Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1439095-naruto--the-great-purge-messge-me
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #1439095
a story based off naruto 130 years in the future
this story takes place a 130 years after naruto shippuuden.

The villages have settle their differences and unified as Yunaiteddo under one ruler known as the grand kage and a era of peace dawn upon the villages until 30 years ago when a powerful enemy know as the G.R (Gelel Reform) came over seas.Their ship were nothing like Yunaiteddo. Yunaiteddo were easily over powered within 10 years G.R took over what use to be the sand village.Yunaiteddo has manage to keep the G.R at bay for 15 years. Then G.R began to pushed their assault in 5 years they have not reach far. but the battle continues who will win the fight.........

1) you have one week too finish your turn or you will be skipped (unless you message me)
2) If you are skipped 3 time in a row with no excuse you will be kick off and your character will be killed in action...
3)have fun you can cruse get bloody i don't care just you can't kill other players character with out permission from the creator or me(i only give permission for rule 2)
4) your rank can not be higher than a Jouni or a Gelel commander (.ps don't make your character ridiculously powerful)

GR is a war monger nation their leader is Shudou Ryouchou they are cold hearted and kill without mercy much like the village hidden in the mist Gelel use a stone 2 give them power similar to charaka these stones are known as Gelel stones
they all so have a second form which closely resembles a animal and when they are in this form their strength doubles although they are strong they are few in number 1 in every 35 can use the Gele stone
(this may sound familiar because they are the people from naruto moive 2 i decide to give them a name and they were the side that started the war that made the people come to the village searching for a utopia)
G.R ranks
G.R has simple rainking system like the shnobi do
1) G.R commander these guys are not the type of people to be played around with the only people who can fight a G.R commander and live to tale the tale is a Jouni
2) G.R knights they are the middle rank they are just grasping the concept of using the Gelel stones
3)G.R soulless they are consciousness of the people who are unable to use the Gelel stones they are the weakest branch but don't doubt their strength they are durable and do not tire and they come in numbers a small handful are capable of killing a jouin.
4)G.R.S.O they are the G.R's Anbu

Yunaiteddo people are happy and proud they still have the five kages but they are now over looked by the Grand Kage. When the grand kage dies of old age or any other cause. the five kages consult with each other on who should be the next kage.Out of the five kages the strongest of them become the Grand kage and another shnobi steps in the place of the kage who has become the Grand Kage.
So far this process has only happened once just about 10 years ago.The current Grand kage is Yasui Yasuyasu he a noble man yet young for a kage he is in his early 40s in his days in battle they called him One man army because he once took on a army of 1,000 GR soulless and a 100 commanders single handily .
the consul
constis of the village consits of all the village elder in one union. the consul works in the shadows they hand out mission even the Grand kage dosen't know about they work in the shadows and do what to takes to keep Yunaiteddo up and runing. they noted to be the brain of Yunaiteddo.


transformation:only if your a G.R
side:(G.R. neither or Yunaiteddo)
rank:(jouin or commander or any other rank)
subordinates:(you can have 3 subordanate they must be Genin or soulless note they can die in battle)

Name: Kita Kaze
age; 18

rank; jounin

side: Yunaiteddo

description: he has white hair as blue as the cloud and blue eyes as blue as the sky he wears all black and wears a old konoha head band that was his grandfather's head band

kyoufuu:is his father original move that manipulates wind into a sharp projectile that can cut through steel

Tatsumaki- his original move that strikes fear in the G.R he put all of his chakra into his katana and swings it around in circles and he creates a tornado the sizes a huge building this move takes up a lot of chakra and crates a lot of chaos so he uses the move as a last resort. He can only use the move twice in a day. and when he uses a second time his body is drained and he becomes inches away from death a 3rd time could be fatal.

Bunmaki: is a move the creates a illusion through sound only can be used with

Kita can also sense the change in wind currents and can predict the way his opponent is going to a attack but he has not mastered this so he can't use it for long with out experiencing exhaustion and loss of a huge amount of charka kita is al so a good taijustu user but has a low amount of charka for a jouin yet his chakra control is suburb this is why he tend to use effective moves that use a low amount of chakra yet take a lot of concentration to master the move.

weapon: hasaki-bunmaki it is specially modified katana. it is black and has wholes in it and if a extremely strong wind is pushed through the whole it can create a illusion called bunmaki

transformation: none

subordinates: all genin
Gen- Gen is a 13 years of age he is handsom many girls want to be with him and he wants to be with them he is sometime more concerned about girls than he is about ninjustu but he can become a great ninja if he focuses. Gen specilizes in earth ninjustu his family are all earth pros and he is just another one of his family protegees.

Mia- 14 year old Mia is what people call a dumb blond she has no common scene what so ever. she more concerned about her looks than fighting. Mia failed her last year exams and squeezed trough her exam's this year barely.She and Gen are in a relationship. Mia is medic she and that's it she normally cowers at the sight of enemies.

Tao-12 years old Tao is a hard worker and a little battle crazed just like his father was who had lead the assault in the battle of Reiketsu (bloodiest battle so far in the war) Tao specializes in taijustu

Bio: Kita is one of the greatest ninjas the world has seen in awhile. He reach a Jounin at the age of 8. at the age of 9 he fought in his first battle which was the bloodiest battle so far in the war known as Reiketsu his whole the whole Shnobi army was killed and he was the only one left standing. He had killed many in the battle not for his village but for his own survival He grew up with the whole village looking down upon him and his father because kita's Grandfather was a great ninja who was a Great Sannin who got a random girl pregnant while he was drunk and before she could tell him. He had died in battle against a powerful foe no one believed that his father was the son of such a great man and showed him no respected what so ever. Kita improved his skills to bring back honor to his family and now it finally seems like his dream is almost fulfilled.kita gets very upset when people talk about his family or comrades and he'll attack anyone who talks about them he once took a shot at the Grand Kage because he sent his father on a suicide mission. Besides those people war has given him a cold heart he can care less about civilian casualties as long he get's the job done it doesn't matter to him. a lot of ninja's think he is one step away from being just like a G.R commander. kita believes this not to be true but in fact he thinks that he is the exact opposite. He believes his cold ways are necessary to win the war and bring G.R to it's knees. He wants to bring Yunaiteddo into a new age of peace.

<<<<<the story needs two people to start>>>>>>
Name: Kuraname Pizo

Age: 18

Description: His long, white, wavy hair falls down on his large shoulders. His 6’2 feet tall figure is exceptionally well-built. His face is long and calm, as his white iris eyes feverishly look around for every detail. He wears white trousers and a long-, pagoda-sleeved blouse with yellow sandals to go with them.

Moves: Tanu Kamade- one of his first moves is actually a special martial arts style involving an extreme amount of agility and reflex.
Jafah hareto- by using Gelel stones, Pizo can manipulate light and sound in a small area around him, making close combat almost impossible for his foes. When one is captured by Jafah hareto he finds himself white blind(being able to see only white color) and is unable to hear any sound at all. The only way to fight him then is by reflex, inner intuition and smell. This move takes a lot of power from him.

Weapons: a long white spear

Transformation: He turns into a tiger-like creature, with incredible agility and speed, to the point of being able to make three hits in one second. After using his transformation, he is completely drained of both physical and mental power.

Side: G.R.

Rank: Commander

Subordinates: 3 souless- Gadehame, Mohane, Damesk

Bio: Pizo is an orphan that was taken in by the third squad of G.R.’s army. He was
raised by soldiers and knows nothing, but the way of the soldier. He is not ruthless, but
perhaps a bit heartless. He takes pride in his work. His way is the honorable way. If he
fights, he always fights by honoring his enemies as much as his friends. Perhaps that is why, when he turned twelve, his squade leader-Commander Kamido, started training him with the Gelel stones. His ability with the stones was very impressive and when he turned sixteen, he was already a commander, with subordinates and friends that trusted and believed in him.
Name: Kentaro Nakamura

Age: 18
description; about 6' in hight, he is broad shouldered and well built. He has short spiky black hair. He has eerie golden brown eyes. He wears clothing similar to what Zabuza wore. Has a Shurukin Holster on his left leg. ( A Shurukin Holster- This holster is worn around the thigh area. It is placed on the right or left side of the thigh, depending on what hand the person likes to use. If they are right handed they have it on the right, and if they are left handed they usually keep it on the left side. Inside are shuriken, kunai, and other weapons ninja use.) A black back pouch on the left side of his waist. (A Back Pouch- This pouch is worn around the waist area. It is placed on the right or left side of the waist. The back pouch contains kunai, shuriken, bombs, medicines, and many other ninja tools.) He wears a Hidden Mist Village headband.

