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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Dark · #1739164
So here is the first chapter of my new book please help me out and tell me what you think
Chapter 1
Through my eyes

I sat there in that cramped little attic holding my love tightly in my arms. I had lost my family to this… disease or this virus or whatever they were calling this THING. My mother, father, brother… everyone gone. The only thing I had left was the boy sitting quietly in my lap, and this boys name was Jake. When the sirens started going off I immediately knew that all hell was about to break loose and so did my dad. He knew we needed to evacuate before things really hit the fan, and boy we weren't the only ones to figure that out. We packed up our essentials and were in the car when I said I couldn't leave without Jake. We started making our way to Jakes house when the military started flooding the streets with their guns drawn. They started forcing people out of their cars and their houses and grouping us together like cattle. We were all crowded to together when this highly decorated official spoke up.

"I am Alexander Jensan and As you all know this epidemic has reached American soil and it is up to us to make sure that the damage is minimal! So you WILL cooperate or you WILL be shot! Is that understood?"

At the time all this was going on I really didn't think things were that bad. I mean yea I was hearing about Australia, Canada, and The UK having mass Quarantines and there was rioting but these guys were ready to kill as soon as they stepped foot out of their vehicles, SOMETHING had to be going on that they weren't telling us.

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you! You can see that none of us are infected, from what we've heard it's pretty obvious to tell the infected from the rest of us!"

Haha leave it up to good ol' dad to be the voice of the group. He was never the one to take authority, well that ultimately led to his end unfortunately. My dad was a doctor so he knew things were bad but I don't think he knew quite how bad it really was. But the soldiers reaction to my dad's comment was enough evidence that we were about to find out.

"Now you look here! WE are the ones with the guns YOU are the ones who will listen to US. This is your last warning! You will cooperate or you will die. Is… that… CLEAR!" The soldier thought he made his point and backed out of my dad's face and continued he's speech

"This area is now under military control and you will all be moved to one of our many designated facilities for… processing. This entire ordeal will be quick and painless if everyone cooperates. Now if you all will please follow Sgt. Bates here we will get this underway."

"We're not going anywhere." Dad grabbed my brothers hand and started making his way towards our car when he fell to the ground motionless. Dad pushed to many buttons on Mr. Jensan so he pulled out his gun and shot him in the head. Right then my world stopped… What the hell was going on.

"Sometimes casualties are an unfortunate necessity when dealing with… Neanderthals. Carry on Sgt. Bates."

After everyone stopped screaming and the military regained control of the group they started pushing us down the street, towards Jakes house no less. The only thing that was going through my mind was getting to him. Sure I was still in shock about my dad but we weren't really close.

"Mom, we have to get away from this group." I never thought about how hard it was to whisper when you were being herded down a street.

"Jade! Did you see what they did back there! Your father is dead now shut up and keep walking!"

I have to give my mom props. She watched her husband get gunned down and she still had the motherly energy to put me in my place, but I wasn't going to have it. I HAD to get to him. I was looking around at the crowd trying to scope out a break in the group so I could make a run for it then there was a loud scream and then gunshots.

"Ah! Fuck it's an infected!"

That's all that had to be said. Those four words was all that was needed to strike chaos in this large group. People scattered in every direction there was more gunshots more screams and then suddenly more infected. I got separated from my mom and brother and it was impossible to try and look for them while I was dodging bullets and the flailing arms of all those infected so I ran. I ran to the nearest house I could find and barricaded myself inside. I could still hear the screaming… no matter how hard I pressed my hands on my ears it didn't stop the noise. I ran up stairs and then to the attic where I peered out the window to the chaos below. There was so much blood so many bodies so much carnage and it happened in seconds…. We've all seen the zombie movies where the zombies are stupid and slow and virtually no threat at all. Well these weren't those kind of zombies, if the even were zombies. I watched as the infected darted back and forth biting and tearing at the people I knew so well. And with every bite there was another infected. It seemed instantaneous. I'd see someone running for their life, get bit, then they would immediately start tearing the face off the person next to them.

"JADEN!!!! JADE WHERE ARE YOU!!! JADEN!!!" Through all the screaming I could hear my mom's voice. I could hear her but it took me a few moments of searching to find her.

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