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Momo and her new family are in Japan. Can Momo come to terms with her past? |
I haven't got much to say becuase this story is made by the same people who always make these stories. Basicly Momo, her adopted daughter Ryu and pet dog Lir, are in Tokyo hoping to find, Momo's father and Ryu's little brother. While searching through Japan they find some rather... disturbing things like brothels full of chimera prostitutes known as 'Heavy Petting Zoos', violent chimera pornogrphy and other things that potray Chimera as sex objects for human plesure. If you can't tell I'm sarcasticly jabbing at the furry fandom and its overuse of 'yiffiness' visit Yiffstar.com for an idea at what I'm jabbing at http://orcas.yiffstar.com/index.yiff?pid= And for a snippet of just how too much overuse of 'yiffiness' please read one of my 'favorite' stories here's a link http://orcas.yiffstar.com/?pid=38715 Yeah... screwed up Have fun! |
Momo was walking home from the grocery store, she walked in her triceratops form, as she felt she no longer had to hide her scaly side from the rest of the world "Hey it's Tricera!" Said a young excitable voice Momo turned around to see a young blue haired boy "Tricera-Chan! I'm your biggest fan! Can I have your autograph?" "I'm terribly sorry." Momo said "I think you've got me confused with someone else." "Nope, you're Tricera-Chan, you're lover is Stego-Kun, My, name is Gengi, I watch the Tokyo Adult Entertainment Network." 'Oh great,' Momo thought 'He thinks I'm a porn star, maybe if I just sign his autograph he'll leave me alone.' She took his porno book and wrote her name "See?" She said "I signed it, Momo Kashi." "But you're name is Tricera." "No, It's Momo." "Can I glomp you?" The young boy asked "No that's alright..." She reached into her bag "Here I'll give you a candy bar if you promise not to touch me." "Sugoi!" Said Gengi "Tricera is Kawaii!" "Pardon me madame, is this boy bothering you?" A human cop came by "We've been looking for this boy, he's been arrested numerous times for stalking and sexual harrasment" |
Momo lips sucked up as she looked down at the boy and back at the cop. "He keeps mistaking me for someone from a porn network." she said. The copper slapped his head and looked down. "Oh yeah, his parents sure told me about his chimera porn addiction." he said. "Wait a chimera wha?" "Tokyo Adult Entertainment Network has special shows of Chimera Adult Movies. A studios paid TAEN millions of Yen for their Chimera Porn works to be put up on TAEN. The studios is also known to make incest and younger aged Chimera related porn movies." Momo was quite shocked to hear that these people would ever do such a thing! A studio like this! And paid the Adult Entertainment Network to put up such terrible things. "That's just madness!" The cop clipped the handcuffs on the kid and took him to the police car. "Tell me about it. My brother sure as hell has no approval to it even if he did like Chimeras. Name's Royato by the way." |
"Thank You Rayato." Momo said gratfully as she headed back to the apartment "Japan, has most certainly gone downhill since the last war.." Momo thought with disgust "While Europe and the U.S. are having a rennasance whilst Asia is having an Ani-rennasance it's not a rebirth, it's death! Decay!" She finally reached her apartment and unlocked the door. Lir was asleep on an armchair, Ryu was reading some manga on the sofa "Hi Ma!" Ryu said "Back already?" "Oh, it wasen't that long a walk." The dinosaur woman said cheerfully "I've got all the things we need for the week... And I got all the ingredants we need for tonights vegtatarian curry!" Lir stirred uneasily "Vegitarian?" He grumbled "Don't worry Lir, I know what you like so I got a pack of raw meat for you." She said as she put the groceries away She decided not to tell, Ryu or Lir about her...unfortunete experiance and what she had learned... She thought it would be too unpleasant... Meanwhile at the studio responisable for making those ghastly chimera porn films were busy. The boss of the studio a creul young woman named Konga was berating her underlings. "We need two things to make more money!" She yelled "We need younger stars and we need more exotic species! The Japenese public want variety! They won't settle for ordanary dogs, cats or rabbits!" "Yes Miss Konga!" Said her bumbling henchmen Mr. Yokoono "One of our methods, Is through our sister coorperations in the States, our good friend Dr. Milo, in Gotham helps us by abducting teenage and younger chimera and trafficing them to Japan." "Wonderful thinking Miss Konga." Said her henchman "Let's place in are order, We'll have 17 big cats, 21 wolves, 12 foxes..." "Fool! It doesen't work like that!" Konga screeched "Dr. Milo can only send us what he can catch! Chimera hunting is a risky buissness! You have to catch them when they're alone sneak up on them!" |
They all nooded in agreement and tried their best to think. "I got an idea!" said one of Konga's henchman. "We can hypnotise them!" Everyone all stared blankly at the man and Konga snickered and roared with laughter. "That has got to be the stupidest unrealistic idea yet!" she yelled. "But I like it. IF we COULD find a way to hypnotise them it will be a synch!" One of Konga's secretaries stood up. "I got one lead Miss Konga! We could use Rodgert's hypnotic bat powers!" Everyone all jumped up all mummering. "Excellent! I want him here now! And I want to know what kind of species that will surely sky rocket out funds to the roofs." "Dragons! Dinosaurs! Endangered species!" everyone was yelling in order about the leads. Soon the whole room was storming with chatter. Miss Konga clicked her nails together and smirked. 'This will be a beautiful year.' she thought to herself. |
After Ryu and Lir had gone to bed, Momo turned on the TV in her room to see what this, 'chimera porn' was all about. "We now retern to Animal Week TAEN." Said the smoky voiced anouncer "Tonight we bring you Konga Studios first production Attack of the Guzzlers!" "Eww no! I don't even want to know what that movie is!" Momo quickly turned off the set. She fell back onto the bed "I wish I were back in the States." She murmured "This is no longer the land of the rising sun but of eternal midnight!" Meanwhile back in the states, a young blue dragon chimera (No not Shelly) was getting ready for her wedding. Her name was Lea Draco, and she was about to marry Taren son of Gargomel. Unlike mammals and birds, Dragons and reptiles were among the few creatures who practiced arranged marriage! Not every dragon family did so, it was mostly amoung the richest most aristocratic dragons. The mammals and birds thought such a practice was barbaric, imposing on the rights of children, the reptiles on the other hand saw it as nessicarry to form unions with other famlies or clans as chimera called them. Lea didn't feel ready to get married so after the bachalerette party she jumped in her sports car and drove away, she didn't even know where she was going, she just wanted to be 'away.' Suddenly! A giant bat chimera flew at her! Lea's car skidded of the road into a tree, fortunetly her airbag deployed and she fainted from the fright. Dr. Milo peered at her coming closer and closer, "A dragoness! Just what Konga ordered!" He removed her from the car, and bound her hand and foot and put her in the back of his SUV |
"And I thought this was going to be tough." he said dusting off his hands. Dr. Milo got into the SUV and drove off towards another location. Taren was depressed the whole day. Left without saying anything. Lea didn't want to get married... Why didn't she say anything then? "Son? Are you ok?" said Gargomel sitting next to him and hugging him. Tears streamed down his eyes as he hugged his father tightly. It was the most unfortunate day that ever happened in Gargomel's clan. "Its... Its... I don't know what to do now.... She left... And she didn't even say a word...." he said crying into Gargomel's arms. |
