Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1505973-The-New-Kira
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Script/Play · Detective · #1505973
A role-play about a man who kills Kira (Light Yagami) and takes the death note.

1: You must have seen/read Death Note.

2: Chapters must be intellegent and ledgible.

3: No dictating others actions. (Joe draws his gun and fires at Jane. Not, Joe draws his gun and shoots Jane.)

4: Be as realistic as possible. (Jane dives behind a wall. Not, Jane is magicly bullet proof.)
Light Yagami a.k.a. Kira lay sleeping when the window to his room eased open and a man dressed all in black crept in. The man, known only as Wolfe, crept to Light's bed, knife in hand, and slit his throat before he could awaken. Wolfe then took the death note from its hiding place in Light's desk and disappeared into the night.
A Non-Existent User
L was sitting in his hotel room just about to take a bite out of a giant piece of cake when there was a knock on the door."Come in," he said.Chief Yagami burst in ,he looked very upset."What happened?" asked L."My son,Light, was killed in his sleep last night!" he exclaimed."I am very sorry Yagami,was it a heart attack?" L asked."No his throat was slit!" he sobbed."Hmmm..." L said, "I guess that means it couldn't have been kira...or was it?" he pondered."Ryuzaki!" Chief Yagami said,"I want you to help me catch my son's killer,I know we are working on the kira investigation right now but this could be tied in with it."Are you sure you are not just out for revenge?" asked L."I...I.."Chief Yagami stuttered,"Fine I'll look into this,however,if it doesn't seem to involve kira then I'll leave this for the police to handle ok?" L asked."Fine," said Chief Yagami.
Meanwhile the man known as Wolfe was leaving a note with the hotel receptionist for L... The receptionist was later found strangled in her car.

The note read:

Dear L,
I'm the person who killed Light Yagami, I am also Kira. I would like to set up a meeting with you and Chief Yagami. Be in Times Square, New York City on the 24th of this month. If you don't show up I will start killing members of the Japanese police force. To prove that I am Kira no more criminals will die between now and the meeting.
You can contact me at this phone number 666-343-1117. The number I have provided is untraceable so don't waste your time trying to find me with it.

Signed Kira.
A Non-Existent User
"This is terrible!" exclaimed Chief Yagami,"If we don't go innocent people will be killed but if we do go we will die,Ryuzaki, I assume you have a plan?" he said."Yes,I do," said L."What will we do?",asked Chief Yagami."We will contact this new kira," said L."I believe that kira can apparently kill people in more ways than just heart attacks,or...he isn't using his power but I find that highly unlikely,perhaps we can learn more if we contact him. Also,I hope you realize,Yagami,this means your son was kira." "What!?" Chief Yagami yelled."Think about it,right after killing your son, kira starts doing things differently,also why else would he go after you son? I already had my suspicions about Light but now I know for sure,or at least I am 90% sure." "No...I..I don't want to believe it." Chief Yagami said."Well rather you believe it or not is your decision after all having just lost your son I am sure you don't want to believe he was kira,any way we will contact this new kira,Yagami, please hand me your phone also please contact the other task force members helping us in this investigation." "Ok",said Chief Yagami.
Meanwhile at a secret location a criminal organization known as the Reapers, who specialize in assassination, were having a meeting.

Hawke: Wolfe has acquired the package and set the bait.

Sharke: Do you think L will take the bait?

Waspe: Who knows, but we can't allow this opportunity to pass us by.

Puma: Has the Death Note arrived yet?

Hawke: Yes Founder has it.

Waspe: Good, our other agents are waiting for orders.

Puma: Yes on to other business....
A Non-Existent User
"Ok is everyone here?",Chief Yagami asked."Yeah",said Aizawa."Ok then I'll call the new kira,Yagami,please hand me your..." L started to say,"I'll give you my phone Ryuzaki!" Matsuda said excitedly."Fine,though it doesn't really matter I'll take your phone,Matsuda," L said,"if it will make you stop talking..." he muttered."Hey I heard that!", Matsuda whined.(several minutes later)"Hello kira,I agree to meet you,however,I would like you to leave Chief Yagami out of this because he and the other police have agreed to allow you to do whatever you want as long as you leave them alone,so will you be willing to take my life alone?"
Wolfe: Very well L, you're the one I really want after all. By the way tell that young officer.... whats his name? Hold on I have his file here... Matsuda. Tell him to grow up and develop a brain.

