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Rated: · Campfire Creative · Other · Action/Adventure · #1521480
Creative Writing using words from a mutually played Scrabble game
The words are from Scrabble games that we are playing together, just maybe not ALL together. Use the following words (updated regularly with additional game words) to create a story:


Once a word has been used, I'll remove it so that it's easier for us to keep track.
Oh, Lordy. HERE WE GO!

I knew when I saw my friend Lena she was losing her mind. She walked in circles with SNOT running down her face and SHIT on her shirt, mumbling something about being COCKLED. I couldn't make out the rest of what she said, but I was sure that it couldn't be good.
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I nudged Lena to talk to her, but she was in a DAZE. She was walking around like she had seen a ghost.

She just stared at me and she finally spoke. She said, "I just saw my DAD with a turkey and some canned ham in his hand."

You see, Lena's Dad had a pet turkey name Ted and he loved canned Ham so it was all that weird to witness such a siight...the weird part was, Lena's dad has been dad for 4 years!

He died in a freak...
combine accident caused by a FAWN. It was a balmy June afternoon on the wheat fields of the farm where Lena's dad worked. Ted was along for the ride in while Lena's dad harvested through the COURSELY wheat field. Ted had been begging Lena's dad to let him drive..just once. Finally, Lena's dad gave in and let the turkey drive. That's when all hell broke loose.
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Ted jumped into the driver's seat. As he drove through the field Lena's dad yelled out "watch out for the fertilizer". Ted tried to hit the breaks but couldn't reach it because his SARK had caught in the door. The fertilizer loomed closer and the combine's speed increased! Ted opened the door and flung himself out--- the combine barrelled into the fertilizer and the loud impact caused Ted's bladder to release. The UREAL hit the fertilizer causing an explosion...
A WAVE of EARWIGS came pouring out of the fertilizer bin, causing Ted to be blinded momentarily as he tried to make his way to the combine and Lena's dad. By the time he was able to get there, it was too late. The combine accident had set off a chain reaction. First, the fertilizer bin exploded, and it caused the EARWIGS to burst out. The EARWIGs startled a bull grazing nearby, and he stampeded, which caused all of the sheep in a nearby paddock to start bleating and baaing. The sound of the sheep woke the ducks, and they waddled into a dirt road running alongside the field, which startled a FAWN, causing her to run into a large hay bail, which promptly began to roll, crushing Lena's dad, and smothering him to death. It was a sad, sad day.

So, for Lena, seeing her dad with a turkey in one hand and a canned ham in the other might not have been unusual, were he still alive.
Since Lena was looking a bit FROWZY, I quickly approached her to console her and to help get her cleaned up. We were in NAPA auto parts store for crying out loud. I was there looking for heavy duty air freshener since there was a GROSS ODOR in my car. I had no idea why Lena was there. Looking back now...I wish I would have never asked!!!
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I quickly set down the air freshener allowing Lena to SAG into my arms. She let out a loud sob, and I noticed everyone was looking at us like we were CRAZY. I decided we better SCRAM before attracting any more attention. I took Lena to the closest place I could think of; GINNY's House of PIES so she could explain why she was at NAPA, and what I could do to help.
Once we were comfortable in a booth at GINNY's, I asked Lena what was going on. Her story was a sordid one.

The night before, she had a tooth ACHE and stayed in to watch some SITCOMS. Suddenly, an ACORN flew through her front window, and startled her. Assuming it was some crazed squirrel, Lena taped over the hole and resumed watching TV. About a half hour later, she heard a BAA on her front porch and went to investigate. When she opened the door, there was nothing there. Whatever made the sound had VANISHed.
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Or did it? Lena sat back down and started to rest her eyes, when she heard something say "SI. Hey, SI!" When Lena looked down there was a Mexican Igunia staring back at her! It just kept repeating the word SI. "What did it mean", Lena thought to her self?
So, as I was eating my piece of rubarb pie fresh from the OVEN, I sat there in awe as Lena continued telling her story.