"Perhaps it is my fault." Gargomel sighed..."I don't think I should've supported arranged marriage. My marriage wasen't arranged so why should my childen's be so? Unfortunetly the Dragon council had a lot of sway over me, and I supported them." Taren sighed "I think I need to meditate to clear my head, I'll be in the dark room." With that Taren left, his scaly tail dragging on the floor, his wings limp as petals. The next day. Momo had a suprise for Ryu, "I know it's a little bit after Christmas.."Momo said reaching into her bag "But I saw this at the store and thought of you." She pulled out a copy of Animal Crossing:City Folk "OMG!" Ryu cried "How did you know?" "You seemed to slip the word's animal crossing in your sentence every half hour for the past two monthes" "Oh Thank you!" While Ryu was happy... Poor Lea was not... "Rise and shine, Fire Breath!" Said a large hulking brute "Where am I?" Lea asked "Where you are is not important, but who you are is most certainly so..." Konga walked into the scene, she was wearing a leather bakini, fishnet hoes and carried a whip! "OH NO A DOMMINATRIX!" Lea screamed |
Konga groaned and slapped her forhead. "No you fool! Well almost close anyways. Im a Porn Producer and I get Chimeras to work for me in the studios weather they like it or not!" sh said. "Well I still ain't going to!" Konga laughed and snapped her fingers summoning Dr. Milo into the scene. "Dr. Milo? I think its time for a little hypnotism?" Dr. Milo grinned and stared into Lea's eyes. Lea gasped and tried to back away until he was caught by his red swirling eyes. She began to feel drowsy and tired almost. "Now look into my eyes... Hear my sonic voice.... You will do whatever mistress Konga demands." Back with the others, Momo said to Lir and Ryu that they were going out for dinner at the famous Raman and Sushi Parlor. Lir and Ryu taken a seat to sit as Ryu went up to the barstand and ordered a light drink to a bird chimera. "Right away mahm." he replied as he went off to the back room. There was a human besides her, and he was a heavy drinker. He had the smell of alcahol on him terribly. But it wasn't just that Momo smelled... It was mixed in depression and hatred. She couldn't face him in fear of making him feel bad. But once the human turned to face her, his face turned absolutely pale. "N-nononon...No...It couldn't be?" he said. Momo turned to face him now curious. "Im sorry sir?" she replied. "N-n-n-no its n-nothing... Its..." Hey got up, laid down his money on the desk and walked out side dropping his half full beer bottle. |
Momo felt a twinge of fear as if she had an idea but was afraid to think it through... Meanwhile at the porn studio Poor Little Lea was completly hypnotyzed! Her dark blue eyes had lost their pupils leaving only the iris behind! "OK I want this Dragoness, in a maid outfit in five minutes! Stego you're with me!" Konga often starred in her own productions often with a male chimera co-star, Konga seemed to have a thing for large speices, she has had sex with wolves, eagles, orcas, tigers, horses, kangaroos,bears, aligators, elephants and dragons! Yeah, she's been around the block a few times Lea did not fight as they slipped her into her French Maid outfit, And as they prepared for the first scene Lea was incapaple of escaping the mind bubble she was trapped in!. Meanwhile Momo and Ryu headed home from dinner. "Is there something on your mind Ma?" Ryu asked "It's nothing." Momo said dismissivly.."Just tired". |
Stego came into the scene and smiled a bit almost bored. "Yes? Which scene we doing this time?" Lea couldn't feel anything around in her mind. She can still feel what was going on with her but she couldn't see anything as she was trapped in her mind. Continuing with Momo and the others, Lir and Ryu went into their room to play the Nintendo Wii witht he new Animal Crossing game. Momo was sitting on the couch wondering if what she heard from that man could have been a dream. One thing's for sure... He didn't seem upset anymore... He was almost afraid kinda. "Hmmm....Should...Should I head out? Do I really want to know what that man was?" she asked herself. |
Momo decided to Email her fellow teachers back at Gotham, to tell them how she was doing, and other such stuff. When she turned on her computer. The PC said "You have 1 unread messages" Momo clicked on the new message it said 'Something horrible has happened!' It read 'Lea Draco, a member of the cheerleading squad has gone missing! We believe she was kidnapped and taken to Asia based on some evidence we found around her crashed car' |
Momo gasped and almost fell from her seat. She knew Lea in one of her classroom she goes to. She and Tauren were having an arranged marriage. The message came from Greg, her friend. If she was taken to Asia, which country could she be in? The message also stated that most who were related to her also heard the reports. She emailed her back wanting to learn more details about it. "Come on Greg use that brain of yours what else did you find?" she said to herself. Meanwhile back at the studios, Konga laid her hand on Lea's hypnotised body and smirked devilishly. "Were going have a little 3 times the fun." she said. |
Konga laid The Dragoness on a silky bed she sat on Stego's lap in nothing but linagerie. "She's all yours Red!" Stego called From stage left entered a massive Red Pachycephalosaurus! 'Red' jammed his dino meat into Lea's mouth and she clamped down like a steel trap, While Red was busy, Konga and Stego the Stegosaurus laid down on the rug and began to 'make love' as they call it. Taren's meditation in Gotham was shattered as he tried to psychicly connect with Lea's mind whereever she was, When he felt Lea be penitrated he let out a scream and fainted! |
Gargomel quickly ran into the room hearing his scream only to find his son fainted. "TAREN!" he yelled. He ran to his side and picked him up. Red thrusted harder and faster into Lea roaring as she grips hold of her shoulders. Lea could feel her body being used. She could hear herself scream and moan feeling whatever was thrusting into her area. She couldn't see. But in fact she didn't want to see. She couldn't even imagine what else will go on. Red sped up faster in her roaring and ready to reach his climax. |
Lea fainted as they reached climax, a jet of seamen spooged all over her mouth, She lay limp and lifeless like a doll. "And Scene!" Konga said smiling. Momo and her family got a good night's sleep that night but Momo kept feeling a strange feeling of forboding... The next day they decided to drive to the apple orchard where Ryu's brother was rumored to live. (Can we take a break after this MS? I'm a bit tired) |
(Yeah we can. You don't need my permission this is your story. You can do whatever you want.) Momo pulled up to the spot where a building sign was read, Apple Orchard Orphanage, and there was what Ryu recgonized to be her little brother. Almost human except his color and scales. "Roy!" she called out happily. |
The apatosaurus child was speechless! "Is that really my big sister?" He asked They ran forth, like to shooting stars across a night sky... Meanwhile, Taren had woken up after his faint and suddenly his head thought clearly! "Lea is in Japan!" He declared "I could sense it from her thoughts!" |
