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Rated: · Campfire Creative · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1523317
A goddess has an adventure
Written by Alexus Massenburg

I remember eons ago when I was known as Eras, Goddess of discord. I was a fright all over the world. Now, I am or at least I was a regular teenager. I hated my life so I begged Zeus to take my evil powers away. He was sympathetic to my plight so he granted my wish. Little did I know that it was destiny to be the Goddess of disaster? I had to stop it. Everywhere I went Disaster and discord followed. I first had to retrace my past and to do that I had to leave what I knew most.
It all started about 1500 years ago. I was 15 in mortal years. I lived in a country called the United States. I lived in a state called Georgia in a large city state to me they call Augusta. I went to Soar Dale High school. I was a sophomore and already very popular in some ways.
I had to seem regular so I changed my name to Eras Jean Matthews. I also wanted to be special so I ask Zeus to make me excellent in three things of my choice. He agreed and I was left to ponder on those three things. I decided to be gifted in sports, music, and beauty.
Zeus agreed on those three things. My godly appearance turned into a developed 15-year-old female with black hair that went down past my back. I had brown eyes and a medium brown complexion. I was great in sports like track, basketball and volleyball. My voice was spectacular, sounded like an angel. I had to live on earth so I lived in an abandon house in downtown Augusta. According to my history searches it is a historic slave house from the 1800’s. I had a birthday. It was May 20. I never expected my new life all the things I tried to abandon followed me right back to the beginning.

Chapter one

I was sitting in my desk waiting for my biology class to end. It was my third to last class till the end of the day and the beginning of the weekend. I stared at the board then looked at my biology binder jotting down some notes. I really didn’t need them since I always passed my tests. But others usually ask to borrow them since they are less fortunate in passing the test. I know most of them fail because of me. I cause disaster and failure to others just my being in the same place.
I look up and roll my eyes. 11:45 a.m., Great, four more hours to go. I sigh then notice Madison Simmons, the quarter back on our football team. I smile and look at him. He smiles back. He’s cute but just not my type.
I hear a knock on the door. I sigh in relief. Good, something to distract Mr. Calred. I not good at Biology or any science expect things like zoology, which is the study of animals. I try to see what’s going on outside of the class. I see Mr. Calred, the principal, Mrs. Sinecle talking. I see a shadow moving but can’t make it out.
I sit back in my desk in resignation to finish copying my notes. After all he erases them every five minutes and thirty-one seconds. I have timed him since August fifteenth, the day we started school. This week we have learned about Genetics. I never knew most of this stuff but I catch on quickly.
Finally, just as I finished my notes Mr. Calred walk in with a boy probably about 15. I look at him up and down. Now he is a boy that is too cute. I mean way too cute. I pretend I barely notice him, focusing on my notes as if I was already studying. But, I could see from the corner of my eyes that all of the girls were gushing over him. I shake my head. They just can’t control their feelings.
My best friend, Simone turns around and whispers to me “ He is so fine”.
I nod, still looking at my notes. It really doesn’t matter any ways. I been here long enough to know how men act around here.
I look up to see Mr. Calred pointing to the empty seat in the back right beside me. He nods and walks over. He sits and smiles at me. I smile back. Mr. Calred must have thought I was trying to send a message or something but whatever he thought, he caught on like a fish on a hook. He walks over and says “ Eras Matthews.” I look up and give him my innocent look “ yes sir” I am wondering what did I do. “ You will show him around school.” He says, then turns and walks away.
I huff and shake my head in frustration. I turn around and say, “ Welcome to Soar Dale High” I welcomed “ I am Eras Jean Matthews. And you are.”
He looks at me with this arrogant but cool and smooth look. “ Appo- I mean Antonio Banks”
I look at him confused. I say,” well nice to meet you. See me in the hall after class because by the look of your schedule we have all of our classes together.” I am totally bummed now.
“Great.” He replies. “ I’ll meet you there.
For some strange reason he keeps looking at me as if he knows whom I am. I make a mental note to ask him after class. But right now with all the girls glowering at me and Mr. Calred writing on the board, I best keep my mouth shut. I nod and turn all of my undivided attention to the board completely ignoring the rest of the class.

