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Rated: · Campfire Creative · Sample · Horror/Scary · #1572361
About a woman killing another in order to save her and her childs life
It was a cold winters night. yr 2000. Light snow falling from the Vegas skies was highly unusual and rare to happen. I remember that night so well. The memory will follow me forever. Unable to escape it no matter how hard I try. He whoms name I will not mention came home late. The smell of whiskey on his breath. The evil look in his eye will stain my mind always. Me and my son Tryston fearing our lives, hiding underneath the stairwell can hear him pacing loudly above our heads. Back and forth in anger. 'I love you" I said to tryston and you musnt make a sound. Please stay quiet. I looked into this little boys eyes looking into absoloute fear. He was terrified With tears rolling down my face I knew I had to find a way to escape the house. Hours went by and theres nothing but silence at this point. I hold tryston in my arms while he slept peacefully. I myself was exhausted but too fearful to sleep. doing the best I could to keep awake I soon found myself drifting off...... opening my eyes later on only to find me laying on the freezing floor. Hands tied infront of me and my son tied up and bound in a chair facing the corner by the fireplace. I had to take a minute or two to process what was going on. I looked out the window discovering it was morning. I didnt want to belive that we were found and now captured by a man I though I once knew. Ashamed now to say i even knew him at all because I didnt. Beneath the gag around my sons mouth I can still hear him screaming for his life. I felt so helpless but did everything to stay strong. So frightened yet the man never kept his eye off of us. At that point I became angry. Theres was no way I was going to let this continue on.I had to save my son from this evil. So I waited.......until night fell again. And like routine he had the fire lit and a glass of whiskey in one hand. I can see it in his face that he was planning his next move and I grew worried. Another hour has passed. My son crying perfusly. Me bieng patient. He then throws the liqour bottle against the wall fuming with rage. "Shut that dam kid up!!'. Puts out his cigarette and turns to me slowly. Tells me not to move and begins laughing. As he turns away for just a minute I am able to reach for a piece of glass from the whiskey bottle. I begin a small incision into my hand waiting for the blood to flow down my fingertips. I had it all planned out now. I yelled for him to get the first aid and to find something to wrap my hand in. He stumbled over to me drunk of course. grabbed my hand. Examined it for a second and walked away leaving the gun on the end table on his way out the door. What a fool I said to myself and As soon as he left I knew I had to move quickly. So I ran over to the door. Grabbed the gun and shoved into my belt, covering it slightly with my shirt. I took another piece of glass off of the floor and cut the rope to free both my hands. Ran over to my son, untying and unbounding him as well. I told him to go upstairs. Lock the door and stay put in your bedroom until I get there. I told him it was important to follow my directions and so immediately he did just that. I hide behind the door waiting for his return. He walks in to find that nothing went according to his plan. Leaving me with bruises and cuts. Fighting with everything. I said with power and relief- Game Over asshole. And I fired twice......In shock I stood there for a good half hour with a clear head and no feeling. I threw the rest of his poison into the fire and grabbed my son. Together we watch the flames and the bad memories burn away.....Later that month was one of the most stressful times in my life. I sit in jail cell waiting for the trial. Waiting to get it all over and done with. I am physically and emotionally drained. My thoughts are not with clarity which was something I once took pride in. My feelings are without sense. My mental state is suffering thinking that nightmares held in my sheets would catch up with me. Im shattered in so many different ways because the darkness had settled in. SLowly with every day that passed. I cant eat. And the sleepless nights are endless. Every time I close my eyes I see his face staring back at me. Keeping them open I see my sons beautiful blue eyes looking up at me with a sparkilng smile. God if only I can hold him close to me again. Unitl that day comes I await here utterly alone my conviction. Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.........

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