Gargomel snapped his eyes opened hearing him. "Y-you sure?" he said. "Yes! Oh god father they did something to her... Her mind looked blank it looked like she was hypnotised!" The boy known as Roy cried onto Ryu's arms. Lir came over and joined in licking their faces. "Were all back together again!" he said. Ryu cried and snuggled her brother and dog. As if these days couldn't have gotten any better than this. Momo was happy and content to see her new family. "Ryu... Did you know about mom and dad's death too?" he said. "Yeah I had..." "...But... Were together now. And who's she?" "Her name's Momo Kashi. She's gonna be our new mom!" Roy looked up to her and almost blushed. "wow~! Triceritops~! Awesome~! Im Roy!" Momo kneeled down and huged the boy in her arms. She felt more happyness in her life then she did before. But it wasn't complete just yet. She felt something in her wasn't right. "Ok kids. First I got to sign Roy's release forms and he'll be in our home." Lir smiled and hugged Roy. "Oh its so good to see you ok kid~!" he said. |
(Ok the story needs to slow down a bit) Meanwhile Lea was resting on her bed in her chamber, she didn't want to think, she wanted her mind to be deleted as she couldn't prevent horrible things from happening to her Suddenly... she heard Taren's voice! "Lea! Lea!" The voice called "Gah! Don't scream like that!" Lea thought back "Sorry." Taren thought to her "I just wanted to tell you that I know where you are and we can help you." "How?" Lea asked "We know you're in Japan." He said "And Ms. Kashi is in Japan." Meanwhile After bringing Roy home and having a late dinner, Momo sent her family to bed and began her nightly ritual. After she had tucked herself into bed, she began to feel herself slip into a dream. Right away she knew it was no ordanary dream... It was going to be a Shadow Dream! A shadow dream is caused by shadow memories. All chimera have them even half-chimera do. These dreams can be lovely and wonderful beyond all reason but most of the time the dream is a nightmare. A shadow dream is basicly a dream where the chimera in question dreams of living in the wild as an ordanary animal. Even domestic animals are not immune. Momo knew she was in a shadow dream and learned from experiance that you can not prevent them or stop them as they happen. But you can try to master the dream and try to truly 'live' the shadow memory So... It started with herself as an ordanary Triceratops in the Mezozoic she was running through the twilight of the desert... The earth was cold. It seemed she was dreaming of the Mezozoic after the asteroid hit... She saw a grim prosseion of dinosaurs marching across the desert, desperate for food. |
At the end of the procession were the weakest dinosaurs, the old, the sick. They straggled way behind the others. Watching the procession were two Raptors, Beezle and Grace. The cold earth didn't bother them because now that the plant-eating dinosaurs were growing weak from lack of food, the meat-eating dinosaurs were growing strong from eating meat. The hunting had never been easier. "Look at that one," Beezle said. "He's so weak he's about to keel over. Shall we eat him while he's still fresh? I'm nopt a scavenger." Grace laughed. "You take the left leg and I'll take the right. We'll bring that one down without much of a fight." The Raptors closed quickly on the weakened Duckbill. It wailed and thrashed a bit, but was dead within minutes. Beezle and Grace ripped open his belly and bit at the warm flesh. Momo shuddered and almost woke up. Life in ancient times could be brutal. She wondered where the procession of dinosaurs was headed. Were they just blindly moving on, or did they know where they were going? |
She wandered across the dunes. for a while she felt no hunger or thirst because she had gone to bed with a full stomach. Suddenly her nose caught a familer scent. Tyrannosaurus Rex! She saw a female T-Rex with her brood of hatchlings. They were feeding on a rotted carcass. Acting more on instinct than reason. Momo let out a challenging bellow and charged! But the T-Rex was clearly ready for her. The T-Rex melely stepped to the side and avoided her horns. The Female Rex tried to bite her boney frill but lost a tooth in the prosses... Suddenly The Shadow Memories shattered! Once again Momo found herself in an Anthropomorphic form once more...She had woken up... "That's strange." Momo said "This has never happened to me before." She yawned and gracefully stretched... She went over to her computer and turned it on "You have one unread messages" The PC said Momo turned it on... It was from Greg. 'Momo, We have reason to believe the our lost cheerleader, Lea may be in Japan...Not far from you!' |
Momo almost fell from her seat when she got the message. Lea was in Japan! Tokyo to be precise! She had to find someway to report this to the police in Japan. But how will they believe her if they need other witnesses and leads? Then an idea strucked in her head. Maybe Rayoto may know. It was still night so she grabbed her coat and walked out the door not waking the others. As she walked down the dark streets of the night, lots of cars passed by and people rushing everywhere. Busy and most with late jobs. It was also rush hour traffic. But even in populated areas, the night is still dangerous. As she walked towards the area where she last encountered the kid that day, she looked around to find Rayoto hoping he would be here. But there was one thing that caught her eye. The same drunken man at the bar. Only this time he had no beer on him and was just staring at the ground. "Sir?" she called out. |
The man looked up with red-rimmed eyes. "Have you seen my Gengi?" "What?" Momo said. The name sounded familiar. "The police have my son in jail. They say he is a degenerate. Not true!" Momo forgot what she wanted to ask the man. She remembered the blue-haired boy that had thought she was a porn star. "I'm sorry about your son," she said and hurried away, forgetting for a moment what she wanted to ask him. She was halfway down the block before she remembered. |
Momo felt deep concern. Where could Rayoto be? Momo almost thought about going straight back home when she was stratled by a sudden noise! A young male human emerged from a small basement flat. He yawned sleeplily "Pardon me." Momo asked "Do you know where the police station is?" "It's a little farther down the block." The young man said "You can't miss it." Meanwhile. Lea was in her room starting another telepaphic conersation with Taren. "Why?" Taren asked "Why did you run away without saying a word to anyone?" |
(Ummm Steve.. if you read through the stories Twiga put up, you can tell there was a clue that that almost look alike homeless man could have been Momo's father. -_-) Lea went silent when he asked that question. She had hoped he didn't ask it. And she didn't want to hurt him neither. But now she already did, and this was a price she paid for running away. Being kidnapped by porn producers. "I was scared and not ready... But I was a fool.... Especially that day when I ran.... This is now my punishment I have to pay I guess..." she said. Momo finally got towards the police station when two unsuspecting males grabbed her from behind and dragged her towards the allyway. "Hey! Get off me! Help!" she tried to scream for help. One of them, a wolf, pushed her on the wall and looked at her lustfully. "Don't be a fool thinking anyone will come for you tonight Tricera. Your all ours now~!" he said. "Not that shit again! I am NOT Tricera! And let me go now you pervs or I'll scream louder!" The wolf threw her on the floor and got ontop of her. "Hey guys! Ready for that camera? Lets teach Tricera how real amatures do it!" the wold said. Two human males, one with a camera came closer towards her watching the wold and Triceritops. "STOP! LET ME GO!" Before she was about to be exposed, the same drunken man from the bar came into the alley way with a baseball bat and clonked the two boys out. The wolf turned around and growled. "Its always something!" The wolf jumped up and ran towards the man. With one hard jab, the old man smashed his bat towards his stomach making the wolf roar out a painful yell before collapsing. "Are you ok?" he asked her. Momo rebuttoned her shirt as she stood up. "Yes I am... Thanks... But... One question... Who are you?" The man looked away and covered his eyes with his hand. "Im...Im your father.... Momo... At first... I thought you were my wife, then came my child... I thought it was impossible... But I know its you Momo...." |
