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Spiritual Jews, prepare for the End Times, receiving the Seal of the Living God,
AdventistWheat.com: How Close are we to the End Time?
by Sister Sabbay (June 13th, 2008)

SDA Writer's Corner


As we continue to study and prepare for the unity in the Faith (Eph 4:13), a question arises in the minds of many. How close are we to the end and will the 144,000 have a denomination. There are many who have various opinions, however after careful study we must emphasize to both believers and non-believers that there are many that need to be called out of Babylon by the messengers of God. Teaching the three angel's messages to ..."every nation kindred tongue and people" (Rev 14:6), thus becomes essential.

Many have remarked on the changes in times and the movement towards a globalized economy. We must make an extra effort to teach the messages, clarifying that the "National Sunday Law" is imminent and will present as a real challenge in the near future. We are living in serious times and many will not be prepared if we do not provide them with the book resources that we have been privy to as Seventh-day Adventists. The everlasting gospel (Rev 14:6-12) is the foundation of the Advent Message, empowered by the Holy Spirit, containing added power and glory by God's fourth angel, the Loud Cry of the Third Angel's Message (Rev 18:1-4).

A real question has emerged with our studies regarding the denomination of the 144,000. Yet, as the shaking process continues in the church, many will be searching for terminology to define the last day denomination. A denomination is defined as a group of believers. The term 144,000 is mentioned throughout the scriptures, identifying those who will be able to withstand tribulation, following the close of probation for the world (Rev 6:17). Christ, through John the Revelator spoke to the Seven Churches, illustrating the movement of God's church since the time of Christ to present, from Ephesus to Laodicea (Rev 1:11). Identifying where we are in history is essential, as we will need to uphold the characteristics of the Last day Church, Philadelphia, (Rev 3:7,8).

Without compromising, as we learned in the history of the Black Horse (Rev 6:5), compromise weakens the Church of Christ/Body of Christ. Balances in scripture symbolizes compromise. Thus we must focus on strengthening the true church of Christ, those that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ (Rev 14:12). These last days of persecution, regarding the National Sunday Law will purify the church, as those who are sincere believers will stand for truth and remain focused on Christ, without falling away. The emergence of the Laodicean condition in the Adventist Church in 1859 has been problematic for the final work (Testimonies Vol. 1 Index Part Five), thus all those who are sincere believers must heed the council of the faithful and True Witness, overcoming this Laodicean condition. True sincere believers will be taught by the Holy Spirit and all will share beliefs that are solely grounded by the Scriptures.

The church of Philadelphia is true Adventism. As we prepare for the Latter Rain (James 5:7), embracing the return of Christ, true sincere believers must focus on becoming harvest ripe, perfecting Christ-like characters (Matt 5:48). Harvest ripe by biblical definition entails a process of establishing ..."first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear"(Mark 4:26-29). Christ's good seed's (Matt 13:38) preparation and perseverance will hasten His return "But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps" (Matt 25:4). Oil in the scriptures symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Babylon has fallen, however God's Kingdom and true remnant will live on eternally:

Mat 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
Mat 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

Brethren, we must remain faithful until the end, as our Redeemer, Christ, has reassured his chosen "... that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

Ye shall receive Power,

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