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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Essay · Opinion · #1764600
This is just my view of 2012
I have been studying The 2012 phenomenon for quite a while now. I read everything I can about it as well as watch everything available on television. I have checked out every online source that I could find, as well. Everything that I have found seems to make the 2012 phenomenon a real and credible prediction of what is about to happen.

First, there is the Mayan Long Count calendar. A lot of people have studied this amazingly accurate calendar. It was created long before the calendar,we use today (approximately 3114 BCE) and researchers have noted that it seems to correspond with historic events. What I mean is that the Mayan Calendar is divided into 20 Baktuns. The end of each Baktun seems to correspond with great events in the history of the world; the fall of the Roman Empire, Hilter and World War II and other events. The end of the 13th Baktun is 12-21-12. The strange part is that there is no 14th Baktun in the Mayan Long Count Calendar created at that point. Is it reasonable that a culture that can create a calendar that spans more than 5,000 years could not continue to the end of the calendar? Possibly, I suppose. Also, I watched a documentary not too long ago about an adventurer who went to an island off the Chilean coast. This island, even today is accessible by sea for only three weeks in December every year. At other times it is impossible to get to the island by boat. On this island he found a statue. It was carved from living rock. This carving was massive; standing higher than the Sphinx in Egypt. It was of a Mayan king and a crouching jaguar (sacred to the Mayans). The thing about this statue, beyond the fact the it was carved about 5,000 years ago by a supposedly primitive people who lived thousands of miles away, is that in 2012 there is going to be two other cosmic events. In June Venus will transit the sun. This happens rarely. In early December there is going to be a solar eclipse. Both of these events can be observed from only one place in the world. The Island where that stature is located. The solar eclipse especially, as it will be only a few degrees above the horizon. And, then, of course there is the fact that the sun will rise in the center of the darkness (the black hole in the center of our universe) on December 21st, 2012.

Scientists are talking now of a massive solar flare hitting the earth right around the time of 12-21-12. The Mayans say that on that day the sun will rise in the middle of the black hole in the center of our universe. With that and a massive solar flare the earth will be hit by huge amounts of electromagnetic energy. Researchers say that this electromagnetic energy will wipe out our power grids. Also, that the energy will, or could, shift our magnetic poles. A shift in the poles will bring on volcanic eruptions, earthquakes with massive tsunamis and a melting of polar ice which will lead to a rise in sea levels. While I believe that the entire population of the world will not be wiped out, these things will certainly cause a huge death toll.

I watched an episode of "Conspiracy Theory" with Jesse Ventura the other night. According to people that he spoke with and the investigation his team did the U.S. Government is taking 2012 seriously enough to be building, and have been for years, underground shelters for the eilte. Politicians, Millionaires, Scientist and other Selected individuals will be allowed in these shelters. The rest of us will have to fend for ourselves. The show actually showed government facilities that exist today and others that are still under construction. They even got a tour of an underground bunker system in Wyoming that is huge and complex. The facility could accomodate hundreds of people and support life for them for quite sometime; if the number of people were limited. Mike Braverman, Jesse Ventura's aide, flat out asked if troops stationed at the facility were willing to fire on American citizens if they were trying to get in. The answer he got was "They will do whatever it takes."

There are many end of the world scenarios. Every religion has some version. The most famous for Christian Westerners, of course, is the Revelation of Saint John. Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism all have their version of end of the world scenarios. The thing is, not one of them actually says the world is going to end; just change. In Revelation Jesus comes to earth to reign for 1000 years. That doesn't sound like an end to me.

I guess what I am getting at is that come 12-21-12 we don't so much need to worry about the world just ending, but changing. There will be massive deaths, especially, I think, in coastal areas. There will be unprecedented storms, overwhelming natural disasters; such as the eruption of the super volcano under Yellowstone National Park and/or a massive earthquake along the New Madrid fault line in southern Missouri or the San Andreas Fault in California. The shifting of the poles will bring on these things, but the human race, I believe (maybe because I have to) will survive. There will be a lot fewer of us, but we will still be here on Planet Earth. But then, who am I to say. Have you seen any dinosaurs lately?

I was just listening to CNN and they were saying that the US Government is spending over a billion dollars a day more than they are taking in. They were saying that the government has reached its debt ceiling where they cannot borrow any more money unless they raise that ceiling. I wonder if that is such a great idea. They cannot seem to be pay back the money that they owe now. How far is the government going to go into debt? Maybe I'm wrong as I am not a financial expert, but it seems to me that running the government is similar to running a household. If a family gets so far into debt that it cannot repay what it owes that family would have to restructure their debt or go bankrupt or somehow bring in more money to pay bills. Can the government do that? Will the government do that? It doesn't appear that way to me. The government cannot borrow itself out of debt; it doesn't work for a household and it won't work for them.

How does this tie in to 2012? The financial crisis in the world, the strengthening of the Chinese yen and the weakening of the US dollar is a part of it. This will cause a shift in world power. If the US economy is too weak it cannot provide the services necessary to protect its own territories from natural disasters let alone places that have traditionally relied on the US for protection and aid. What will China do? The financial crisis in the US and the world is just one more thing, one more step, toward the change that I believe is coming in 2012. You see, I believe that when the US falls into chaos so will the rest of the world. A lot of countries are irrevocably tied financially, militarily, and politically to the US; as the US goes, so do they. Keep in mind that I am Canadian and we are the largest trading partner with the United States.

Something I haven't really thought too much about, even after the earthquake, Tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan recently, is the fact that we here in North America and a lot of other countries in the world have oil refineries, wells (including sea based and deep water) and pipelines. We have a lot of nuclear power plants, hydro power plants, factories. When these solar flares hit the earth and take out the power grid these will be either shut down or, in the case of power plants, the power grid would be down and those plants will have no place to send that power. It either backs up and overloads the plants or they will need to shut down. I wonder what will happen to these nuclear plants especially when that happens. I don't know enough about the operation of nuclear power plants or, for that matter, hydro plants. I am like most people in that sense. I have electricity and that is enough for me. What happens to this country and others when we don't? What happens when our brilliance in creating these plants comes back to bite us?

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