Momo didn't know what to say. Her first impulse was to believe him, but then she had another thought. Was this some kind of crazy scam? She wished it to be true, but life had taught her to be cautious. "How do you know I am your daughter?" Momo said. "Do you know how many times today people have mistaken me for someone else?" |
(I think there is a way to make both Steve's and MS's accounts work) "I met your mother Madu when I was a young man." Said the old man "We met in Japn in an apple orhcard." "Go on." Momo said "She got pregnant some 18 years ago... She gave birth to an egg, left in in an orphanage and in despair tried to drink away her troubles and died of Liver poisoning.." "Meanwhile back in Gotham the Teachers of the High School of Dr. Moreau gathered in the teacher's lounge. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Mr. Qauxo opened the door to find a gruff looking Crow Chimera in Private Eye, uniform "Greetings." The crow said "I am Detevetive Craw. I came here for information about the kidnapped dragon." All the teachers were glad the detective had finally arrived well... All of them except Jonathan Crane. He had never told this do anyone but he had a phobia of birds! Particuly crows! Jonathan sat quitly by himself trying not to look at the tall bird chimera but that Craw came up to him asking some questions. "Look at this piece of paper, does this mean anything to you?" The bird asked "Well actually... I don't know... OH I CAN"T TAKE IT!" Jonathan hopped out of his seat and ran out of the teacher's lounge. "Um... Did I miss something?" Greg asked |
Everyone made some coughs and grunts until Iris spoke up. "Ummm... What does that paper mean exactly anyways?" she asked. Craw sat down on his chair and laid the paper on the desk. "Well I don't know if any of you would like this but there has been a report from Japan about a studio parliment about a special deal with TEAN." he said. After hearing the story Momo fell to her bottom with tears streaming from her eyes. She always wanted to meet her mother but.... She was given up because of what she was or what her mother wanted. The old man kneeled down to her and hugged her. "Madu left you and me because... She didn't want to take burden on responsability when she fought in the revolution. I was only a teen when World War III happened... When I heard she was pregnent I was both surprised and happy. But the look on Madu, told me she was in pain.... I tried all I could to find you but... When I finally found you in America already taken by foster parents, there was nothing I could do. She... uttherly destroyed the data of your birth but left a note saying your name on it... Something I wanted to name you... Momo...." |
"After several years," Momo's father continued, "I married again, only to have my heart broken again when my wife left me. But she left our child behind, my son Gengi. For some years I could at least have a little happiness raising Gengi. But as he grew older he became difficult. I think because of not having a mother. Perhaps I was not as good a father as I could have been. I like to drink." He paused to sob and wipe his eyes with the back of his hands. "And now my heart has been broken again. The police have taken Gengi away. How could I not drink with all these troubles? Truly my life has been cursed! But- but not by you, of course. You are my little blessing. My little Momo. I am so happy to see you again." He smiled and his red eyes and ravaged face were truly pitiful to look at. Momo held his hand and for a moment neither of them said anything. Jonathan Crane sat alone at his desk with his head in his hands. "Birds!" he muttered and a shudder ran through him. |
Moimo cried into her fathers arms... How glad she was to see her father again! They slowly began to walk away. Huddled together like two doves. Meanwhile back in Gotham Taren came to the nerds. Pleading his heart out. "Lea's been abducted by porn producers!" He exclamed but we don't know who took her. Please! Please! Help us solve this mystery! You're the smart ones!" Pandora seemed annoyed "What about that detective crow?" She asked "Isn't he on the case?" "All he's got is dead ends" Taren said "Not a shred of go-anywhere." "Hmmm." Ichabod said "I suppose we could have a stake out where Lea was abducted." The nerds turned their eyes to Marzipan. "Uh... What are you looking at me for I well... " A few hours later Marzipan, Pandora, Ichabod and Rook were waiting in the woods where Lea was abducted. Marzipan was wearing a disco jacket, bell bottom pants and a pink and purple wig of 80's big hair. "I don't like it." Marzipan said folding her arms "Come on Marzi." Pandora said "We need to find out whose abducting chimera from Gotham. We'll rescue you if the going gets tough." Marzipan just sat down and started grooming herself cat-style. By licking her paw and rubbing her face with it. The other three waited behind a fallen tree waiting for the kidnapper to take the bait. Afterb an hour the four of them sighed and decided they best go home before it got really cold. All of a sudden a mysterious figure in black grabbed Marzipan from behind and put her in the back of a truck. Marzipan tried to resist but to no avail. Ichabod and Rook jumped in the truck with her before the kidnapper could see, and as the Dr. Milo (For that's who it was) Drove away. He decided he woulden't take his latest catch to Konga but store her in his secret underground lair. |
Milo took out his quick lunch and ate as he drove away towards the airport. Ichabod and Rook slowly and quietly set themselves up to look like props. Marzipan was still struggling a bit in the bag. "Shhh Marzi where here! We got it covered now." he said. "Once we head towards the airport, don't make any sudden moves if possible." replied Rook. Marzi sighed and smiled feeling a bit calmed now. She wondered if they were going to get out alive. After an hour of explenation of whats going on, The man known as Tanoka, rubbed his eyes and sighed heavily. "I hate that studios.... Genji always watches it and thinks I don't notice. he rebels against me when I catch him... I kept on drinking and drowning my problems...." he said. "But...My goodness kidnapping? Bribary? Incest? Konga studios surely has gone OFF the line drastically!" Momo nodded and sighed as they walked down the sidewalk towards the station. She knew one of her classmates were there, and after he told her father, he surely was disgusted. Using a kid? "That's why I was going to find Rayoto, and talk to him about this problem... I wanted to see if he can help me." she said. |
(Tanoka is Momo's father? Who is Rayoto?) Dr Milo pulled up to the unloading dock at the airport. When he opened the door of the van he immediately saw Rook and Ichabod and slammed the door shut again. He jumped back in the van and got it moving. "Uh oh," Rook said. "He knows we're back here now." Ichabod nodded. "Yeah. I wonder where he's taking us now?" Marzi struggled in the bag. "What is it? What's happened?" Rook and Ichabod untied the bag. "You might as well get out of the bag, Marzi. He knows we're all back here." Marzi climbed out of the sack and said, "What are we going to do?" Rook chuckled. "I guess the cat's out of the bag." Ichabod and Marzi just stared at him. |
