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A Nomal girl finds out that she part elf and will she find true love along the way. :) |
Mercy. I'm Mercy Hilltown, and I'm a elflin. What is an elflin you ask? An elflin is a child whose got one human parent and one elf parent. If you think your a elflin, you will find some info about our kind. If not, please enjoy this story. Chapter one "Today is some day." I said, as I thought about what I had just seen. As usual I took my monday afternoon walk, and then I sat down on a park bench to read some of a book. Every once in awhile I would look up. Once I watched a woman walk five dogs at the same time. But the last time I looked up I saw a guy about twenty, with his light blond to the length of his shoulders or more, and pointed ears, a second later he was stairing at me, and I looked him even closer and noticed he had blue eyes. And all of a sudden he started jogging. as I walked home. The only reason I'm not in school is because I am home schooled. So is my brother, Sam whose ten, and my sister, Cat whose seven. But for some reason I did not tell anyone about what happen. The next day after school was done, I decided to take a walk in the woods behind my house. Ever since I was little I loved being in the woods. "Mercy, don't forget to take a jacket." Said My mom. "Yes, I know mom." I said, as I put on my jacket. "Dinner is at seven o-clock." Mom said. "Ok," I said, as I walked out the door. I walked down the path that I walked down so many times before. But this time I saw something move, it had blond hair. It was the guy I saw at the park! "Hey what are you doing?" I shouted. But he kept on running, and then I too started to run and I kept on shouting at the boy. "Ahh," I said, as I tripped over a rock and started to roll down the hill, I was rolling down the hill so fast that I bumped it to the guy. "Oww," he cried, as he landed on his back. At the bottom of the hill I had stopped rolling. "Are you alright?" He called, as he ran down the rest of the hill. I wanted to answer, but I felt so dizzy just to open my mouth, so I just layed there. As soon as he got to the bottom of the hill, he knelt down beside me. "Oh my goodness." He said, as he checked my head. "Hmm," I said, which was suppose ' what '. "You have a nasty cut on the back of your head, that's what!" He said. How in the world did he know what that 'hmm' meant? Then he ripped some cloth from his shirt and tied it around my head. "I'm going to pick you up now, so brace yourself." He said, as he slid his hands under my head and under my knees, and lifted me into his arms. "Okay," I whispered into his ear. "Shh just rest." He said. I started to get sleepy, so I rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Now that's a good girl." He whispered, shifting me in his arms. After that I must have fallen to sleep. Chapter two When I woke up I heard voices talking in some language I never heard before, but I knew what they were saying. Here's what they were saying. "Do you think she'll wake up soon?" Asked the first one. "Yes, she's been asleep for two hours." Said the second one. "Hello," I said, looking at them. One was the blond haired guy and a man with brown hair just as long. "Hello Mercy. My name is Nicholas and this is Mur, your father." Said the blond. "My father?" I said, trying to take that in. "Yes, you are a elflin. Part human and part elf." Said my father. "Please excuse me, I have to call your mother. Nicholas why don't you show Mercy around." "Yes, Mur." Nicholas said. Then my father left. "So can you walk or should I carry you again?" Nicholas asked, with a smile. For that I threw one of the pillows at him, which hit him in the chest. "So do I take that as a yes." Nicholas said. "Of course I can walk, you silly elf." I said, throwing the other pillow, which hit him in the head. "Wow, you sure do have a good throwing arm!" He said, throwing the pillows back to me. "Thanks, can I please have my shoes back." I asked, as I stepped out of the bed. "Oh here." He said, handing me my shoes. "Thank you very much." I said, as I put on my shoes. "Let's start the tour, shall we." Said Nicholas, holding out his hand to help me off the bed, which I gladly took. "What are you now like fourteen?" "Fifteen to be exact. And what do you mean now?" I asked. "I use to babysit you, from age three months to four years of age. I had to stop because, soon your memory would have started to get better." He said, looking sad at the old memory. "So were you kidding about the fourteen thing." I said. "I'm sorry to have insulted your age." He said. "There is nothing to be sorry for, Nicholas. And I am not insulted by that. I'm just glad that I got to meet my guardian elf." I said, trying to make him feel better. "Did you get a concession?" He asked. "Not that I know about. Can we please get on with the tour." I said, putting my hand on his arm and tugging on it. "Alright, alright. Now you remind me of when you were three years old, and you wanted me to play tea party with you!" Nicholas said, a laugh. "Okay, first of all, this house is where your father, I, and two