Weapons: Steel Claw Gauntlets- Weapons long favored by assassins. They consist of several long sharp claws fixed in parallel in a pair of large steel gauntlets. Striking the enemy with these weapons cause wounds as if clawed by an animal. They excel in delivering damage. The blades can be extended and retracted from the knuckles of the gauntlets. The blades and gauntlets themselves are sturdy enough to hold up against almost any weapon.

Gokujou- Kentaro exerts long cutting strands of metal wire upon the enemy from around the wrists of the gauntlets. Kentaro controls whether they will cut the opponent to shreds or tie them in a bind. They can even cut through steel! Gathering metal wire and coating them with animal oil, Kentaro wields his secret weapon. The wires have a very long reach, making this a powerful ranged weapon.

Moves: Mad Beast Barrage- Kentaro charges the opponent with his claws extended, using intense speed, he disappears from the opponent's sight. Kentaro then hits the opponent with a barrage of slashing attacks. The attacks seem to come from all sides as the opponent can only cry out in agony as blood come spewing from claw marks he/she is obtaining. Then Kentaro reappears on the opposite side in a crouching position as the opponent falls to the ground either dead or in complete agony and pain. In the end, it looks as though the opponent was attacked by some kind of animal, not by anything human.

Tornado Eviscerator- Ultimate Taijutsu Move. Spinning at a high speed with his arms out and claws extended, Kentaro creates a massive vacuum-like tornado which draws all things that are not embedded in the ground or tied down within a certain radius into it to be torn to pieces by his Claws. This attack is best used when surrounded by enemies. To many this technique is known as "The Blood Mist Tornado" because the blood from the enemies is absorbed into the tornado and when Kentaro finally stops spinning, the blood has been turned into a mist and eerily spreads out across the land. It is also called that because it had been created in the village that had once been known as "Blood Mist Village". Kentaro can also still move bring someone within range.

Side: Even though he fights with Yunaiteddo, he is on his own side. He doesn't trust anybody other than his 3 subordinates and will do anything to complete his goal of returning to the Hidden Mist Village with them.


subordinates: 3 Genin subordinates. All are dressed similar to Kentaro. All are fiercely loyal to Kentaro. They refer to him as "Kentaro Sensei". They had been orphans living on the streets until they met Kentaro.

Domon- Age: 15. Tall, very fit and shaved bald with green eyes. Most used weapon: ball and chain. Best skills: Strength and Taijutsu.

Kagura- Age: 14. Average hight, slender and well fit. Long red hair and blue eyes. Most used weapon: Naginata. Best skills: Agility and Water style jutsu.

Kazuma - Age: 13. Average hight, thin but fit with raspy black hair, green eyes. Most used weapon: anything that can be thrown. Best skills: Perfect Accuracy and Ninjutsu.

bio: Kenji was born in the Hidden Mist Village. His father Reiko Nakamura, a Jounin of the Hidden Mist, died in battle against the G.R. before Kentaro was born. His mother Yuka Nakamura, was also a Jounin ninja of the Hidden Mist and was a powerful medical ninja to boot. However, as Kentaro grew, the Mizukage sensed a darkness coming from Kentaro's and believed that something needed to be done before it got out of hand, but his mother wouldn't hear of it. Kentaro was always a kind and caring, gentle boy. There was no way he was a threat to anyone. Kentaro learned very quickly as he trained to be a ninja. Kentaro was fond of claw weapons, and so decided to learn how to use them. At the age of 13, Kentaro had already jumped to the level of Jounin. Unfortunately only made the Mizukage more fearful of the boy. The darkness that was sensed inside Kentaro seemed to remain dormant, but the Mizukage wasn't going to take that chance. The Mizukage brought up his concern with the other Kage, who agreed that Kentaro needed to be dealt with. The day came when he and his mother were force to leave the Hidden Mist Village. He and his mother were forced to live outside the boundaries of the hidden villages. Though they had been force out of the village, they managed to make a living selling medicine. A year passed and Kentaro along with his mother managed to make a nice life for themselves... Then THEY came. The G.R. attacked the village that had taken Kentaro and his mother in without hesitation. The G.R. set the village was ablaze. Kentaro's mother gave her life protecting him and the village from those monsters... those souless beasts. But when he looked into her eyes a moment before she died, it awakened in him the darkness that had been lying dormant. A fire ignited within him and his emotions exploded like a volcano. He didn’t really remember anything after that. The next thing he knew, the village was littered with the torn up body parts of the monsters that had killed his mother and he was wear his Steel Claw Gauntlets which were dripping with blood and the Commander of the hoard was laying at his feet dead, looking as though he had be clawed to death by some rabid beast. The villagers all looked at him unsure of what to feel, but the one emotion they new for certain was fear. Kentaro clung to his mother’s cold corpse all night long, weeping and begging her to forgive him for failing to protect her. That day, the flames were almost beautiful as they turned the village to ash. In the blink of an eye, it took away so much. Lives, hopes, dreams, and as they watched their world burn, the people cried out in grief. It was like a scene from hell. Kentaro left the village after that and that night was the last time they ever saw him. Kentaro wandered the land, taking down as many G.R. as possible. He met Domon and his little brother and sister, Kagura and Kazuma while passing through the Land of Fire. Their village had been attacked by some stray G.R. which had wandered into the village. Kentaro had saved their lives and from that point on, they devoted themselves to serving Kentaro or as they now refer to him as "Kentaro Sensei". At first, Kentaro was against them following him because he didn't know if he would be able to always protect them. However, they wouldn't take no for an answer and continued to follow him against his will until he finally gave in. He decided to teach them to become ninja so they could at least be able to protect themselves. During this time, they grew closer together, so much so Kentaro began to remembered his mother and of how he failed to protect her and the sadness it brought him. He knew he could never stand to feel that way again. And so he made an oath to them, "The day that I fail to protect you is the day that I too will die." It's be nearly 4 years since then and Kentaro has found a new goal. He had alway told Domon, Kagura, and Kazuma about how beautiful the Village Hidden in the Mist was. And so he hopes to defeat the G.R. in hopes that the village will allow him to return. He promised them that he would one day show them the beauty of the Village Hidden in the Mist. He would one day show them the magnificence of the place his mother loved with all her heart... his home.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Ryuu Uchiha

Age: 21

Appearance: Ryuu has bright scarlet streaks in the bottom layers of his jet black hair.. He is average height with an average build. He is often made fun of for being the pretty boy. Ryuu always wears his ambu black ops uniform with his mask tied to the the side of his hip. He always comes out of battle without any lasting scars although he has once taken a katana to the stomach. Ryuu has all three tomoe(those little comma looking things) to his Sharingan, and there is often talk about him achieving the Mangekyo Sharingan(Last stage of Sharingan). But he neither confirms nor denies the authenticity of such rumors.

Moves: Ryuu only has one move that he didn’t copy from other ninja using his Sharingan. The Phantom jutsu, this jutsu is most effective when combined with the shadow clone jutsu it gives Ryuu the ability to pass through solid objects such as
trees walls or even the ground. Combined with the shadow clone jutsu this is the ultimate
ambush technique.

Weapons: Ryuu carries two short swords on his back but
seldom uses them. He tends to focus on long ranged attacks such as arrows, needles (paralyzing), and a wide array of shuriken which he seldom misses thanks to his Sharingan.

Side: Yunaiteddo

Rank: Ambu black ops member, but tends to do whatever he wants.

Subordinate: Kokoro(coco)- Age: 19. Kokoro has Light violet hair and deep kind violet eyes, She wears the ninja version of a black kimono with light violet sakura petals floating down the bottom left side. She is incredibly beautiful and she has very descent curves. Most used weapon: By building up chakra in her fists and releasing it on contact with a target, Kokoro can reduce most obstacles to rubble with great ease. Best skills: Incredible medical ninja and an expert cook.

Bio: Ryuu had never been apart of the hidden leaf village though he would often help to defend the village or help rookies on the more dangerous missions. During a particularly bloody battle while helping the hidden leaf village Ryuu noticed a young lady was surrounded by soulless. Just before the soulless drove its sword into the young lady Ryuu appeared in-between them taking the full force of the attack. Although he has bleeding heavily from the stomach Ryuu was able to defeat the surrounding soulless and escape using his ghosting technique. Ryuu woke up a few days later in the leaf village infirmary; sitting at his bedside was the girl he had saved. She was asleep with her head on the bed. When she woke up Ryuu couldn’t help but smile.
“You know I just realized something…Blocking a sword with your stomach hurts.” Ryuu said smiling at the girl from then on the two were inseparable. Ryuu would mostly just tag along with Kokoro on her missions. But the day he became part of the village in order to help his acceptance within the village. He adopted the alias of an ambu black ops member that through a series of freak accidents lead to the leakage of his identity. So Ryuu never has to wear his Ambu mask, and the villagers think he was part of the village from day one.
Definitions: Sharingan- The Sharingan's first and most well known ability is to memorize any technique that it witnesses. It can memorize any standard form of jutsu with perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as his own. The Sharingan's second ability is granting the user incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to track fast-moving objects with ease and even predict the subsequent movements of those objects. A fully-evolved Sharingan can track even the quickest opponents The Sharingan's third capability is a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent. When used in conjunction with the aforementioned aspects of the Sharingan, this allows the user to perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes, even before they do, making it appear as if the user can see the future. It also allows for other forms of hypnotism, such as putting an opponent to sleep, replaying memories to someone else, creating various illusions to fool an opponent, or even controlling them.
Ambu black ops- a group of elite ninja, that must keep there identities a secret using masks that resemble animals such as cats or dogs.
Medical ninja- Ninjas who are capable of healing using there chakra, and also have extensive knowledge of things like the human body, herbs, antidotes and various other kinds of medicines and medical things.