(Rayoto is a random policeman) Dr. Milo drove out of the airport into his secret undergroung lair filled with secret underground gadgets! There weren't just gadgets there were chimera too! Chimera in cramped cages and pens. there mammal chimera, bird chimera and reptile chimera. Dr. Milo stopped and parked. He opened the truck and took out a lasso and roped Rook around the neck. Ichabod and Marzi grabbed their fox friend but Dr. Milo was too strong and ripped poor Rook off his feet. The chimera in the cages all around them watched and seemingly smirked and snickered most of these chimera were not good honest citizens but thieves, prostitutes and other riff-raff "Well well." Sighed a pig chimera "Fancy that. Looks like the the Sububanites are joining us City Trash in this little hell hole " Marzipan attempted to bite Milo but he took out a taser and electrocuted her "You two are too common to be sent to Konga." He said "But still too good to be thrown out with the garbage so you'll just have to wait here a bit until I can acution you off." He took all three of them fastened chains to their wrists and after he was through putting them in bondage he drove away. Ichabod fiddled with the chains on his wrists and felt the ground for a twig or needle or something to pick the lock with. "There must be a way out of here" "Oh there's a way alright..." Said the sarcastic pig. "There is?" Asked the chimera around him "Absolutly!" Said the swine. He pointed to the tousle headed ox "You'le go to North Korea." Then he pointed to the mute Platypus chimera "You'll go to Japan. And as for our dear Mimosa..." 'Mimosa' was a dinosaur chimera of the 'Godzilla' variety she had her clawed hands clapped over her ears trying not to hear the pig's unkind words.. When she opened her ears a bit.. The pig said "To Cuba..." |
Konga and Yakoono were having a heated discussion. "Yakoono, you bumbling idiot!" Konga said. "Where is the shipment from Milo?" "I am sorry, mistress," Yakoono said. "Milo says he has nothing of quality to send." "Quality! What does Milo know about qulaity! I decide what qualifies and what doesn't! Get Milo on the phone!" Yakoono put the call through. KONGA: Milo, you dope, where's my shipment? MILO: Uh, delayed I am afraid. KONGA: Delayed, my sweet ass! Get some Chimera over here now or feel my wrath on your ath. Your choice, Milo. How do you choose?" MILO: Um, I'll send you a shipment immediately. |
Luckily Ichabod had found a pin with which to pick the lock. He had to pick Rook and Marzi's locks first because he was the only one who knew how to pick a lock. Once Marzipan was free They heard the sound of Dr. Milo entering. Ichabod told both chimera to flee despite Marzi's protests. When Dr. Milo got to the ring of chains and cages he found that the fox and cat had escaped and only the skinny, ugly-as-three-days-of-bad-weather human was left. "Alright Pointdexter!" Milo growled "Where did that fox and cat go?" Ichabod merely shrugged innocently "If you don't tell me where they've gone I'm going to..." "...You're going to get punished by your boss for letting them escape." Ichabod said with smug satisfaction "SMART ALECK!" Milo screamed "I'll teach you to... " He was about to use his stick to beat poor Ichabod but decieded not to. Instead he undid Ichabod's chains and told him he was free to go, he even showed him the exit 'I'll just follow the boy and he'll show me where the chimera are.' he thought |
Meanwhile, Momo and Tanoka finally reached the station and walked inside. Not a lot of officers were in today. Either it was crackdown on delinquits or fights, either way it was almost quiet. They searched around hoping to find any officer that resembles Rayoto. It wasn't long until they accidentally bumped right into him when heading back in the lobby. "Oh Rayoto!" exclaimed Momo. Rayoto regained himself abit before replying. "Ah mrs Kashi. Nice to see you again! Is there anything you need?" he asked. |
Momo had forgotten how handsome Rayoto was. For a moment she was flustered. "Me? Need? Uh... I..." Tanoka tugged her sleeve. "Tell him!" As Ichabod hurried off to find Rook and Marzi he became aware of a shadow behind him, footsteps when there shouldn't be any footsteps. "That damn Milo," he muttered. "Following me! I'll show him just how tricky a Crane can be." Ichabod stopped to look in a store window. Then headed back the way he had come from. He chuckled to see Milo quickly enter a store to avoid being seen by Ichabod. Then Ichabod turned around again and ran as fast as he could and then quickly ducked into a store himself. He kept an eye on the window. Sure enough, a few seconds later Milo came hurrying past, a desperate look on his face. Ichabod had lost him. "May I help you?" the clerk said. Ichabod looked around. He was in a ladie's lingerie shop. Maybe he could buy something for Marzi. "Um... do you have something in black lace?" |
But then Ichabod remembered Marzipan was a tomboy she had never worn sexy ladie's undies in her entire life... And she wasen't about to start now. "A...neavermind." Ichabod said leaving the shop Meanwhile Momo had just finished telling the police Lea's story |
Rayoto shrugged as he rubbed the back of his head. He was unsure if he should believe this or not. The triceritops girl sure seemed truthfull and sure enough that she was telling the truth. He had to decide, and he chose to believe her story. "Mrs Kashi, well.... I believe you. But just telling the police won't do any good until good evidence is proven. But there are no investigators at the moment." he said. Momo sighed and looked down. "But Rayoto-San... We need you.... If anyone can't then please you help us here now." she said. Rayoto squished his nose with two of his fingers before smiling replying, "Ok Momo-Kun. I will do it. For you and for everyone who's the victim." |
Milo soon relized that Ichabod Crane had tricked him somehow. He sat down in a donut shop and drank a cup of coffee to get his brain working better. It looked like he would have to forget about those two chimera for now. He had more important things to do. If he didn't get a shipment of Chimera off to Konga immediately he would be in big trouble. He gulped down his coffee and ran back to his secret lair. Ichabod found Rook and Marzi hiding in a video arcade. "Zheesh!" Ichabod said. "What is this place? Some kind of time warp? I haven't seen games like this in years. Is that a Pac-Man game over there?" A man playing Frogger looked up. "They haven't put a new game in this place in fifteen years. It's great! I've been coming here since I was a kid. The place hasn't changed a bit!" Marzi and Rook and Ichabod looked at each other. "Let's get out of here," Marzi said. "This whole part of town gives me the creeps. Did you see that drive-in fast food place with waitresses on roller skates?" |
Momo got back home to her family with her father beside her. "I sould get going." Tanoka said "My..2nd wife is most likly waiting for me." "Well Good Night than." Momo said She crawled into her bed for a good night's sleep.... |
[But who ever has a good night's sleep in our stories? ![]() That night Momo had dreams, strange dreams... She was a girl with two fathers and the fathers were fighting over who would get custody of her. One Dad was a flesh-eating Tyrannosaurus Rex, the other Dad was a plant-eating Brontosaurus. "But it's not fair!" Momo yelled, as she jumped up and down on the sidelines. "How can you pit a flesh-eater against a plant-eater?" Next to Momo stood a red-headed boy with buck teeth. "Don't worry. The Bronto has a size advantage. It won't be easy for Rex to take him down." "But I don't want them to fight at all," Momo moaned. Then she found herself in a donut factory. "What th-?" she murmured and almost woke up. The foreman came over. "Quit sleeping on the job, Momo! We've got a lot of donuts to get out before the sun comes up!" |
