Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1667065-Chances-taken-are-never-regreted
Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Fantasy · #1667065
A day like any other turned into something else after all
He was new to the town and needed just a lil space to get used to things, things like having to get used to being a one again after years of her sweetness moving through his life, so he took himself off to this a new place and said terry my lad i know the hair is greyer in the morning then it used to be but your still young in that heart i'm sure.

Terry was a quiet guy who was a lil shy really who liked the thought of an adventure with someone he could trust He took his time gaining and making that trust but when it was made he was there for a lifetime. All he needed know was to find just that person he thought to himself.

All we have to do now is see what happends dont we ..............
Terry parked his car an old 1980 mustang in a vacant space in the towns lot , he let the radio play on after he cut the power to the engine. Though it might be a little on the old side he just loved this car, smiling he patted the wheel saying well done daisy.

As he got out of the car terry shifted his 5' 11 frame and let his gaze travel along the length of the high street. Hiis eyes met the usual collection of assosorted shops most of the traffic was headed for the mall who's shops held all kinds of promise to tempt the unsuspecting shopper.

Terry walked over to a nearby news stand and droped the coins in the slot to win the prize of the best local news around town, he kicked himself later as he realised he could have saved himself the money just by flipping open his HP and letting the internet bring the same news to a waiting lap.

So this was to be his town he mused as on he walked, he considered it a turn of good fortune that he'd been able to secure a future within the Halecombe Health clinic as their resident therapist there.

He drifted past the local bar-n-grill and as he had some hours to kill he thought he'd see what he might find inside .......
Lillian was bored out of her gourd,
"If he doesn't come thru that door in 5 minutes. I'm out of here!" she thought as she glanced at the time on the sports screen, picture in picture for the hard core enrhusiasts assembled for the routine Friday night with friends.
It was a game she played often, since her husband had died in a plane crash 5 years yearlier. "Waiting for Mr. Right" to cross her path, and tonight seemed destined to be the same; to go home to sip a glass of wine and a solitary meal accompanied by Rolfe her german sheppard. It comforted her superstition that he would guide the one Ricky decided who would be right for her.
She believed that her karma and his spirit would bring her another love, strong and true like she'd had with her Richard. But it seemed all that she attracted were guys on the rebound, guys who needing nursing or guys that needed a porter to carry all their baggage for them.
The dating scene was a very strange and dangerous place, much more aggresive than when she dated before marriage but here in the familiar casual atmosphere and friends to distract her she felt less vulnersable.
Terry strolled in to the bar , gave himself some time to get used to the smoky darkness that inevitably accompanied this type of place. Gradually he began to see through the half shadowy darkness into a sea of conversations, mostly about the ball game currently displayed on the flickering tv screens around the bar.

Suprisingly though he enjoyed sports, he was not an afichinado of the theme his meat and potato was to sit with good food ,better wine and good company,Terry looked around to see what he could see but not much leant itself to his eyes just yet in the way of either catagory.

"Can I get a beer please" he asked the dark swarthy guy who posed as a barman round here

"Sure Mac" came the reply " Not seen you here before are you new in town or maybe just passing"

There was a hint of just poliete conversation in his question, you know the kind that although its asked never really expects much of a reply. He gave one anyway just to be poliete in return, telling him how he had indeed just gotten into town and he was to start at the local health centre on Monday.

" So what goes on in this town" He asked enquiringly.

"Oh much the same as most i care to say" the barman handed him his beer expertly poured with just the right head on the top. " it's got its picture house and local dance hall and theres always the odd game of poker upstairs" he winked pointing aloft via the ceiling. Just then the conversation was interuppted by a large cheer as the sports screen showed a terrific ball play worthy of such acolaide.

Just then Terry's eyes caught sight of the most loveliest pair of legs he seen all night, the kind that go all the way up to a smile. he smiled back noticing that the owner of these lovely limbs look very atrractive and also quite alone on the table . " hmm " he thought she looks way to nice to just leave her there, He loved the way her dark toussled hair just kinda fell on her soft shouldersand the slightly vunerable smile that crept on her full lips.

" I wonder if she'd mind some company " he said to himself as he smiled back, turning he headed over to see ......
And there he was... walking closer thru the smoky haze, a shodowy figure coming toward her, gradually, revealing broad shoulders a rugged handsome face with a silver mustash and great hair.
He smiled warmly as he approached her. She wondered what line he was going to lead with. prepared to shoot him down,as she had done with all the rest.
She took a quick glance in the mirror behind the bar to check hm out indirectly and noticed all female eyes watching him move toward her.

She lookrd down and finished her drink in one gulp, a ripple of warmth and calm suffused her...watching his eyes, striking in their intensity twinkled with a bemused light,
" May I join you for a while?"

"Sure, Are you new in town, sailor?" she, jested with him and his eyes lit up with interest.
Her glance at him revealed a stylish gentleman in a elegant and yet 'casual' fashion, that kind of ease people of wealth possess.She was charmed with his polite reserve and gestured for him to join her.
"Thanks" He said as he sat in the vacant seat opposite, as he put his beer down on the table. "Look" he said ,his eyes were soft and full of warmth and didnt leave her gaze for a moment " there's one thing I realy hate its drinking alone,will you help me out on that and let me buy you a drink ?"

Lilian smiled and said Hey as long as your not trying to get me drunk , " No just relaxed " he said with an air of confidence, an air which in fact she found did just that as she felt herself give a little bit inside. Lillian lifted up her cocktail glass and offered it Terry "put whatever you think i might like in there she said with a little giggle.

Terry went over to the bar and asked him if he knew how to make up a Cointreau Teese "sure " he said " is that with a lil mint and apple juice mixed with Cointreau" Terry was pleasently surprised as he hadnt realised that young Sams repatoire would be so extensive "yes thats the one, let's give it a try"

Terry brought Lillian back her drink with a smile "Now young lady I dont want you thinking I'm in the habit of doing this you know"

Smiling Lillian looked at Terry in mock fun " and tell me just what is this that you might be doing" she puts her hand over her mouth to cover a lil giggle.

" Oh a lil Teese in a glass for a verry pretty lady" he smiled, at this Lillian felt herself blush just a little as she thanked him for the complement " They call me Terry by the way" Terry went on to tell Lillian he'd come into the area to work in a local health care practice on elm street. He focused on this very attractive lady and gradually realised that the baying and shouting supporters was diminishing in his mind as he found himself throughly enjoying Lillian's company. Terry watched as he felt Lillian relaxing a little more as well he hoped that she was begining to welcome this as much as he was.

"Now young lady I've one question for you" Lillian sat up a lil as she waited to hear it " Just what's wrong with the guys in this town ? " Why" she replied bemused "well there must be a dire need for a good Optician around here else why else would they leave such a lovely lady to sit on her own ?

Lillian let a waterful of giggles trickle from her as she replied .......
"There's nothing wrong with their vision...most are married some are gay and the rest are too old, so my options are limited," she eyed him speculatively and wondered if he was married, probly was with, her luck!

"Your tease is yummy, I could get used to this." she took a deep draft of it and felt the alcohol suffuse her body. The glow which deepened her cleavage. Hhe took a furtive glance she noticed his glance and saw he looked away quickly and felt a pang of regret.

After noticing his glance she looked at him boldly and said,."They are real. Would you like to touch them?" and struck a provocative pose."

"I propose we have dinner and I'll show you the local nightlife", her eyes warm with an open invitation as she leaned forward to tease him.

well that sounds like an invatation that a guy cant refuse, certainly not this one anyway he smiled, its much better then going back to my appartment and spending the time alone too.

Terry looked at Lillian and in some way could sense a little embaressement or awkwardness on her part at being here, he hoped that it wasn't that she didnt want his company. Maybe underneath her brivado he sensed a lil shyness which he actually found quite sweet and endearing in a way and it made him want to reach out and touch her just to reasure her that he wasn't some girl devouring wolf on the prowl. In fact he thought looking at her trim neat figure he was really begining to enjoy her company.

She left her hand just a moment too long on the table and terry just let his stroke her fingers lightly, to his pleasent surprise his movement didnt bring a shocked recoil

" I am so glad I dropped in this place now " he smiled " else I might not have met such an attractive guide and dinning partner" he mock bowed at Lillian and saw her delicate lil features toy with the idea of a smile and felt pleased in his mind that he hadnt offended her with his lil gesture.

Inside Lillian felt a lot more relaxed with him he did seem quite a caring kind face

"I'm glad you did too " I was hoping that there might be someone in here who's conversation went more then ball plays and team moves " Lillian found her self touching her hair in that prenning way that girls do.

