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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1757172
Yeah, so... Um... Narwahls...
Chapter 1
8:30 am- 8:57 am

Sean Zavvi stood in his room, pacing back and fourth. “When the hell will she get back?” His sister Meredith was in the army for the eastern sided of Jamovl. Which is secret underground city unknown to the rest of the world, in case you were wondering. They get all of their food and technology resources from the minerals and creatures that live underground. Anyways Meredith had been in battle for 3 weeks so Sean had been left alone. Meredith was 17-years-old, and Sean was 16, and you have to be 17 to be in the Jamovalian army. So legally, he couldn’t be in the army. But he knew a lot about computers, so he became the computer rat for the army. They had been best friends since Sean’s birth. Sean was worried about Meredith, he thought she had been really hurt or even killed. Then he heard his cell phone ring. He answered with a grim tone,
“Oh my god! I was just about to call you! Are you okay?”
There was a short pause. “Are you ok?” Sean repeated.
Then he heard a crash. “Meredith!”
“Sorry, I dropped my phone.” Sean let out a sigh of relief.
“I thought you got bombed or something.” Meredith laughed
“Of course not, silly. In fact I’m about get home.” Sean grinned. He ran outside and hugged Meredith.
“How was the battle?” asked Sean enthusiastically. Meredith’s smile faded.
“I wouldn’t exactly say good, or easy.” Sean’s smile faded to.
“Why?” Sean asked, sounding pathetic.
Meredith frowned and said. “We lost a lot of our own. And we had a bunch of car crashes. But I wasn’t in any of them.” She said as she brushed her black hair out of his eyes.
“Thank god.” Meredith opened the door and walked inside their little shack of a house.
“Ahh, home sweet home.” She tossed her backpack onto the couch and toppled onto it face first. Then she rolled onto her back. “Did Tim fix our bikes yet?” Sean came out of the kitchen with a bottle of root beer (Underground roots, that is,). “Yeah, he said to come by at 11:00. He also said he had a surprise.” Meredith rose an eyebrow. “A surprise?” Sean nodded while taking a big swig of his root beer. “I think he said three surprises” Meredith got up and said “then lets go.” Sean ran into his room and grabbed his and Meredith’s motorcycle helmets. She gave him one of those “okay, but why?” looks. Sean smirked and knocked on his head with his knuckle “Safety first”.

9:01 A.M. - 10:05
It was a 6-mile walk to Tim’s auto repair shop. But it was worth it. They were sick of walking everywhere, their motocross bikes were so much faster, and not to mention more fun. When they got there Tim was sitting in his office. Sean knocked on the door. A raspy, hoarse voice yelled, “Come in!” the office was sweltering, but somehow Tim never minded it. A sweaty, hairy, warm face turned around to the kids.
“What’s going’ on little dudes?” He said with a thick Hawaiian accent. Meredith and Sean both gave Tim a hug. “Meredith! Your like, 20 feet taller than the last time I saw you!’’
Meredith smiled from ear to ear. “You must’ve shrunk, because I actually grew less than inch,” Sean groaned
“Your such a literalist Mer'.”
Tim smiled on the side of is mouth “She can’t help it. She takes it from your mother.” Meredith looked at her feet. She hadn’t thought about her mother for a while. Their mother and father had died in a car crash 4 years earlier. Meredith tried to hold back her tears. Tim took a deep breath and said “Now, ‘bout those bikes ‘a yours.” Meredith looked back up and said,
“You said you had a surprise?” Tim grinned. “Come out here” Sean and Meredith jogged behind him “Wait here.” Tim sprinted into his little garage. And walked out with a Tiny, clumsy Pug.
“Oh my god, you got a dog?” Meredith said gaping at the miniscule creature.
“Yeah, its name is Louise.” Meredith and Sean exchanged glances. Louise was their mother’s name. Sean wiped a small tear out of the bottom of his grey eye. Then Tim ran back into his garage. And pulled out two bright blue and yellow perfectly designed motocross bikes. “Awesome!” Yelled Sean
“Those things were trashed.” Said Tim with a sarcastic look. “I had to get them a new engine. But that brings us to the second surprise, I’ll give ‘em back to you for free.”
Meredith’s mouth widened “Really?” Tim nodded, and Sean raised an eyebrow.
“What’s the third surprise?” Tim fished around in his pocket tossed Sean a new computer mouse and walked into his office quietly. Meredith and Sean looked at each other and shrugged.

