black angel again. My sight changed and I was able to see like an eagle in the night and this time I was able to control my emotions. I tried throwing the fire and it worked just like it should. Then I tried out the huge but light wings and I was surprised that I knew how to control them. It felt like I knew how to use them all my life. I flipped them a few times and then I took off. It felt so wonderful to rise above the trees and roofs of the tall houses and not to feel any fear.
I rose above the visibility from the ground and played with the fire but soon the first sun rays broke through the dark night and the morning was here. I didn’t want to be discovered so I soared to the ground quickly and changed back to a human.
When I went home my dad was already awake and the first question that he asked was, “Where have you been all night David? Haven’t you been told not to leave the house in the night?” My dad was really angry and it was hard for me to calm him down by saying that I went for a walk and that I didn’t walk any further than our closest park which was true because I didn’t walk further than that but I flew.
Soon all the family was awake and we had breakfast. My mum and my sister ate in complete silence and from time to time looked at the empty seat next to me where my brother used to sit. However my dad didn’t eat at all. I ate only a little.
The entire house was quite except the TV in the dining room in front of us. No one looked at it until the reporter from news said
“Last night something completely unbelievable happened. Until now we have only believed in white and kind angels but last night someone has spotted a black angel throwing fire…”
I couldn’t believe it. They even showed a video of me flying through the sky. I felt so ashamed of myself that I wanted to dig myself in the ground so no one can see me but instead I sat there and tried not to look suspicious. Everyone’s attention was turned to the TV and I had a chance to recover from the unpleasant shock. I knew that I had been careless and that I will have to be more careful from now on. As I turned back to the TV I heard the end of the reporter’s speech
“...and as this thing has appeared, also has violence. The crime in this city has increased at least 3 times more than it used to be.” How is that possible I muttered to myself but others heard me.
“It seems that the killings and kidnappings are somehow connected to this black angel” Said my dad and everyone knew what he meant.
“But that can’t be true” Suddenly I burst out without thinking.
“Are you defending it?” my dad looked a little bit angry
“No he is not defending it but the crime appeared before the black angel, didn’t it?” my sister joined the argument.
“I agree with David and Sofia” my mum defended us and dad had to agree.
“Well… yes. But the angel has something to do with it” my dad didn’t want to let his idea go.
“Maybe the angel has come to help us” I suggested and suddenly I understood the purpose of my undercover self.
However I had became this angel, there had to be a reason for it and now I know the reason.
I didn’t do anything during the day but when the night came I left home early to begin my job. I felt happy to have a mission to do and that’s why I didn’t wait till I reached the hill to change into my second self. As soon as I was in the dark, outside the range of the street lights I changed into the angel and rose in to the air. I flew for some time and then I spotted something else moving just above the tree tops. When I looked closely I saw that the other thing flying was just like me. Another black angel.

I had never imagined that there would be another creature like me in the world but now I realised that it is possible that even more of them might be out there so I tried to catch up with the angel that I saw and my plan was to ask what was going on but as I started to race after him or her it became obvious that I have had very little practise in flying because in that chase I felt like an old man with an injured leg. It seemed like I was played with so I decided to practise more before trying to catch the angel next time.
In the mean time, at the hospital something else happened. My teacher (Mr Blunt) had recovered a little bit and the strength had returned to his muscles. He had slept so much while he was recovering that he now felt unable to sleep anymore, he wanted to get up and do something. He got up and went to the window. There was a clear sky outside and it was possible to count all the stars if someone was brave enough to even start that task. But this time my teacher was looking for something else. He tried to spot the creature that kept appearing at the window every night. All he knew about the creature that he kept seeing was that it had wings and red eyes like a cat.
Mr Blunt waited for a long time until he spotted something flying towards him with great speed. When it came closer Mr Blunt saw that it was a winged person with those scary eyes of the cat. The strange being stopped right in front of him as if surprised to see someone standing at the window but then suddenly, as if the winged person was hit by something, he became very angry and turned his head against the sky and roared in to the quite night before crushing through the window and sending the teacher flying across the room.