"I think your right by the way" he said looking at her cleavege " they are most definatly real " he laughed " now unless you want me to call you young lady all night are you going to tell me your name or do looking over towards the bar do I have to teese it out of you "

" very smart" said Lillian " oh Its Lillian by the way, Lillian Watson"

" Pleased to meet you Lillian " there was a hint of wanting to know more of Lillian in his eyes as he spoke, he wondered if there was a Mrs or Miss or that version that sounds like a buzzing bee Ms before her name.

" Look , what say we find a nice lil restaurant somewhere near away from the green bay packers and you tell me more about this town of yours and you of course" pausing he continued " I'd really like to find out about you and of couse dinners on me" Terry gave Lillian a long look, the kind of look that said fun but also that he wasn't just spining a line, holding her hand he said " so where shall we go it's up to you I'm in your hands" ........

She was flattered by this his gallantry and very much intrigued. She loved his accent and way of talking. As a matter of fact, she, thought with mild surprize," I like everything about the guy"
"I know a perfect little place that serves up the best pasta this side of the pond" she said," and very close by."

She thought feverishlly what she had on hand that she could whip up. She wanted to impress him and really make him feel welcome, especially his being new to the area, which was a bonus, too, that way she could see more of this soft spoken man. Thank goodness she had stocked up and was prepared for quick meals. Since Jack had died she didn't cook much.

Though something about Terry's manner made her see that he was caring a burden, a hurt. She couldn't quuite put her finger on it. She wondered about his past and imagined a romance or marriage had gone sour. With a start, she focused on him again. It wasn't like her to be rude. Terry looked at her expectantly, waiting patiently for her to tell him where,

"Sorry, I was deep in thought. It's my house, not five minutes from here. My husband used to love it being so close to the pub. Do you want to follow me?" She was a little flustered not used to reacting to a man like this.

He nodded in agreement, and after paying the tab they went to their cars.

She noticed the classic car and smiled at Terry, "My husbaand collected classic and antique cars and would have been over the moon about yours. I'll show you his collection when we get home."

With a big smile Terry said that he would just love that as he'd had a running love affair with classic cars for some years now " In fact I love them nearly as much as I love good homecooked pasta" he said giving Lillian a cheeky grin.

Lillian smiled at this man whose arm she felt under hers, she was begining to feel a warmth towards this softly spoken man with greying hair yet boyish fun in his eyes. Would he want to get to know her better as much as she found herself hoping he would, it had been a long time and a lot of (deadly) fish from the sea since she had found herself feeling this excited at the possibilities that streatched before her.

Lillian found herself feeling a little special as after she opened her car door Terry graciously held the door for her as he aided her into the driving seat.

"I hope I can keep up with you, take pity on a newcomer won't you? "

" Oh you needent worry Terry I don't aim to lose you at all" a little girlish giggle accompanied her remark, she was a little flustered as she realised how quickly she found herself feeling at peace with this man. So many questions were filtering through her mind. Will he enjoy her company , will he be as exciting in real life as he was in her mind and will they both like the same wickid fun that made her squeel with delight.

Terry fired his beloved Mustang and together they both sped off on their short journey to new found friendship, the car radio crackled with the Alica Keys sultry reindintion of Falling, Terry had always enjoyed this tune and this time somehow those words seemed to have more then a shadow of truth.

In bearly a moment here they both were at Lillians pretty white fronted house with a very full garden that showed Lillian's pretty fingers definatly had more then a hint of green about them. Terry was looking forward to whatever surprises might be held behind Lillian's door........
Chivalry is not dead, she tought as she waved to Terry. He walked away and turned to look at her, shook his head and continued to his car waving as he walked. Now what was that, she thought. As she backed her car and eased forward into the heavy traffic, her mind was racing. She kepp her eye on the morror to see that Terry made it out too, she clicked her phone and called her assistant, Tina, her personal assistant/driver.

"Hi Tina, I just meet this dreamy 'English' guy and I invited him home for dinner. I'll give you more details tomorrow. I know this is short notice but I need you to drop everything now and go to my house. Please take out the beef bourguignon and a package of raspberries in the freezer and defrost them. While that's in the mocrowave, cut some flowers for the living room and bedroom," She heard a soft gasp and smoothly continued. "Oh and fresh llinens in the guest room, too. Thanks, Tina, I owe you one!"

She gave a soft laugh as she hung up.
Glancing in the mirror from time to time, she mentally ticked off the things on her to do list. When they arrived at the house all signs of Tina were gone and she was pleased to see that Tina had set the table with fresh flowers, linen napkins and the good china. She'd even took the initiative to pop a bottle of red wine to breath.
"I owe her big time, the little cutie."

She showed Terry where the stereo was and said to him as she poured a glass of wine for each of them, "Please make yourself comfy while I start dinner for us. Here, get started on this, it'll make dinner taste much better", she gave him a wink as she handed Terry the crystal goblet.

"Oh this is nice" he said, looking across at the tastefully decorated room with its restfull shades of pastel peach he smiled as he saw the little feminine touches that make a house a home all round the place. The displays of wonderful sprays of flowers delicately placed to bring out their best advantage he thought the scatter cushions made to look they had just been thrown there, hiding the look of a carefull eye that spent more then a few moments arranging them just so.

"Why thank you, glad you like it", she felt herself blush just a little at this guy who she felt was more and more special by the minuite.

"Oh yes I do this is way much better then a local restaurant somewhere " Lillian smiled a little to hear him say this "dont forget your wine here, you know how I just hate to drink alone "

Terry could hear Lillian's soft little girlish giggle as dinner was being delt with, he got out of the chair he was so comfortable in and went over the room slowly looking for clues as to who Lillian might be. He picked up a book just resting on her very tidy coffee table it was ne of those romantic novels full of soft sheets and hints of perfect passion on wonderful clear moonlight nights next to this was one of those large books with lots of pictures of exciting places to see from all corners of the globe. Lillian was a girl who liked adventure and romance in her life thought Terry.

"Do you Do much entertaining here Lillian"? " Well not anywhere near as much as I'd like to if i'm honest, I belong to a 'ladies that lunch' group , you know a few of the local girls get together and we chat and chat and somewhere in the middle of all that chatter lunch gets eaten too.

"I shall have to be carefull, else I might turn up in the chat mighten I " Laughed Terry with an ease that said he was feeling very comfortable in Lillians precence

" Oh I intend to keep you well hidden" Came Lillian's reply

Just then as Terry moved over by the fireplace, a lovely piece of tone work that seem to set the room off very well, He picked up a photo frame and moved nearer to where she was fixing dinner as he watched her lovely hands busily fashioning their meal he found himself saying what he was indeed thinking. Whose the guy in the photo with you Lillian "?

She found herself a little flustered as she said ............
"That would be Kenneth. my husband, he was reported MIA and presumed dead 3 years ago. Ken was a special ops agent with a civilian company overseas, are you familiar with Haliburton?"

The memories of that grief stricken time flooded back to her as if it had happened yesterday Her feelings of loss and anger were always just under the surface. She looked shyly at Terry with barely controlled tears in her eyes," I'm sorry, I'm still very emotional,,," Terery reached across blocking the picture from view and tenderly wiped the tears from Lillians lashes. The unespected and intimate gesture touched Lillian and she found herself moving into his gentle embrace he cradled her like a child, the embrace was chaste and genuinely caring
Lillian was surprised at how quickly her defences fell to this virtual stranger.
He poured another glass of wine for each of them...the wine was going to her head and her usual reserve fell away as she watched this gentleman as if from a distance, careful to note his possible agenda. No alarms went off, he was really conncerned.

" I understand" he smiled sympathetically at her and closed his arms around her even tighter. She felt here grief ebbing away in the light of this man's gentle ministrations, replaced by feelings she had not experienced in mamy moons!

"Would you like to see the garden or take a quick tour of the area while it's still light?" she asked in a bright voice with a brittle edge, not understanding her physical response to this stranger left her in confusion. Maybe if she changed the scenery she would gain control of her emotions. which she normally held in good check.

Terry considered her invitation and softly said, "I think I'd much rather stay and take a stroll through your garden," thinking to keep her as stress free as possible. He wanted to keep her away from anymore sadness amd felt protective of her. The pall seemed to lift from her as he caressed her hair and murmured reassurances into her ear. Her body relaxed and as she leaned against him the warmth of her closeness, gave rise to the scent of her perfume, heady in the subtlety of spices, enticing him to feel more than just protectiveness toward Lillian.

He gripped her hand in his their fingers interlocking, as their closeness became more eveident, as unspoken he stroked Lilln's soft hair in a hint of a loving and reassuring way.

Lillian's body moved to his embrace, and although her mothers words echoed in her mind " Be careful now Lillian his a man you can't trust them. I tried that with your father and look what happend, all i'm left with is an empty space in bed at nights now" , she found them losing the painful grip on her as this man's obvious kindness eased them out of her mind.