10:23 A.M. - 11:45 A.M.

“I am so glad to have our bikes back” Meredith made a small humming sound that Sean believed to mean: “whatever.” Her eyes were glued to her laptop. Sean plopped down on the chair next to her. “Whatcha’ doing?” Meredith didn’t’ reply
“Whatcha’ doin?” Sean repeated. Meredith groaned
“I’m getting a song on Limewire.”
"What song?" Sean asked
"Some stuff by Cap’n Jazz And “Strobe” by Deadmau5. "
"Oh, cool. I love Strobe, and Cap’n Jazz is okay." Sean said as he got off of the large burgundy chair in their kitchen.
"Sean?" Meredith said as she closed her laptop
Meredith took a deep breath. “When is the big fight between you and Erik Victis?” Erik was the biggest, meanest, ugliest kid in their neighborhood. A few months ago Sean had bumped into Erik and he challenged him to a fight. Than, out of pure stupidity, he had forgotten. Then Erik remembered after watching a Wrestling match, and remembered again and challenged him again.
“Um, Now.” Sean ran down the stairs and out the door Meredith rolled her eyes sighed and followed Sean out the door.

When Meredith got to the place where Erik and Sean were going to fight, she heard screams chants and shouts coming from so many different directions. “Fight! Fight! Fight!” was pretty much all she heard for the next five minutes. Erik swung a painful punch to Sean's jaw. Sean did a little spin, and regained balance. Sean kicked Erik in the side of the face with a powerful roundhouse kick, followed by an uppercut to Erik's temple. Meredith was amazed by what she saw. Erik laying on the ground, blood dripping from his nose, Sean cracking his knuckles spitting at Erik's unconscious carcass, and wiping a little bit of Erik’s blood from his palm onto his jeans.
“Oh... my... god... y-you just knocked out Erik Victis,” Sean looked over to Meredith with a smirk on is face and said,
“I'm aware.” Sean said quietly as he began to walk away Meredith was nervous Erik would try to strike again so she walked next to Sean looking over her shoulder every five seconds or so.

11:43 A.M. – 12:16 A.M.

“I still can’t believe you gave Erik Viktis a bloody nose.” Meredith said brushing her black bangs out of her right eye.
“Well I did.” The room was silent until Sean laughed quietly.
“And just what is so funny to you.”
“Remember the time Victoria Viktis pants'ed down in front of the entire cafeteria at summer camp? That was classic stuff.”
“Oh, shut up Sean. She drew all over you while you slept.”
“But I realized before I got out of bed. And rinsed it off with my water bottle.”
“As far as you know,” mumbled Meredith under her breath.
“Huh?” Sean said his eyes flickering to Meredith.
“Um, uh, nothing.” Spat out Meredith. Sean narrowed his eyes and looked back at his magazine slowly. Meredith moved out of the room and tried as hard as she could not to laugh out loud, remembering Sean. Over night Victoria poured black ink on his towel. He was totally covered in black. He looked pretty funny... And then they played shirts V.S. skins volleyball with some other cabin members. THAT was classic. When she saw the clock she stopped laughing
“Sean! We gotta get to work!” Yelled Meredith as she ran up the stairs.
“Oh god, today is when the attack is supposed to happen right?” The east and west side of Jamovl had a huge rivalry and Sean had done enough spying to figure out that they were attacking today.
“Yes. And if we are late I AM BLAMING YOU.” Meredith retorted, leaning over him.
“Whoa. I’ve never seen you so tense.”
“This is a big day! And if we win this war, all peace may be restored to Jamovl.” Meredith explained with a frown on her pale, green-eyed face.
“Okay well in that case lets go!” Sean said as he grabbed his backpack tossed Meredith her motorcycle keys and scurried out the door.

