Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1726390-Academy-of-Saeta
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Fantasy · #1726390
New students of the Academy of Saeta to start an exciting journey with winged horses!
The land of Fuga is wide and mysterious, with expansive deserts, high mountain peaks, magic, rolling farmland and extravagent aristocratic buildings. Despite all this, the wonder and beauty of the land of Fuga is reflected within their most precious resource, the winged horses of Fuga.

These horses bond with only one female for the whole of their lives, a bond which cannot be achieved by men. The horses themselves are used by aristocracy to inspire their nation, or intimidate other politicians from distant lands. However, in the past they have been used for warfare, their riders shooting arrows and weilding swords from above to gain the upper hand over their enemy. The time has come for flying war-horses to be called upon again.

For this, a new generation of horses have been bred, and girls from around the land of Fuga have been chosen to bond with a horse. Before they may fly, they must be taught at the Academy of Saeta, and become true Horsemistresses of Fuga.


1. First addition is used for bio block ONLY.

2. I realise that life gets in the way of WDC, but try to update asap, it helps the story continue

3. Your horse may only excel in ONE KEY AREA, this may include strength, beauty, speed etc, but don't make it too over the top. Each horse must be unique, eg if one person has already chosen a sorrel horse, you have to choose another colour.

4. Characters can be from anywhere, be it from an aristocratic family or from a tiny village that no one's ever heard of.

5. I want you guys to have fun, but please be mindful of other peoples characters and how they would act in a situation. There's nothing more annoying than you taking control of anothers character and making them act somehow that is against their personality.

Bio Block Set-up


Age doesn't matter, we all have to be 17 (a requirement of the Academy)


Nickname: Derived from full name
Special Ability:

Happy Writing!

Name: Chara Diamantina (Char for short)
Age: Obviously 17
Appearance: Chara has black hair and pale skin, with ocean green eyes. Average height although she's slight of frame, which is a blessing for riding, but rather strong and nimble despite her appearance.
Personality: While reserved to start off with, Chara opens up wholeheartedly to those who accept her. She cares deeply for her family, and friendships are of highest importance to her. She's always been good at school, but prefers the outdoors away from books and learning.
Background: Came from a well-off farming family, used to hard work but also a little bit of luxury.
Other: -


Name: Akemi's Seraph (Akemi is a goddess war and justice in Fuga)
Appearance: Buckskin Tobiano with dorsal stripe (http://www.norsk-pintos.com/CB%20Half%20Arabians/MaudDib_146%20052106.jpg). Average height, graceful build.
Special Ability: Speed/Nimbleness

Appearance: Shoulder length, reddish blond hair, stormy gray eyes. About 5'8" in height, slim and athletic in frame she has gently tanned skinned. With a couple of freckles that appear and disappear on her nose and cheeks.
Personality: Has a logical brain, sometimes she can be a bit snarky if she's in a good mood and is around friends, but she also is quiet whenever she's among strangers, listening and learning. A bit of a bookworm, she enjoys using her imagination to amuse herself, even though this can also backfire on her at time. The sunshine, rain, snow, all types of weather are things she enjoys, with the terrifying yet thrilling thunderstorms being her favorite.
Background: Parents are craftsmen with her father being a carpenter and her mother a weaver and she lived in a little seaside village with them and her younger sister. Knows the ins and out of working for a living but also knows how to play when the time is right. Loved swimming in the ocean, lakes, etc around her home.

Name: Misty Pyras
Nickname: Pyra
Appearance: Strawberry Roan with a red-spotted blanket on her rump <http://www.dpchallenge.com/images/pix.gif> 14.2 hands tall. Wiry build
Special Ability: Intelligence/surefootedness

Name: Inara
Appearance: Inara is beautifully built with graceful curves, soft shoulders, and long neck. She has curly dark hair that falls well past her shoulders, and honey colored eyes.
Personality: Inara was taught be soft spoken, polite, and always gracious. She can calm most anyone down.
Background: Inara's family was not too well off. So they paid a rich family to take her in and teach her. She's learned art, diplomacy, and even a bit of fencing. Because of her beauty, she was intended to marry one of the sons of her host family, however, fate had other plans...


Name: Stars End
Nickname: Lady (He's a male horse, but it quite stuck up. Its a fun jab)
Appearance: Golden with a black stripe down his nose, and 3 black socks. His wings and mane/tail are black as well.
Special Ability: Beauty/Willpower
Char was brimming with excitement as Headmistress Alena stood upon the podium and adressed the first year horsemistresses. Even though the Headmistress was young, she had a way of holding herself that made her seem utterly regal, comparable to the King himself. Her soft green eyes gazed out over the seventeen-year-olds, stern yet excited.