The memory of her past together with a whrill of emotions increasingly flooding her mind let her giggiling , a little nervious laugh as she felt to her dismay her normally tight control of her feelings were sliping through her lithe little fingertips almost before she knew what was happening.

" Hey whats so funny" he laughed

" oooh i'm s s so sorry " she stuttered it wasnt you it was ... was ... oh just silly thoughts" she looked so helpless as she blurted out " Silly Silly thoughts " With that tears welled up in her and as he held her they burst out through a dam that had held for all those years since she recieved that telegram, the one dreaded by every service wife because of its undiniable finality.

" I hoped against hope you know Terry, for years i couldnt let go i prayed, ached for my Ken If only I'd able to say goodbye I..I.."

"It's allright, I understand " Terrys arms encircled Lillian tighter as he looked lovingly into her. He angled her face as in a moment they kissed, kissd in a way that said so much.

Lillian felt the room swaying , breathlessly at first she felt herself resisting Terry's advance but it melted away until she threw her arms round his neck if only to try and keep herself stable.

His hands guded her towards the sofa a few steps away

"Come, maybe it's time to let some of it go, It's ok your safe here"

Lilian felt such love in his words that she did indeed lower her defences as for the first time in what seemed a lifetime she found herself wanting more, so much more
,,,they laughed as they feel in a heap. Her hair tousled and her clothes disheveled, she looked up at Terry and made another split second decision.

"Come on" and took his hand.

The afternoon glow of sunset painted the bedroom; the white linens golden in contrast to the rich damask smoldering with the glints of spun gold brocade which seemed to glow invitingly to him and Terry looked to her eagerly yet she shook her head and smiled as she led him in the bathroom... the glass block tiles sparkled with a thousand sunset jewels and bathed them both as they undressed.

She looked approvingly at his tan, obvious that he loved the outdoors and exposure, there being a marked contrast tan lines gracing his muscular build. She herself loved to sun bathe in the buff and eschewed tan lines all together. She began to lather him, the music playing and giving her hands rythym. Her mind in a whirl of familiar actions and yet new sensations flooding her. She moved her body in time to the melody.

"I want to kiss you all over... till the night closes in" he murmured as he enjoyed her attentions and felt her arouse him to a tumescense he couldn't bear long. She smiles that he said the lyrics to her, just like Ken used to and it moved her more than anything or anybody had. She pressed her body against his and reached behind her, as he swelled with urgency between her thighs, silky with lather.

They played their way in an unspoken language of touch. She gave soft moans as he slid his hand over each breast, roving her body in a near frenzy as he learned her curves The lather flowing down over her to her firm and delightful butt, his hand cupping each cheek.pulling her closer to him. They kissed passionate and deep as they explored each other in the surreal mist "What she can do with her tongue with a kiss", he thought, made him wonder what other delights Lillian had in store.

"I want you" she whispered. She looked at him with playful eyes as she knew her wicked effect on him.

Slipping between the cool sheets she reached out to him as dusk played with shadows and he took her in his arms at with desire that was burrning in both of them. He moved on her gently at first but both felt the desire too fiercely to finesse this any longer.

"Stay with me... love me tonight.."she softly whispered , her voice hushed as a young girl's, questioning and suddenly unsure.
"Well thats an offer you dont get asked often at pizzaland restaurant" Terry laughed " I'm glad I let you pick where we eat tonight, very glad

Lillian gave a little giggle, then put her arms round Terry and gave him a big kiss.

" Yes very glad and I'm going to give that offer of yours some very serious thought" in seconds terry whispered "as long as you let me spoil you your on, after all you made such a lovely meal consider it my tip to the chef".

As she felt his big strong hands moving over her curves, Lillian felt this was going to be a very pleasent evening,. She gave a lil squell of delight as he told her to roll over onto her front.

"Ohhh what are you going to do to me, I love masterful men " teasing him with a little wink.

" Oh you'll love it you see" their playful banter continued

It was a long time since he'd felt so at ease so quickly with anyone,certainly anyone as attractive as Lillian she felt his hands on her shoulders, as his hands moved deeply into her muscles she could do little else but murmer "hmmmmmmmmmm this feels so nice keep it up please please dont stop. " your good Terry"

" Oh I like to keep my hand in you know"

" If you dont watch it,you'll relax me so much I'll be fast asleep" Lillan whispered in mock protest.

He kissed her neck and she felt a tingle soreading into places she never thought could feel this good again, This man was doing so much for her she got relaxed and excited in the same wonderful exhilarating moment. All her tension was slowly melting away under his skillful touch, it was heavenly, like soft silk wrapping round her limbs. By this time his hands had traveled over her shoulders and his two thumbs were kneeding all down her arm pushing deep deeper into her muscles. Then in one move he cupped his hands round her elbow then along her forearm to her wrist.

Lillian felt his hands circle her wrist and she offered little resistance as Terry manipulated her hand, pushing deep into the soft tissue as his thumbs fanned over her hand. She felt like marshmellow soft as he made little circles with his thumbs into her palm then stroked each finger to its soft tip.

"Mrmmmm, can you do this all night" she said dreamily.

"Let's see shall we " terry smiled ......

He pulled away and looked down at me. "I want you to know, tonight has nothing to do with sex. If you want to relax we can relax, if-"

I didn't allow him to say anything else. My mouth was already on his. Kissing him hard, at first he stood there shocked, but only for a few seconds; then he became as hungry as I was. We ate each other's face and neck, licking and nibbling on anything and everything. I guess. This was exciting, more than I could handle. One night stand, do it, get over it and move on, never have to see each other again. Didn't have to pretend, just do it. That's what it was, that was how I was feeling.

Terry stopped, looked at me and breathing hard he said, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

My answers were all over his face, my tongue deep in his mouth, my free hands touching anything it could reach.

He lifted me on top of him. I wrapped my legs around him, and he walked over to the light, still kissing me, he uses his free hand and clicks it off. He leant me against the cabin door, and we kissed for a while, then he brought me over to the bed and we both fell on it, almost knocking the wind out of me when he fell on top, but I didn't care.

He looked at me. "Did I hurt you?"


"Am I too heavy?"

"No." I wanted to tell him just fuck me, but didn't.

We kissed some more. The room was steamy with our love, passion was in the air and the smell of sex was making the room fragrant. He tried to stand I let him. He held my hand and I stood up. I looked at him, he looked at me, he kissed my forehead and I kissed his neck.

I stopped. Looked at him for a long time.

He asked, "What's wrong?"

I didn't answer I wanted to intimidate him. Show him who was in charge. Showed myself what it felt like to be in charge.

He picked me up, turned me around once and sat me on the dresser. While we were kissing he felt for by the mirror which showed showed a box of condoms that holds three, but only had one. I didn't care where the next two went; this was a one-night stand.

He slides it on, while he was kissing me. I was all over him, not giving him enough time to slip the condom on. But he got it on okay. I was wet when his dick touched my pussy. He rubbed it around a little and then slipped it in. Oh my God! It was the best dick I have ever felt.

Oh my God!

I put my fingers in my mouth and bit down. I wanted to cry. Or I thought I was crying. I wrapped my legs tighter around his butt and squeezed his body in. Leant my head on the mirror, held the back of his neck tight and made all kind of crazy noises.

He was kissing on my face and my neck. He was whispering something to me but I couldn't hear.

My butt was wet and I was sliding off the dresser and so was my back that was resting on the mirror. The room was getting hot. His back and face was dripping with sweat as if he was doing some extensive workout. Then he grabbed my hair and made a crazy noise, like a dog. I felt like cumming too, so I started making crazy noises, like I was a wild animal blending in with his.

When we came, he rested his head on my wet stomach, which was going up and down as I breathed, and I let myself lay back on the dresser like someone had just shot me and I was dying.

He gathered some energy a minute later and laid me on the bed.

My hair was wet, and I'm sure I was looking like a wet Negro dog, (if anyone has ever seen one.) He lay beside me and we hugged.

"Are you okay?" he asked resting his head on his hand and using his free hand to stroke my hair.

I turned to face him. "Thank you," I told him.

"That was theeeeeeeeee best ,best sex i've had ever,it felt electric, i'm so alive" He just looked at lillian lying there in his arms "you are fantastic my darling, i've never felt so completely seduced like this before,so fresh , so alive"

He looked up at her and smiled as he saw the biggest chesire cat grin since Alice, why you even purr better then any cat i've even seen he thought laughing to himself, as he watched her streach her cat like limbs contentedly then sink back into his embrace.

Terry found himself stroking her skin as if he was indeed stroking lil Tabbitha his favourite cat from his childhood memories, under his tender touch Lillian felt a deep low moan stir within her body. Happy to let it release she let it go deep withen her.