elves and one elflin lives. As you can tell they are not at home right now. And if your mother allows, it will be your home too." We walked out the door, and I saw a lot of elves, everywhere! Nicholas lowered his head closer to mine and said: "Don't worry you'll fit in just fine! By the way this is Woodlands Ridge." "Thank you, Nicholas." I said, in a quite voice. Some of the elves were dressed like normal humans and the others dressed in what I think are elf clothes, men dressed in what looked like tunic and leggings. And the women in either tunic and leggings or a dress. "There is about 320 elves that live here. Remember the woods, well this is farther off down in the woods." Explained Nicholas. "And here is where you learn how to battle with bow and arrows and swords." He said, pointing at the training field. "there are where the horses stay." pointing to what looked like a stable. "And that's the end of the tour, just don't tell your father we ended here. Okay." He said, winking. "Hello Nicholas." A girl called, from the doorway of the house. "Hello Camille. This is Mercy Hilltown, Mur's daughter." Said Nicholas. "Hello Camille" I said. "Hello Mercy." She said, looking very happy. "So are you a elf or elflin?" I ask. "A elflin." She answered. "Hello Nicholas, hello Mercy." Said two men from behind Camille, both with black hair. "Hello Herg, hello Jommy." Said Nicholas. "Hello," I said. After dinner "So father did mom say I could stay?" I asked in Elvish. (Which is what he and Nicholas were speaking in earlier, and most elflins can pick it up soon after they hear it. ) "Yes, while you and Nicholas were on the tour, I went and got your stuff from your mother." He answered back in Elvish. "I'm guessing she was upset about that." I said. "Yes very upset, but I had to reminded her that we made a deal that when you got into your late teens that you were to move here." "And she made you take my school books, didn't she?" "Yes she said that you had to finish your schooling." "That's mom for you." "She was not like that before I married her." "She told me that you signed divorce papers when I was three months old. And Nicholas said he babysat me from three months to four years. So why did Nicholas babysit me?" "You can asked Nicholas about that if you want to know." "I think I'll be going to bed. Good night father." "Good night Mercy, and sleep well." He said. When I got to my room, my bags were on my bed and my school books on the floor. On top of my bed there was some tunics with a note on top of them. It said: Dear Mercy welcome to Woodlands Ridge and the family, you are always welcome to stop by my room at anytime, Camille. Camille and I became fast friends and sisters. My father was married to her mother, and had Jommy and Herg, Camille was from her mom's first marriage to a human man named Joe, who she found out later was a real jerk. But she got killed many years ago by trolls. Elves are immortal and can only die if they are killed. So I put my clothes away and picked up my Geometry book and my notebook and started to figure out a geometry problem. My eyelids started to get heavy and I closed them. That's when the dream began. It began with three girls, all about my age. The first one had brown hair, the second had black, and the third had golden. They all had hazel eyes and necklaces, each was different from the last. The one with brown hair had one with a light blue heart in the middle with a silver beads at each side of it. The black haired one had a green diamond in the middle and a purple beads on each side of it. The one with golden hair had a round red jewel with a amber beads on each side of it. And then dream changed to them tie up and gagged. There was these creatures with blackish green skin and red eyes. The girls necklaces were gone, the creatures must have taken them. Then the creature took off the brown haired girl's gag, and asked her a question I couldn't hear, but she didn't answer, so he dug his long nail into her arm, and she screamed. Then I woke up with a start. Someone had turn out the light and throw a blanket over me, and the only light I could see was the moon. After fifteen minutes I got up and looked out the window and decided that I would go outside out lay down in the grass and look at the stars, like I did when I couldn't fall asleep back at home. I went to the front door, and opened it and stepped outside. The wind slightly blowing, the scent of flowers were in the air. That is one of the best things about spring, that and the fact that summer is coming. I walked to the middle of the yard and looked ahead and saw someone laying in the grass. It was Nicholas! I walked as close as I could not to wake him. He was laying on the ground fast asleep. "So your stalking me now." Said Nicholas, opening his blue eyes. "Nope, even if I was, I think it's against the law to stalk people." I said. "I thought you were asleep." "No, I was looking at the stars." He said. "But what are you doing out here?" "I can't sleep, and back at home if I can't sleep I would go outside and lay under the stars." |
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