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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1711587
just read its complicated and i dont wanna give anything away
the year is 3032 the world is on its knees in 2012 Japan launched a new weapon against the world. The cities not immediately destroyed died of disease or starvation. It took almost one hundred years but the world was finally starting to pull back together technology was all but forgotten civilizations were lost people had to count on one another to survive. The churches lost there powers as people had to start facing reality something they weren’t happy with finally they made the decision to prove to the world once and for all there was indeed a heaven and hell. On June 18, 2426 4 priests brought together the largest gathering possible to open the gates to the holy land “for almost 500 years people have turned away from the love of the almighty, millions have been lost to the depths of hell and now finally we have been given the chance to show the truth.” But when the gates opened everyone knew It was a mistake. On the other side was not the glorious picture the people imagined, darkness as far as the eye could see everyone around was frozen to the ground they stood on with fear. A large man with crimson eyes, dead skin, and long dark horns walked out of the gates. “Behold the kingdom of the lost, fools and cowards rest here before you is not the gate to heaven but the passage to hell. Now the world will suffer a consequence the likes of which it has never seen.” Evil spirits flowed from the gates possessing those that had come to see paradise. Some died of fright, others tried to fight it and for it felt the worst pain imaginable before there deceased bodies hit the ground. Soon all around the world people possessed by demons charged what was left of the population killing at will taking whatever pleased them, drugs, money, women. All of this was nothing to them it seemed as if the world had truly come to an end. Not long after the gates of heaven did open and although it would seem like this would stop the demon army it didn’t. The angels that came were not much better the only way they could fight the demons were to posses the people as well and after years of fighting many turned evil themselves using their powers for their own means some even helped the demons. Yet somehow the people struggled on. It became like it was thousands of years ago back before technology had really taken off, before greedy politicians took over the world. Man went back to living off the land and counting on each other for survival back to the ages of trust and love. But there was one hope for placing mankind back to where it belonged and this is their story.

Chapter one: my normal life
It was the middle of the night all the little children tucked away in their beds ready for a hard days work. No one thought of the evil taking the world by storm when it was so many miles away. But nonetheless they posted guards around the walls although they knew it wouldn’t do any good people who killed the possessed simply took on the spirit themselves. But the guards still stood their ground.
I awoke before the sun like always sure I didn’t have to work for another few hours but I enjoy practicing with my blade for a while I knew if my father found out he would work me to death. We were a family of blacksmiths so it wasn’t hard to make the sword, heck I even had a gun. I snuck out my window and made my way toward my secret meadow. I was the only one who knew about it I stumbled across it by accident I was out looking for some blueberries when I heard an ominous growl I had somehow managed to come face to face with a mountain lion.
Its eyes were the most magnificent shade of green its felt seemed to kind of shimmer in the light its body was massive but it flowed in such an agile way. It truly was a beautiful creature. I ran I didn’t know what else to do I knew I couldn’t outrun it but its not like I had another option. I could hardly hear its feet hitting the ground behind me. I took off through a thorn bush hoping to slow it down. All I did was get my self covered in scrapes and tear up my clothes. The rhythmic beating of my foe’s feet got louder and louder as he gained on me when the most spectacular thing happened. Some kind of winged creatures just a tad bigger than a humming bird flew past me and struck the cougar directly in the eye.
The beast cried in pain but I still didn’t stop I let my fear carry me until my body couldn’t take it anymore. I was lost and tired and confused that’s when I took in my surrounding I had found my meadow. It is the most tranquil place in the world the only sound is the occasional fish breaking the surface of the pond that resides there. The smell of pine is strong there and makes me feel at ease the world may be hell on the outside but here I was alone I was at peace.
I had carved a small practice dummy to strike it wasn’t the best and it didn’t teach me to react well but it taught me the best ways to strike and I believed I was learning well. I practiced shooting birds with my gun it was a 6 shooter it took me a few dozen tries to get it right but it was reliable and I was actually a decent shot. I don’t really know what the purpose of this was my father was a solider once and he taught me that fighting only led to trouble but I figured a man who couldn’t fight wasn’t much of a man. I struck the wooden statue again and again until my arms were shaking from exhaustion sweat poured from my face I guess it was just my way of fighting the world I hated all so much the fear I felt every night before I drifted off to sleep. The helplessness I felt when I heard stories of men being possessed by the evil spirits. I often wondered what the world was like before they came, I’ve read many books that talk about it. It seemed so different it interested me so much all I wanted was a world of peace. So why I couldn’t go on a rampage and kill the spirits taking over my world at least I could let my anger flow into this wooden target.
The sun was rising my family would be waking up soon I had to hurry I stashed my weapons in a hollow tree and ran back to the house as fast as I could. Just as I walked through the door to our simple little home my father walked in the kitchen from his room. My father was a large man with lots of muscle I guess years at a forge will do that to you, He had grey hair and bright eyes that just radiated love, even when he mad he had a warm smile on his face “where have you been David?” he asked sternly.
“Just out for a walk.” This was always my excuse I was not sure if he believed me but he never questioned it farther.
“Always wondering you truly are one of my children.” Every time he spoke those words, I felt proud I would love to be a man like my father honest, caring, and strong.