Right at that moment I sensed a strange smell deep inside me and somehow I begun to follow it as if it was a sweet smell of a beautiful flower. I tried to fly as fast as I could and I was surprised that my path led to a hospital where my teacher was. I landed in front of the hospital and completely forgetting that I am the black angel, I sprinted in the hospital and headed to the teachers room. I didn’t see the frightened faces of the nurses as I passed them and I didn’t notice one of them holding a camera. All I could think of was that my teacher needed my help very badly and sure enough as I crashed into the room my teacher was on the floor. He had fainted and another black angel was standing over him with the raised sword but as he saw me he seemed to freeze. At first I didn’t understand what was going on but then the other angel who looked exactly like me except the eyes, slowly lowered the sword and stepping away bowed to me. He stood there for a moment as if waiting for instruction and when I didn’t answer he turned around and was about to leave but then I remembered that I wanted to find out what was going on and told him to wait. Then he turned around I was about to ask him the question but he looked at something behind me and as I turned to see what it was the nurses were standing there looking at us and the one nurse in the front was holding the camera. I went to her and said:
“Give me the camera” This was the first time that I had said something while transformed and I was surprised how much my voice had changed. Now it was so gentle and welcoming that it indeed sounded like an angel. The nurse couldn’t resist that voice and handed me the camera. When I had the camera, I turned to talk to the other angel. I turned to him, told him to follow and flew out of the broken window. To my surprise he followed me and we flew to my hill and landed.
“Why did you act as if I was your master?” I asked
“Because you are my master.”He answered and bowed to me again.
“What is your name?” I asked him because I wanted to see if he wasn’t just playing games with me.
“Most of our family call me ‘the tracker’ but if you want to change that name, then you are welcome David.” After what he told me I had many more questions to ask. For example
“How did you know my name? And what does ‘our family’ mean?”
“Our family is a few angels who have turned against the evil, black angels and we knew you all your life but there had to be a right moment when you were supposed to transform, but it happened to you before time. And you are the only one who can transform into the human and that’s what makes you our King.” The tracker told me quickly and understandably. I thought for a moment and then asked:
“Why were you prepared to stab my teacher with your sword?” As he heard me mention that Mr Blunt was my teacher, the tracker looked very surprised and said in shaky voice
“Your teacher?! I am so sorry my King. I was given orders to do so because he was transforming into an evil, black angel.” The tracker looked very ashamed of that and I felt feel sorry for him. My anger bubbled inside me again but it wasn’t concentrating on the Tracker. My anger was facing the evil, black angels. So one question was clear but many more replaced it. Instead of going into more detail, I asked the Tracker about my step brother and he answered.
“He was shot by the evil, black angel and they are going to kill more of your family unless you join them. They want to get you on their side because the angel who can transform into the human is more powerful than any of us” That made me understand everything and my sweet voice became a low growl deep into myself.
“Then we will have to take them down before they begin anything against us!” I said desperately and turned to the Tracker as if asking a question. All he did was say
“Yes, we will”
From that day on, I prepared for the big war. The Tracker introduced me to others in our “family” and they were welcoming and very respectful to all my ideas. While training, I discovered that we have a chance of winning the evil, black angel except that we didn’t know how many of them there were. Later when we were almost ready to attack, one of our good spies carried us great news. He said that he has found a wizard who wants to help us and that it would be wise to go to a meeting with him and make a deal. I agreed.
So when the night came, I flew to our arranged meeting place and waited for the wizard to turn up. In a short while an old man just appeared in front of me out of nowhere. He looked around for a short while and then turned to me to say:
“This place is not safe, follow me!” Then he just disappeared into faint smoke and was blown away by the slow wind. I looked around and wondered how I might follow the wizard. I looked from right to left but didn’t see anything unusual. When I didn’t find any way to follow this strange man I decided to wait. And sure enough, soon the wizard was back and complained, because I had wasted his time but when I explained that I am new to all this, he calmed down and told me just follow his smell.
In no time the wizard led me to an old cave where he finally appeared but this time he looked different. Much younger. When he noticed me standing there and staring at him, a smile appeared on his face
“My name is Carlo and this is my true self. I often change my looks so my enemies don’t know who I am. I have heard that you can transform too…” I understood that he wanted me to change so I did and he looked surprised to see that I was young too. We looked each other up and down before starting to laugh.
“Two boys involved in the most important job to begin the war against evil!” I chuckled and Carlo agreed.
“So let’s get down to business” He said and led me to the end of a dark cave with damp walls and the sound of running water somewhere. At the end of the cave there was a table with lots of bottles. All of them were labelled with different words such as; strength, speed, sustainability and so on. Carlo went to one bottle and gave it to me. The label on it said ‘invisibility’.