Name: Takeshi Uzumaki

Age: 22

Appearance: Jet black spiky hair, hazel brown eyes, average build, he wears the standard black ops uniform with a headband that has been passed down through the generations of his family from his ancestor Naruto Uzumaki. Like another ancestor of his he has the Sharingan, all three forms in fact, though the last form, the Mangekyo Sharingan he has gotten recently, the only person to know of this is the Grand Kage, but what the Grand Kage doesn't know is that he has another unique form of the Sharingan, called The Internal Mangekyo Sharingan only passed between family members giving their eyes to one another, and unfortunately for Takeshi he had to receive eyes from his father who died in the battle of Reiketsu. Because of his unique eyes doesn't suffer the effect of using the as others would. Takeshi walks with a causal air though he has a serious no nonsense attitude he knows how to relax, but when in battle he can kill without a problem, but will always be there for his family, and comrades no matter what.


Takeshi has a few moves he learned through shear determination, and training with his friend Ryuu, his move is called The Shadow Dragon jutsu. Takeshi makes a shadow clone change into a dragon that spits fire.

Rasendori: A modified version of the Rasengan and Chidori, in which the users calls upon lightening from the sky to use in the form of a ball of pure charka, this uses all of Takeshi's charka unless he's using his Sharingan.

Summoning: Takeshi can summon wolves of all sizes to help him achieve a task.

Dragon Flame: A technique that was passed down from another ancestor of Takeshi's Sasake Uchiha, it was once known as The Great Fireball Technique, but was changed by Takeshi when he added another element he has not yet shown in battle.

1,000 shurikens: A move Takeshi made himself; he hardens his charka into shurikens, and hurls them at enemies with pin point accuracy. This uses up all his charka leaving him drained.

Shining blade: Using his charged up Rasendori he can take that energy, and imprint it on his Hittokiri making it able to cut steel to ribbons. This does not cost him to expend as much charka if he were to use Rasendori alone yet it has its draw backs, for a short time after transferring the energy Takeshi has a moment of weakness, where his reaction timing is down.

Weapons: Takeshi uses his father's katana known as "Hittokiri" A sword he lets no other handle not even his little brother or sister. He also uses an assortment of shurikens, smoke bombs, flash bombs, stun and poison darts.

Transformation: None

Side: Yunaiteddo

Rank: Jonin/Ambu Black Ops member


Kai- Kai is a serious type of kid, and is very good with his developing skills for someone only 14 years of age. He wants to make his big brother Takeshi proud, and hopes to one day make the G.R. pay for taking his parents away. He like his sister has the Sharingan like their brother Takeshi, but only the first level for Kai. Best skills: Shadow clone jutsu and something he made called the shadow water clone jutsu he's currently teaching his older brother and sister.

Sakuya- Known to many as "Sock ya" because she loses her temper quickly, and has been known to hit people for being what she deems as stupid. Sakuya is also 14 years old, but is very like her older brother Takeshi, she is very intelligent, and better with her charka then her twin Kai. She wants to prove herself on the battlefield against the G.R. who took her parents from her. She has the second level of Sharingan, but has not mastered it yet. Best skills: The Great Flame Fireball technique, and The Chidori, a move shown to her recently by her older brother.

Bio: Most of the Uzumaki family records have been classified on a Need to know basis. With the loss of his father Kazuya Uzumaki, and his mother who performed the eye transition due to the attack of the G.R. on Takeshi who tried to attack the G.R. who had struck his father with a fatal blow taking a blast to the face that made him go blind. His father's dying wish was for his son to see again using his eyes, and so his wife Taki Uzumaki who was a med-nin put her husbands’ eyes in her son. Taki herself was killed trying to save other children from their village from attacking G.R. Soldiers successfully killing four of the five that attacked the last take her life while barely escaping with his own. The Grand Kage took Takeshi, and his siblings in giving them their own place, and making sure they felt welcome always thus becoming like a second father to them all.

<<<i decided to make another character since the their is only one G.R person>>>

name:Names do not matter to him but Yunaiteddo calls him kaibutsu(the monster)
age: 17
description;he eyes are blood red his hair jet black he wears all black knight like armor covering everything but his head

moves:kaibutsu is fast and stealthy plus he tends to toy with his opponents he has the ability to merge with the ground and travel huge distances in short times

weapons;he carries to hand size black cross bows and plenty of amunation
and a dagger

transformation: Kaibutsu transforms into a Camillion like creature and has the abilty to blend in and even merge with environment complete using light.


rank:G.R commander

subordinates: he can careless for his subordinates and he normally kills them for being to weak. Eventually they stop assigning him soulless because of the casualty rate he had caused by using them

bio: kaibsutu was cold hearted since birth his mother noted that he never cried in his life even when he was first born she knew that he was a dark child but loved him dearly and could not bring herself to do anything about it. his father on the other hand saw greatness instead of darkness. He knew that his son would become a fine G.R warrior.
At the age of 15 he became a G.R commander and was well on his way to the top but there was a problem he enjoyed killing to much and if he advanced any more he would no longer be on the front lines but a in the boring spot of a general he turned down the position repeatedly. his father on the other who was a General opposed the fact that he turned down such a honorable position and like a father began to order his son to become one but when he did kaibsutu look at his father and stabed him in the heart with a dagger,pulled it out and licked the blood. Soon after his mother had a similar fate.When he killed his parent's he didn't feal any angery sadness or even happinest he felt nothing he has always felt nothing but the need to fight. Until the age of 16 when he was assigned his first mission with Kuraname Pizo and he was the way Kuraname honored his opponents he finally felt something he had never felt before.......HATE. Kuraname held his opponents with high regards while kaibstutu saw his enemies as trash even though kaibistutu hates they are on the same side and when they combined their strength they are a force to to be reckoned with kaibistutu and kurname plan to end their rivalry after the war.

<<<<<<<<< the CF begins if you have not created a character you are still welcome to join in i'm sorry for any typo's or anything i make i'm am currently in a rush to wright but i will correct all of my mistakes eventually lol >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The Grand kage looked down upon a group of shnobi and anbu ninja's on his huge desk
the ninja's did not know why they were here but what ever the reason it was big famous all of the shnobi's hear were all elite ninjas. Two elite Uchihas,a great wind user and even Nakumara was here there.

"my elite Shnobi i Have summoned you hear because Yuntieddo in danger of falling and i love our land and I would do anything to keep it together that is why i assembled you all here" he said pausing to looking at all of the serious faces he than began to continue " About 20 hours ago the small village of keikoku (the village of beauty) was attacked if our enimes are to capture this village it would be the end for us. it would give GR a great strategic point into the heart of knonoha" The grand kage said

"why dose it matter to me" Kentaro yelled out to the kage

"because if khonoha falls it would be a domino effect and all the other villages will fall because all the villages work as one remember and we can't take the lost of another village our economy can barely sustain the fact we lost one village" the grand kage explained

"i see" Kentaro replied

"you all will assemble your teams and head to the village the battle will not be a easy one in fact it might be even bloodier than the battle of Reiketsu but if worse comes to worse I will step in" the grand kage said

Kuraname Pizo stood behind army of soulless and his 3 favorite soulless Gadehame, Mohane and Damesk

"Soon this war will be over" kuraname said

"and then i can finish you off" kaibsutu said appearing from the ground laughing
I've decided to make a few more characters too.

name: Hyoma "Hato" (means Dove) Yushikouga

age: 20

description:His body is both masculine and feminine at the same time. He has shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. his feminine facial features are the envy of all. He wears dark blue body armor complete with boots and gloves. However, when not wearing his body on her, he wears an elegant and refined tight fitting dark blue suit. No matter which outfit he wears, he always carries his Sword at his side.

weapons: A double edged rapier-like sword properly named "Kyoei" (vanity/vainglory).

moves: He possesses a special brand of swordsmanship, not unlike fencing. The thrusting power of his blade is so powerful it can pierce about any armor.