" It was good wasn't it " she giggled, feeling so happy that this lovely man had given her a chance to release feelings, feelings that she now realised had been pent up and locked tight for many a long dark night.

Now that she had finally laid long dead ghosts of her past to rest, she felt a wave of frredom flood her body leaving her mind racingand giddy like a teenager.

As if he heard Lillian's thoughts, Terry held Lillian tight " I do hope this isnt the last time we eat in you and I Lillian, I could develop a taste for this menu. Before she had time to answer Terry's kisses pushed deep into her lovely lips causing them to open wide as their tounges played flirtatiously with each other. Terry in one move griped her wrists and pushed Lillians body down into the bed. Almost instinctivly she found herself resisting slightly until Lillian gave way as with a lil sigh, silently she invited him in to explore her to the fulliest.

His hands climbed her hights and felt the undulations that spoke out her femininity under him, he excitedly took her as in a gutteral tone he called out how he loved her so much.
His penis teasing its way under her defences until with one deep thrust they spasmed together in loving rhythm. Causing Lillian to suck in a sharp intake of air.

Terry grabbed at her hair pulling it back forcing her to arch wildly back opening her body wider to his next thrust which came quicker then she expected. Their bodies rocked and swayed for what seemed like hours untill they tumbled into each others arms sweaty hot and feeling complete.

Terry looked lovingly at his new found love saying " mmmmmmmmm wonder whats for desert ..........

His fingers sliped in her wetness pulling at her lips and pushing deep into her

Then his mind leaping into possibilites he took her just where they layed his Penis teasing against her. her hand

Lillian tore her gaze away from his face, letting it slip past the broad shoulders, the sparsely haired chest, the flat stomach, to come to rest on his groin. Under her hungry probe, the limp cock lying in its nest of curls twitched once, twice, then began to rise to the occasion. Lillianl icked her lips absently as she watched it stretch into its perfect shape and pleasurable proportions, becoming the work of art she had dubbed it to be!. Another deep breath filled her lungs; the world would be right again. Soon.

His glance descended leisurely and fixed on her pubic area. Lillian's hand followed unconsciously, fluffing the soft thatch of hair before her fingers uncurled on their own accord and slid between her dampened petals. The pleasure took her unexpectedly; her eyelids drooped, her head rolled back, and she moaned in her pleasure.

Terry cleared his throat. It took a second clearing for him to gain Lillian's attention. She shook her head and squinched her nose, giggling at her folly, then grew serious once more. Combing her fingers through her thick curls,.

Once more, their eyes connected, immersing them in the knowledge that their exchange will constitute more than mere physical satisfaction.

Terry's's hand came up and wrapped firmly around his cock, holding it steady in preparation for Lillians descent. She inched forward into position. Her shaky, anticipating fingers sank into her soft golden tuft and shamelessly parted the hidden slit to show herself. Blood pumped and heat swirled deeper, producing more of the sweet nectar of love while Terry's devouring gaze continued to feast. Only when his glazed eyes rose to hers did Lillian slowly begin to lower herself onto his pulsing cock. Silk brushed against silk and her eyelids fell to the serenade of a long-winded sigh.

It took every ounce of self-control and patience to do no more than press against the thick crown, which covered the entire span of her opening. Her gentle hip rotations blended male, female fluids, making it slippery, slick. The crown slipped through accidentally, drawing gasps from both lovers. Surprised eyes met, and the same wild urge and struggle for control reflected in both pairs.

Lillian slowly slid down the hard shaft, ripples of ecstasy raking her senses, their duet of moans ringing in her ears. Her vagina vibrated as inch by inch the tight canal stretched to accommodate him, the growing fullness extending to her very soul, infusing her with new life.

The rocking began gently, back and forth, and grew more demanding as the magnet of desire drew Lillian closer to Terry with every motion. His hands came up and fondled her large breasts. Thumbs and forefinger worked to punish those luscious nipples. Her moans came continuously, reiterating her needs. It wasn't going to take long at all.

Lillian's gaze locked with Terryl's as her hips moved more urgently, more determinedly. He thrust to her rhythm, long satisfying slides, while she squeezed in demand of pleasure. Recognition registered on Terryl's face the instant Lillian began to teeter on the edge of climax. He pinched her sensitive nipples with his fingernails and gritted, possessively waiting for his reward.

The sharp pain of pleasure hurled Lillian into sweet oblivion, drawing a guttural scream as mounted frustration and body exploded into indefinable gratification. Abandoning herself, her awareness centered solely on the sensations swirling within her feminine walls as they grasped, sucked, and devoured the hard cock pumping inside her, wielding its ruthless power to her dependence.

The numbness of the aftermath wore off while Terry cooed and held her in his protective arms. Innocent pecks and nibbles of fulfillment were quickly pushed aside by the stubborn re-emergence of carnal needs.

"Lillian...." Impatient for true satisfaction, Terry suddenly rolled over, trapping a lost Lillian beneath his tense body. His spread fingers clamped on either side of her thrashing head, calling for her attention. Lillian stilled suddenly. Blue eyes popped open to the present. She drew her legs up sharply and clasped them around his waist. Then the thrashing began anew, and with vengeance. Possessed by an overwhelming urge to spare him nothing, she huffed and grunted as she struggled to widen the spread of her thighs for the taking.

Terryl's mouth swooped down and found hers. The kiss was savage, as if a punishment for the extent of his desire. He sucked and bit, unforgiving. His hot tongue thrust in and out, turning and twisting, sweeping thoroughly. And when his lips did tear away, they left hers swollen and bruised.

He forced his hands underneath her buttocks and lifted them with a firm grip, enabling himself to plunge deeper, to pound more passionately. Selia groaned, her body welcoming the vicious attack, the unrelenting demands of his manly needs.

Still, it wasn't enough. Terry freed his hands and quickly draped first one long shapely leg then the other over his shoulders, pressing Lillian into a tight roll, effectively locking her upturned bottom higher for maximum penetration. His strokes now more vehement, he repeatedly withdrew to the brim then plowed back in with the force of his desire.

Tension thickened and Terry thrust recklessly. Labored breathing, slapping balls, urgent whimpers and heartfelt pleas filled the silence of the room like a choir fills a cathedral.

Terry's body, sleek with perspiration, suddenly tensed and his head snapped back in preparation. A deep primitive growl, and Lillian felt hot sperm eject into her womb. Her mind conjured a vivid image of the rigid cock pumping vigorously, unburdening itself within her body and the coil of need tightened even more. Her arms locked fiercely around his's neck and her hips pressed upward, straining to gain that impossible closeness.

The intensity of his climax tapering, Terry ground his pelvis against her spread cunt. The pressure was the crucial nudge Lilly needed and resistance shattered in retribution. A scream of victory burst from her lungs before her trembling body began to thrash violently as it gorged on a satisfaction more purified this time by their unison.

In this ultimate state, they moved harmoniously and moaned rhythmically. He, still pouring his precious seed, she, absorbing it with untamed greed.

It was a long time before heart rates slowed and breathing grew normal. With Lily's stirring, Terry's soft, satisfied cock slipped out of its moist haven. He drew himself up on his elbows and studied her expression of bliss. His gentle, affectionate kiss to her forehead opened Lilly's eyes. They smiled at each other, once more awed by the healing power of love and lovemaking.

Terry rolled over onto his back, his tucked arm wrapping around her to draw her against his side. Lillian snuggled closer. She fitted her head in the crook of his shoulder and hooked a lazy leg over his. Gratified sighs and sweet kisses followed, sealing their sharing, then leading them into tranquility.

Terry returned a listless kiss then allowed himself to plunge into the abyss of contentment.

Lily sighed deeply. At last, satisfaction prevailed, and the world had righted once more. Just before she fell into deep sleep, her hand slid down and gently cupped Terry's warm, drained testicles.

Terry gave a long drained sigh, it had been ages since he felt excillerated yet completely exhausted at the same time, he smiled asd he felt lilttle fingers cupping his balls. he looked at Lillian and he was never so glad that he'd had asked this lovely sweet thing laying snugily by his side into his life.

Looking with love in his gaze, Terry instinctivly reach out in a protective embrace towards Lillian, there was something primevil about the wild sex he'd just enjoyed that stirred that protctive dire in his chest

he studied the slim lithe figure by him with admiration, he was glad that she'd chosen him, or was he that had chosen her he mused who cares he told himself he still had it in him here he was with the cutest girl in town and she wanted him. Boy did it feel so good she was delishious laying there.

"mmmm" Lillian stired lifting her eyelids sleepily I feel lovely, wha ...whats wrong your staring at me is something wrong ?? For a moment she looked a lil worried and she let her gaze fall slightly.