A Non-Existent User
"All right you heard him Matsuda," said Aizawa."Hey are you agreeing with kira!?",Matsuda exclaimed."You guys aren't very nice...." Matsuda muttered."Everyone you realize what this means, kira can hear, possibly see us right now!",Chief Yagami said.Matsuda gulped."Yes,fortunately I thought something like this might happen," L said."I had a high tech security tower built to conduct the kira investigation in,the only reason I haven't used it yet was to test just how good this new kira was,now I know" L said."However,I still plan on going to New York,alone."
The day of the meeting in New York.

A Reaper's agent called Reaver waits by a window in a vacant apartment overlooking Times Square. He releases the safty on a high powered rifle, equipped with a supressor, and takes aim at the detective known as L....

On the street below a bus stops near where L is standing Wolfe, his face hidden under shades and a pulled down cap, silently beckons L to get on the bus....
A Non-Existent User
L boards the bus and sits down,he then pulls a candy bar out of his pocket and starts chewing on it. He looks up at Wolfe and says,"I guess you want to know my true name now right?"
Wolfe: I could care less what your name is. what I want is out....
When I got involved in this I didn't know what I was getting myself into. If you promise me a full pardon, I'll help you catch the men I work for.... Deal?
A Non-Existent User
L looked startled,"Hmmm do you really expect me to fall for this?" he said.But wait, why would he say that unless it was genuin? After all he could kill me any time he wanted to,he thought to himself.
Wolfe: Believe me I'm telling the truth! Listen there's a sniper posted out there he was supposed to shoot you while we were talking, but I got you on the bus so he wouldn't have a clear shot....

Reaver: Shit!

Reaver pulls a phone from his pocket...

Puma: Is it done?

Reaver: No I think Wolfe may be up to something.

Puma: Hmmm.. Let them go for now. Lets see what they do.
A Non-Existent User
L looked even more confused "Oh well then if I say I trust you will you let me make a phone call? I promise I will let you hear everything that is said" L said,"The truth is I believe you but I need to talk to someone to make sure" he said.
Wolfe: Very well, go ahead, but we don't have much time they're probably following us.

Meanwhile at the Reapers' head quarters.

Puma: Sir have you tested the Death Note yet?

Founder: Yes. I tested it on my mother-in-law.

Puma: Ha! That's halariuos! Did it work?

Founder: O Yes. She fell into a wood chipper. It was so sad.

Both: Ha ha ha ha.......
A Non-Existent User
L called Watari."Something weird is happening I need you to tell me what to do" L said.He explained everything going on.There was a pause on Watari's side,then he said"Ok for now we'll trust him,also,you might as well tell him the truth as proof of our trust." "Ok," L said and then he hung up."The truth is I am not L,I am a stand in,I was a guy who was in prison for life because I had murdered someone,however,I didn't do it! then L gave me a way out.He disguised me as him.I understood I might die if I came hear but in my opinion death is better than living in prison for the rest of my life for a murder I never committed.L promised me a full pardon if I survived this." the fake L said."Also the real L decided to trust you,however,I am going to have to ask you to come to the tower L mentioned with me."
Back at Reapers HQ.

Hawke: What is Wolfe up to?

Waspe: Hmm, maby he's trying to win L's trust so he can get close to him.

Sharke: I don't know, but L has seriously underestimated us. As soon as we got the photos from Times Square we could tell that was make-up and not the real L.

Puma: Yes we have all the criminal records so we found out who it was

Waspe: Which begs the question again what is Wolfe up to?

Hawke: Well its unimportant. Has the shipment of... the special ingredient been delivered to L's new tower?

Sharke: Yes. Soon his sweet tooth will be the end of him.

Puma: You used the undetectable poison right?

Sharke: Yes. Its highly lethal and you have to be looking for it speciffcaly to find it, most people are unaware of its existence.