Elegant thrust- a sword technique where he thrusts so precisely and quickly he leaves no rough edges behind and creates the illusion he's using more than one arm and sword.

Cyclone Blade Strike- The attack creates a cyclone like wind around the sword. If it were to hit a thick wall of stone, it would create a spiral-like crater. That's how powerful it is. It's All about impact and cutting power elegantly combined.

Diving Claw Strike: (can use only in transformation) He flies high into the air and then dives down onto his opponent feet first to slash them to ribbons.

Elegant Slicing Wing Storm: (can use only in transformation) By flapping his mighty wings, he can create a storm of feathers that are as sharp as razor blades.

transformation: Transforms into an elegant white feathered bird man. Gives him the ability to fly and the ability to see very sharply.

side: G.R.

rank: Commander and G.R.S.O Captain

subordinates: though many soulless fall under his command, he believes he is so powerful that he needs no help whatsoever.

bio: The young master of the Yushikouga Family, grew up in the G.R., torn from his sister's side, with only Kyoei as his playmate. His cool, unemotional demeanor created many enemies, but his great skills solidified his family amongst the noblest of the G.R. and now he is the right hand of the commander in chief. He's the only one who has ever truly seen the commander in chief's true face, which is usually covered by a black hood and a mask. He is extremely vain and cares about nothing but beauty, especially his own. Though he and Ayame are siblings, he treats her more like a slave, in fact, he treats everyone of lower rank like slaves. He despises all things ugly and desires to make this world as beautiful as he is.

name: Ayame Yushikouga

age: 18

description: She is extremely beautiful with very long blonde hair and blue eyes. Though she is only 18, she has a very womanly body. She is slim and fit, and wears a red dominatrix-like outfit and skimpy black body armor.

weapons: A whip and what looks to be a cross between a spear and a jousting lance which she calls "Dorei Mori" (which means servant lance).

moves: Much like her brother, the thrusting power of her lance is so powerful it can pierce about any armor.

Cyclone Lance Strike- similar to her brother's Cyclone Blade Strike. The attack creates a cyclone like wind around the lance. Except if it were to hit a thick wall of stone, it would create a crater. Ayame's is more about impact.

Diving Claw Strike: (can use only in transformation) She flies high into the air and then dives down onto his opponent feet first to slash them to ribbons.

Chakra Drain: (can use only in transformation) It is an attack to weaken the chakra of an opponent. It is done by biting the opponent’s neck and sucking out blood in order to decrease the opponent’s chakra levels. Unlike the Vampire, Ayame does not gain any benefit from sucking the blood. (It's just a game for her.) However, she can feel the emotions of her opponent than which gives her sexual boost.

Wing Blast Hurricane: By flapping her wings, she can create a hurricane force wind to devastate her opponent's.

transformation: transforms into a vampiress. Giving her the ability to fly and an increased sense of hearing. However she does not lose her sight, making her a formidable opponent.

side: G.R.

rank: G.R. Knight and low ranked G.R.S.O.

subordinates: 1 Soulless known as "Dorei" (meaning slave or servant).

Dorei- is a creature which hides in heavy black soulless armor. When the armor is off, it has no specific shape, it's just a blob of green goo that can shape shift and can regenerate itself. It has one weakness, but it is nearly impossible to attack, because it can shift it around at will. It's only desire is to make its mistress, Ayame's desires come true.

bio: Ayame is extremely beautiful and uses that to her advantage. She despises her elder brother Hyoma because of the way he's treated her throughout her life, even though he is her brother. And though she despises him, she can do nothing because he's too powerful for her to defeat. In fact, just seeing him strikes fear into her. Hyoma's power makes her look like a novice. So, she has come to love breaking and dominating men. However, one day she met up with Kentaro Nakamura and no matter how hard she tried she could not break him. In fact, it was the first time she had ever had to withdraw from a fight. After that day, she has had an obsessive desire to obtain Kentaro for herself.

"You two can have your fun, but Kentaro belongs to me. So you'd best leave him to me, right Dorei?" says Ayame landing on a large tree trunk.

"Yes Mistress." responds Dorei from his armored shell.

"I really don't care who I fight just as long as I get to see their blood shed!" says Kaibsutu with a wicked smirk.

"Don't take them so lightly. They will not fall as easily as you may believe!" says Pizo, believing they are too arrogant for their own good.

"Good, the stronger they are the more they'll struggle when I'm choking the life out of them!" says Kaibsutu with a maniacal laugh.


In the land of fire, Kentaro and Kita are making their way through a swamp with their subordinates bringing up the rear.

"The checkpoint is just a little further." say Kita.

"Right. So how is it I go stuck with you again?" asks Kentaro sardonically.

"The Grand Kage paired the teams himself. He thinks because we're so similar that we will work well as a team. Or something like that. To tell the truth I'm as lost as you are." responds Kita.

"Oh great, that means we were the last two name in the hat, so we're together by default. Remind me when we get back to kick the Grand Kage in his grand balls when we get back.

Kita would have said something, but he was laughing to hard.

That's when a loud rustling noise caught their attention.

"Who's out there?" demands Kita.

"Kentaro-sensei, Kita, above you!" shouts Kagura.

Kita and Kentaro dive to the side as the beautiful Ayame jumps down from the trees landing where Kentaro and Kita had been, her Dorei Mori over her shoulder.

"Well, well, just the man I've been looking for." says Ayame licking her lips.

"Ayame, it's you. So where's Dorei? He hiding somewhere?" asks Kentaro sarcastically.

"Well, that's not much of a greeting. Oh well, you'll learn to treat me properly once your mine. And no, Dorei will be along shortly. Remember, his armor is quite heavy, it take him a while. to get places. But while we're waiting my dear Kentaro, why don't you and I get things started, unless you want to submit to me now." responds Ayame with a smirk licking her lips seductively.

"Thanks, but no thanks." says Kentaro, extending his claws.

"Kentaro, if we work together we can take her down easy." says Kita readying himself.

"I'm only after Kentaro! Do what you want with the others... Kaibsutu!" says Ayame.

"Gladly!" hisses Kaibsutu, his hands emerging from the ground behind Kita, grabbing him by the legs and drags him of.

"Kita! Darn it! Gen, Mia Tao, go after them! Kazuma, Domon, Kagura, your with me." orders an agitated Kentaro.

"Right!" they all respond.

Gen, Mia Tao, went after Kita while, Kazuma, Domon, Kagura readied themselves to fight.

"Now this doesn't seem fair. Something is missing." says Ayame nonchalantly. Then out of nowhere, the giant armored Dorei comes crashing down beside her. "There we are, that's much better. Now, let's begin, shall we."


Pizo is walking a rocky path when several shuriken come flying his way.

"Sneaky bastards! Come out and fight me!" demands Pizo.

"You have no right to call us sneaky after the things you people have done!" says Ryuu Uchiha appearing from the shadows.
The Grand Kage ordered Takeshi and his squad six to guard the back entrance to that village, so if they needed a way to get out if things got bad they would have one.

"Where's all the action?" Sakuya complained, looking around for one of the G.R soldiers.

"What's wrong with you Sakuya? Don't you know we're doing an important job here." Kai informed, an annoyed Sakuya who looked like she was about to blow up.

"The point of this whole mission is stealth." Takeshi said seriously. Kai and Sakuya knew when Takeshi talked like that he meant busniess.

Minutes past, and still nothing happened then in the distance an explosion went off causing Takeshi and his group to jump with surprise.

"Kai and Sakuya, I want you both to stay here, and protect this entrance if it gets too much for you I want you to retreat somewhere safe" Takeshi ordered.

Before they could object Takeshi was already dashing toward the explosion.

The rocky path had become even smaller. Pizo hated such low-life tactics. The Jounin had attacked without warning or introduction. His reflexes had saved him yet again. The white haired commander turned around and spatted the insult.

"You have no right to call us sneaky after the things you people have done!" said the jounin as he appeared from the shadows. A black uniform, a mask to the hip- Ambu warrior.

"Boss!" someone from behind him shouted as three shadows landed behind him. A tall, blue-haired, red-eyed souless rose from his right. His name was Gadehame. His ability with his three bladed katana-samedo, was increadible. "He's mine!" someone shouted again from behind as a shorter than Gadehame boy rose on the left of Pizo. He was wearing a redish shirt and shorts that were fashionable for souless nowadays.

"Shut your mouth, idiot. That's a jounin. Not even three of us souless combined can't kill him." said a female's voice from behind Pizo. Suddenly a hand came out and punched Damesk out of the way. "Move it, retard, I can't see the enemy." a girl appeared. Her blonde hair was dyed to white and her blue shirt and shorts were the female version of Damesk's uniform.

"You're not completely right, Mohane. Not even fifty of you guys combined can kill him. See the mask."

"He's an Ambu!" she shouted, stretching her arm. The muscular hand of her commander stopped her from attacking.

