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by E
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1561949
It's one of the chapters in my series The Guy who changed everything.
Fighting scene
I stood there. Praying. Praying for help.
I was at the front of the army, against the NUMS.
They are planning to take over Zog. The citizens of Zog are humans, but 500 years more civilised! We have decided to help them, because if they are defeated, so are we! I was born where the terror already began; everything was about, guns, wars, shooting, and killing. I hated it. When I was a juvenile I was part of a peace group and tried to make peace with them. Yeah, some effort. They killed every other person in the peace group. That why I joined the army, I trained for years, knowing that the Nums did many wrong things to us; I was the best of the best. So, I was up front. For the 10065th annual battle against them. According to the law, to win the war, we have to win 7000 battles, So far we won 4657 battles points, they won 5407. So we are losing. I can see them now, with their pitiful bodies. In the background I can see Nums with their ‘automatic’ arrows, thousands of them!
‘Bem!’ Beckny said, he is the commander of the Nums, ‘you can surrender now! And save time and lives!’
‘No!’ Puall said, our commander, ‘We will not surrender, we will fight!’
‘Very well, prepare to die!’
‘We will see, Beckny’
Then millions of sharp arrows flew high in the cold air. In front and behind of me, I can see arrows that got their target. I gripped to my sword as we ran through the battlefield. We all screamed, some of with horror, some of with honour, I heard some of them was cut off; maybe they struck by an arrow! As we ran closer and closer, my fear grows bigger and bigger, well they are three times bigger than us! I can see a Num, dodging arrows, he is distracted. This is my chance, I lift my sword, I was about to attack but the Num was bigger and faster. He grabbed my sword and threw it away. Wow, a good throw. He must have thrown at least 100 metres away! Admiring the good throw, I didn’t see the Num about to attack me. He was lifting he sword high.
‘Prepare to die!’
I turned around, I stumbled backwards on the dirt. I closed my eyes. Waiting…waiting…

Why wasn’t I killed yet?
I open my eyes, I can still see him in the attacking position. He stood stiff. Too stiff. I looked around and saw his back. 7 arrows sticked out of the body. He fell forward and landed in the ground. I knew he was dead. Then a I heard a Whoooosh! pass my ear. It was an arrow. I realised I’m still in war. I ran looking for my sword. I ran skipping arrows and attacks. Then another round of arrows came.
The last words… I kept on running, I felt pain in the side. But I kept going and going. Until, I found a similar object. MY SWORD! I grabbed it and swung. I sliced the neck of a Num. Another round of arrows came. More people and Nums died. I killed 15 more Nums. After 4 hours of terror and battle. It stopped. All around us were bodies of Nums. We have won the battle. Looks like it’s 4658-5407. We cheered. But our cheering stops.
A similar voice said.
‘Surrender now, or all your men will be killed where they are standing!!!’
‘No!!’ Puall said, with pride. ‘We will not be beaten!!!’
‘Very well then…’
As we shoot our arrows as more Nums goes over the hills, surprisingly they didn’t shoot back. Instead, we saw aircrafts in the sky.

We stood still, looking up.
‘Surrender now, or you and your crew will die on the spot!!!!’
‘No, we will not surrender!!!! And we will never surrender!!!’
‘You might change your mind’ as he looked at us with a cheeky expression.
‘Very well then, VOR463, attack!!!’
One of the aircraft shook and let out a massive bomb. Luckily for me, it target was in the other side, but it was unlucky to them. It landed with a big explosion, and when it landed it let out, small missiles. I saw one of them killed a person. Then that missile let out little bombs, but has a bigger explosion than the original bomb. Finally it stopped
‘If one of them killed a hundred of your people, imagine thousands of them falling from the sky.’
We stood silence.
‘Surrender now!!! If you disagree or don’t decide, you’ll all die on the spot!!!’
Once again we stood silence.
I could see Puall biting his lips.
‘Very well then, you will all die!!!’
Suddenly, thousands of those ‘Bombs’ came down from the sky. They all drop to the ground at the same time, more people died. I had a idea. It’s a crazy idea, but if it worked, it will save us all!
I ran as fast as I could, I can see people dieing around me. I can hear booms around me. I past the Nums and I struck Beckny. He held on the sword, I was unable to remove it.
‘Well, well, well, what do we have here.’ He smiled.
‘I’m Richard, son of Jamey and grandson of Todd, the almighty legend.’ I said.
‘Oh, yes Todd,’ Remembering back.
‘He caused a whole lot of chaos, and his deserved his death’
‘The only person that deserves death, is the ratbag in front of me!!’
He gaped at me.
‘Lucky the battle is over, or I would have cut off the puny little head of yours.’
I was surprised. Not about the death threat, they always to that, but about the battle ending.
‘What do you mean the battle finished’ I screamed. ‘It’s only finished (according to the law) only when either the commander is dead and beheaded or all the soldiers is dead.’ And that was my crazy plan, if I killed Beckny, it would have been finished. But not only that, if someone killed the one person from the opposition, it counted as one battle won and since the bombs were falling, killing lots of people, we would have been in the lead (I’m not being cruel of anything, it just it could save thousands of lives and if those people died, at least they had meaning.)
Beckny seem to read my mind.
‘Yes, you would be in the lead,’ Beckny said thoughtfully.
‘So why has the battle ended,’ I said.
‘Well because, you see your commander is dead,’
‘No you’re lying to me,’
‘Well, see for yourself,’
I looked back and saw Puall on the ground motionless. Nums are around him, ready to behead him. I couldn’t look. I heard the slashing of a curved, sharp knife. I looked at Beckny.
To be continued...

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