“What do you think about this one?” Carlo asked. I took the bottle and looked closely at it. There was a green liquid in it which looked like a jam but the colour looked horrible.
“Do I have to drink it?” I asked with disgust.
“Not all of it but some” He said with a mocking smile on his face.
“This bottle is for all of your team if you decide that this is the best way to beat your enemy.”
I looked at the bottle for a while, went over to the table and considered the best ideas but it seemed that the invisible drink is needed. That would be the best option. So after I had considered all the ideas, I turned to Carlo and answered:
“How long will the invisibility last for?”
“It depends on how much of it you drink. If you take one tea spoon of the invisibility liquid than the invisibility will work for one hour but if you take two teaspoons than you will stay invisible for two hours however, if you drink the whole bottle then no one will be able to see you for three days and three nights.” Carlo said this very professionally and the last part of his speech sounded like great fun and something to look forward to but when I looked at the bottle again all my will to drink it went away.
Eventually we had our plan ready and I took a few bottles, after which the little wizard hid the table by waving his hand and saying goodbye he disappeared. I flew back to our “family” hideout which was in a deserted underground tunnel. When I got there everyone was waiting for me patiently. They wanted to know the news so I told them everything in detail. When everything was told, I divided the liquid equally and gave it to everyone in small bottles to carry around in case something happened.
When I went home that evening I was so tired that I went to sleep straight away without noticing that something wasn’t as it should be. Only when I awoke in the night and heard strange sounds, my suspicion arose and I jumped out of bed, transformed into the black angel and sneaked out of my bedroom. As soon as I was in the hallway I smelled strangers and called for my “family” in the way that they had taught me to do it, so no one could hear me call for them.
In short while all my team arrived and surrounded my house so no one could leave the house without being noticed. Then I started to search the house to find someone that I had noticed. I was surprised to find that not my dad, my mum or my sister was anywhere to be seen. I didn’t call out for them because I had to keep as quite as possible if I wanted to catch any one here who has not been welcomed here.
I didn’t spot anything unusual upstairs so I went downstairs and automatically switched on the light. That was when I saw a shadow disappear out of the window. At the same time three of my team cried out at the same time which meant that there was a great trouble outside. I moved towards the window to join my “family” when I heard a door being crushed down behind me and I turned around to see a police man raising the gun. I had no time to react before he pulled the trigger.

The blackness and emptiness surrounded me for a long time before eventually it got brighter. In a short while I was able to open my eyes and see where I had got myself into. I was in a small, dirty room with gray walls and thick metal bars in a place of the window and metal doors with no handle from the inside. It was a prison.
I looked around and saw that I wasn’t alone surrounded by these thick, cold and dull walls. Three other, black angels where here too. At first I thought that they were from my team but when I looked closely I saw that only one of them was from my “family” but the other two was no other than our enemies. I sat up quickly and looked at them. They were just like us except one difference, big tattoo on their back which said ‘evil is no evil if it ….’. I couldn’t see what was written next because it was covered by the angel’s huge wings.
I sat on my prison bed for more than hour before others slowly awoke and looked over their injuries. No one said anything for a long time but we looked at each other all the time. It wasn’t easy to think what to say because they looked exactly the same to us, us we looked to them except that we were supposed to be enemies. After a long time thinking I decided to break the quietness and asked a question that bothered all of us
“Has anyone got any idea how to get out of here?”
“If we were one team than we could think of something” Said one of the angels sitting opposite me and my teammate who responded to this speech with a desperate voice
“We are in trouble together, why can’t we get out of it together?”
“Because we don’t take orders from strangers” Said the other enemy of ours.
“I am not giving orders but imagine we are old schoolmates. How does being enemies stop us from helping others to save your own skin?” After I said this they seemed to consider it. In a short while they agreed to work together to get out of here. We made our plans and carried them out smoothly so in a short while we were standing in the corridor but our guard was locked in the cell instead of us. We stood there and thought of going to find out if there was anyone else of the black angels in this unpleasant building when one of our enemies, who had now became like friend to me, asked
“I can’t wait any longer without asking you this, why haven’t you changed into a human jet?”
“Why do you think I can change into a human?” I asked with great surprise.