" Not a thing you lil silly" whispered Terry lovingly " quite the oposite in fact, you look perfect just perfect, He chuckled as he said "pinch me please hen i'll know if all this is real or not"

" You crazy man, it's real and I love it" she looked deep into his eyes " I feel like a teenager all over again and it's all your fault " with that she playfully slapped his hand.

" Oh you want to play do you"

"LOL well maybe later " lillian purred contentedily.

with that Terry placed his fingers dangeriously about lilians waist and tickled her

OOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she giggled "not there it tickles and i'll go even more giddy then I feel alreaddddddddy

" awwh I 've found your weakness have I "

Lilian squirming and laughing realised for the first time that it felt lovely, lovely to be both vunerable and yet completely safe at one and the same time

In that moment terry reached down and kissed lillian's soft lips taking her momentarily by surprise, she quickly drifted into te fullness of the kiss as she heard Terry whisper,

Does this restaurant do breakfast I wonder " ,,,,,,,,,


Waking up, I look at you lying there beside me. A smile on your face as I wonder what you dream about.

Moving closer, you move one arm around me and gently cup your hand under my breast. You roll onto your side and shift slightly forwards me, your hairy chest is pressed up to my back as you continue to gently stroke my soft skin. Your finger slowly circles my nipple and it stiffens in response.

I give a little sigh.

You're not sure if I am still asleep, but if I'm not, you pretend to be as your hand travels across to my stomach until it reaches the soft fuzzy patch of hair. Slowly you ease your fingers towards my lips and the dampness of my hair gives a way the secret before you get there.

Her pussyis wet and slippery, obviously she's been having a sexy dream as I couldn't have got her hot so quickly."
You run your fingers up and down the slippery lips and I push my hips back towards you. "I'm waking you up in more ways than one it would seem."

Your fingers slide up to my clitoris and start to slowly circle it. I reach behind and take hold of your stiff cock. I know what you want and shift slightly to allow you to position it, then with one thrust of my hips you slide deep inside me.

You gasp slightly and I keep still for a moment, holding you tight as we just feel the sensation of each other. You continue to gently stroke my clit as you start to slide in and out, your breathing is becoming rapid and I know you are close to coming..

I gasp and moan, "faster, hard, now…"

Holding my hips you drive into me again and again as my pussy tightens and grips you, your cock throbs, you drive in deep and hold it there as your come spurts deep inside me. I feel the warmth hitting my womb and give one more relaxing sigh. It feels like our very souls are merging at that moment as we achieve the ultimate in closeness.

"Good morning darling"

"Morning Hun" said Terry dreamily "mmm that was nice, what a lovely way to wake up" He laughed, a laugh that held so much feeling for her as he held her soft body close to his.

"Why, thank you kindly" she giggled, she, turning over let her finger trace along his chest " I kinda liked it too" . She looked up at him with a steady deep gaze, as her gaze travelled his features, looking for ,needing the reasurance that she could trust this man that her eyes met. Inwardly she felt herself sigh as she felt instinctivly safe in his strong arms.

" It's okay " he whispered Almost as though he heard the silent question asked behind the gaze and he hugged Lillian a lil tighter as he gave her a lil kiss on her lovely soft neck as if to give her the reasurance she looked for.

Her body relaxed into his embrace, losing all track of time as she wished this moment would go on forever , it had been a long time since any man had stirred these feelings in her feelings that were whirling round her mind , she so wanted this to be right.

"Tell you what I have a plan" He caught her hand and gave it a little kiss.

"Oooh I'm all ears"

" Such pretty ones too" he chuckled as he gave them a little kiss, " now where was I " he mused quietly "your such a delightful distraction i lost myself for a moment there" His hands stroked Lillian tenderly.

" You silly man" she unfirled her body with a long strech " Now what's this plan of yours about then, you've got me intrequed now you naughty man you" she moved to playfully tap him.

He ducked her hand and attempted to still any futher moves by giving Lillian a deep kiss.

" Mmmmh thats not fair, she mumbled " but I like it" " The plan ,whats with this plan of yours"

"Well it depends if you Lillian mind a man trampling through your kitchen, if your answes yes how about I cook us breakfast while you get yourself up then we can talk about how we might use the rest of the day" As he made to get out of Lillian's silky smooth sheets he looked back at her adding " Don't know about you but I've got nothing on the rest of the dayand i'd love to spend it with you if you'd let me, I need to find someone to show me something of my new town if your up for it ....."
Cool water cascades down my entire body, refreshing it. The shower spray soothes my passuiuon wracked body, sending multiple tiny fingers over it in a sensual warm massage. Delighting in this sensation, my hands slowly move across my body, sensually washing and exploring. My thoughts are suddenly disturbed by a knock at the door. I try to ignore it, not wanting my solitude interrupted. The knocking occurs again. I sigh as I turn the taps off, step from the shower and quickly towel myself off. The knocking becomes more persistent, "O.K. hold your horses I'm coming!" I yell from the bathroom as I tie a sarong around my still damp body and contain my wet hair in twisted towel on the top of my head. Heading to the door I'm grumbling under my breath, " This had better not be a salesman or some religious nut. " Pulling open the door I utter an annoyed, " Yes!"

I'm pleasantly surprised to see you there, your right shoulder leaning against the outer wall. Your smug grin makes me laugh. Playfully I punch your arm, "You knew I was in the shower." Gathering me into your arms, kissing my neck longingly, your reply, " Yes, I did. I know how much one hates being dragged from the shower by the phone or someone at the door." You laugh, holding me tighter as your lips slowly work their way up the side of my damp neck, along my jaw line to my lips. My arms wrap around your neck, one hand moving up into your hair at the back of your neck as my lips join yours in an ecstasy only we alone can produce. Lips search deeply, tongues flickering, tasting wanting more, but neither wanting to rush. Content in the slow building passion which both know will soon inflame us. Sending both of us careering toward the point of no return. A point we both ache for.

Slowly you walk me backward, further into the hall. Removing an arm from my damp body, you close the door. Your lips continue their sensual exploration of my mouth, you mutter something about not letting the neighbours have too much fun. Lost somewhere in the bliss created by your mouth and arms I agree, as I allow you to walk me backward through the door on to the bedroom. My hands already undoing your jeans, wanting to feel more of you close to my warm damp body. Playfully you push me onto the bed. "Good things come to those who wait. " You smile as you slowly slide your jeans off your hips, letting them drop to the floor and casually kicking them aside. You remove you shirt and join me on the bed. My arms reach for you, but you stop them, holding both my wrists in one hand while the other slowly undoes the knot of my sarong. Your hot passionate lips travel slowly down from my lips, along my jaw line. Pausing just to brush my ear, sending shivers through me. A soft moan escapes my lips as I feel the sensual magic your mouth produces through my body as it caresses my skin, igniting it like fire.

My back arches as your left hand cups and applies pressure to my right breast while your thumb slowly slipping across my hard nipple. This glorious sensation is followed by utter bliss as I feel the moist heat of your mouth as it surrounds my left nipple, suckling on it like a child breast-feeding. I try to move my hands, wanting to touch you; this causes you to hold my wrists tighter. Your mouth hungrily feasting upon my nipple sends sparks shooting through me, as your other hand rolls my right nipple between your thumb and forefinger. I plead with you to release me; you ignore me and continue with your feasting. My hips start a slow rhythm, pushing toward you wanting more. Lifting your head you smile, telling your not and me that I must wait until you feel ready sure when that will be.

A wicked look crosses your eyes as you pull my sarong from beneath me, entwining it around my wrists you tie it tightly to the bed head. " Wouldn't want you to get away now, would we?" Your lips again join with mine in a lingering deep sensual kiss, your tongue gently probing. A sigh escapes as your lips slowly release mine. This sigh is quickly replaced with a soft moan as your exquisite mouth travels slowly down my body, pleasuring every bit of me as you work your way down the entire length of me. Parting my legs you run a single finger along my cleft, feeling the growing wetness you have produced. Bending my knees, placing my legs over your shoulders you lie on your stomach facing my pussy. I gasp as your tongue slowly licks the entire area from my ass to my clit, pausing there to flicker over this most sensitive area. I squirm as this glorious sensation begins to build the tension that I know will produce the inevitable tense orgasm that only you can produce in me. Pushing my hips harder to you as I long for you to produce that ecstasy within me again. Wanting myself to feel lost in the sexual oblivion only you can create.

