Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1704120-Untittled-For-Now
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by TK
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Other · Young Adult · #1704120
I'm not good at these.

         The sun was high up in the sky casting down it's rays that cooked up everything on earth. It was a day were the elderly were to say in air condtiond house. Where the grass lacked it's vibrant green, sporting the dry brown. The flowers were starting to wilt and cast down to the ground which was cracked like the dry lands in some far off place. This day was going to be my first day at a new school the day where I'd rather have cooled car drive me to school but no we had to have the house thats only a block away from school. Just my luck!

"Lyra, you better get going or you'll be late for the first day of school!" Yells my mohter, I can hear her opinging the door "I'm hading to work you better be out of this door before I leave the driveway!"

"Okay mom" I yell back down. I roll my eyes and grab my bag and I was out of the door just as she it the street.

It wasn't hard to find the office in which smelled like coffee and paper. I was then noticed by an over sized women whom I sware is really a man or a trans. She looked like an line backer. Her smile was like a demon which sent chills down my spine.

" Lyra Young?" As I expected it to be like Van Deazle trying to talk like a girl.

"Yes mam"

"Welcome to Utena Academy, your class schedule, and school map. A studen't peer would be here soon." I nodded as Miss Van Deazle turned to her desk.

I had to force myself away from her and I had luck because as I turned way a handsom guy stood behind with slight long hair that whent past his eyes a little bit deep brown eyes that glowed his lips full and his jaw smooth with little showings of a five o'clock shadow. When he smiled I just froze there memrized by his handsomeness.

"I'm James I' m the student peer."

"I'm Lyra" I smile

"Can I see your schedule?" He asked I nodded and handed it to him

" Your first class is History with Mr. O'Mara. He's an awesome teacher you'll like him. My first class is in the same wing" He said as he moved his finger long the paper. "We have the same Lit, P.E, and Earth Science." He then turned and smiled at me.

"Cool" was all I could say. Cool out of all things in the world I could have said something much better than just cool.

         James then headded out of the office and I followed behind. I keep having this weird feeling about this school and I coudn't put my finger on it. I have this thing were I can sence things and useally I'm right. I also don't ignore them but I did then I passed it off as first day jitters or I was imagning things and I would regreat ignoreing the feeling later. James was telling me different things which hall was what and everything was devided in wings like Science wing, Art wing, get the idea? It was also then I noiced how toned his body was and how light he was on his feet. I remember thinking "how can he walk like he's on cloudeds" and I didn't know it then but soon I'd find out there is more to James that meets the eye.

"Well here you are See you after class" is all I heard next because I was oggling at him. I just nodded and watch him disspare around the corner I head into History and there at the desk was a man that looked only seven years old than me which makes him young.

"You must be Lyra. Welcome to U.S. History" Mr. O'Mara's smile was a kind one and it reached his eyes that brighed them. I coudn't help but smile back.

"Yep the new kid"

But before he could respond a rush of students came through the door like a elepheant stampeed and the bell ran. I took the only avialbe seat in the back. I didn't complaine.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1704120-Untittled-For-Now