“Because everyone can see that you are not one like us. You are able to change. You are much more powerful than a normal Angel. I can tell that by your eyes because you have human eyes instead of our angel eyes.” He said. It sounded like a friendly comment but somehow I knew that he is being friendly because he feels much safer with me instead of walking alone aside of us like the other ‘enemy’.
“I don’t know why I have not transformed. I haven’t tried for a while” I answered and moved towards the window so we could fly away. The truth was that I didn’t transform because I didn’t trust the others. If I became a human I would also became more easily to deal with. That’s why I didn’t risk it.
When we all went to the window I saw our chance to escape because the courtyard was empty and quite. So we broke the window and spreading our huge wings flew out into the dark evening sky. As I had expected we departed in too groups, good and evil flew each to their own destination.
When we got to our hideout everyone was very worried and looked relived when I showed up. It seemed that big chaos has been here because many angels were lying unmoving on the floor. I didn’t have to ask what had happened because nearly all the black angels lying on the floor were the evil ones. After a short while one of our team mates asked me:
“How come you can see us?”
“Did you use your invisibility drink?” I asked even if I knew the answer.
“Maybe our friend wizard made this drink so we can see each other but no one else can see us. We made sure that it is true and the outcome is awesome as you can see.” Said one of the oldest angels in our “family”.
“That’s what I would have done” Agreed his friend. And we talked for a while until a strange sound disturbed us and made us quiet at once. Within a blink of an eye I drunk my invisibility drink and we quietly arranged a search team and sent them outside to see what is happening but the team didn’t return in half an hour as we had arranged so we had to find a way to get out of here. When we had decided how to get out f here and begun to free an old exit which has been bricked up, but suddenly there was a flush and a small grenade rolled in front of us and I was knocked into the blackness second time in 48 hours.
When I awoke I was tied to a chair. I couldn’t understand how someone has been able to capture me while I was invisible. In a short while a door opened. And three men came in. behind them three more black angels followed. One of the leading men turned to other man on the right side on him and asked
“Is he awake now?” When I heard that I understood that he didn’t see me but why was he asking other man? Soon I found out. The man came closer to me and I was shocked to see that he was Mr Blunt. He came close to me and looked straight in my eyes and smiled.
“Hello David!” I didn’t understand how he could see me and how had he got out of the hospital so quickly. But that didn’t matter for now. I wanted to know why I was tied to a chair so I asked
“Why did you tie me to a chair Mr Blunt?”
“Because you might run off and I am only one who can see you and there might be something else you might want to see…” so when he had said that my former teacher turned his back on me and stretched his hands towards the ceiling and his body transformed into a powerful black angel. When he turned around and faced me I noticed something about him that other angels didn’t have. He had white star on his chest which made him look dangerously powerful.
“Surprised to see me?” He asked me smiling.
“Yes, I am. What do you think?” I was beginning to get angry because I remembered what Tracker had told me and that I wasn’t able to stop my friend from transforming into an evil angel. But the question was what are they going to do with me? And I still hadn’t found out what had happened to my parents. Suddenly a thought came in my head and I asked
“What have you done with my parents?” Mr Blunt didn’t even blink a eye and answered
“They are well looked after. If you don’t join us, they will and I hope you know that to become a black angel a person has to die first and only after being dead for 12 hours they can transform. With me and you it is different because we didn’t have to die, because the most experienced wizard alive discovered a way to make a more powerful angel and the first successful experiment is you. I have been a black angel for a long time and I had a mission to make you awaken your angel part and to do that I pretended to be ill and in the mean time I had to fool a good, black angels because we knew that you will find them and they are our enemies. We found them through you and thanks to you we have no enemies at the moment because we have taken care of them. I hope you know what I mean?” All the information I had just heard was so much to take in and it all made me so clear that I couldn’t say anything else except
“You evil creatures!” At that moment I felt so ashamed of myself and so angry at Mr Blunt that I didn’t really know what to do or what to say. Mr Blunt saw that there is no need to say much more so saying good bye he also mentioned
“Just remember that you are evil now as well because you lead many angels to death. So think carefully if you want to save at least some of your family, you know what to do.” I knew the answer straight away. Saying this he turned his back on me and went out of the room taking everyone else with him. When the door was closed my feelings exploded. How could I lose like this?

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1776015-The-Black-Angel