Your tongue flicks faster over and around my clit, teeth grazing it now and then, teasing me. Slowly you insert one finger into my tight, hot wet ginny. As I release a slow guttural moan you insert another finger, increasing the speed of your tongue on my clit. Your teeth make more and more contact with my clit, grasping it gently between your upper and lower teeth. Your fingers moving faster, probing me deeply. I beg you to stop, as I am not able to take much more, my breathing becoming faster, heavier as I push my hips harder to you. Wanting more … wanting all. Your feeding becoming frenzied as you feast upon my pussy like a starved animal. Like a bomb going off an intense orgasm explodes through me, covering you with my essence. One final lick sends a shudder through me. You look into my blue wide eyes and smile; again your lips unite with mine in a sensual passionate union. Tasting me on your lips excites me, makes me hungry for more. Again I ask for you to release me, " I want to hold you … feel you … taste you." Your actions speak louder than any words ever could. Straddling my chest, you position the tip of your cock on my lips. I lick the tip slowly, savouring the feel and texture of it. Teasing me you trace my lips with the tip of you powerful cock, pulling it away as I try to take it into my mouth. Again I beg you to untie me, now you agree. My arms surround your hips, hands sliding slowly onto your butt, pulling you closer to me. Feeling your cock slowly slide past my parched lips and into my waiting warm moist mouth, bit by glorious bit.

I let you control the pace and rhythm, feeling you slowly fuck my mouth. Sliding deeper into my throat you feel the muscle wall contract around your cock, as I suck you in deeper and deeper. Applying more pressure to your cock. I watch you and see that this pleases you. Your head goes back, eyes close as you enjoy the oral pleasures I give you take effect. Your breathing becoming a little faster as a gentle moan escapes from you. Pulling you closer to me I suck harder, drawing you in deeper. A slight salty taste lets me know that pre-cum is sliding around my mouth, exciting my more. You pull away from me you have the look of a man wanting more. I am only happy to oblige. Kneeling beside me you pull me up into your arms. Our embrace is strong, passionate and warm as our lips are drawn together. Hands kneading, exploring every part of each other from our heads down as our kiss becomes more fevered.

Gently you lay me back onto the bed, my back facing you. Lying behind me, I feel your chest pressed close against me. Your left arm moves gently under my neck, encircling my breasts. Your right hand moves my right leg back over your left thigh. You feel for the entrance to my ginny then guide your cock slowly into me. Taking short slow strokes to begin with, you tease my clit again while your other hand rolls and pinches my nipples. Your soft lips caress my neck as we both delight in the amazing sensation of you sliding deeper and deeper into my tight hot saturated pussy. My hand caresses your butt, pulling you closer to me. Our breathing becomes a little faster as our pace quickens both feeling the urgency of our union. Your hands cease their play holding me closer to you.

I feel the strength of your left hand on my right hand as this arm encloses my chest; the other moves across my stomach pulling me harder to you as you ram yourself into me deeper. Our bodies move as one, creating in both of us the tension we know and desire. Our breathing coming in gasps, as we take another ride into the unique pleasure we alone create. Our moans become one as our bodies' blend in ecstasy, neither knowing where one start and the other begins. Your arms become a vice grip around me; my nails rake your ass, our fucking becomes frenzied as we both become possessed by the primal sexual urge that lies deep within all human beings. The ecstasy we produce is almost painful; I can take no more. From the depths of my soul comes a guttural, animal scream of pleasure as you plunge me past the point of no return. Your steel rod becoming a hot poker as you ram yourself one final time deep within my sexual folds, your cum scorching a path deep inside me like hot lava spewing from a volcano. Everything goes blank for a few seconds as you minds and senses try to cope with this electrical overload.

Slowly we return to the world of reality as our senses clear. Our bodies still locked together, not wanting to be apart are covered in an exotic blend or our sweat and sex fluids. Releasing your grip on my spent body as you remove your penis from within its sanctuary, causing a sob to escape from me. Rolling over I am again cradled in your strong arms, head nestled against your masculine chest. My tongue starts licking the sweat from your chest, flicking across your nipple. Your hand caresses my back and hair. Our lips again are drawn to each other in a lingering, gentle searching kiss. Something from primeval times stirs from its slumber. Both smile, as we know it won't be long before the primal beast returns to rule and control us once again.

"Mmm, this isn't getting us out sightseeing for you, is it?" my look at you with a mischieveous smile says that I don't mind in that in the least.

"MMMM that was nice" Terry shifted onto one elbow levering him self up as he said " now what was it I was gonna say to you ... awh yes now i remember" he step up by her finding a handkerchef he adopted his butler pose and bowed politely wearing nothing but his smile and a lil handkerchef over his arm " Your Breakfast is ready milady if you'd care to follow me"

Lillian curled up giggiling with laughter at the sight of her very own naked servant " very charming " she blurted out, as he taking her hand helped her out of the sheets, the same sheets that only moments before held such promise and he hoped would do so again many times. Lillian smiled tenderly at this man as his kindness towards her showed through every moment.Her face showing that lost in the moment she was enjoying every second of this. Her free hand grabbed at the sarong that had been used so skillfully earlier and threw it round her curves sexily. As she did her personal butler held it and knotted it loosely as he whispered " Allow me please " She was held by him captivated by all of it and it felt so natural to put her arms round him and thank him with a kiss.

" Thank you thats the best bonus this butlers recieived this month let me tell you" he winked

" There might be more later you never know " inside Lillian was loving this as ignoring the fact that she hardly knew anything yet about this man she followed him out into the kitchin/ diner to sample his breakfast. " This is such a treat" she cooed " Can't remember the last time i was cooked breakfast for me"

" Nor is it the last time I hope" He said expectantly

She smiled as she watched Terry including Rolfe her lovely old German Shepard in breakfast as he filled his bowl.

" Say thank you Rolfe " She called

" Humph not even a growl, guess the old fellers as hungry as we are " He patted him on his back

" yes I guess your right " lillian laughed, it was a nice long relaxed laugh that was neither forced or hurried, she was being spoilt by this dear man and try as she might she couldnt hide her loving every minute of it.

He toyed with his eggs and bacon as he started to open up about his past to her feeling more and more at ease he told her about Jonette and how he was so ready to give himself to that relationship until he found out she was cheating on him.

Just as he said that she reached across and touched his hand, a small yet loving gesture that earned her a mouthed thank you from his silent lips

"And is there .. anyone else " she murmered hesitantly

No my dear not yet i thought i'd take a new start he said and i'm glad i c hose here let me tell you
I had this x-rated dream once...

I invite you over for a few drinks. You show up looking all casual and sexy like always. We listen to some music, have a few drinks, and smoke a couple joints, and I get daring and decide to kiss you. Just once, softly, and then again. I trace my fingernails up the back of your neck and then start running my fingers through your hair. And then I start nibbling gently on your earlobe, and let my hand travel down your body. Running my fingers across your firm chest, down your stomach just barely tickling your sides, and then under the waistband of your pants. I reach down to run my nails across your balls, and then trace them slowly up the length of the underside of your cock, as it grows hard from my touch.

I ask you to talk dirty to me, and my hot, hungry cunt gets drenched at the sound of your voice. I take off my tank-top and undo my bra, exposing my large, full breasts. You trace circles around my nipples with your fingers, making them hard. I take off your shirt and you remove your pants. Finally I get to see how good you look without your clothes.

I run my fingers down your chest as I drop to my knees before you. Your cock is long and thick. I run my tongue up and down the length of it, and then make small circles around the tip of its head with my tongue before sucking the length of it into my mouth, my wet lips squeezing your shaft. I suck your big cock, my mouth moving up and down the shaft, my tongue flicking against the sensitive spot on the underside just past the head. Your hands are in my hair as I suck your cock. My lips squeezing tightly around your shaft as I draw it slowly in and out of my mouth until I can feel it pulsing, and your body starts to tense up... but I stop just before you cum.

You unzip my pants and I slip them off, and then you pull my black lace panties down to my ankles. I lay down on the floor and let your smooth, strong hands explore my body. Your fingers part the folds of my cunt and you can feel how wet I am. I bite down on my lip as you finger my clit. Your body is pressed against mine, and I can feel your huge cock against my leg as you bury your face between my breasts.

The heat from your body consumes me. I reach down and start to pump your thick cock with my hand as you continue to finger my clit. I press into your touch, so eager to feel that big, hard cock inside of me.

"I want you to fuck me..."

You rub the head of your thick cock against the lips of my wet cunt, making me moan with desire, teasing me with the head of your cock. I raise my hips, and you press slowly into my tight, hot cunt. Your thick cock stretches my walls as you fill me totally, the base of your shaft pressing against my swollen clit. You pull back slowly so that just the head of your cock is inside me.

"Fuck me harder..."

You raise my legs up over your shoulders and start to thrust that big, hard cock deep into my hot, wet cunt. In and out, harder and deeper with each thrust. I raise my hips up to meet each stroke, letting your cock press in deeper, and deeper. The wetness of my juices glistens on your hard shaft and you plunge into me. I lower my legs from your shoulders and wrap them around your waist. You slow your rhythm and you start pulling your cock out almost completely between thrusts. I clench the walls of my cunt each time you press back into me, making you moan.