"Stand down, Mohane. Not now, I don't care what your issues with Ambu are. You are a soldier, you follow orders. Right now our orders are not to engage..."

"You don't have a choice." said a girl that landed next to the Ambu. Here velvet hair waved around as her eyes were observing every detail. "You'll have to fight us."

"Good." said Gadehame.

" 'was about time I get some work out." said Mohane warming her shoulders up.

"Don't be so full of yourselves, souless." said the girl, as the three souless surrounded her, leaving the jounin and the commander to themselves.

"If I were them I would run away." said the Ambu. "Kokoro is the best medical ninja I've ever seen. These souless of yours have no chance of beating her"

"Hm, interesting. You seem to think that they are Souless just because they wear souless uniforms. In truth, the only reason why they have the experience of a GR knight, but if they are appointed knights they will have to go to another commander." Pizo said, placing his hands in position for fighting. "Before we begin, my name is Kuraname Pizo. Let us start." he said calmly.

Suddenly they both disappeared as a bunch of deflected shurikens and kunai fell on the ground. They both appeared on the branches of opposite gigantic trees that surrounded the rocky road. Ryuu threw kunais again, but Pizo whirled his spear in front of himself, deflecting all of them.

"I guess I can't expect this to be efficient against a commander. Then lets see how you'll handle this." he said and suddenly his hands started making hand signs, with such speed, that before Pizo had even made a leap to dodge the attack, Ryuu's hand was making a circle around his mouth:"Fire blossoms technique!" he shouted as small fire balls bursted through his mouth. Pizo knew that if any of them would hit him, they would explode. His body bent over and he dodge everyone of them. He rose as the balls exploded far away behind him.

"Is that it?" Pizo said as he prepared to attack. He suddenly felt a strange cold touch wrapping around his whole body. His eyes concentrated and now he could see extremely thin metalic threads wrapped around his whole body. "What the...? When did...? Ah, the fireballs." Pizo said as he saw the thread unite in the Ambu's hands. The grip of the thin threads was very difficult to break. He strenghened his muscules, to loosen the threads.

"Too Slow!" said the Ambu as he stopped hand signing. "Fire Purge technique!" he shouted, as he blew fire on the threads which started traveling towards Pizo.

"Tanu Kanabe!" The commander shouted quickly as he could as the fire got to him and exploded. The next second The Ambu turned on the left and thrusted his kunai into the shoulder of the suddenly-appeared Pizo. Pizo quickly kicked the black haired jounin in the face and threw a summersault. As he landed on his feet he jumped forwards the turning-his-face-towards Anbu and thrusted his spear at him. The jounin was bearly able to dodge this attack, escaping with his shirt and skin slightly pierced from his left shoulder to his right waste side. A slight scar that would bleed shortly. "Red, black-dotted eyes? A sharingam user!" he thought as he saw the eyes. "Well, well, you must be an Uchiha member, huh? No wonder you could dodge this one."

"Don't underes..." the Ambu said, but suddenly a great explosion that light the sky interrupted him.The explosion was had deep red color. "What the...?"

"He is here."

"And just in time." said someone from behind him. The three subbordinates landed right next to Pizo. They were beaten, battered and bruised, but they still had power in them. Pizo could tell.

"Are we gonna finish this, boss?" asked Damesk.

"No, we're leaving." said Pizo.

"You're not going anywhere!" said Kokoro as she landed on the other side of the gigantic tree's branch. Kokoro seemed to have taken quite a lot of beating herself.

"Now?" asked Mohane as Pizo took out a bluish rock from his pocket. The Anbu and medical ninja sprang forwards in attack position, but it was too late. "Light Obscurity!" Kuraname shouted as the rock shined in milk white light which enveloped the group of GR squade and suddenly as the light disappeared so did they. Kokoro was still in mid-air, her leg heading towards the Umbra. The Uchiha caught her leg and they both landed on the branch safely.
<<this will be the last person i will create>>
name:Cero Ryouchou
description: he has long blond hair and blue eyes he looks to be in his 20s.

moves: Cero use his sword as a coductor and can shoot elecctric charge blast that are explosive. when fighting if his blade touches you the eletric shock paralizes whomever touches it for as long as the blade touches
using a lot of chakra Cero can create a eletirical barrieand anything that touches is shocked although he can only use it for a short amount of time

weapons: he carries a long white sword
side: neither
rank: X G.R Genrenal

Misaki age 28 Misaki was a great med nin she was above avreage and was one of the people who could compete to become Raikage but she gave it all up to be with Cero she quit being a nija to start a family with Cero and now they have one and she could'nt be happier.

Shudou Ryouchou jr age10 he is a genenie and is learing from his mother ninjustu he knows nothing of his father past

Bio: At brith Cero has been living in the shadow of his 3 older brothers. Even though he was considerd at great G.R Genereal he was nothing compaired to his brothers. His father Shudou Ryouchou would not even acknowledge Cero as his son.until His 20th birthday when his father gave him one last shot at acceptance to lead the battle of Reiketsu. Cero failed miserablely and was wounded by a group of shnobi thought to be dead the shnobi threw Cero into a pile of G.R corpses. unable to move srounded by corpses and heart broken that he could not do what his father want all he could do is cry.3 days went by and a female medical ninja from the cloud village named misaki found him at first she was going to kill Cero but she hadn't the heart to kill someone who had suffered so much instead she took Cero to his house and began to trerat his wounds. In the time cero wounds began to see the stupidity of what the war had created, All those who had died for nothing,Cero now only wanted peace. Cero all so grew close to misaki. When Cero wounds were completely healed he notice that he was unable to use the power of his stone because it had been too damaged instead Misaki began teaching him to use ninjustu. A year went by and Misaki had become pregnate and Cero was already able to control his charka at will.Cero was learning quickly. 2 yers and she had Cero's child which he named Shudou after Cero's father and to the present Cero has become keen with the lighting element and great in ninjustu and taijustu and Cero is curently living in the village of keikoku.

" Kokoro we're going we done here" Ryuu said forming some hand sighs and the diserpearing soon Kokoro followed

"aww they left i didnt get a chance to show them what i was really made of" Mohane

"it dosent matter we are going back to base" Pizo said calmly

Pizo felt a sharp pain on his arm he looked to the right and he noticed a kunai was lodged in his arm probaly from the all the kunai Ryuu flung at him. He slowly pulled it out and out it in his back pocket and began to walk back to base with his soulless.


kita had been draged of in a remote area by kaibutsu and stood sourounded by forest with nothing in site but trees

" i pick you instead if of kentro because i thought you were going to be more fun i heard about you the one who was in a very bloody battle at such a young age" the voice echoing from beneath the ground

"where the hell are you so i can kill you" Kita said getting a lil frusatied

"kill me that's what all trash says to me before i kill them" the voice echoed

suddentltly a bunch of arrows began to shoot out of trees aiming to kill kita. kita quiclky pulled out his sowrd and began swinging using wind to stoping the arrows force making them drop to the ground

"if that all you got your going to lose" kita said smirking a little

"i am mearly playing with you" voice said

<<<<<<<<<<<mean while>>>>>>>>>>

Ayame and dorie began to charge at kentro when suddently Hyoma crashed down in front of the two

"all attacks have been called off Shudou Ryouchou we all must regroup at the base and welcome his arival he said grabing Ayame and draging her off