1:00 P.M. – 2:03 P.M.

“ATTENTION.” screamed sergeant Perkinski, getting every single person to stand up perfectly straight “At ease. Now today is the most important war of each and every one of your lives. Now if cowards want to back out, then please exit the room.” A scrawny, Italian boy named Billy Ramiro scampered out of the room. “Well, anybody else?” said sergeant Perkinski leaning in and gazing toward Sean. He seemed to have something against him. Maybe because he was just a tech. Sean stood his ground. “Okay. I did not win a medal of honor for being cowardly. I earned it because I was a leader. I followed my captain’s directions. I saved lives. And I expect you to do the same.” All was silent then Sergeant spoke up. “Well? Go get your equipment!” everybody gushed out of the crowded blue-lighted room. Sean rushed to the small dark room filled with computer monitors, countless computer mice, a rubber keyboard, a wheeled chair, a few boxes filled with disks, a mini-fridge, a toilet, extra clothes, a cot, his bass, and a .50 Glock. Once Sean spent 9 days in there. He had a backache for days. Meredith picked up a backpack that seemed to be one hundred pounds, a large automatic rifle, a small pistol, and a dagger she kept on her calf, a walkie-talkie, and she quickly slipped into her black uniform. She heard a beep on her walkie-talkie. It was Sean.
“Be careful out there, sis.”
“Will do, Sean.”
Sean put on his earphones, which were broadcasting to each soldier
“Okay guys, the helis are on their ways. I just called, and I got a heavy duty with missiles for squad 1 a gunner for the turret people and one huge one with turrets for everyone else.”
“Rodger.” Replied captain Swan. He looked up to see 4 helicopters hovering above them tossing ladders down.
“Nice job Sean! You’ve never gotten a heavy duty before.”
“It took some serious dealing, but I managed it.”
“Well I’m surprised. Anyways I gotta go man, you know, war? But I’ll talk to you later. Just follow us. I’ll put the tracker on the heavy duty.” Captain Swan yelled into the microphone on his earphones.
Sean searched through his main computer looking for the tracking software.
“Okay, Swan found it. I’ll give you reports on the amount of opposing soldiers coming.” Sean said clicking on the box that said “tracking software” quite conspicuously. He searched for a little blue dot representing the head copter. “Okay Swan, your clear.”
“Rodger.” Replied Swan.
And they were on the move.

3:04 P.M. - 7:22 P.M.

"Status report?" Sean said into the mouth-peice sounding anxious.
"two injured, one dead" Swan said quickly. Sean heard gunshot in the backround.
"Names?" He said hoping Meredith wouldn't be on the list.
"Let's see... Rick Mcbarlen is Dead... Kevin Danin is injured... And... And... Meredith Zavvi..."
"Oh damn... What happened?"
"Its nothing serious. She was hit by the collateral damage of a small mine. She got a contusion in her left hand and a possible concussion." Cpt. Swan said reassuringly.
"Crap... Okay get her back to home base."
"You got it, bro. We'll be a while though."
"I don't care, just bring me my sister!"

When Meredith got in to Sean's darkened room he was playing his bass.
"Hey, Sean..." Meredith had a huge bruise on her left hand. Sean looked upset. Then his frown faded and he ran up and hugged her.
"I'm so glad your okay!" Sean said loudly.
"Me to," Meredith said, laughing. "Anyways, there’s a new "villain" in the West Jamovalian army." making quotaiton marks with her fingers, not knowing what else to call him.
"What’s his name?" Sean said with a groan.
"They call him: Dämon."
"That’s creative..." Sean said rolling his eyes "What does that even mean?"
"It means demon in Dutch. You should've paid more attention in school."
"Yeah, right." Sean said rolling his eyes with a smirk. "How long until you can fight again?"
"Tomorrow, actually." Meredith said smiling.
"Well then, rest up, you got a big day tomorrow." Sean said waving her out of the room.
"Good night, Sean."
"Night," he said quietly as his sister left the room.