"Mmmmm... that feels so good... don't stop..."

I scratch my nails down your back as your big, hard cock pumps deep inside of me. I kiss your neck, and bite down lightly on your shoulder. I can feel your thick cock start to pulse, and my cunt begins to quiver as I get close to cumming. Your rhythm slows even more, until I am whimpering between your thrusts, my cunt aching for that big, hard cock to press back into it again.

"Oh God.... Mmmhmm... Mmmhmm..."

I can feel your cock throbbing with each smooth thrust. My cunt clenches tight around your hard cock as you press again so deep inside of me, and I moan your name as I cum, my wet cunt milking your thick shaft, squeezing it tightly. You pull back and thrust deep into me again, pulling my body even closer to yours as you shudder and fill my cunt with your hot cum.


Boy did I ever enjoy that dream...

"Now my dear thats us fed and watered,even Rolfe your lovely dog my dear Lillian" smiled Terry.

" It was a very nice breakfast too, thank you so much that hasn't happened to me in ages" Lillian showed her appeciation by leaning over and giving a long kiss, this man was working his way into her mind wheither she knew it or not.

"Look are you doing anything at all today?"

" ehrmm ..no I havent got much on" laughed Lilian " Why may I ask "

"Well I'd love to find my way around my new town and I can't think of a nicer guide that I 'd love to spend my day with.What do you think?" looking at her cheekily his smile held an obvious warmth towards her .

Lilian was begining to feel so relaxed in his company that the idea of getting to know this man much better held such positive good feelings that she found herself aggreeing to it almost without thinking. "Only trouble is that I just might end up taking you into that new shopping mall the other side of town I looooooooove shopping" she giggled.

"Oh i think thats a fair price to pay, any nice restaurants in there ? I will even treat you to lunch "

" oh in that case you my man have got a deal" she looked at terry and she couldnt believe that in the last few hours she'd let herself be picked up in a bar be bedded in what she could only discribe as the best sex she'd had for a very long time And here she was sharing breakfast with him. She smiled to herself as she wondered what Kath her Sister would make of her now

Harry had joined the US mail service some ten years ago last fall, he liked his job ,the fact that it was steady pay ,not glamarious but he was helping people bringing news into their lives His day started early giving him time to enjoy this lovely sunny burst the weather was brining the town over the last few weeks.
Harry went on with his round cheerily waving at the folks in 2520 welton avenue before turning towards lLilians house as he moved up her path, he smiled at her well manicured and best kept garden, talking to her plants he said i hope you love your home because you look well cared for .

He felt in his bag for the little parcel with lilians name on it and rang her bell to hand it over .

"Now who's that I wonder" said Lilian a lil teresly that anyone should want to upset her lovely day Just stay right there I'll be right back ........
She drew her robe tighter and tied the sash as she opened the door.
And there he stood... Harry!

She looked up at that strong square jaw and his eyes told her that he wanted her. Momentarily her mindset was in the not so distant past, they’d fell out big time yes but she would always remember his passion. The time she had ached and longed for him was no more, she wanted the full package and it was no longer there for her. And anyway the way he acted, he could never be responsible, losing all his money on gambling and drugs, she wanted out!

“There’s something you must know, Lilly. Something very urgent. Something serious that effects you. Give me just another chance, Baby, you will see it will all be fine”

But all that was in Lillyl's mind was that Harry would never give up. She’s had it up to here. She was about to be blatantly rude - if that was to be the only way.

“Harry, you will never change my mind. I know we were an item once .

Harry sided up to her, hugging her how they used to hug, his handing coupling her breasts, for just a fleeting moment Lilly seemed to relent, her eyes closed - but she shook her head and pushed him away. “No more, Harry, you have had the best of me, I told you enough times we could no longer go on like that, and besides I no longer love you.”

Inside she felt sorry for him with that little boy lost look, whatever, but she knew it was a play on her emotions, she had seen it all before.

Her mind flashed back to when they were deep, so deep and passionate lovers.

Harry’s mind was back there too. He remembered the many times she awoke him just enjoying him, her mouth sucking him in so deep and with so much fervour as her fingers balled him, giving him the most wonderful deep feelings inside, then he would gently press his fingers inside her, twisting and stretching slightly, hearing those certain throat noises as she sucked him harder now, taking him in as deep as can be, he felt himself come to a point of no return, feeling the strong surge shoot into her mouth, she loved every drop of it, moving and swallowing, squeezing his balls to suck out every last drop. It was magic. Her fuck was always so special and so good, how could they let all that go now …

“You are making it harder for me, Lilly. But I’ll be around to pick up the pieces if that what you want.”

Once more he sided to her, a second time, with more passion and determination: “Baby, you know you can’t do without me, "

Lillian was getting more tense by the second. He was so full of his own ego, “He must think he owns me. What a Dick head!..” Again she thrust him away from her. She glanced over her shoulder, embarassed that Terry was witness to this sordid display. As if he sensed her thoughts, he cleared his throat.

Her thoughts were disturbed by Harry’s raised voice: “Have you slept with him?”

If looks could kill Harryl’s were lethal. “Don’t look at me like that.” he yelled, “It’s important, I must know. If I’m no longer your lover I’m still your friend,

“Will you just drop it, Harry. Look just get the message right? We are finished, complete!!“ She was raging now, pushing Harryout of the door, Lillian was crying. But still he wasn’t going to go without saying what he had to, Lillian had other ideas ..

“Look, Lilly, just listen for once eh? No way can you be with anybody but me. It would be ….”

“Fuck off!” She yelled shaking with anger now …That was it as far as Lilly was concerned, she shoved him out of the door with all her strength ..”Just leave me alone, forever!”

She was really angry. She was crying too: “You really will try anything, wont you, Harry? You just never give up do you? Just Piss off. Get out of my life.”

“Okay, Lilly. But remember my offer. I shall always be there for you.”


© Copyright 2007 Alex Carr

Feedback to the Author
" Was that the door ? is everything ok " Terry asked as he headed towards Lilly "Bit early for callers isn't it .... Hey are you ok you've look like youu've been crying" He looked at Lilly tenderly and started to reach out for her.

" Oh just leave me alone " she sobbed "You dont know anything about it, just leave me alone why must you always think you know better then ..." the rest of the sentence just dissolved into her tears.

Terry reached forward and instinctivily held Lillian into his arms,pulling her gently but firmly into his body. At first Lillian stiffend and resisted this move but as Terry just held tight and tighter the resistance she first showed ebbed slowly away until she sank into his embrace. The seething anger that had convulsed her body from her intervention with Harry melted till she was a puddle in his arm's.

Silently,lovingly he stroked and held her caressing her tears away Terry could only guess at the pain that her caller had given her. He steered her gently towards the sofa through gentle kisses he administered liberally.

As they both fell into the sofa , he kissed her with growing passion,lilly let herself slide into this lovely man's kisses as he kissed away the tears from her cheek.
Just as she was ready to let herself go completely he murmured through his kisses I love you Lilly.

Lilly, her mind racing griped at his body as if to ask him to hold her tightly, this he did obligingly without hesitation Her grip slackend as she allowed Terry to kiss away the hurt she'd felt rise up in her a moment ago. As he kissed her face and neck she returned his kisses willingly.

"Oh Terry I'm So Glad you were here when that false lil Bugg ..." Terry kissed away the rest of the word as he smiled "I'm glad i was here for you as well, very glad" " look what say i fix us a drink then my lovely you and I are going out on the town what do you think of that idea.?
"You're on, but i'd like to take you out for that drink. I'll race you and the first one to the car pays for lunch!", she gave him a daring look. Terry chuckled at herplayfulness and nodded his agreement. She dashed into her bathroom after collecting various clothing.

The sound of another shower tempted Terry but he thought better of it and proceeded to swiftly freshened up and dress in her guest bath. He took a few minutes to look around her house, saw theflowers from her garden and mused, that he would make time to return often. He noticed she'd laid out a fresh shirt for him. too. He was touched that she offered up this token (wondering how much it might have cost her to part with it).

While he mused over her thoughtfulness, he heard the car horn and realized she'd out done him and knew this woman to be very independant and entertaining

Lillian sat in the passenger seat in jeans and pearls, her hair brushed back in a loose chignon, smiling at him sweetly. He joined her with a wink and they toured the area, with Lillian delivering a useful and informative stream of facts and humorous anecdotes.
The news that this was the biggest city in the state was not lost on him.
They stopped at a bistro for a quick lunch and as he watched her he noted how the clientel was observing them.

"I noticed that you are well known here,many have greeted you", he said as he touched her hand on the table," Mostly men, i noted, too." She moved her hand to his thigh under the table and gave it a little squeeze, while she she looked directly in his eyes, "That's because Harry is a notorious gossip! Pay no attention to them."