"Today, you will be joined together with your bondmate, your horse for life. In a few moments we will pass through the hall doors into the stable, where you will stand utterly still in the paddock. The yearlings, hand-chosen by the Royal Breeder, will be drawn to the very scent of their bondmate, and you will everforth be in charge of a great blessing. Now, quickly, no talking, no sudden movements, two straight lines."

The girls shuffled hurriedly into places, eager to get to the paddock as soon as possible. As the girls arranged themselves there was little murmuring, introductions, but this was silenced quickly by Alena.

"Alright. Good luck, young horsemistresses, your life is about to change forever." And with that, the thirty or so girls set off towards the paddock. They travelled through the exquisetly decorated halls, with acrylic paintings of winged horses past, carved edging and beautiful flickering torches providing a surreal light.

As they emerged out onto the grounds, the girls all gasped in awe. In the paddock were thirty winged yearlings, all timely cantering around the paddock. Bays, blacks, palominos, greys, and all colours of horses flickered together, with immeasurable beauty. Their wings, some feathered and some membranous, were bound with clips so that they would not take flight and hurt themselves.

"Why are there different wings?" Char wondered out loud.

"Because they come from two different types of lineage, idiot." Char turned and saw an aristocratic girl, abnormally tall, staring at her as if she was above everyone around her, especially Char. "Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The feathered wings are able to fly in snow, as they dont collect too much weight, although they're worse at flying through heavy rain. Ones with membranous wings aren't able to fly through snow or in especially windy conditions, but they cut through rain and have a faster take off. I thought everyone knew that. I'm Hanna Cross, by the way." With that, she walked off with her nose stuck high in the air.

Around her, she heard a few girls already chosing which horses they would want, with a golden colt with especially good looks being the favourite. However, as she looked only one stood out to Char, a Buckskin tobiano, the only sort of pinto she could see. The filly seemed to race ahead of the others and squeal with delight as if nothing was better than going fast.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Char turned to see a girl standing next to her, and quickly introduced herself.

"Oh, aye. Never seen anything like it. I'm Chara Diamantina, a mouthful I know. Most call me Char."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Inara."

Before they could continue the courteous small-chat, they were interrupted as Headmistress Alena started announcing the first people that would stand into the paddock and be chosen. Chara's name was third. She and four other girls nervously entered the paddock.

As she took her place standing in the paddock, other girls looking in, Chara prayed to the goddess Akemi, for peace of mind. The yearlings had retreated to the other side of the paddock, but slowly, from the swirling horses emerged five yearlings. Cautious at first, they lowered their ears and stood close to each other as they advanced towards the girls, but their ears pricked up as they gained more confidence, and soon they were trotting towards the girls eagerly.

With wide eyes, Char stared at the buckskin, with white feathery wings that seemed to have gold flecked through them, as she came dancing towards her. She outstretched a hand, and, after a moments hesitation, the filly placed her head onto Char's outstretched palm, and snorted. Char closed her eyes, then starting singing softly to her filly. A new feeling was spreading inside of her, as if she had two souls, and she stroked the mane of her filly.

Inara smiled as she saw Char and her horse make the connection. She'd been told about that of course, but it was still a tad surprising. Beautiful really.

She turned to the side and nearly jumped in surprise, as quite close to her face was a horses head. She stared into the eyes of the golden colt that everyone had been admiring. He stared back, then cocked his head. Inara copied him and smiled.

The horse, realizing she was playing with him, snorted and began a smart inspection of her. She tried not to move much, letting him do his rounds, giggling at him. He stopped in front of her and pawed the ground. Then swished his tail and began to trot around. He appeared to realize that he was very good looking.

"Your a little full of yourself, aren't you." Inara smiled at him.

He shook his head and whinnied.

"I think you are."

He snorted then charged at her, skidding to a halt a few inches from her face when she didn't move.

He stared at her... then licked her.

"Aw. Your not so bad." Inara stretched out her hand and touched his head. Instantly it felt as if she was being split into two, and a warmness rushed over her body and soul. Like... like she wasn't alone anymore.
NOTE: This character, Zaria Sunrise, will be substituting the character Hanna Cross.


Name: Zaria Sunrise
Age: 17
Appearance: Black hair with a blue sheen to her waist, with gentle waves she is forever trying to straighten, big cerulean eyes framed with thick lashes, pale flawless skin, 6 ft and curvaceous. She feels her feet are too big.
Personality: As the indulged youngest daughter of high aristocracy, she is spoiled, demanding, arrogant, outspoken, hot-tempered, not tactful and most definitely not used to working with her hands. She is also intelligent, passionate and fiercely loyal to her country.
Background: Zaria lives in Granja, the ducal seat of Medina Segovia. Youngest daughter of the Duke of Medina Segovia, she has been raised with the highest education, and possesses terribly useful skills such as embroidery, flower arranging and 100 ways to flirt with a fan. Fortunately, she can also fence and use a small bow and arrow. Horse riding is something she has always excelled at and enjoyed, particularly the hunt. She never had any true friends, but doesn’t realize this. She has always expected to be married off to some underling, managing a big household and supporting her husband.
Other: Zaria and Sidi are complete opposites in character and as such make a good team. They are both tall and strong and therefore would do well in a head-on or defensive situation.