I walk out of Biology as soon as class ends. I wait for this Antonio Banks. Simone walks out first and whispers “ Girl, you lucky” I roll my eyes and say nothing. I peek into the class to see what is keeping him. I see him talking to the Teacher and fall back against the wall by the entrance.
After about 40 minutes he finally comes out. “ You best be hurrying up for now on.” I snap at him, “ We are on lunch break then we have English then P.E. than History and your lateness to lunch is actually making us have to rush for a lot of things!” I glare at him waiting for a response. He looks at me coolly and just says “ sorry.”
I stare at him the march off upset. How dare this new kid makes me late for everything. I don’t care at this point if he is even following me. I hear his footsteps as he tries to catch up. I start speed walking just to do it. I hear him speeding up his pace to meet mine. Soon he is right beside me. I slow down my pace. He looks at me and says, “ sorry for making ya late. The teacher had stuff to tell me and I wanted to hear. I should have told you what I was going` to do but I didn’t.”
I look at him and sigh, “ It’s okay. Sorry for fussing at you back there. That was so uncool.” We soon as I step in, all of ninth and tenth grade start looking at us. I roll my eyes. It’s probably because of the new guy but I have picked up admirers and some haters. I can’t help it. That’s how Zeus planned it to be.
I grab my tray and walk up to the counter. They have a section of fruits and vegetables and a section for meat and other things. I usually eat a salad since I do sports but today I decide to grab a hot dog. Now don’t get me wrong, I do grab a salad but also some French fries. Since I love hot dogs and ketchup I grab a lot of ketchup to apply to my hotdog.
I walk to a table where my best friend and semi-best friend Nattily are sitting. Madison is there along with Josh Crawford who is the line backer of the football team. I sit down and put my tray on the table. I see Antonio sit down with his lunch of pizza, chips and a diet soda. I look at Madison and Josh both have huge crushes on me I bet they are pretty steamed over the fact that I have to tour another boy around school. Trust me I’m not so thrilled either. I sigh and say “ hey guys guess what!” I look at everyone ‘s surprised and curious face. “ What?” ask Josh
I say, “ Me and Antonio both go to all of the same Classes.” I see the look of dismay on every one’s faces except Antonio’s. I think he is hiding something. I think that maybes I’m just being paranoid and just enjoy my lunch.
Chapter 2
I sit in on the bleachers in Physical Education class. I have to dress out so I brought a pair of shorts and a tee. Its only September so it’s still hot out here. The boys sit on the other side of the gym. I can see Josh and Madison talking to some other boys. They are pointing and looking at me. I roll my eyes heaven ward and huff. I search for Antonio and see him sitting alone on the end of the bleachers. I stare at him lost in thought. I think so far in my assumption that he probably was a jock or something in whatever school he came from. He is very confident and sort of arrogant. But I really don’t care.
I feel some on tap my shoulder. I blink and look up. It is Madison. “ Hey” he says to me looking at me straight in the eyes.
“ Hey. Why are you over here?” I ask “ We are not supposed to talk in Gym remember?” I look at him as if he has lost his mind. He has that hidden look in his eyes like Antonio. I sigh. I must be blind because I seem to be missing something.
“ Yeah I know. I just wanted to know if you would want to go to the Labor Day Dance with me?” He says quickly.
I am not truly surprised to be truthful. The whole gym must have heard because no one makes a sound. I get that a lot in this school. Its like life is hanging on my very words. I look around and see Antonio staring at Madison as if he was about to kill him. That bothered me a little, well a lot. Josh looked ticked also but not like Antonio. Most of the boys looked like they were disappointed.
“ Madison I …” I trail off as the coach walks in. He races towards the boys’ side of the gym. I sit back in relief. I think he’s cute but I don’t like him that way. I look at the coach. The coach is Mrs. McPherson is a very strict but caring coach. She was a body builder in her twenties and thirties but now she is forty-one she is a coach.
“ Well first I want to start off by saying hello class” she starts.
“ Hello” we reply in unison. I am very intent on this subject. I am excellent in P.E.
“ Earlier we had tryouts for track and basketball. WE also had for choir and dance. Well all of us judges have gathered together and made the results.” She announces. All of us lean forward. I tried out for all of them because I am so bored at home after school.
“ First we will name the results for track. Head track star will go to…” I wait quietly “ Eras Matthews” she announces.
I break out in a wide grin. Yes! I’ve always hoped to race.
I sit quietly as she names Earl Johnson, Kristy Chang, Simone Robinson, John Smith and Devon Drewman. I know them all and am happy that they got picked.
“ We haven’t chosen the last three but we are holding tryouts for them tomorrow. Anyone who wants to tryout please stand up now.” She continues.
Almost immediately Antonio, Madison and Josh stand up and say, “ I will”. A few more stand up also.
“ Good” says Coach McPherson “ now for basketball
Our two point guards will be Madison Simmons and Josh Crawford.”
They look at me smiling. Like I really care that they all want to impress me. I am flattered but they are getting so immature. I sigh and sit back again. I really wanted to be on this.
“ Now our center will be Antonio Banks, “ she continues again.
Madison shoots up and says, “ He can’t be on. He never tried out.”
“ Actually he did. He tried out this morning,” she countered. I have a smirk on my face. I hate when some one tries to put some one down. Well of course that is my job. I live here and it seems strife can never let me go. There must have been a loophole in Zeus’s deal and mine.
I snap back from my thoughts just in time hear Ms. McPherson say, ‘” and our forwards will be Nattily Hartford and Eras Matthews” I now have a huge smile. I can’t help it. I’m just blessed. I have the king of the world in my favor.
She also name Henry Jenkins, Philip Soron, Emily Tony and Kayla Martin.
Antonio, Matthew and Josh now are glaring at each other. I say nothing but look down and shake my head.
“ For choir our lead singer will be Eras Matthews and the rest is…” she says. I tune her out till she gets to the dance. Again I am on.