Terry looked into her blue eyes and was drawn into a vortex of feelings at the shock of her touch on him in such a public place. She saw his slight discomfiort as her tongue darted out and innocently moistened her lips. Terry's nostrils flared as he watched her lick her lips. My dear, you're going to have to walk in front of me , if i can walk at all."

"Did you know that the founder of Welch's grape juice originated in Vineland (so named for the grapes and vinyards in the area)?"she asked seriously. Terry was struck with the notion that she was very sensitive to notice his discomfiture and try to lihgten the mood with diversionary talk.

"You're on, but i'd like to take you out for that drink. I'll race you and the first one to the car pays for lunch!", she gave him a daring look. Terry chuckled at herplayfulness and nodded his agreement. She dashed into her bathroom after collecting various clothing.

The sound of another shower tempted Terry but he thought better of it and proceeded to swiftly freshened up and dress in her guest bath. He took a few minutes to look around her house, saw theflowers from her garden and mused, that he would make time to return often. He noticed she'd laid out a fresh shirt for him. too. He was touched that she offered up this token (wondering how much it might have cost her to part with it).

While he mused over her thoughtfulness, he heard the car horn and realized she'd out done him and knew this woman to be very independant and entertaining

Lillian sat in the passenger seat in jeans and pearls, her hair brushed back in a loose chignon, smiling at him sweetly. He joined her with a wink and they toured the area, with Lillian delivering a useful and informative stream of facts and humorous anecdotes.
The news that this was the biggest city in the state was not lost on him.
They stopped at a bistro for a quick lunch and as he watched her he noted how the clientel was observing them.

"I noticed that you are well known here,many have greeted you", he said as he touched her hand on the table," Mostly men, i noted, too." She moved her hand to his thigh under the table and gave it a little squeeze, while she she looked directly in his eyes, "That's because Harry is a notorious gossip! Pay no attention to them."

Terry looked into her blue eyes and was drawn into a vortex of feelings at the shock of her touch on him in such a public place. She saw his slight discomfiort as her tongue darted out and innocently moistened her lips. Terry's nostrils flared as he watched her lick her lips. My dear, you're going to have to walk in front of me , if i can walk at all."

"Did you know that the founder of Welch's grape juice originated in Vineland (so named for the grapes and vinyards in the area)?"she asked seriously. Terry was struck with the notion that she was very sensitive to notice his discomfiture and try to lihgten the mood with diversionary talk.

Terry was so relaxed in Lilly's company He could hardly believe the whirlwind of emotions he'd expierenced in such a short time, as they drove along a short leafy lane, the sun streaming through the treetops sent shafts of light like arrows hitting the road.

"Your certainly the best guide i've ever been with Lilly" he let his arm move round her shoulders and gripping her tight.his other hand safely steering her along the lane. lilly let her head fall back into his arm her lovely hair cascading down . Looking across at her laying back he smiled at his good fortune, Lilly sleepily " returned his smile " Why thank you kind sir" she said shifting slightly to comfortaly return Terry's gaze " it's just that I love history and I kinda like this little town, stick around it just might grow on you too"

Just then he turned into a parking area that looked across the valley ,pulling in he switched the engine off and retune the radio to one of those relaxing chill out stations.

" I aim to do just that, and if I might say your becoming a large part of my wanting to stay here"

Lilly felt a blush on her cheeks and a warmth infused her whole body " I.... I ..don... know what to say "

He leaned over towards lilly felt his arms slip round her " well dont say anything then "His kiss cut off any words Lilly might have been thinking of saying, their bodies joined in an embrace that needed no words to say I love you.

Lillian let her fingers trace along Terrys back as their tounges met and played with each other, the sun kissed them too where they sat eager to join in and add to the lovely warm feelings stirring inside them both.

"Darling what a perfect welcome to my new home you've been, , can I repay you with some dinner and a lil dancing "?

Lilly nodded her approval too breathless to add words

" You see my dear I dont really dont want to let you go"

His kiss met her lips with enough force to open her to wild exciting thoughts of nights to come ......
...the memories of recent pleasures, flooded her with a glow of happiness, her heart full of joy with this wonderful man. They kissed tenderly and viewed the valley before them, the music playing softly.

Terry looked at her and saw that Lilly seemed completely relaxed. He saw the afternoon sun glint on her hair, the light filtering thru her lashes, casting feathery shadows. He took a a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear, leaned down and placed a soft kiss on each eye, while musing over all the knowledge that he had adsorbed about her in such a brief time. He had made mental note of the way music affected her and how lyrics crept into her conversatioin, colored her expressions. All he wanted to do was spend more time being with her and her ways.

The tender gesture moved Lilly to tears and he wiped them away, murmering reassuring words.

They sat for hours, just talking,sharing bits and pieces of each others life and background. as the lengthening shadows swallowed them in the cooling starlit night. They had much in common she came to realize and she wanted to know much more.

Terry asked, "Where shall we head out to for dinner, I don't know about you but I could eat a horse?

Lilly laughed,saying" I was just going to say that I'm ravenous, as well!"

She asked innocently, "Do you like Greek?"

They sat in a little quiet corner table in Zorba's Taverna looking for all the other diners the perfect couple, relaxed at ease in each others company, Terry smiled inside as he cheekily allowed his foot to slide up Lillians soft lovely leg.

The effect of this was to bring on a little giggle quickly stifled by Lillian as she felt a little flush " Stop that you .. you Rascal" Though in truth it was said in a tone which wanted more rather then less.

"This tsatsik is heaven, one of my favorite starters " bubbled Lilly

"I know your trying to change the subject, now lets get back to the best legs Gerigou has ever had in his Taverna"

"Silly boy " she mock chided him " Just you make sure you dont stop mind i'm enjoying this so much"

" Me too " he said just as quick in reply letting his gaze stop on the lovely sight of woman who most probabily hadn't allowed herself the priviledge of enjoying herself in many a long time.

"Thank you" she said with genuine apperciation as she returned terrys gaze " I dont think i've enjoyed myself like this for ages"

" we've hardly started yet " said Terry as he pour lilly a glass of wine and raised it in a toast " to the most beautiful girl in this town"

"Well thank you kind sir " she said extending her hand, Terry took it gratefully giving it a lil kiss

Lilly felt a warm glow flow through her that she was sure wasn;t due to the glass of wine she'd just finished " Anyone would think that we fresh newly weds the way we are carrying on"

" let them" Terry winked " they might be right sooner then they realise"
" Now you've really being silly"

"Oh being silly am I indeed, well let me tell you i'm begining to fall in love with you and i'm asking you to marry me cos well I'd love to

spend the rest of my days with you what do you say to that

Lilly felt herself reeling at what she heard she gave a deep sigh as she stammered out her reply ......

"yyes...yes...Yes!" Lillian wrappeed her arms around Terrys shoulders as she nuzzled his neck. Her joy barely contained as her mind dashed back over the past few days with this wonderful man.

"I didn't think I would say this again, ever, but...I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know you and your past lives! Is a fall wedding to soon, do you think?"

Terry burst into laughter, a rich warm accepting mirth that sprang out of utter contentment, as he looked deep into Lilians eyes she gave a lil nerveous laugh.

Terry picked up on this and said " There there my lovely girl,no need to be nervous a lifetime with you sounds like just what the doctor ordered "

Lillian flung her arms round him holding him tight as they kissed deeply. She found herself giggling as she said " I never behave like this normally, at least I havent in a long time" She couldnt resist somehow giving this man a lovely kiss on his cheek

" mmm you can keep doing that and no mistake" Terry laughed as he turned his face showing the other cheek towards Lillian's lovely warm soft lips " Well don't forget this side too " he chided her Lillian willingly took up the offer ending up smothering his face with kisses.

Wow you know how to keep your man happy "

"It's easy when your in love" she felt a little blush redden her cheeks as she said it

Tery took both her hands and wrapped them inside his and as he fixed her gaze with his, holding her stare till she felt wobbily inside. for some unknown reason he found himself telling lilian in a whisper " Your safe here my love " Lilian smiled knowingly before throwing her head back and launching another salvo of well aimed kisses on Terrys body.

" if you keep on like this my darling I wont ever let us leave this here bed!"

" Sounds good to me" she murmured " You can kidnap me anytime you like" Lillian roled over and snuggled in closer.

Terry reached down ,lifting her face towards his " Look I've got this idea"

" Oh I bet you have" she giggled

" No seriously " he replied tapping her hand " Look what are you doing next week, only if your free I'm off work and i'd love to go driving and I just happen to have a free passenger seat"

" Sounds yummy" Lillian replied " Where too"?

"Oh lets go where the car takes us shall we"

© Copyright 2010 knight life, Sophia Oleta, (known as GROUP).
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