kentro stood there with his team confused
A Non-Existent User
“For a leader that guy was weak!” Kokoro laughed her wounds already beginning to heal (one of the positives of being the best known healing ninja in all of Yunaiteddo).
“It’s a wonder you made it all the way to Sinobi.” Ryuu fake scolded Kokoro who replied by jumping onto his lap and flicking his forehead.
“Then what he was just having an off day?” Kokoro asked half joking
“If I had to guess id say this was just to gather information on the village.” Ryuu replied looking up towards the ceiling deep in thought. Hearing something approaching Ryuu gave coco a devilish grin and embraced her just as Takeshi walked in.
“Aww come on you two, that’s not cool. Ryuu I bet you did that on purpose.” Takeshi said back turned to them.
“What is it?” Ryuu laughed standing up holding a now deep blushing Kokoro’s hand. "Let me guess another secret mission?"
A slow motion cried in him. The trees were wizzing pass him, as he jumped from one to the next one. On his right was Gadehame. His blue hair, shook against the calm wind that was as if caressing him. His red eyes were on Pizo. On the left was Mohane. There was worry writtten on her face. A worry that always made Pizo mad. Her blonde hair that she had dyed in white, her constant disabordinations and fanatical desire to please her commander were troublesome on their own. The other trouble magnet was right next to Mohane-Damesk. The red haired souless had always been the one to screw up. Or at least until two months. His new-found power with the Gelel had made him a remarcable and irreplacable part of their team. They all jumped again, bursting through a the leafs of a huge branch. Light illuminated into Pizo's eyes and for the first time in a lot of time, Pizo felt like stopping for a rest. He landed on the top vertical branch of a huge tree, making it tilt, and looked towards the horizon. The soft coloirs of the sun made the sky yellow around it, leaving alone everything around it, in aquatic blue, only a few clouds floating on the heavonly sea carelessly. His gaze fell down towards the trees that seemed to have caught the sky and were pulling it towards a third point in space, invisible to Pizo's sharp gaze. Why A slow motion cried in him. The trees were wizzing pass him, as he jumped from one to the next one. On his right was Gadehame. His blue hair, shook against the calm wind that was as if caressing him. His red eyes were on Pizo. On the left was Mohane. There was worry writtten on her face. A worry that always made Pizo mad. Her blonde hair that she had dyed in white, her constant disabordinations and fanatical desire to please her commander were troublesome on their own. The other trouble magnet was right next to Mohane-Damesk. The red haired souless had always been the one to screw up. Or at least until two months. His new-found power with the Gelel had made him a remarcable and irreplacable part of their team. They all jumped again, bursting through a the leafs of a huge branch. Light illuminated into Pizo's eyes and for the first time in a lot of time, Pizo felt like stopping for a rest. He landed on the top vertical branch of a huge tree, making it tilt, and looked towards the horizon. The soft coloirs of the sun made the sky yellow around it, leaving alone everything around it, in aquatic blue, only a few clouds floating on the heavonly sea carelessly. His gaze fell down towards the trees that seemed to have caught the sky and were pulling it towards a third point in space, invisible to Pizo's sharp gaze. Why, it was not his first time to see the horizon. Then, why did it make him feel so calm and relaxed. To such extend that he did had forgotten he ha a kunai in his shoulder. "That's right!I can't think of such things right now. I must move." he said as he looked towards his subbordinates. They were watching him, waiting for orders.

"Let's move out!"he shouted out and jumped as high as he could.


"I don't care if he had even caught a cold. We had them right where we wanted them." Karade said as Pizo passed by.

"Well, he didn't know, Karade. Let's just prepare for the next battle. These guys'll be as easy as pie anyway." Kuraname said. "Oh, Karade, up!" the other said as he saw Pizo waitig in front of them. "Saleh Kamedo!" they salluted, as they put their left hands on their shoulders.

"Saleh Kamedo!" he answered back, putting his hand on the left shoulder.

"Commander? Are you alright?" the guards said. Pizo looked towards the camp. The huge area around the Cofu foun was used for a camp for the enormous army that was gathered. Then he looked back to see that his subbordinates were there, only to find that he was right. Pizo, turned around and walked in the camp without answering. His souless followed like a faithful shadow. Up till now the pain from the shoulder wound had turned numb, so he had no trouble moving his shoulder. He had taken the Kunai out and putten it in his bag for safe keeping. A girl in black kimono stepped in his way. The souless stopped on their own, a few stepps behind him.

"Commander Pizo, I need to treat you immediately." the girl said putting her arm on the wound." Damn healing agent, don't you dare touvh him!" thought Mohane as she took a step forwards of the others.

"No, I have direct orders to report to Lord Ryouchou." he said as he tried to continue forwards.

"But the wound might get infected." she said. Suddenly something hit her in the face and she fell down on the ground.

"Never step in my way!" Pizo said. Mohane's cheeks were blushing in deep red, as a slight smile crawled up her face. Pizo continued and so his souless. As they passed by the healing agent, who was trying to get up, Mohane kicked her back to the ground.


"My lord?" asked the guard, as he came in bowing down.

"Yes, what is, Sorika?"

"Commander Pizo is here as requested."

"Good, he may enter." The leader said as the guard opened the poach for the commander to come in.


"Pizo! No need for formalities. We live in such times that we have no time for being polite. Well?"

"It will be more difficult than we thought."

"Tell me something I don't know?"

"My lord, I met a soldier who seems to be as powerful as me."

"You are displeased?"

"Not really."

"Me niether. This is the first time I see such a grievious wound on you. Tell me who did it."

"I believe it was a Uchiha. He was a Sharingan user."

"An Uchiha? I see."

"My lord" said Pizo as he took the kunai out. The guard inside reached for his sword. Ryouchou raised his arm to make him steady his sword. "Here it is."

"Good!" Ryouchou said as his eyes closed.
"So they've fled." says Kentaro, after the confusing retreat Ayame made. "Kentaro-sensei? Why do you think they fled?" asked Kagura. "I'm not sure..." Kentaro starts, but then he catches the sound of a snapping twig. "...but it seems we'll have to figure it out later." says Kentaro, looking in the direction of the sound. The other three fallowed suit. "Who's there? Show yourself!" demanded Kentaro calmly. And at that moment, a large G.R. Knight steps out. He is very large in muscle mass, bald, with blue eyes, wears simply silver armor, and is carrying an Double-edged Great Sword. "You have good ears." says the man with a smirk.

"I know you. Your Ruzo Youna, The Pillagerist. Your the man who uses overwhelming numbers of Souless to defeat your opponents. Your also the weakest of the G.R. They must have sent you to keep us occupied while your pals escape." says Kentaro. Kagura and Kazuma giggle after Ketaro's remark. Domon just smirks, trying to be professional.
"Hold your tongue. I may be considered the weakest, but I know you, "The Bladed Beast" Kentaro Nakamura. You've been a thorn in our lord's side for a long time. However, once I kill you and take your head back to my lord, he'll make me his right hand man instead of that bastard Hyoma!" says Ruzo laughing excitedly. "You think you can win against me?" remarks Kentaro with a smirk of curiosity. "Perhaps not on my own." That's when a half a dozen Souless came out from the shadows of the forest behind him. "I see, so you purposely let yourself be heard to distract us from their approach. You may be weak, but your strategic ability is impressive." says Kentaro praisingly. Ruzo just smirked. That's when Domon stepped forward, "Kentaro-sensei, please allow us to take these Souless down." requests Domon. Kentaro just smiled, "Very well then. Have your fun." and with that said, Kentaro walked to a nearby tree and leaned against it. "Ha! Do you children really think you can defeat them! Very well, go my Souless, destroy!" orders Ruzo. And with that the Souless went forward on their mission to destroy. "Kagura? Kazuma? Lets end this quickly?" asks Domon with a smirk. "Alright, then that's my queue!" say Kazuma jumping into the air and revealing several kunai with paper-bombs attached. Then get throughs them at the feet of the solders and the explosion causes them to stop in their tracks which caused them to end up in a straight line. Domon runs to the beginning of the line and then took a tackling stance. "Now it's my turn! HA!" yells Domon as he charges them and using his great strength pushed them all into the swamp where Kagura awaited standing on the water. "Alright, time to finish it!" says Kagura as she summons a large amount of chakra. Then she stick her Naginata into the swamp "Water Style..." with that the water began to spin like a cyclone around the bottom half of the weapon, lifting it high into the air. Kagura then disappears then reappears near the top of the cyclone and grip the top half of the Naginata and lift to swing it straight down upon the Souless below. "Clinging Grand Whirlpool!" she says as the cyclone like attack is brought down on her opponents. The attack has a huge impact and sends waves of water everywhere. However, the Souless merely emerged with a few marks. "Ha! Did you really think that was going to work? You fools are..." before Ruzo could finish, Domon spoke, "We're not done yet. Now, Earth Style: Mud Prison!" and with that, mud encased the Souless. "Now... Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Kazuma says as he blast a large fireball which hardens the mud into stone. "Now, we're finshed says Domon as he lifts the bolder full of souless and hurls it into the air. Kazuma then takes out a scroll, "Tool scroll Summoning: Spear!" a spear appears in Kazuma's hand with a large bomb connected to it. He hurls it and sticks it into the bolder. Then uses his chakra to set it off. A massive explosion completely destroys the bolder as all the now dead souless fall to the ground.