After Lena heard the mysterious "SI, SI, SI" come out of the Mexican Iguana's mouth, the creature suddenly stood on it's hind legs and displayed a mysterious tattoo in the shape of a square. Lena immediately knew what is was thanks to the EDGY Chinese man she once dated. The symbol was none other than the imfamous QI symbol which means, "air" or "breath" in ancient Chinese culture. Then suddenly she noticed a PIBAL flying above them recording every move her and the iguana were making.
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Lena gestured to and FRO to get the Mexican Iguana to shut his YAP, but he was so INFLAMEd he didn't notice her gestures or the PIBAL. Lena had a sneaking suspicion that if things kept going this way ETHNICS would show up with KNIVES. Lena's mind was racing trying to figure out what to do just when her old friend Jesus Carlos Jorge Corona Rodriguez waked in, and boy was she GLAD to see him

Jesus Carlos Jorge Corona Rodriguez and Lena grew up together in El Paso, Texas. Jesus Carlos Jorge Corona Rodriguez had been the star wrestler at El Paso Senior High (class of '92), and was now a famous Mexican Wrestler. The MEDIA had dubbed him Mexicano Mojado. Mexicano Mojado was very famous in Mexico and was considered a God in Germany, second only to David Hasslehoff.

Jesus Carlos Jorge Corona Rodriguez would surely be able to figure out what was going on with the Mexican Iguana with Chinese tattoos!
Once the Mexican Mojado had settled in, Lena told him about the BAA she heard earlier, since he knew about the PIBAL and the iguana, he was all caught up.

Jesus Carlos Jorge Corona Rodriguez saw the WOE in Lena's eyes and began to JOT down the details. Lena noticed that he seemed a bit EDGY while he was taking notes. His WAVY hair stood almost on end. That's when Lena began to suspect that Jesus Carlos Jorge Corona Rodriguez might be involved in the whole thing. She realized that he had not one IOTA of a reason to be at her house, but he just happened to show up when the PIBAL was there. She YEARNED to trust him, but was not sure she could.
Suddenly, Jesus Carlos Jorge Coraona Rodriguez started fidgeting like a QUAIL addicted to SCAG that was OVULATing. He started sweating profusely as if he his face had EDEMA when suddenly a chunk of his nose fell to the FLOOR! 'What the heck?', thought Lena. Then, out of nowhere Lena saw a feather fly through the air. That was when Mexican Mojado peeled off his face, unzipped his outfit and out came Ted who had been disguised as Lena's good friend from El Paso.

"What are you doing here, Ted?????"
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Ted muttered something in Spanish to the Mexican Iguana. Lena doesn't speak spanish but she knew he said something about an OX. Lena asked Ted again what he was doing there dressed as her friend Jesus Carlos Jorge Coraona Rodriguez , the Mexian Mojado.

Ted said ther was no time to explain, he grabbed Lena's hand and rushed out the door to the waiting TAXIMEN. Lena's JAW dropped as Ted instructed the taxi driver to take them to the ZA CAVE.
The ZA CAVE was trendy, and the clientele was SNOTTY. On the way, Ted made Lena change into some strange GARB, explaining that she'd need it to get in.

What they could possibly have to do there was beyond Lena's wildest dreams! When they arrived at the double HELIX-shaped club, Ted strutted like a TOMCAT to the front door. Once Ted UNHOODed the doormen, they let the odd couple slip into the club.

Ted and Lena headed toward the back of the club. He instructed Lena to keep her face covered by the VEIL she was wearing. They sat in a booth and SIPped some champagne, and Lena demanded an explanation.
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Ted sat Lena down in the Olsen Twins booth and started explaning everything. He first asked Lena to just listen to his story and not jump to any conclusion. He started in on the story, "It was a night, just like tonight. We were at the all you can eat Chinese Buffet because your dad was a big EATER and he loved Moo Goo Gai Pan. Your father was just about to take his first bite when he noticed the QI symbol in his soy sauce. Your father slowly put down his fork and said...
"Ted, I know this sounds TRAGIC, but if anything ever happens to me, such as a MAJOR accident like eating MINCY BEEF with NODULEs or a THORNILY PAIL hitting me over the head and i suddenly die, I want you to have everything."

