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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1706904
A makeshift spaceship crew just trying to make a living...
The space harbor was full. Captain Horatio Doyle scanned the mass confusion of alien and human life, merchants, soldiers, tourists, delegates, dock hands, and felt a surge of confidence. Surely somewhere in this crowd there would be a desperate and morally depraved crew looking to attach itself to a junker space vessel and an old has-been captain. He couldn't wait to lay eyes on them. They would undoubtedly be a interesting lot, with plenty of problems to ignore.

The dock master was looking at him expectantly. “Are you staying or should I tell you to get the hell out of here?” Like all dock masters, this man was irritable and ill-humored. Horatio brushed his thumb over the scanner. It glowed green as it extracted the hefty landing fee from his account. The captain smiled half with relief, half knowingly. He had known it would work. The dock master quickly went over Horatio's files, making sure everything was in order and then with one last look-over walked away, muttering. Not even a suspicious glace or threatening word. He was almost disappointed. Well, it had been over thirty years and the universe was a big place; he supposed they were bound to forget his face. At that thought, he smoothed his fingers over his face, relishing in the smoothness of his cheeks. It was truly the simple things in life that made it worth while, like a smooth-shaven chin...and revenge.

Legal with the Intrepid locked down, he joined the chaos. Even after thirty years of development, he knew his way around Ivris Docks. It was a short walk to the sub, a quick ride on the tube and a nearly a half hour to flag down a Hov driver (he criticized the inefficiency of humans under his breath and wondered if he shouldn't just buy a android crew) and another short ride to the Employment Office, where he submitted his job postings. The artificial intelligence at the desk assured him with the economy being as it was it wouldn't be long before someone responded. He almost pitied them.


Alrighty, people, welcome to the campfire Intrepid (Intrepid is the space ship). While this may appear to be your traditional space, aliens and rocket-ships science fiction campfire, I would like to make it something more—a space opera! That's right, I don't want this story to be all about the mission, the shooting and exploration; I would really like people to focus on their character's personal development and reaction to the things we'll be throwing at them—not that I don't want action. I absolutely do, I just don't want that to be the focal point if you get my meaning.

Besides the obvious like don't kill other peoples characters, no god-modding and staying within the rating restrictions, there is only one rule, that being you have to add within five days. If you don't, I have no scruples about skipping you. If I have to skip you three times in a row, you're out of the campfire. This project is for people who want to write. Don't want to write, don't ask for an invite.

The year is 3168. The exploration of space is in full swing. So far there are two galaxies humanity has claimed for themselves, though not even close to being entirely explored. Other life forms have been discovered, but they aren't particularly relevant to the story unless your character happens to be alien and if so try to make them genuinely alien, not just a human that looks like a frog. Space travel is achieved by an advanced technology that allows one to bend space. Still it takes time to get anywhere because this must be done several hundred thousand miles from any large bodies of matter, lest risk catastrophe...or something like that.

I have several ideas for the story line, but for now we're just going to develop it as naturally as possible. I welcome your ideas with open arms. Feel free to plot and scheme with one another, the more intrigue the better.

I'm gonna need seven people:



Navigator (these people are telepathic but their abilities are very limited). (taken)


Gunhands 0/3

When you accept the invite leave a message telling me which of the open spaces you want. Thanks very much.

(Nobody writes for the captain)

I like bio-blocks, gets all the characters' (physical at least) descriptions out of the way, so go for it.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1706904-Intrepid