Hawke: Good.
A Non-Existent User
Meanwhile,Matsuda was walking through a crowded street when he bumped into someone."Uggh! oh I'm sorry!Hey your Misa Amane!" Matsuda said excitedly."Yes I am..oh no my grocies!",Misa said."Oh I'm sorry let me get those for you!" Matsuda said quickly."Thank you," Misa said,"No problem,hey can I have your autograph?" Matsuda asked."Sure," Misa said,"Oh no the soda came open its leaking all over the place!" Misa whined."Oh I'm sorry, how about I take you out for coffee? it's on me," Matsuda asked."Oh, well okay," Misa said.(a few minutes later)"And then I..",Matsuda began to say,"Oh my phones ringing!",he said."Hello?",Matsuda said."Matsuda where are you?",Aizawa asked."I'm with Misa Amane!"Matsuda said."You do realize we are being targeted by assassins?",Aizawa asked."Yes I do",Matsuda said."THEN WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AROUND ON YOUR ON?!",Aizawa shouted."I was getting bored of staying in that place all the time," Matsuda whined."Well get back here immediatly!",Aizawa snapped, then he hung up."Oh, I'm sorry I've got to go," Matsuda said."That's fine," Misa said."Hey, why don't you come with me? You can meet the people I work with!",Matsuda said."Uhhh ok I guess," Misa answered.(several minutes later)"Hey everyone I'm back!",Matsuda said."Who is she?",Chief Yagami asked."She's Misa Amane!",Matsuda answered."Matsuda you idiot the last thing we need is for you to be bringing strangers here," L said."Hey, she isn't a stranger she's famous!And it's better than you bringing an assassin here!",Matsuda said."Hey is that strawberry ice cream? I love strawberry ice cream!",Misa said excitedly."Hey!",L said when Misa ran over and snatched the bowl of ice cream he had just got."Matsuda...",L grumbled.She ate a few bites and then she started going into seizures and then she fell over dead."Oh no!",Matsuda yelled in horror."It must have been poisoned,"L said."Hey,did you do this!?",Matsuda shouted at Wolfe.
Wolfe: No! It must have been my old company! You'll have to throw out all of your food none of it will be safe.

L's phone rings.

Wolfe: Uh oh, its probably them.
A Non-Existent User
"I'll have to do what?!",L thought in horror as he answered his phone."Hello?",L said."Somebody call 911!",Matsuda yelled in the background.
Puma: Congratulations on your two narrow escapes L. We were hoping to have you out of the way first, but we're losing money so we might have to go ahead and start killing people again.

Wolfe: L? What do they want? What should we do....

Wolfe: If you have any questions about the company just ask.
A Non-Existent User
"I guess I've underestimated you...you poisened my sweets....."L grumbled."I promise you I will catch you,"L said then he hung up."I do have some questions,how long have they been around,what are they called,how many members do they have? I need as much information as possible,"L said.
Wolfe: O.K. They're called the Reapers, they have been around as long as guns have, and the only members that matter are the members of the council. Founder, Puma, Hawke, Waspe, and Sharke. Catch those five and the organization will collapse.