"What?! How can this be?!" says Ruzo, astonished. "You rely too heavily on strength. You couldn't of defeated them even if you had faced them yourself." explains Kentaro. "No! I am strong! I am powerful! I will show you strength!" exclaims Ruzo in anger as he transforms into an ape like being and charges Kentaro. Kentaro merely grabs the blade as it comes down. "You are a fool! I can hear your sword weeping! I'll show you how to use it properly!" exclaims Kentaro as he easily takes hold of the hilt and kicks Ruzo to the ground. "This is the end for you!" says Kentaro as he drives the blade into Ruzo. "I think I'll keep this as a keepsake. I'll put it to better use than you ever did. Now, to check Kita. Not that he needs me to." says Kentaro with a smirk and so they headed off in the direction Kaibsutu had dragged Kita.
"come out of hiding this is getting ridiculous" kita demanded as more arrows flung at him
kita easily stopping them with wind

"this is fun i wonder how long your chraka will hold up against my assault" kaibutsu laughed sadistically

"Sensei" tao yelled at sprinting towards kita

"we'll help you" Gen syelled following

"you idiots your no match for him stay back"Kita yelled out to his team but before he could say more a swarm of arrows headed straight for them.Kita in desperate at temp to stop them leaped in front of Gen and Tao taking the full blow of the arrows. Barely standing wounded losing a lot of blood from the arrows and fading out kita yelled out "Run" he paused for moment and everything became black as he let out one last word "idiots" and he fell face flat on the ground his team began to run all but tao fled

" that was easy, i can make it too see Ryouchou let me just finish him off" kaibutsu chuckled as he slowly rose from the ground he then pointed his cross bow at tao

"Kid do you really wana fight me"kaibutsu chuckled

Tao then began to charge at kaibutsu throwing at right high kick at kaibutsu.aiming to shatter hid jaw kaibutsu.dunked down dodging he then grabed Tao leg and pulling his leg towards him aiming to dislocate his leg tao screamed in agony
It was over kaibutsu had won Tao thought to himself closing his eyes .

when suddenly coming from the woods a kunai whizzed past kaibutsu head. kaibutsu then dropped the Tao and looked towards where the kunai had come from and appearing from the woods was kentro walking slowly towards kita. When reach kita who was laying on the floor.

"Kita how the helll do you get your ass kicked" he said calmmly looking at kaibutsu

"He played dirty" kita said coughing up blood

"it looks to me like you got owned by a fucking freak he laughed"kentro laughed a little still keeping his guard up

"DAMM IT I DON'T GOT TIME FOR THIS i wana go see Ryouchou I'll kill you guys later" kaibutsu said sinking into the ground
--------------------------------mean while in the heart village of keikoku--------------------------------
the village had been ravaged by war. the G.R were relentless in their assault the village hoards of soulless march on the front gates only to be stopped by a group of elite jounin guards

"Mom I'm scared" Shudou Ryouchou jr cried out

"It's ok the jounin have everything under control" Misaki said confidently while began to comfort the boy Cero.

"Cero" A voice whisperd in his head

"I see my son still lives" the voice continued

"father but when did he get here this battle is lost with him here" kita thought to himself

" i will give you my acceptence and spare you wife and child if you open the gates my son the voice said proudly

Cero paused and slowly began to cry.

"what do i do" he said to himself holding his son.
A Non-Existent User
name:Fynn Narumi


description;Fynn has has orange spiky hair and a beautiful face.His torso is skinny (a
bit to skinny) and a blue shirt with staright lines of yellow running down staright.He
wears baggy shorts with big pockets to hold stuff he buys that are small.he wears yellow
wristbands since he was seven on both of his arms.His weakness is that he is highly hurt
by fire attacks.and that he cannot hurt anyone innocent.

moves;Fynn can contorl Water/Ice and use it at how he pleases.

Denomic Jutsu:Water/Ice Beast.:It is also a secert Jutsu in the Narumi Clan.It causes
water to make a shape of the enemy's worst fear and thh user fights in that
mood.while in this mood he is extremely fast and can use the moves:Devil Region Ice
Mirrors.(A better Crystal Ice Mirrors with a Flying expolsin.).And Hurdo.

Hurdo (Can only be done in Water Beast mood):It is a Lighting Blade like move except that
it invovles water.The user collects Part of his own charka and turns it in water and then
must put all his focus on turing it into ice.Then you run at the Enemy and hit him with
it in the stomach and if hit Perfectly the enemy is frozen in Ice captured and cannot get
out by himself.

Devil Region Ice Mirrors/Crystal Ice Mirrors.:Devil region can only be done in Water
Beast mood.Crystal Ice mirrors can be done normally.This Jutsu involves Ice and
teleportation.Fynn can strike the oppenet as much as he wants as long as the mirrors are
up.It is almost impossible to hit him while jumping mirror to mirror.the only diiference between normal mirrors and devil region mirrors are that it IS impossible to
grab him while jumping mirror to mirror in Devil Region mood.And theres a flying expolsin
at the end.

weapons;Normal Kunais

transformation:None except Water/Ice Beast



subordinates:Fynn's only has one genin named Saka Tsoumi.

Saka Tsoumi:Saka was born a half cat and half human.Her father was a human that was part
of G.R and her mother was a Cat demon (in disguise as a human) One nigth her parent's
met and it was love at first sight.After about two years after they met the cat demon had
Saka.Once her father saw that she had a tail.ears.And paws.She started to explain but the
father was in shock so he said that he never wanted to see her again.She cryed and cryed
until she had nothing but hate.She gave up her life to be with him forever but now that
it was over she had nothing but revenge in mind.After she was done crying she put all her
powers hidden inside her baby and then dissappeared into the night.About the age of
tweleve she was kicked out because her father had enough of the bad memoires.She then
begged to come back but he would not let her.After about two hours she stopped crying and
then ran away from her cruel dad and went off to the city to look for a new home.After
about two days she was about to give up until she met Fynn.Fynn took her to his house and
gave her a home and treated her like a sister.After ten days of Fynn's training Saka
leraned to shrink people.She can only use this once a day.To this day she fight's
against the G.R but because she is such a tomboy she acts tough like her

Bio:Fynn was born into clan Narumi.The Famous Water/Ice clan.There clan was going to die
soon since there was only three of them left so they decided to end the clan before they
were wipped off the earth by assanations.The last three were him.his mom and his
cousin.About the age of Five his cousin died from a unknown attacker.His mom was worried
he would get killed as well so when he was nine she would put him under new care.When it
was his ninth birthday he was to be sent with a new family.But just as she was about to
tell him his fate someone had been watching them because as she senced him she was killed
badly.As she died they stabbed him with a huge ice shard threw the heart.The attacker was
a G.R.He then went to her mom and went to help her but she knew she was going to die so
she gave Fynn his true powers with the rest of her life and then she died.He looked at
her with Rage and Sorrorw.He cryed for the rest of the day until he relizied that it
wasn't his falut.It was the G.R.He got up and then started to plan out his
revenge.He knew he was to weak to kill anyone so he had to train 24/7 for a long time to
get stronger.One day when he was sixteen he went into town to get something to eat.When
he was full he walked back to his house to train he saw a girl a bit younger then him
with a sign saying:Please take me.I wont be a burden.He looked at her ears and tail and paws and was curious so he went to talk to her.After about twenty-five minutes he was
somehow taking her home with him!.He smiled at her and she smiled back.that was there
first encounter.Until this day they both are trying to get back at G.R for there loved


Fynn walked towards the front gate of the vilage and looked at the huge gate in front of him."Ugh..I hate the feeling of guarding something big like this.." He walking over to a booth with a button of emergancy and a few seats in it.He looked around and threw his bag on the ground and then sat down on the chair putting his feet in the air."I may as well get into comfort.I'll be here for awhile."As he was about to fall asleep he heard a huge yell.Fynn woke up a bit startled and fell off the chair.He then got up and looked to see that it was only Saka.

"Really Fynn...You shouldn't leave your stuff lying around like this..i thought you would have the decentcy to clean up this little area." Saka said starting to pick things up and putting them in a garbage tin just outside the booth.

"Loosen up cat.You act like you own me or something." Fynn said sighing

Saka looked at him ticked off."DON'T YOU DARE TREAT ME LIKE THAT!.I AM JUST AS LOOSENED UP AS YOU!!."She said with a "Im gonna crush you" Smile.

Fynn sighed and then turned around ignoring her and then looked off into the distance looking into space.Saka sighed and sat down in the other chair and started to paint her nails.As Fynn was about to fall asleep he started to smell smoke."Saka...can you smell that?" said Fynn getting up.Saka looked at him and nodded.Fynn looked up and saw a big puff of smoke appear."God.I wonder what's going on.Saka you stay look out until i come back.If it is dangerous ill yell out what it is but if it is friendly ill yell your name." Fynn then got up and walked towards the gate.Saka sighed and wanted to come but then Fynn would be mad so she stayed.