Chapter three

I sigh as I walk out of the school doors. I step outside and immediately swarmed by kids. Some are asking about basketball, some track. Some about singing and dancing. I answer them all then walk past them quietly into the street. I walk home because it is best so I can think. I see Coach coming over “ hey” I say
“Hello. I hear that your Antonio’s guide and since you are you must be here tomorrow for his tryouts and practice as well as yours” she says
I sigh quietly and nod “ yes madam” I leave and walk on the side walk. I hear footsteps approaching. I pretend not to hear and pick up my pace. I hear them following me. I turn around look. No one is there. I keep walking. Soon I am at my house.
I open the door and quickly step inside. I look around. It looked very clean and organized. I had several cats though. I didn’t really choose them they just show up some how. I tried to stop them but somehow they get in. they come and go as they please. But there is one cat, Blizzard, which I found as a kitten. She is always with me.
After I put on something more comfortable I sit down to watch some television. I flip it on and then turned to Disney Channel. Ugh, High school Musical 3 is on. I turned to another channel. Its not like I don’t like it but I have seen it several times. I grab a movie off the entrainment center and look at it. ‘Jurassic Park’, cool. I pop it in but I don’t press play. Instead I walk to the kitchen and grab the phone. I order pizza. Stuff crust with pineapples to be exact. They deliver so all I have to do is wait.
I sit down and then I hear the phone ring. I answer it. It’s Madison.
“ Hey” I say to him as I answer.
“ Hey girl” he replies.
I really am tired so I try to make this short.
“ So why did you call?” I ask him.
“ Because you never answered my question about the dance,” He answers.
“ Oh. Madison I don’t think I’m going to go. I have another party at night that I said I already will go to.” I say quietly.
It ‘s quiet on the other end so I say “ hello?” I hear some one’s voice in the background. I stay quiet
“ Uh okay” he says to me.
“ I have to go now,” I say.
“ Wait can I come by?” He asks me.
I sigh and say, “ maybe tomorrow”.
I hang up after saying bye. I lay on my sofa. I was watching Spongebob Squarepants. I soon have another call.
“ Hullo?” I say sleepily. I was dozing off.
“ Hey.” He says kind of pushy
My eyes immediately pop open. I know he is not sounding rush like.
“ What do ya want?” I ask.
“ Can I come over?” he says.
“ Yeah” I say
“ Thanks” he hangs up.