The Next Morning: 7:02- 8:07
Meredith woke to the sound of sirens. She hopped out of her bunk and ran down the 100-yard, dim lighted hall. The whole room was empty. She kicked a small scroll. She picked it up and opened it and it said scrawled in what looked like blood, "Can't catch me! Signed, Dämon." At the bottom were a menacing looking smiley face with spiked teeth and a tall Mohawk. She thought for a while, "What does this mean?" she thought to herself. Oh God. Dämon had kidnapped the female war troop. She reached behind her head to get an itch. She felt something in her hood. She pulled out a small, red tranquilizer dart. Why had Dämon taken all the others, but not her? it didn't matter, she needed to check the rest of the building. The entire girls dorm was empty. She ran through the sky-walk into the boys dorm. It was clearly NOT empty. Boys ran all over the dining hall, preparing for a fight. A boy she knew as Knáte threw her a .45 revolver told her to get her equipment, said "The battle begins in 3 days." and ran back into the chaotic cluster of boys. She grabbed a bottle of water, chugged it and ran into the locker-room.

She opened the door to the girls locker-room. It was quiet. Too quiet... She heard something behind her that sounded like footsteps.
"Show yourself!" she screamed. Just then, a tall, lanky girl with long black hair, holding a green duffel bag walked into view. She was wearing grey skinny jeans, black skateboarding shoes and a black T-shirt that read "SOUTH JAMOVALLIAN ARMY TRAINEE". The girl's eyes widened.
"Meredith? Meredith Zavvi?"
"Olivia Mathers?" The girl smiled and ran at Meredith and gave her a bear hug, lifting her in the process.
"Oh my god! I haven't seen you in what? Seven years?" She said smiling from ear to ear.
"I know! I thought you moved back up top!"
"I was going to but I got transferred to South Jamoval instead, because I was “too violent”” Olivia said making quotation marks with her fingers.
“So, where have you been?” Meredith Said
“I just got here a couple minutes ago. Where is everyone?" She said raising an eyebrow.
"They were kidnapped..." Meredith said pulling the small note out of the pocket of her bright black and pink "Neon Indian" hoodie.
"Dude, is this blood?" Olivia said, disgusted.
"I think... Nasty, right?"
"Okay," She said, "Bring me up to speed."

9:47 A.M. - 10:24 A.M.

Olivia, Sean And Meredith sat down for breakfast in the local diner.
"So this sicko kidnapped every chick in the girls wing?" Olivia said, throwing her arms in the air.
"Pretty much." Meredith replied
The restaurant they were at (a place called Tre's that the Jamovallian army got free food from) blasted “Bring Back Pluto” By Aesop Rock on the radio.
"So anyways," Sean started, "How've you been, Oli- Oli-" Sean trailed off, dropping a forkful of corned beef hash onto his plate.
"Sean?" Meredith said knocking on Sean's forehead.
“Is that S-Star?" Sean sputtered, gesturing with his head to a short girl with long black hair, and a shirt that read "WEST SIDE PRIDE"
"I think." Meredith said, grinning.
"Who’s Star?" Sean said still gaping at the girl.
"Sean's girlfriend" Meredith said, smirking.
"Wow... How'd he manage that?" Olivia said, teasingly.
"Why didn't she get kidnapped?"
"She's the girl's wing computer chick now."
"Holy, freaking, crap. I haven't seen her for so long. Not since she moved." Sean said, resting his chin in his hands.
There was a long silence, and then Sean stood up.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to go say hi to Star," Sean said.
"Dude, what if she has a new boyfriend?"
"We never actually broke up."
"Kay, We're gonna go back to the lounge. We'll meet you by your room." Olivia said, pulling up her sleeves, revealing a tattoo on her wrist that looked like a pixilated jellyfish.

About five minutes later Sean walked to his computer room door, smirking.
"So what happened?" Olivia said, wiping some mustard from a hot dog off of the side of her mouth with her sleeve.
"We're going to work together. She's moving some of her stuff in my computer room, and we'll work together during the battle."
"Awwww... That's so cute!" Olivia said loudly.
"Yes. It is. Also we're going to Tre's together tonight." Sean murmured as he opened his door. "Oh, crap." Sean said smacking himself on the head.
"I have got to clean this place up."

