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by Rob
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Other · #1504735
Please tell me how to improve it. It is the 1st day of the new school year.
Chapter 1: 1st Day
The sea is such a beautiful place. The smell of salt water, the beautiful scenery, and the annoying boy who is vomiting off of the side of the ship. A side from that the sea is a beautiful place. Again the boy threw up and spoke in a soft sickly tone “Man. I should have not eaten the nachos.”
“You are ruining the lives of the fish in the sea with you vomiting in their water. And it is getting annoying.”
The boy turned around to see a pale skinned girl looking at him. “I am glad you care.” he said looking green in the face. He looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing all black. How can someone wear so much black when it is burning out here he thought to himself and how exactly can they look so cute. “Hi. Let me introduce myself I am Roberto Urias. It is nice to meet you ....” as he lifted his hand to shake hers.
“Oy Fae.” she said not shaking his hand “Call me Fae. Where have I heard your name. Oh yes now I remember you are the boy who passed the written part of the exam but basically got the worse score on the field test. They accepted you?”
“Yes they accepted me and I did not have the worst score. It wasn't that bad was it?”
“Your right. It was much worse.”
“Ha ha very funny. So your a human like me right? Of course you are. Why else would you be on this boat.” he smiled at her. “So are you good at fighting?”
“Yes much better then you. I can beat any human or anything that faces me.”
“Your pretty confident.”
Just as they were about to argue over who was a better at fighting the boat came to a stop. It arrived at the port to the Bermuda Triangle.
“So this is it. The Bermuda Triangle. I always thought it would have been cooler looking.” said Roberto as Oy Fae gave him a look.
“At least be happy you made it this far.”
“Yea I am happy. For now at least. So how do we get to the school?”
“Through there.” Oy Fae pointed to a black hole. “That is how we will get inside.”
“Um? Is there a not so scary way to get there?” he said as he grabbed his bag and got off the boat with her.
“No. That is the only way so I will leave you here. Have fun getting yourself killed.” with that said she ran into the black hole and disappeared.
“That was kinda cool. I wonder if I will see her again. I hope I do.” he made his way to the hole. Up close it was kinda pretty but still scary for someone like him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes and made his way through. When he opened his eyes he was standing in front of a big triangle shaped building. He stared up in amazement then looked at the other students walking around. Monsters are what they were. Just plain old monsters. Vampires, Demons, Zombies, Werewolves, and heck even Amazons but they do not count as monsters do they? Just then Roberto made the biggest mistake in his life. Not realizing where he was walking to he bumped into a female Vampire.
“Watch where you are going you stupid....” she stopped when she saw him. The dirty delicious human. “Human.” She quickly grabbed him as the other students turned around to see what was happening. None of them have ever seen a human let alone eat one.
“Um? What are you doing?” asked Roberto as calmly as he good but the girl smelled the fear in coming from him.
“You bumped into me Human so you owe me a apology. How about you get me a snack as a apology?
“Um I could get you some candy. Yea candy is good.” he tired to get away from her but her grip was too strong.
“Girls this Human has been so nice as to let us feed on him so come on.” as she said that about 5 more vampire girls came from the crowd.
“Ladies can we talk about this? I mean come on. Blood is bad for you. My blood is the worst I swear.
“Shut up” said one of the vampires.
“Hold him down.” yelled another.
“Somebody help me!” Roberto screamed in terror.
Just then out of the crowd jump a wild looking boy. His red hair was in curls and he moved so fast he looked liked some kind of crazed animal. “Let him go.” those were the only words he spoke as the girls let go of Roberto. Roberto breathed a sigh of relief.
“We were just thirsty Candid. Can we just have a bite of him?” asked a vampire girl making a cute little face.
“No now leave.” he said in a stern voice.
“Your so mean.” they all said it together as they walked away.
“You okay Human?” he said as he helped Roberto up.
“Yea I am okay.”
“Good.” then he kicked Roberto in the stomach. He fell over in pain. “1st rule of this school. Do not talk to the Vampires. They will take your blood. Stupid noob.”
“Owwwwww! What the hell?!?”
“Get up.” he pulled Roberto up and slapped him. “Stick with me and you will be fine.” he dragged Roberto as they talked. “So were are you heading?”
“I can take you there. So how do you like the school?”
“Not a lot right now. It is painful.”
Candid laughed “Well don't worry. There is plenty more pain where that came from. Oh and we are here.” he pointed to a small triangle shaped blue building labeled office.
“Thanks.” before he could say another word Candid had disappeared. “That guy was weird.” he said this to himself as he looked at the building. As he walked inside the building he began to pray that he will not feel anymore pain for the rest of the day. Sadly for him this is only the beginning.

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