I sigh. Only Josh was supposed to come over cause I am tutoring him in History. I lay down again and dozed off.
I get up and look around. I hear knocking. I rise to my feet and slowly make my way to the door. It’s 7 p.m. who is it at this time. I open the door to see Antonio. I smiled weakly. He walked into my house and sat down.
“ I know who you are,” he said.

Chapter 3

“ What are you talking about?” I ask as if he is stupid. I know no one not even other gods could guess who I am. I look at him with contempt.
“ You are Eras Goddess of Discord,” He says with a smirk on his face. His cuteness has just worn off. I roll my eyes and say, “what ever do you mean?” I am really annoyed now and kind of scared and embarrassed.
“ Don’t play coy with me!” he shouts standing up. I am really bout to kick his behind right now but I decide to be truthful and throw up my higher rank.
“ Do you really know who you are talking to? I am Eras Goddess of Discord. I started the Trojan War just by throwing down a golden apple! I am cunning, deceitful and…” I trail off hearing my words. What is going on? I not even supposed to feel this way.
“ I know.” He says blankly “ that is why I have a job for you” He looks at me up and down and then speaks.
“ I need you to help me stop Hera”
“ What are you crazy? She is the queen of all gods!” I look at him like he just lost his entire good mind. “ And she is my mother.”
“ She made a loophole in your agreement with Zeus. Eras she hates you for causing the Trojan War. She wasn’t named the fairest. And as everyone in the right mind knows that history repeats itself. She is planning to take over the world.” He looks at me “ And since you caused it you must fix it”
“ What! That was back then, this is now.” I can’t believe what I am hearing right now. “ I have strived hard to become who I am and you want me to give it all up. Antonio this is not ‘ lord of the rings’. It is reality and here we actually can die doing these things. I caused a battle with in the gods just by doing that” I sigh and look at him.
I stare at him my frustration and anger almost bubbling over.
“ Fine I guess you’ll get your powers back and then everything will be in turmoil. Oh and nice touch with the war” He said. He had this arrogant face on again. Oh I want to smack it off him. Or at least throw him one of my golden apples. That should teach him.
“ Get out Antonio.” I say “ NOW”
He walks by me saying, “ I can help you never be evil again. I help you, you help me.”
I don’t want to hear what he saying so I say “ I don’t care” and slam the door.
I sit back on the couch exhausted thinking about him. Is he crazy? Or just a genius? I can’t really focus so I grab the remote. I flip the television on and turn to Animal Planet. They have a tiger TV. Show that I love to watch. It’s kind of like a documentary. I watch it and try to forget about everything else.