She woke up instantly! "Whoa... That was worse than my Shadow memories!" She sighed "No more Dinosaur Pockey before bed for me." Sghe said Meanwhile Lea was beginning to feel her hypnosis wear off, her vison was clearing... She remembered back when she was a little dragon child leaving on the outskirts of the Gotham Suburbs ... She remembered a frighting encounter she experianced with her little sister Narane... |
She and Narane were walking towards one of their friend's house when a couple of dangerous criminals were spotted stealing a giant armored vehicle. It was Demonar, from the past, and besides him was, The Joker. They two had made a deal to share half of the armored car's valuables. Preciouse diamonds and jewles were in a giant bag. Demonar filled the bag as the Joker kept watch. The human guards, however looked different... Either alive or dead, their frighening crooked smiles gave no emotion. She felt as if she was gonna scream. "Well well well! Two little lizard girls are waltzing down the streat like little flowers until all of the sudden, they spot the crooks and creeps of Gothom city!" he said wickedly. "Joker!" they both yelled in fright. The confusing part was, why were they here in the suburbs anyways? Demonar swung the bag around his back and looked at The Joker. "Joker. Silence them... I don't want them finding out what happened here." he said. The Joker smiled and turned back to the girls who were frozen with fear. "I got a better way to scilence them~! Something that they know would be worse then a death~!" |
The Joker pulled a small gadget out of his pocket. It looked like a wheel on a stick. The wheel had a black-and-white spiral painted on it. The Joker clicked a switch and it began spinning. Lea couldn't take her eyes off it. The Joker grinned. "Spin and spin, you go within, where evil dwells, a thousand Hells, down...down, you can't escape the mental rape unless you forget...forget, you never saw it, you don't know it, all you want to do is RUN! Lea grabbed her sister Narane's hand. "Come on, Narane! Run! Run!" The Joker watched the two little girls run away and laughed. "Are you sure that will silence them?" Demonar said. The Joker leered. "Who cares? They're just a couple of stupid little dragon girls. Nobody will believe them when they start babbling about a spinning wheel. You want to see my spinner?" The Joker thrust his gadget at Demonar and laughed when Demonar looked away. |
Lea and Narane panted when they ran back to their house "We can't ever tell anyone." Lea said "What?!" Said Narane "We have to! It's our civic duty!" "The Joker kills anyone and everyone who finks on him, chimera are no acception Remember Charlie Bates?" "Who the heck is Charlie Bates?" Narane asked "Exactly." Lea said So they never told anyone.. Back to the presant Lea felt her hypnosis finaly wear off! She could see fully and could move... "Now to get out of this place..." She said to herself |
Lea quietly got up and walked around the room. Most of the doors are locked and windows barged. Not much she could use neither except a bobby pin. Lock picking she could do but the problem was she could easily break it. She had to manuever the pin gently to pick the lock. Meanwhie, Momo and her father returned home to watch over the kids. Rayoto said they should lay low for a while just in case. Ryu abd Roy were fast asleep, and Lir was up watching the news. "Lir? What are you doing up so late?" she asked. Lir sat up straight. "I was.. Watching the news. There saying about some bribery and corruption amongst the lower graded police forces." he said. |
Momo smiled. "You worry about your homework and let somebody else worry about the police." "But my teacher says it is our civic duty to be concerned," Lir said. "It's also your duty to pass math," Momo said. "Show me your homework." To Lea it seemed that she spent hours picking at the lock with the bobby pin, but finally there was a click and it opened. "Taren!" she mind sent, but he didn't respond. Perhaps he was asleep. Lea peeked around the edge of the door she had unlocked. |
Lea saw that the path was clear so she tiptoed away from her room. Suddenly something cold touched her shoulder! Lea let out a yelp and released some of her fireybreath but than she saw what really was 'Oh it's just some weirdo robot.' She thought with relef 'It was nothing to worry about after all.' She continued to sneak away..At last she was able to breath fresh air! Meanwhile Ichabod and Marzipan were at school hanging out in the nerd's secret sanctuary "Well I guess the Stake out didn't work." Marzipan said glumly" "At least we now know Dr Milo is the one responsible for the kidnappings." Ichabod said "But we still don't know who his boss is?" They both sighed "Remember the second day of school after our trip to Williamsburg?" Marzi asked "Yeah.." Ichy mused wistfully "I remember it like it was about to happen in a wavy flashback (FLASHBACK) Ichabod entered the secret sanctuary in a huff or a snit, He had a pretty sour expresstion on his face and he was covering the seat of his pants with his book. "Good morning Ichy." Marzi purred sweetly "Hmmph." Ichy grumbled "My you look awful dour." Marzi mewed "It's not you." Ichabod said "It's that I saw Taren shaking down Paul's loose change so like any civil human being I tried to convince Taren to let Paul go...Taren didn't want to listen and insted thought it would be funny to light a fire under my ass...Pardon my French" "Is that why you're covering your backside with a school book?" The cat asked "...Yes." Ichabod sighed "You know, you ought to relax once and awile as you seem a little uptight." She mewed "When I was in middle school I had a lot of trouble with anxiety so my homeroom teacher came up with a method to help me unwind." She pulled out a stiff brush. "My Teacher Mrs Turtle (Yes she was a turtle) would brush my arms and back with this brush... It helped my keep anxiety levels low." |
Lea was able to sneak past some of the lazy guards down the hallway without being spotted. She went to the end of the hallway and found a window. And it lead towards outside! But when she looked, they were a few hundered feet high in the giant city of Tokyo. "Ohh... I really hope I can fly with the strength I have left.." she said to herself. |
Lea climbed up on the windowframe. The people below looked like ants. "Here goes nothing," she said and leaped out into space, unfurling her wings. She could feel the warm air currents rising from the streets of Tokyo helping her to stay aloft. A few gentle flaps of her wings kept her aloft. But where to go now? she wondered. She didn't know Tokyo and she didn't speak Japanese. She felt hopelessly alone and lost. Yet it was very peaceful floating above the city. She heard the sound of a helicopter approaching. An amplified voice came from the helicopter, first in Japanese, then in English: You must land immediately! You are violating Tokyo Air Space regulations! |
Lean almost jumped from the shock. She decided she can't cause trouble like this and flew down to the ground landing in the streets. The helicopter left and Lea was left in the streets safe. But she had to find someway to get out of where she is. Maybe find Momo who's in tokyo. |
Lea checked the phone directory but it was all in Japanese. So she found a cop who spoke English. "Sir," Lea said. "I am looking for a Miss Momo Kashi. It is of the utmost importance that I find her." The policeman found the number for her and soon it was ringing while Lea listened anxiously for Momo to answer... |