10:52 A.M. - 11:13 A.M.

“Dude, this is really nasty.” Olivia said holding up a half eaten piece of pizza off of the ground of Sean’s computer room.
“Hey I remember that! That’s from when I was in here for nine days! I eventually got bored and got a pizza from the cafeteria, and then when ate half of it I got tired and fell asleep, halfway through a piece of pizza.” Sean said, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling.
“I don’t want to know why or how you remembered that.” Meredith said tossing a few of Sean’s CDs to Olivia to put in a small tin case.
“How do you know all these bands?” Olivia said placing them in the CD case. “The Creepshow, 311, Massive Attack, Deadmau5, Bad Brains, The Fiery Furnaces, Sum 41, these guys are freaking awesome!”
“I don’t really know I just buy random CDs from the Punk-Rock and Alternative sections at that huge record store in North Jamoval. It gets you into new music.”
“Can I borrow some of these?”
“Sure I have all of em’ loaded onto my computer already.”
“Cool. Thanks, man.” Olivia said just before the power went out.
Meredith heard footsteps, and she shot her pistol about three times into the hallway.
“What was that?” Meredith said
“I don’t know but all the power is out!” Sean yelled and than the power came back on.
“I don’t know what the hell that was, but it was sc- HOLY CRAP!!!”
On the ground outside of Sean’s room were ten of the girls from the Women’s wing, lying dead, pale, and bloody, lined up down the hall. And pinned onto the first girls chest with a knife was a note that read, "Damön strikes again!" again, it appeared to be scrawled in blood. A psychopathic cackle echoed through the hallway.
“Dämon…” Meredith said looking down the hallway, right before she pulled the emergency alarm.
“Call sergeant Perkinski, Sean.” Meredith said, and Sean nodded and sprinted down the hall.
“Does this kind of scary crap happen all the time?” Olivia said, pointing a thumb at the lifeless bodies.
“Then what happened?”
“These are the girls from my dorm. He wasn’t going to keep them for anything, apparently, but he didn’t take me, so obviously I’m supposed to walk into some trap.” Meredith said, checking all of the girl’s necks for pulses.
“So what are we going to do?”
“We’re not gonna walk into his trap.”

The next day: 7:12 A.M.-7:34 A.M. (Told from the thoughts of Sean)

Oh god. I’m so nervous. Not only that Star is coming to work with me, but that Meredith could be killed by this psycho. Uh oh, here comes Star. Act cool. Act cool. Don’t mess this up. Don't mess it up. You have been dating since 8th grade, but you haven't seen her in nine months. Just act cool.
Yes, I'll help you get your stuff from your computer room.
Yes, I have a cot in my room, but you can use that, I'll sleep on the chair.
No, you take the cot. I have to stay up all night anyway.
Yes, I missed you too.
Yeah, I love you too.
No. I don't think I got any of the letters you sent me. (That wasn't a lie.)
Yeah, I'll carry this box.
Yeah, here's my room.
Yeah, it's a long story.
Yeah, let's catch up before we set it up.
Yeah, I'll race you down the hall.
Owch. You can throw a helluva punch.
Yeah, get on my back.
Screw you, captain Sawyer! we'll run in the halls if we want to, I'm having the time of my life!

The next day: 7:12 A.M.-7:34 A.M. (Told from the thoughts of Star)

Oh god. Sean looks so nervous. He's always been awkward like that. It's cute. I like it. Here he comes.
Will you help me get my stuff from my computer room?
Do you have, like, a cot or something?
No its fine, you don't have to sleep on the chair.
I missed you.
I love you.
I sent you some letters. Did you get them?
Will you carry this box? I got this one.
Okay, so here's your room?
It's so organized.
Let's catch up before we get all that stuff set up.
I'll race you down the hall.
Ow, you have a bony arm.
I'm gonna get on your back.
I love you, Sean.

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