I get up and turn the television off. I was asleep on the sofa after I ate my pizza. I look at my clock and see the time. It is10: 54 p.m. I sigh and walk upstairs and go into my room. I get into bed and turn off my lights and fall fast asleep.
I wake up at about 8 in the morning. I get up and brush my teeth. I walk to my closet and look for something to wear. Since it’s still hot I’ll wear shorts. I grab instead a pair of blue denim shorts that stop at my knees. I slip on a white tank top with a white and black shirt on top. I slip on my sneakers and look into the mirror. Since I will be sweating no need for makeup, but I will use some lip-gloss. I paint my nail black with white tipping because it matches my outfit. I pull my long hair into a ponytail because I don’t want it all in my face. I make a bang though. I slip on my earrings I had engraved with my name. I leave the bathroom after all of this.
I walk down to the kitchen to see several cats walking around. It truly amazes me how the cats get in and live here but the house never stinks. I see Blizzard and walk to pick her up. She purrs and I smile. I set her down and grab a water bottle out of the fridge. I go and grab a few apples to eat. I wash my hands and leave the house.
I live about 3 blocks away from the school so I don’t care about leaving real early. I check my stopwatch. It is 8:45; the practice starts at 9.
I walk up to the football field where we practice sports. I go through the entrance and head over to my friends. “Hey” I say greeting them “ hey” the both say. We sit down and watch the boys play football. They have been here since six this morning practicing. My friends both have a crush either on Josh or Madison. I am happy for them. I lean back and watch.
Football is not really my thing but I don’t mind watching. I hear Simone bring up Antonio and I listen.
“ Personally I think he is fine” she said to Nattily.
“ Well I think he is full of it,” she counters. “ He acts like he is better than us”
“ I don’t think that” Simone Argues. “ What do you think Eris?”
They both turn and look at me.
“ I think we shouldn’t even judge him” I say after a moment.” I mean he only just came yesterday and all he did was volunteer to tryout in track and make the b ball team” I have no idea what I am saying but I keep going.” I mean sure he was giving Madison some nasty looks and all but we…” I don’t even finish. Simone is rambling on about him now.
“ Why is he trying to start something with Madison? He ain’t do nothing to him.”
I shake my head at head improper English. I look at her and say, “ Madison wasn’t such a nice lad yesterday either.”
“ Well he probably started it. Oh now I can’t stand him” She argues.
“ Simone it is not all his fault. It takes two not one but two people to argue. Now let’s just watch the practice. Simone, why don’t you teach us some of your Cheerleading moves while the boys to finish?” I suggest changing the subject.
I really don’t want to argue. I too busy thinking about Antonio Banks. How could he know who I am? I haven’t even told Simone or Nattily but he figured it out. Ugh I can’t figure this boy out. He is really annoying and arrogant by the way he acts around me but I am not sure. He is truly hiding something and maybe I’ll figure it out.
I sit, lost in thought. I think about when I was a child, how I used to bring trouble on my brothers and sisters. I felt guilty then but I grew used to it. That caring good part must have still been in me for me to change my ways. Though sometimes it feels like I am still the same evil person.
By the time the boys’ football practice ends I have already made my decision. I will confront Hera and Zeus and ask why do I feel the same. I mean I have more choices but I still feel that evil side of me.
The boys walk over and wave. I see Randy Alden the track coach’s son. I really am starting to like him a lot. I mean he is cute, funny, and straightforward and he gets straight A’s. Not to mention he is a body builder. I smile at him and wave. He waves back. I was thinking about asking him to go to a party with me. I heard rumors about him wanting to go with me but I don’t beg after a boy. If he wants me he needs to ask. I don’t play rumors.
I see Madison and Josh walking from the locker room. They head towards us. I see Nattily and Simone gushing and whispering. They make space for them but they sit beside me. I say nothing except, “ Hey” they reply back and ask how did about the exam coming up.
“ I think the biology one will be tough but literature will be a breeze.” I answer.
“ Yeah cause I heard that you have a reading speed that a 12th grade would have.” Says Randy coming past us.
I smile a wide grin. I see a lot of girls walking behind him. I look at my friends and see them talking. Josh looks like he wants to punch someone and Madison looks ready to fight also.
I check my stopwatch again 9:00 am. Where is Antonio? We have tryouts and practice in lie 30 minutes. I see that Madison has noticed me checking my watch.
“ No worries” he tells me, “ He probably doesn’t take you seriously.”
“ Well he said he would tryout” I say, “ Maybe he is just running behind”
Soon we see a red Mercedes pull up. Antonio hopes out and runs towards us. I wave to get his attention. As he makes his way over here I shift and kick Nattily so she could move so he could sit. She doesn’t mind and scoots over. He sits on the bleacher below me.
“ Hey guys,” he says to everyone.
“ Hey” we all reply in unison.
I see Randy again coming over to me. He sits beside me. I know for sure he’ll probably be on one of the teams I am on.
We talk and text to each other while we wait for the practice to start. Soon we see coach come out. She pulls out her handy dandy notebook and starts off by saying “ Good morning track stars. We have a lot of things to do today. First we have tryouts. Antonio, Madison and Josh will race first. Meanwhile Kristy, Susan and Rob will race.”
I sigh and shake my head. This could only mean trouble. I look at the ground for a while then Randy Brush against me. I jerk up in surprise. He looks embarrassed. I laugh. I sit back and watch the races.
Madison so far is ahead with Antonio just behind. Josh is behind but catching up quickly. Son they are in the range of the finish line. All three push harder but Madison makes it. I smile a little. He is my friend so I am happy he made it.

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