The phone rang. Than someone picked up. "Konicuwa?" "Ms. Kashi, It's me." Lea said "I've found my way out Konga Studios." "Oh Lea, Thank the Gods." Momo said with a sigh "I'll quickly fund plane tickets home to Gotham..." 'Yeah...' Lea thought with some sadness 'Home.' Meanwhile back at Gotham Greg was confronting Jonathan about his 'freak out' with the crow chimera "It's none of your buisness." Crane growled But Mr. Narson kept pestering him and finally the former Scarecrow caved "All right!" Jonathan grumbled "I'll tell you but you must not breathe a word of this to anyone...NOT A SOUL!" He took a deep breath and said it "I have a phobia of birds." Greg laughed and clapped Jonathan on the back rather roughly. "You?" He chuckled "The Scarecrow, the master of fear afraid of little birds?!" "It's not funny." Crane growled "Yes it is." Said Greg |
Jonathan Crane stared out the window. "I can't even go to the park because of the pigeons." Greg stopped laughing. "Maybe there would be a downside to such a phobia. What about eating chicken? Can you eat a bird?" "Of course I can eat one. In fact, I love to eat them. The more I eat, the fewer live birds thre will be." Greg looked sadly at his friend. "You're a little bit crazy, you know? They just raise more chickens. There will always be lots of chickens." Jonathan folded his arms around his chest. "Look, I don't expect you to understand. It's just the way I am. But don't worry. I have taken one of the pills a kind doctor gave me to help me combat my phobia and I'll be able to face that Detective Craw in a moment." "There's a pill for it?" "Why not? But I think it might be just a powerful tranquilizer. I feel like I am walking through syrup after I take it and nothing upsets me." "Fine," Greg said. "I'll go back and tell the rest of them that you are okay." |
Detective Craw turned to everyone "Well it appears there is not much to worry about know." He said "Ms. Momo Kashi has called me and said Lea Draco is coming home." "The question is..." Jonathan said "Who is Dr. Milo working for?" "I've heard of a profane practice." Craw said "Of Chimera Brothels called Hevey Petting Zoos." "Hevey Petting Zoos?!" Shelly exclaimed "Yes..." Craw said "Chimera from all over the world are kidnapped and drugged forced to have sex with human customors..." Meanwhile Lea was waiting at the airport for her trip back to Gotham. |
The wait wasn't so long though. In a few minutes the plane will be coming in for a landing. Momo was there to make sure she got to the airplane safe. But what they didn't expect was Taren and his father coming out of the plane after it landed. "Lea!" Taren yelled running. Lea only smiled abit. But how could she ever face herself to repeat the same mistakes again to hurt Taren? Back at Gothom, as Craw explained the studios, Greg stood up. "Umm. But wasn't we talking about a studios that makes porn by kidnapping Chimera from all over the world and hypnotiseing them to have sex with others and humans? I heard about it before when I emailed Momo." he said. |
"Yes," said Detective Craw. "It's all part of the Adult Entertainment Industry as some call it. It's all porn to me. Many of the same people are involved. The difference is that the studios make videotapes and sell them while the zoos are a direct experience. Sometimes the same Chimera are involved in both aspects of the business. Often a Chimera is kidnapped, then first forced to make porn tapes. Then the Chimera is blackmailed to be in the so-called "zoo" by the threat that if she leaves then the tape will be shown to her friends and relatives." "That's awful," Greg said. "And it means the Chimera often give up and accept their fate," Craw said. "They don't even try to escape anymore. Chimera have a strong sense of shame." "I would like to help you," Greg said. "If there is anything I can do to help stop the exploitation of Chimera then I will gladly do it." |
Momo wished Taren and Lea well as they headed back to their plane to Gotham. Momo sighed "I helped safe my student, I found my Father and discovered the truth about my mother, what more do I need?" Lea was unsure of herself as she climbed on board the plane. But as the plane began she began to feel comforted by Taren's presence and she began to feel her shame dissapear. 'Yes.' She thought 'There is nothing to fear.' Momo decided she would bring her adopted children to visit her father. As she walked home she never suspected what was happening at Konga Studios. "AAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!" Konga schreeched "Who allowed the dragon to escape?" |
Everyone were all confused and stumped over how the dragon actually escaped. Milo was the same as well as he walked in. "Someone should had kept a close eye on her! She was our prime power to the studios!" she screeched again. Milo came up to Konga and handed her a letter. "Mrs Konga, we have trouble..." he said. "WHAT NOW?!" "TAEN says the deal was off. The cops are now cracking down over the disappearences and porn movies we have done and the network doesn't want to be involved even if we payed them. What's worse is that someone had a lead on us and leaked it out. My guess is those three kids I caught." Konga yelled in rage and took out her hammer and smashed the nearest table next to her. Tanoka smiled as Momo and the kids came over. He looked sober and better then he used to be, and a bit younger and stinkless. The kids gave him a hug and all sat together. Tanoka knew what was on Momo's mind and smiled. "Momo, would you like to go back home?" he asked. Momo looked up to her father unsure. "But... Father... I am home. With you." she said. Tanoka smiled and nodded. "Yes I know... But home in America. Where you work and was raised." Momo began to frown and held her head down. "Momo... Since I met you I had no reason for staying in Tokyo anymore. When you were gone I just wanted to stay here and rot... After the divorce, I couldn't handle everything alone nor my other child. I still stayed but drank all the time. That was until I met you. I would go with you anyday anywhere my daughter, to show you that even where you or I come from, home isn't where the heart is. Japan has been wearing off me for as long as I remembered...I want to go out and see new things, meet new people. But with Genki I couldn't... If I could, I probably send the papers over to her." "But... What about Rayoto?" |
Momo thought about Rayoto for a moment and said. "If Rayoto is interested I could try dating him, that is if he is interested, but it would probily be a while before I would marry him or anybody." "Why is that?" Asked her father "Well I've already got to adopted kids and a dog, I don't think I need to add anymore kids into the picture just yet.." |
Tanoka patted Momo on her shoulder and smiled. "Well its up for you to decide. I may be your father but your grown up and im a bit old. Though it wouldn't hurt to have kids on your own." he said. Momo nodded her head and looked down. "True. I guess I should think about it. I think Rayoto is a bit of a kind man to like." she said. Tanoka stood up and yawned. "Well, we best be getting to bed. We got a new long day tomarrow." |