“well we have lots of orders to get through today so eat a quick breakfast and off to the forge with you.” Ever since my mother died a real home cooked meal became scarce but it didn’t bother me I loved the rabbit stew we ate at every meal. The rest of the day past with little interest, made some horseshoes for the local farmer, a couple spearheads for the guards but that night everything changed.
I was sitting at my home reading an old textbook my father bought from a traveling salesman. It was really all I ever did outside of practicing with my weapons and working it was routine but I liked my life that way. The moon couldn’t have been higher and the night couldn’t have been darker. When I first saw the light coming from the torches coming from the road I thought maybe a caravan was coming through but that didn’t seem likely with the nights growing so cold. The alarm sounded loudly and panic spread through the little town like a wild fire. Something dangerous was coming and it would be here soon.
“Father the alarm we must run!” I ran into his room to find him attaching his old chain mail tunic brandishing a long wicked blade.
“Son, I know what I’ve told you about violence but sometimes a man must fight when his loved ones are at stake I’ve lost your mother and I won’t lose you. Run, run away from here and don’t look back.” For once there was no twinkle in his eye, no smile on his face, his body seemed to shine like that mountain lion so many years ago. Tears welled in my eyes and I embraced him.
“No, I wont run. I wont leave you here you know its useless even if you do somehow manage to kill one of those…things you’ll simply become one you know that.”
“Aye, I will but I won’t let you. Run, please.” I stood strong, finally; I could make out the faint footsteps coming closer to the wall. The old oak door stood strong but against an army we both knew it wouldn’t last more than 10 minutes. My father reached into his dresser and removed an ancient emerald necklace my mother wore.
“Your mother told me one day this would happen. That it would only be a matter of time before our little paradise was found so she asked me when that day came to give you this. I don’t know exactly what it is, your mother was full of secrets.” For just a second I saw a swell of grief wash over his face. “Take it and keep it safe, please son I know it will be hard but I have faith each man has a mission and now it is time you embark on your please don’t let me fade from this life knowing you didn’t make it.” His words hit me hard I couldn’t say no a third time. I reached out, took the necklace, and let the tears flow.
“I will father, and I will come back for you.” He did not answer. I could hear the battering ram slamming against the door and a strange roaring sound I have never heard before it sounded like it was coming from some sort of machine. He walked past me to the back door. I followed, he looked at me one last time and said. “Run, take the path you take in the morning before the sun rises, if I can’t find you where you go I’m certain they cant, now go!
It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my 16 years of life but I did I ran with all my strength tears flowing from my eyes. I felt like a coward all my hatred all my practice came to nothing. I was halfway to my meadow when I decided to look back it was a terrible sight. Smoke bellowed from the whole town I could just make out men being thrown into a great burn pile. Then coming up from over the hill I saw my father walking towards me but he had changed. His eyes were crimson red his smile wiped clean by a gaunt hungry look.
“Come here David father has something to show you.” His voice was a cold as his eyes sending a chill down my spine. Anger and sorrow ran through my whole body the man that stood before me was not my father just an empty shell taken control by a murderous thing. I stood there so long I almost didn’t notice his advance getting closer and closer finally I could smell the blood on his clothing the sweat from his brow. He had just raised the long blade for the deathblow when I awoke from my trance. I turned and ran the world had robbed me of everything now I had nothing to lose but still something inside pushed me forward.
My demon father was fast he was on my trail every second of the way just like with the mountain lion so many years earlier I cut through the thorn bushes. Just when I made it to the other side, I allowed myself a quick glance back. Without slowing down he jumped over the thorn push almost like he was gliding. I pushed on the meadow, ran to the hollow tree I stored my blade and six-shooter in grabbed the gun and pointed at the man that had cared for me entire life. I couldn’t do it. He was not running now he walked towards me breathing heavily.
“That was a very marry chase you have led me on but now your time is over.” Still even with the fear pounding through me, with the hate I had for the spirit that had taken my father I couldn’t bear to pull the trigger. I knew he wasn’t the same man but in my eyes he hadn’t changed. I closed my eyes I accepted my fate here is where I would die. I thought back to a happy memory and prepared my self for death I only hoped it would be swift. When I had opened them I was once again met with the strangest sight I could imagine. The small little humming bird creature that had saved me before was flying around me like it was casting some sort of barrier. The demon looked infuriated
“Foolish creature the time of magic is over you have been defeated before leave and allow me my prey.”
“This place is hollow ground you are weakened here leave before I snuff out your life.” I don’t know where the voice came from it was high and shrill but the demon did seem wary.
“Ha, fine let this image burn into your mind boy. Let you remember my name Devisu” with that, he plunged the blade into my fathers body. The crimson faded and for just a second I saw my father’s twinkle return just before his dead body touched the ground. My body went cold tears streamed from eyes sadness and grief engulfed me. I ran to the body on the ground. It was to late there was nothing left.
“I shall remember you Devisu and you will pay.” The shrill high voice returned.
“I can help you that is why I have come.”
“Show yourself!” the small humming bird creature flew inches from my face. I had never noticed but it resembled a tiny beautiful women.

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