Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1516105-Rebellious-Souls
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1516105
A group of rough teens from broken homes are force to attend a mysterious program.
A group of rebellious teens from broken homes have committed numerous crimes, from robbing, car theft, vandalism, and more. They have gone to jail and have been in and out of court numerous of times. Each teen is from different parts of America,and unfortunately they keep getting the same judge. The judge is furious and tired of seeing the same kid coming inside of his court room with ridiculous charges. The judges will be giving them one last chance to change their ways before he sentence them to years in prison, he's ordering them to go to a program called "The Reconstruction of The Mind" its located in Arizona in the middle of nowhere. The only thing surrounding it are the woods, and an open sky. Eventually they will start to see that the program isn't for changes at all.

*Now for the rules of this campfire, there's not much:

1.) You only get a week to post your story and than you will be skipped.
2.) There can be profanity, but lets not get too dirty with it.
3.) Stick to the story, don't add nothing crazy like "Than Jane began to develop powers."
4.) Their ages can range from 17-22

Name: Harmonie Calvino
Age: 22
Description: Harmonie is Italian, she has a dark tan. Her eyes are hazel with a tint of green. Harmonie keeps her hair cut at chin level dyed jet black, she always has it pulled in a ponytail with a few strings dangling in her face. She's 5"4 and slim, Harmonie has 5 piercings. two in each ear and one in her nose. She has a black colored heart with a dagger through it tattooed on her right breast, she only wears black polo shirts that squeeze her size, mini skirt jeans wearing black leggings underneath them. With low top black converse shoes on her feet.
City/State: Fairfax, VA

Tuesday morning Harmonie was awoken with her room door kicked in by her drunken father, "Get the hell out of bed and go do something with your life! You spoiled little bitch!" Harmonie woke up and looked over at her father, she turned over and just pulled her blanket back over her head. Harmonie father stumbled over towards her bed and yanked her blanket back from off her, he turned her over and on her back and got on top of her holding her hands down. "Get the fuck off of me!" Harmonie yelled, while struggling to get free. "I said get the fuck out of bed, didn't I?" Harmonie father lend into her and licked the side of her face, "You taste just like shit and that's exactly what you are nothing but shit, get the hell out of my house!" Harmonie father got off the top of her and pulled her from out of bed, he slung her into the wall and stumbled out of her room. Harmonie wiped the tears she held back and ran to her closet, she got dress and grabbed her black backpack that has the godfather face patched on the front of it. She ran to her bed and looked underneath and grabbed a 9mm gun and threw it in her backpack. Harmonie went to her window and jumped out and started running down the street, she ran up to a bar and walked inside. Harmonie grabbed a stool and asked for a shot of hennessy, the bartender walked up to her with her drink in his hand. "I.D. please?" Harmonie rolled her eyes and stood up snatching the 9mm out of her backpack, she swung it in his face. "Here's my damn I.D. you bastard!" the bartender dropped the glass in shocked. "Whoa!" the bartender said. "You remind me of my fucked up father, always demanding." Harmonie yelled. "Freeze! Drop the gun kid!" Harmonie turned around slowly and seen a undercover cop standing right behind her with a 9mm staring her in the face. "Fuck." Harmonie said under her breathe. She slowly kneel down to the ground and place the gun down gently, the cop grabbed her up and placed her under arrest. She was held in a holding cell for two days before seeing the judge, Harmonie was awoken at 5am in the morning by a police guard instructing her to get dress. "Judge Mathews is ready to see you." Harmonie rolled her eyes, "Not him again." she said under her breathe. Harmonie threw on her orange jumpsuit and turned around so that the police guard could place the handcuffs on her. As she sat in the court room waiting for Judge Mathews to show up, her stomach started bothering her. It felt like butterflies attacking her stomach, she just knew something bad was going to happen or be said. "All rise!" the police guard yelled. Harmonie stood up and took a deep breathe, "Please be seated." The judge said sitting down, he slowly looked up and shook his head at the sight of Harmonie sitting there handcuffed. "Harmonie stand up and approach my bench." Judge Mathews said. Harmonie did so, "I will say this once kid because I'm tired of your face and your actions to this community, this won't be a trail of how long I should put you away for your ignorance. I'm ordering you to a program that would change even the most ignorance person like yourself in a heart beat. It's called The Reconstruction of The Mind, they can handle you better than prison. I have a plane ticket waiting for you at the airport, you'll be leaving at 5 this afternoon. I don't want you to say a word, just don't appear in this court room again. God please don't, I don't know who screwed you up like this. But learn to forgive and move on. Now turn around and leave this court room for good, good luck." Judge Mathews stated as he nodded to have the police guard escort her out of the court room.
The guard walked over to Harmonie and took her by the arm, while she was handcuffed and yanked her to him.

"Proceed forward with me." the guard stated

Harmonie rolled her eyes and did as he said, besides there's nothing else she could do at the moment. The exit the building and there was a huge silver bus with tinted black windows waiting outside the court house. Harmonie could hear others on there chitchatting away, she looked up at the judge.