Jonathan Crane was very angry after he stayed inside almost all day because of his crippling bird phobia. This has got to stop, he thought. I am a grown man. How can I be afraid of birds? So he psyched himself up to face the world and headed out the door wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella. His plan? Spend 30 minutes in the park, no matter how many pigeons there were. The raincoat and umbrella would protect him from bird droppings or possibly any crazy bird that tried to attack him. (Yes, Jonathan thought there were crazy birds who attacked people. Why? When he was a small child he tried to look in a bird nest and the mama bird gave him hell, twittering and chasing him and pecking his head. Poor Jonathan ran screaming with fear to his mother.) Fortunately, in the park there was an old man sitting on a bench feeding the pigeons and so all the pigeons were flocking around the old man. Jonathan shuddered. How could someone sit quietly while hundreds of birds fluttered around him? Jonathan's heart rate went up and he felt a little queasy in his stomach. He checked his watch. Not even 5 minutes yet! He'd never last the entire 30 minutes! But he had to! It was for the sake of his sanity! |
Jonathan than fainted dead away, poor guy... The Old Man happened to be his old boss from the University he used to work for, he always fed the pidgeons because he knew Jonathan had a fear of birds. The old man whose name was Dr. Long smiled when he saw that Jonathan had fainted. He wanted to see just how collapsed Jonathan was, so he took a stick and began poking him with it. Fortunetly Mr. Quaxo Tabby who happened to be walking by saw what was happening to his co-worker and meowed a feirce growl to Dr. Long "Get away from him you dirty old man!" Dr. Long quickly dropped his stick and ran away Jonathan slowly came to..."Quaxo?" H e asked "What are you doing here? What am I doing here?" |
Quaxo chuckled a bit and lifted him up gently. "Well lets just say you had a quick rest. Or in this case, fainted." he said. Jonathan rubbed his head as he stood up a bit shaken. "Damn I was? Geez... I really should stop with my phobia." |
Mr. Quaxo chuckled and clapped Jonathan on the back "Don't worry." He said "You'll get over it." Jonathan sighed, he wasen't so sure "Take comfort in the fact, that The Blue Moon is coming." Quaxo said "The Blue Moon?" Jonathan asked "Yes." The Tabby Cat said "Every once in a great while the moon is perfectly blue." "What has that got to do with anything?" Jonathan pressed "The Blue Moon brings good luck and happiness whenever it shines." Quaxo said "That's why the night of the Blue Moon is the night we..." Quaxo realized he was about to let something slip and quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from slipping Jonathan was now curious and supious "What?" He asks "What happens on the blue moon?" "Can't tell." The Tabby said "It's a secret." |
The mood in the city was fretful and expectant. Whispers could be heard in the streets. "The Blue Moon is coming!" Jonathan Crane reclined on his sofa and sipped hot blackberry tea. He was feeling better about himself. The fear of birds was a little less now. Maybe the trip to the park did some good. Also, he had a new thing to worry about - the Blue Moon. He was hearing lots of whispers, but nobody seemed to want to tell him any specifics. Meanwhile, Momo Kashi had her own Blue moon problems. She sta befor eher mirror looking at her reflection. Ah, look at me? What am I doing withmy life? And now another Blue Moon is coming. I hope I don't behave like I did at the last one. Detective Craw sat in his office with his feet up on his desk. Another damn Blue Moon! Might as well cancel all the days off for the boys right now. No telling what will happen during a Blue Moon. He sighed and started adjusting work schedules. Rayoto was looking at the calendar. Oh no! His scheduled holiday fell on a Blue Moon! The boss was sure to call him in to work. It looked like he wouldn't be going out dancing that night. Rayoto was a good dancer and he enjoyed doing it. He had the right kind of body for it - athletic, but graceful. |
The Night of the Blue Moon was the night of Chimera of Gotham City met in the forest to hold the Chimera Ball. This ball was supposed to decide who would get to see the Heavyside Layer, a Magical Dimenstion full of wonders only one Chimera will see. No human ever knew about the Chimera Ball hopefully they never WOULD find out because the Chimera wanted the secret to be kept to them and them alone. Soon the night of the Blue Moon fell and all the Chimera familes walked out of their homes brings all their children with them they walk into the forest, up the hill, each carring a lighted candle They sang a song in animal laguage |
Meanwhile the humans celebrated Blue Moon in their own way with lots of drinking, laughing, singing and dancing. Most people wore costumes and masks and expected to embarrass themselves. In the end it all meant nothing more than a big party night. In contrast, the Chimera were quiet and spiritual on their hilltop. The lighted candles looked like a refelection of all the stars that sprinkled the night sky. The Chimera who would get to see the Heavyside Layer was known as the Chosen One. The choosing was done in a very mystical way. First, all the Chimera had to link arms in a circle, close their eyes and chant the Hymn to Wikkintawknaou. Wikkintawknaou was the legendary spirit who gave the Chimera the gift of speech. As they chanted, the Chimera felt the Time of the Choosing come over them. |
With their chanting came a great anchiant Unicorn Chimera, said to be the very spirit of the Gotham Forest itself came forth waiting to be welcomed by the other chimera. Unbeknonst to the Chimera they were being spied upon by a few humans. Jonathan Crane, his son Ichabod and Alice and Padora were peeping at them through the bushes, each had suspected that Chimera did something on the night of the blue moon but the Chimera they lived and worked with refused to drop hints so they secretly followed them into the forest and up the hill, placing themselves in the bushes where they could not be seen heard of smelled. The Unicorn was placed on a throne of stones, and said to the chimera "Let the great dance commence!" And so the chimera began to dance, it was unlike any human dance any human had ever seen it was more spiritual, more like ballet than anything. So began the great mating dance, Marzipan seemed a little unsure for a second but than she picked the red cat chimera Fireheart to be her partner in the mating dance. Ichabod took this to mean Marzipan had fully moved on, that she didn't need to be his girlfriend. He sighed he did not feel rejected he felt happy for her 'Good for her.' He thought to himself Than the dance began to get more wild and untamed, the flying creatures, the birds, the bats and the dragons began to rise into the air, wild loop-de-loops and cartwheels in the air! The earthbound creatures danced wildly below the flying creature now it still looked like ballet but it looked like something out of The Rite of Spring |
The flying creatures would rise high in the air together and then come diving toward earth so fast that the watching humans gasped in fear they would crash but at the last minute there was a great flurry of wings and the fliers looped back up into the sky. At the same moment the fliers had plunged closest to earth, the ground creatures had leaped as high as they could, so that for one brief moment all the creatures were suspended above the earth together in a great cloud of animals. "It's beautiful!" Alice whispered. |
Finally the moment of the climax had occured! The animals, if they were land creutures got down on all fours and began running in a tight circle the flying creutures began flying close to the ground. The humans who were spying on the animals were alarmed because the animals almost ran into them but luckily they always managed to leap out of the way just in time! Than just as the music bean to reach its climax, the animals started going faster and faster until POOF! One dissapeared. "This one has been chosen to asend to the Heavyside Layer." The unicorn said as he poited to the rabbit tracks of the creature who dissapeared |