Name: Obsidian Storm
Nickname: Sidi
Appearance: Coal black, full and long mane and tail (think Friesian), 20 hands tall http://fx.worth1000.com/entries/553500/perch
Special Ability: Strength/Endurance

Zaria turned away from the pretty black-haired, green-eyed girl and strode to the front of the group. She smiled at the furtive glances the other girls snuck her. She knew she was beautiful and impressive, with an aristocratic air many of these peasants found intimidating; as well they should.

Her attention turned back to the yearlings cantering through the field. A wave of excitement washed through her, making her gasp a soft breath. One of them would be hers, soon. That beautiful golden horse would suit her very well, she thought. Then her attention was caught by a gigantic black stallion. Her eyes narrowed as she studied the handsome creature, watching the huge muscles ripple and bunch. Zaria wanted to watch the other horses, to see if the golden foal would single her out. However, her gaze was caught by the coal-black eyes of the stallion.

From a distance, she was aware of the pretty black-haired girl being the first to greet her horse. Her mind noticed the golden foal went to a curly-haired girl and a strawberry roan went to a girl with red-blond hair. She found she couldn’t care less, her attention being eaten up by black feather wings, sleek fur, a tail held high, neck arched, streaming curly mane and tail, fetlocks on hooves like dinner plates. Though he was half a field away, she felt like she was standing right next to him.

The stallion neighed, and her heart lifted. As if in a trance her arms lifted to receive him. He came to a halt in front of her, dust swirling around them like a cloud. Zaria felt like she was drowning in his shining eyes, her soul reaching out. To never be alone anymore, to share in any hurt, to run free, together!

As she touched her new bondmate, their separate lives coalesced between them, weaving around each other, and merging. She touched Obsidian Storm, and a pure, happy smiled wreathed her face. She was complete.
Char looked around, and noticed, with a stab of sympathy in her heart, that some girls and some horses had not been united with one another. The Horsemistresses had explained this might happen, as the horses had not deemed the girls worthy. These girls would be transported home, in disgrace. The leftover horses would die, not at the hand of humans, but from their own broken hearts.

A tear rolled down Char's face, and her horse, soon to be named by the Horsemistresses, nudged her shoulder to comfort her. "It just doesn't seem right that anything so beautiful should suffer so much," she whispered out loud.

"Congratulations is in order, you have now entered into a bond that will change your life forever," called Alena. Beaming faces stared up at her and a rare smile was uttered from her, but it quickly vanished. "However, I must ask of you girls something which has not been asked from Horsemistresses for near three hundred years. War has been declared from the land of Crey, against Fuga." Whispers ran through the crowd like wildfire. "And you girls," said Alena, "must fight from the air with your horses. What lies ahead is more training than other Horsemistresses have recieved in a long time. You must learn to fly in harmony with your bondmate, and learn to fight from the air."

"Now the stableboys will escort you and yours horses to your new stalls. Tend to your horses, the stableboys will help you should you need assistance, then off to bed. We start early tomorrow." With that, Alena whisked herself away, holding herself in immaculate position.
<<Found it, finally!>>

Allya Silverblade nervously rubbed her dusty palms on her leggings. She was entranced by the rainbow of colors that frolicked before her. As she was called to the paddock with three other, her stomach jumped with butterflies. The thought of being so visible in front of so many girl along with being grouped with girls that she didn't even know made her nervous, but not a nervous as meeting the horse who was to be her lifelong companion did.

From the corner of her eye she saw her companions being approached by their bondmates, each beautiful and unique horses in their own right but they weren't hers. Then she saw a flash of red and white darting through the remaining herd. The filly, as Allya could tell by her carriage, was dancing around some of the other yearlings, teasing them with nips before darting away out of reach. Allya smiled at her antics, merely watching her for a few seconds. Then the filly seemed to catch her scent on the breeze.

Freezing in her tracks, she fluttered her wings as much as was possible. Allya gasped in amazement as the sun caught little flecks of gold and red among the white and dusty red feathers of her wings. It made them look like they held fire inside them. The filly swished her tail up on her white blanketed rump with it's red spots and tossed her head before trotting over to the girl.

"You're gorgeous," the girl breathed, involuntarily reaching out a hand towards her as she approached. The filly sniffed her hand and then moved closer to snuffle at her hair. Allya gently rested a hand on her warm neck ... and the image of a volcano encased in a thick fog appeared in her mind, so vibrant it felt real.

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