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Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #1602500
I'm still working on the beginning, but I'll be opening it up to everyone soon. :)
Welcome to Ahvania. This is a beautiful land, from the gorgeous coastal region in the east, the exquisite forests of the west... Enjoy your stay. I might recommend, however, that you avoid getting involved with the natives while you're here. Terrible business, that is. Immigrants always make things complicated. Not that I blame anyone for it, they might hear me. It's damned serious these days... Here, take this scroll. It will explain everything you need to know. Can't get myself in trouble, you know. My wife and kids... And they are getting more and more extreme these days, more Examples are appearing everyday. Nobody is safe. Well, I'll be going now. Oh, be sure to burn that scroll, and, to be safe, dump the ashes in the ocean. I'm sure you understand...

The Classes of Ahvania
This scroll describes the ongoing class conflict in Ahvania and the origins of these classes. This scroll may shock, as the Rhulati do not want you to know this history. They have lead you to believe that the gods gifted them with their magic, and gifted them with this land, because they are clearly superior to the other classes. This is not true. The truth is...well, just read on.

The Rhulati (aka the nobility/ruling class)
The Rhulati use what is referred to as "traditional magic," magic using spell scrolls, familiars, and involves purchasing various types of magical instruments. Only the Rhulati have the wealth to purchase such essentials. The Rhulati keep the secrets of traditional magic within the class. It is illegal for other classes to be caught with the instruments necessary to perform magic or to be caught performing magic. The middle class can purchase certain spells, but nothing physical belongs to them. Also, aside from the most common of charms, spells and charms are so expensive that this is rarely done. The children of Rhulati are taught magic, and are taught to keep the magic as their own secret, that only they have the gods given right to use magic. Any Rhulati who aids a member of another class in performing magic are made an Example of. The Rhulati are not native to Ahvania, instead they migrated from the desert state directly to the north. The Rhulati originated in the eastern area of Pilara. In Pilara, the Rhulati traditional magic was an intricate part of tribal life. However, the white man eventually came to Pilara, and treated the Rhulati with distrust as they saw magic as being a bargain with the devil. They attempted to force the Rhulati to stop magic, and magic was hidden underground, for years, until the Rhulati eventually escaped to Ahvania, where they installed themselves as the ruling class. The Rhulati have the most power in the coastal area, particularly in the southeast. The dress of the Rhulati varies depending on the area in which the live (obviously the Rhulati wear less heavy clothes in the northwest, where the desert begins, than in the far southwest, where the forests are.) Fashion is an enormous part of Rhulati life, extravagant and excessive fashion. Intricate beading is common amongst all Rhulati. Ladies wear dresses. Both sexes often wear cloaks (light or heavy depending on their location), which are usually exquisite in color, pattern, fabric, and beading. These cloaks are works of art.

The Rhiarans (aka the middle class)
The Rhiarans came to the area with the whites who invaded Pilara. The Rhiarans are whites as well, but they had been deemed "less pure" than the invading whites. Basically, when the invading whites came to the deserts of Pilara, they brought with them their armies--the Rhiarans--that they used like soldier-slaves. In the new Pilaran society, the Rhiarans were just above the Rhulati in the social structure. When the Rhulati fled to Ahvania, the whites needed a replacement for their original common slaves (the Rhulati.) The treatment of the Rhiarans plunged quickly, and many Rhiarans fled as well. The Rhiarans hoped that in Ahvania they would remain socially superior to the Rhulati. Upon arrival, the superstitious Rhiarans quickly realized that the new society was based upon traditional magic. Traditionally distrustful of magic, the Rhiarans shunned the concept of magic until it was too late. The Rhiarans remain fearful of magic, as a whole, particularly since it has been used by the Rhulati to maintain their position of control over Ahvania. The Rhiarans dress very simply. As soldier slaves, they were trained to dress discreetly, in ways to protect themselves with no fuss.

Ajiha (aka the slaves)
(Prounounced Aye-ee-ha)
The Ajiha are the natives. The Rhulati came to Ahvania and the Ajiha welcomed them, gave them shelter. However, the Rhulati feared falling into the same position and brutally attacked the Ajiha. The Ajiha are not just enslaved by physical means, they are magically tethered to their masters. Here is the part that the Rhulati do not know... Traditional magic is not the only form of magic. The Ajiha have kept secret, over the years, their magical abilities, what they call Trahea (pronounced Tra-hE-uh). Trahea is a form of elemental magic. (For our purposes, the elements can be considered Air, Water, Earth, and Flame.) The Ajiha have strong connections to the natural world, and using that link they can (depending on which element(s) they link with) perform limited magic. This magic IS restricted to their element(s). (Most Ajiha who perform Trahea only link with one element. Very rarely do Ajiha link with two elements. In Ajihan history, only a handful of Ajiha have ever linked with three elements. Never has anyone linked with all four elements. This is currently considered impossible.) The Ajiha typically dress to protect themselves. The Rhulati allow the Ajiha to dress in their traditional clothes because it is yet another way to easily identify them. The women wear tight leggings and tight leather tops. The tops are rather like a bra in appearance. The men wear baggy cotton pants and vests. Over that, both sexes wear a large robe, falling nearly to the ankles of women and the knees of men. The robes are typically made out of any thick, warm fabric. The robes have hoods, and traditionally were clasped shut with leather belts with a clasp carved from wood, stone, or gem. These belt buckles were small, but intricately carved to show that person's place in society. If they use Trahea, the belt shows what element(s) they link with. If they do not, their belt would reveal how they make their living. Now, given the expense of such belts, Ajiha use anything they can to tie their robes. In many wealthy households, the Rhulati even require that the Ajiha wear their hoods up in the presence of Rhulati.

The Ajiha are sick of being enslaved. Now they have decided to take their destiny back into their own hands... This is a rebellion. This is a war. Don't feel restricted by the rating, I can change it to fit however sick and twisted you guys are. Rebellions aren't pretty.

Rules/other info:
1. Write in 3rd person. I am a girl with some eccentricities, one of which is that it is rather difficult to keep track of all the characters switching from person to person in each post.
2. I would hope that I don't have to say this, but no killing other people's characters. Be polite... Sent an e-mail if you want to do anything extreme with anyone else's characters. Let me know if you are going to have a HUGE plot change. (Don't let me know for any small stuff, just the big ones. I probably won't have much to say with it, other than chatting about how this will fit into the story as a whole.)
3. Don't feel restricted by the rating. I can make it more graphic. Obviously this is not going to be pretty.
4. A note regarding the class structure. [b] Nobody [/b]breaks the class structure. The death is typically fairly swift if it's attempted. That said, I know that people love to break those boundaries, and I won't expressively forbid dating or anything across class lines, but keep in mind the monumental nature of that decision.
5. Please keep in mind the delicate situation of the Rhiarans. They have no actual "home" country, and have a history in which they have either been enslaved or ignored. Now, the Rhiarans are about to be caught up in a war that does not belong to them. They must decide what their position will be, and whoever remains dominant must decide what to do about the Rhiarans.
6. Try and write within a week, however let me know if there is some reason why you need more time. I don't have any problem skipping people. I want committed writers. If you keep in touch with me, I understand, life happens. I'll let you have more time or whatever. However, if I don't get an e-mail letting me know that you are working on an entry, then I likely will skip you after a week.
7. I don't like bio-blocks that much. As long as everyone starts their first entry with a detailed description of their character, then bio blocks are completely unnecessary. Please don't do anything cliche--I remember in one CC I was reading where one leader specifically mentioned beginnings describing Jenny waking up and stretching her long shapely legs. I agree. (If this is from your CC, please let me know so I can properly credit you.)

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