"I thought the judge said I got until five o'clock?" Harmonie said with an attitutde.

The guard looked down at her and looked her straight in the eyes smiling.

"I guess your time is up." the guard said giggling alittle.

"But I haven't packed any clothes or anything!" Harmonie yelled.

"They're have clothes for you animals, a bed, food, and everything you need there just like at home. Except you won't be as happy." the guard said, as he started laughing.

He pushed Harmonie towards the bus, and she stopped at the entrance of the bus looking down at the four steps that will lead to hell.

"Are you going to uncuff me?" Harmonie asked.

"No, all of yall will continue to stay in your handcuffs until you reach destination. Have a nice trip." the guard said and walked off.

Harmonie turned around quick to complain about how uncomfortable it will be the whole trip there in handcuffs. But he was gone.

"Hey brat! Get on the bus we're alittle behind shcedule." the busdriver said, with gray hairs sticking out of his ears. He looked as if he seen a ghost as pale as he looks.

Harmonie steped on the bus and to her surprise there weren't that many students on the bus, she could count four heads so far. Harmonie walked all the way to the back of the bus and sat down kinda sideways and lend against the window. "It's impossible to get comfortble in these things." She thought to herself.

The bus driver close the door and headed towards the highway.

"I hope yall are ready, because we have a few more animals to pick up to join yall. Than its free sailing here on out. Yall are in for such a treat!" the bus driver said, laughing.
Name: Shane Wallace

Age: 20

Description: Shane is scotish and has a heavy accent. He has green eyes and has short messy brown hair. He is 6"5' and has an average build. He has scars on his hands, arms, and a few on his face from many fights he's been in during high school before he dropped out. He usually wears loose and baggy clothes since it's easy to hide weapons in them and he usually wears steel-toed boots. He's always preferred to be alone most of his life.

City: Bossier City, LA


Shane looked up at Judge Benson, smirking at the look in his eyes, "What's wrong, your Honor, you look a little purple," Shane said, turning Judge Benson's face a darker shade of purple.

"You good for nothing-," the judge stopped, closing his eyes, "I'm tired of seeing you in my courtroom. I'm placing you in a new program, it's called The Reconstruction of The Mind. It's obvious prison won't do anything for you, maybe this will keep you out of my sight."

Shane stood up confused as the guard lead him out to his holding cell, "The bus for you will be here in a few days, until then, you're staying in here," the guard said as he pushed him roughly into the cell.

Shane went straight to the bed and laid down. He fell asleep almost immediately thinking about what he did to get here, he smiled at the memory.


The car was a beauty, it was just sitting there, asking to be taken. A 1969 Dodge Charger, a perfect example of american muscle. It was just sitting in this guy's driveway calling to him. Shane walked up to it, sliding his hand on the hood, getting a feel for it. He would be driving it soon, very soon.

He looked around making sure no one was watching, and cleanly broke the window. These old cars always have shattering windows, Shane thought with a smile. He got in the drivers seat did a few tricks and got the car started in a matter of seconds. The engine was loud and powerful, good for speed.

He drove the car around a bit, getting a feel for it. Then, he went on the interstate and floored it, pushing the beauty as fast as it could go. He was reaching 90 mph when he heard sirens chasing him. Shane smiled, looks like the fun was about to begin. He pushed the car faster.
(It shouldn't be my turn again without some other adds...)

The squel of the tires filled Shane's ears. He misjudged the police. He didn't think they would hurt this beauty. He was always able to get out of being pitted but going over 100 mph made it difficult. The car turned sidways, fish-tailing. It was at that time that the road decided to put a pot hole in front of the car.

Shane saw it, "Ah, shit," he said just as the car started rolling.


Shane woke up to the sound of the cell opening, "Wake up, time to go," the guard said. He push Shane roughly towards the doors. The bus wasn't very impressive, Shane wasn't going to let that pass.

"You know, I can get a better ride if you want, shouldn't be too hard," He said humorlessly.

The guard said nothing,"You're no fun man," Shane said.

The guard smiled, "We'll see how much fun it is for you when you get to where you're going. Now git yourself on the damn bus."

Shane climbed into the bus, there were three people on already. The fourth person, Shane never liked that number. He walked almost to the back of the bus, sitting in the seat where the hump from the back wheels was. He sat with his back against the window and closed his eyes, "Hate bus rides," he said, fiddling with his hand cuffs.


Shane woke up when the bus stopped again, he kept his eyes closed, trying to go back to sleep. He heard someone walk past him and flop down in the back.

"I hope yall are ready, because we have a few more animals to pick up to join yall. Than its free sailing here on out. Yall are in for such a treat!" the bus driver said, laughing.

"Treat, my ass," Shane mumbled.

© Copyright 2009 mscalvino, Taiah, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1516105-Rebellious-Souls