By the way L, to help make up for my previous actions I would like to take you to an all you can eat buffet of your choice, its on me.
A Non-Existent User
"All you can eat...!That would be wonderful,I believe that would more than make up for your past crimes..." L said excitedly."Hey,I thought you yourself said it would be a bad idea for any of us to leave this building for long periods of time," Chief Yagami said."Oh,yeah I did say that....." L said sadly."What about Misa!? You're more worried about food than the poor girl who saved your life!" Matsuda said angrily."Well she didn't mean to save my life but you're right,Mogi,please take care of Misa Amane's body.Oh,Wolfe thank you for the offer but,as Chief Yagami pointed out,I won't be able to accept," L said.
A Non-Existent User
"Instead of thinking about food shouldn't we be thinking of a plan?",Chief Yagami asked."Yes,I agree with you Yagami,but,the truth is I'm not sure what to do.From what Wolfe said I now realize these people have been around longer than me and they are highly skilled,I've already underestimated them once,the next time could cost me my life.We don't even know where their headquarters are...Not to mention they are less likely to make some sort of mistake, like the old kira did," L said."Hmm I'll have to think about this carefully...we may have only one chance to catch them," L said.
Wolfe: Well, Reaver, the agent assigned sniper duty in New York, is still out there. We could try to catch him and see if he can lead us to the others, but we have to be careful because he'll kill himself to avoid capture if he has to. We have to take him by surprise, if you can lure him somewhere by making it look like you're vunurable L, then I can get him.
A Non-Existent User
"Yes that's a good plan... I think I'll accept your previous offer,Wolfe," L said."You and I will go to a crowded restaurant and also I'll need one of the task force members to come with us disguised as a chef,his job will be to make sure no food is poisoned,hopefully,Reaver will try to assassinate me,and then we can catch him,however,I'll also need you,Wolfe,to make sure he still doesn't know what your up to ok?",L asked."Oh, can I go with you?!",Matsuda asked hopefully."No,I need someone I can rely on,after all if you messed it up,like you do so very often, it could cost me my life," L said."Ohhh no fair!",Matsuda whined."I'll take you,Ukita," L said."Ok," Ukita said.
Sakushidori a small expensive restaurant in Tokyo. In the kitchen, a man dressed as a waiter fires a silenced pistol, hidden beneath a tray of food, at Ukita's back.


Wolfe: L, I'm going to check on Ukita. I'll be right back.

As Wolfe enters the kitchen, Reaver, now dressed as a patron, sits down at L's table. He's pointing a gun at L under the table.

Reaver: Hello L, I would like you to get up and walk slowly to the bathroom. I'll be right behind you....
A Non-Existent User
Meanwhile,Wolfe finds Ukita dead in the kitchen."Ok,I'll do as you say..by the way, is Ukita dead?",L asked."Please hurry,Wolfe...",L thought to himself.
In the men's restroom.

As Reaver is about to shoot L, Wolfe silently enters.

Reaver: Any last word L?

Wolfe pulls a siringe from his pocket and quickly jabs Reaver in the neck with it.

Reaver: Wha-

Reaver then collapses.

Wolfe: O.K. L, I caught him now you get him to talk.
A Non-Existent User
Back at the tower."Ok,he's awake now we just need to get him to talk," Chief Yagami said.Reaver was strapped to a chair and blind folded in an empty room."Watari,do whatever is necessary to get him to talk," L said."Ok," Watari said."Reaver,who in your group is kira? Also, where is the headquarters located?",L asked.
Reaver: HA! My grandmother is a better interrogator than you! L, why don't you swap places with me and I'll show you how its done.

Wolfe: The first question, I can answer. Founder the leader of the organization will undoubtedly be Kira. The second question he won't know, he's a lower rank than me and I didn't know.

Reaver: Wolfe!?! You traitor!

Wolfe: Shut up Peirre. L, we need to find out which council member his handler is and then catch him.

Reaver: How dare you use my real name!

Wolfe walks up to Peirre and kicks him in the crotch.

Wolfe: There now perhaps you'll get the message.

Reaver turns purple and groans loudly.
A Non-Existent User
"Wolfe,I think you should interrigate him,after all he is from your group and you're talented at this kind of thing",L said."Also,I have something I need to do...",L said then he left the room.
Later that day.

Wolfe comes out of the holding cell.

Wolfe: All i was able to get out of him were two words; Sharke and Paris. Matsuda! Go get a mop and clean up that mess..... and bring me my knife after you finish washing it.
A Non-Existent User
"Ewwww what did you do to him and why am I the one that has to clean it up?!" Matsuda exclaimed.Meanwhile,L was on one of the top levels of the tower standing in front of a large metal door.L entered the room.There was a single large crate in the middle of the room,he opened it,inside were a lot of sweets."I had each sweet in this box of sweets bought individually instead of ordering the whole thing ,I also had a disguised thief and a con-man personally deliver them here.Then I had them tested for every type of poison imaginable,then a bit of each sweet was taste tested by a criminal on death row. We waited to see if he would die,and he didn't so there is only a 4% chance these are poisoned," L said happily.L then grabbed several sweets and started heading back downstairs.

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