So you see Lena, Ted WALED, I brought you here to explain to you that you need to give me your inheritence. Your father clearly didn't have time to change his will before untimely and SHADy death!
A Non-Existent User
Lena stared silently at Ted, her mind racing. Was her father's death really an accident?? Did Ted crash the truck on purpose? What did the Mexican Iguana and the PIBAL have to do with all this? Where was the real Jesus Carlos Jorge Corona Rodriguez?

Lena decided there was no one SHADIER than this turkey. Lena knew she needed to get away from Ted and alert the authorities, but the CORRUPT look in his eyes told her she needed to watch her step. She had to play this cool, or she would have an "accident" too.

While Lena wanted to scream YOW! and knock Ted to the FLOOR, she kept her cool. She took a deep breath and said; "Ted, my father's DEATH was a MAJOR blow to both of us. I want his wishes to be met just as much as you do. I know there will be inheritance TAXES and I'll try to help with those. We can't transfer anything just now because I have to be at a TAPING of the NEON With Nina show on HSN in 15 minutes. We should meet later to hash all of this out."

Under the table, Lena crossed her fingers, hoping Ted would buy her story, giving her time to NOTIFY the authorities and activate her emergency SUBmarine, in case she had to run.

Ted CHEWed on his ice, and finally decided that Lena was being honest. He agreed to meet her the next day at her father's favorite spot.
A Non-Existent User
The minute Ted and Lena left the bar, Lena made a fast dash to the authorities. She sat down with officer Otto and his partner SANDY to give them the 411 on this shady turkey named Ted.

It was to Lena's surprise, Otto and SANDY knew excatly who Ted was. They were ready to catch this bird red handed! Lena told them they were giong to meet at her dads favorite spot, the POLAR TIKI LEAF at his favorite table directly under the Mirrored Saddle Ball.

Otto and SANDY told Lena not to worry...they were going to

get to the bottom of this crazed turkey's motivation.

"Wait a freakin minute" as I interrupted Lena telling this ridiculous story as we were both still nestled in the cozy booth a Ginny's. I shoved the IXORA centerpiece aside, looked at my FOSSIL watch and informed Lena that I was late for a meeting with my fellow FOODIES at a local SUB shop and that I needed to go. I needed to get as far away as possible before I got ZAPped into this mess further than I wanted to be.

"You're not going anywhere!" I am NOT finished!
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I was unable to keep the WAIL of dispair from escaping my lips.

I allowed Lena to TAKE my hand as she continued with the story. Lena said Officer Otto and his partner SANDY wanted her to wear a wire for her meeting with Ted. They told her she had to get Ted to confess to the murder of her father.

A few hours before her meeting with Ted, the officers attached the wire to Lena and sent her own her way. Lena left the police station, but no one was expecting the heavy RAINS. Lena goat soaked and the wire malfunctioned giving her a ZAP that sent her to her knees. While the ZAP was painful Lena knew she had to get to the meeting place.

Lena entered the POLAR TIKI LEAF and saw Ted sitting under the Mirrored Saddle Ball. She approached him, and tried to act casual, just as she was about to sit down the malfcuntioning wire ZAPped her again anf she screamed.

Ted jumped up...
and asked Lena if she was OK.

"I'm fine, just being a GOOF", Lena said. Ted told her that he thought she had run away to ALASKA. Lena QUIPped that she preferred SANDY beaches, and did not have a YEN for ALASKA's cold drafts and salmon sandwiches.

Ted seemed appeased that her jolting scream was just her silliness, and he settled back down into the booth. "It's a SOAKER out there", he said.

Lena was nervous, but pretended her shivers were from the rain and cold. If only her favorite PONY, KitKAT were here, she would ride away from all of this.

Lena stared nervously across the table at Ted, wondering where this would go, and racking her brain to think of how she was going to get him to say something incriminating on the police wiretap.

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