Fynn ran up the wall holding the gate and got to the top and looked at whatever the thing was.He looked at it and saw a man that was staring a fire around the vilage.Fynn sighed and knew that it was probolay a distraction or a really lame attempt at actally trying to smoke out the village.He then jumped down to the other side and looked at the strange man."Do you mind not putting a big fire around the vilage?.if that's not going to be a big problem for you." Said Fynn mockingly.Fynn noticed that he had a machine containing fire in it.The man grinned and looked at him."Well...it seem's that i get to fight the last member of the Narumi clan...This is gonna be fun." He said throwing a ball of fire at Fynn.Fynn crossed his arms and then made water come from the air and evaporite the ball."Can you just leave...i really dont want any dirt on my hands right now.." He said seriously.The man grinned and made fire come from below him spitting up.Fynn side stepped it and threw big Ice shards at him and saw him melt them."Ok...i will have to use water since ice is useless against him." Fynn said to himself.He then looked at the old man and then noticed that he was making hand signs.Fynn threw a kunai at him but then he dodged it easily.Fynn then saw him seem to stop fighting for some reason.He smiled and then clicked a button on his device and he was starting to melt!?.Fynn then knew what he was doing here.He was a suicide bomber!" Fynn ran at him as fast he can but knew it was to late to stop a expolosion.At a last ditch effort he made a ice like sword and hit the fire ball with all his might."ARUGHHHH!!!" Fynn said before a huge wave of fire spat into the air and he was thrown back crashing into the wall going knocked out.
Name: Angeless Hyuga Uchiha
age; 22
rank; Jounin (Ex-Anbu)
side: Yunaiteddo

description: 6’5. Wears a hidden leaf village head band around his neck. Jet black shoulder length hair. Wears a skin tight black long sleeved shirt. Tight black trousers. He wears two shuriken holders one on each leg. Along with a small hip pack for his other tools.

moves: Graceful fist Style- the Style used by all of the Hyuga clan. Sends a jet of Chakra into an opponent when striking them. Can seal chakra points and cause internal bleeding if enough force is applied.

Twin Chidori- as the name implies he generates two Chidori in either hand and rushes the opponent almost guaranteeing death to his targets as he blasts through them. (he can use this move 4 times in a day before it becomes to dangerous to use. It also translates to him being able to use a single Chidori up to 8 times in a single day.)

Copy-Cat Jutsu- Uses A shadow possession Jutsu to make people hit each other. (More for his own amusement than an actual fighting Jutsu)

Sharingan eyes- in his eyes not only does he have all the traits that come with the eyes
he also seems to be able to eminate and aura of such animosity that it feels like he’ll kill everything he looks upon.

weapon: Knuckle blades. A pair of Knifes with a Hand guard that has a razor like edges on them which he can infuse with chakra to perform a variety of things. A Kodachi strapped sideways on the base of his back.

Subordinates: Two Chunin and One Genin
(they’ll die in the battle which triggers his Sharingan to evolve past 2nd stage and up to the Mangekyo Sharingan *last stage* )

Natsumi 12 Genin. She was a gifted Medic and had only been on his team for a few days before she was killed while trying to heal Ryuzaki from his wounds.

Kaim 16 Chunin. A Prodigy when it came to Fire Jutsu’s. He was the combat specialist of the team His livly personality meant he was hot to anger and take offence. Died while trying to protect Ryuzaki and Natsumi from a G.R commander.

Ryuzaki 16 Chunin. Was a highly gifted Student who specialized in Shadow Possession and ambush techniques with his closest friend Kaim. While he was laid back Died on the battlefield after having his back broken and bleeding to death from severe injuries.

Bio: To both sides of his family he is the Black sheep because he cannot be placed in one house. When is comes to Taijutsu he is a master despite his lack of brute force. His Chakra control is also very good allowing him a great scope to copy and use other Jutsu. Unlike most Sharingan eyes, His Carries certain aspects of the Byakugan, The Bulging around the eyes, To some degree Telescopic vision, To see peoples Chakra flow. The red in his eyes is paler than the crimson so common to the Sharingan. Since the loss of his entire team he has opted not to continue in the training of Genin. He still feels that if he hadn’t taken them on they’d be alive still. Has a personal issue with people from either side of his family

Although he has Hyuga blood in him he seems to be incapable of bringing out the Byakugan with any degree of sucess. While his Sharingan shows certain signs of the Byakugan the truth remains his Byakugan is blind. The last time he tried to force it with his Sharingan he ended up almost blind which cost him his team.


Angeless was sat up against the wall of one of the homes in keikoku Village. He had just wandered Back into the Village after taking part in a small assult. He was resting with his eyes closed. It'd been a month since the incident that cost him his team. He had come back in to get a little rest before the next wave.

"Their mounting another attack on the Gates "Spoke one of the medical teams that were seeing to all the Ninja that had returned.

He rose to his feet and Walked back to the main gates.

"Please You're in no fit state. You've been going from one battle sight to the next! You Must rest " spoke the Medical Ninja loudly.

He looked over his shoulder at the Girl her pale eyes looking back at him. His Sharingan eyes glared at her.

"Hyuga girl....We are tasked with Holding them back. Only when I can't stand will I stay "he sighed striding off towards the Gates drawing his Kodachi.
"That's not fair!" Sakuya was saying in response to Takeshi telling her about leaving her and Kai in the village.

"Listen, Sakuya and Kai. I need for the both of you to fniish training and help out in the village in any way possible, but mostly stay out of trouble." Takeshi ordered.

"Takeshi we have to go," Ryuu said stepping into the house for a second, instantly gaining the glare of Sakuya. Kai stayed quiet listening to Takeshi's orders.

Takeshi nodded to Ryuu then watched as his long time friend left before finishing the last bit of information he wanted to pass off to them.

"I want you to stay here in the village because I believe there may be a traitor within the village." He said looking at both of them in turn disregarding the shocked look on their faces.Then continued, "If you notice anything out of the ordinary then I want you to repot to the Grand Kage immediately. DO NOT take matters into your own hand." He finished directing his last statement at Sakuya.

"Just...just come back to us Takeshi." Sakuya murmured, something that was not like her at all. It caught Kai by surprise as much as it did Takeshi.

"I'll be back. No worries." Takeshi lied, giving her a warm smile before disappearing out of the door.

Takeshi went to the entrance of the village where he saw Ryuu waiting for him.

"It's been a while since we've been on a black ops mission. Are you ready for it?" Ryuu chided.

"When have I not been ready for a mission?" Takeshi replied giving Ryuu a playful push.
Hyoma and Ayame were currently on their way back to base when Ayame broke the silence. "Why did you interrupt my battle with Kentaro?!" she demanded. Hyoma said nothing. "Answer me Hyoma! Why did you..." she was stopped in mid-sentence as Hyoma stopped abruptly, in his tracks and grabbed her around the throat. "I already told you, Master Ryouchou wanted us their when he arrives, and I don't question his orders... and you shouldn't question mine! Do you understand!" says Hyoma angrily. Dorei took a step towards Hyoma in concern for his mistress. "No Dorei, stay back." says Ayame knowing he wouldn't stand a chance against Hyoma. Dorei does as he's told. "That's a good boy. The little slave is getting bold. Seeing that he knows his place, and I'd suggest YOU learn yours!" says Hyoma, throwing her to the ground angrily. "Yes sir." says Ayame as she gets to he knees defeated and looking down at the ground. "Good, now let's get going."says Hyoma. They continue on their way.


In the mean time, Kentaro has pulled all the arrows from Kita and has begun using medical ninjutsu to heal him. "There we are, finished." says Kentaro. "Thanks. I'm feeling much better now." says Kita. Kentaro helps him to his feet. "Well, I couldn't exactly have you slowing me down now could I?" respond Kentaro with an overly hard playful slap on the back causing Kita to lose his balance and fall face down. "Woops, sorry about that." says Ketaro with a laugh. After Kita had returned to his feet, he spoke seriously, "It seems they've retreated and returned to their base. We should report this to the Grand Kage and the village. "Right. Let's go." says Kentaro seriously. "We are heading back to the village!" orders Kita to the others. width that they take off back to the village.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Back in the village>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Cero had a choice to make. Either risk the lives of his wife and child by continuing to help the village... or he could sacrifice the village in hopes his father would spare their lives... but what choice would he make.
BOOM a huge explosion shook the southern gate which Fynn was defending. Angeless rushed through the southern the gate too see what had happened and when he entered it he saw a burnt corpse and a fellow Ninja lying unconscious he walked over tooo investigate the corps and in shock he discovered the sucied bomber was a fellow ninja and in his hand that was to of paper in his hand. Angeless picked it up to read the burnt pice of paper but he could not make out anything but what looked too be a name Kamakura Shogun He could not make out the rest of the paper but this name had of some importance Angeless thought so he put the paper into he his back pocket so he could investigate it later. He then when to check on Fynn and from what he could tell he was breathing but he need some medical attention to see if he suffered any major injuries but Angless had too stay here and find out what had happpend he looked around and he saw a villager who had been standing around watching the event............. the villager was Cero

"Hey you did you see what had happened hear" Angeless asked

"No i just got here the same time you got here i only came because i heard the noice" Cero said trying to stay out of the spotlight

"we'll could you atleast do me a favor and take this ninka too the medical ara of twon and see if he's okay" ANgless said a liitle frustrated

"I'll see what i can do" Cero said not trying to cause a big comotion

Cero then went to grab the corps and as he picked up Fynn Angless noticed Cero had a sword to his back not just any sword a sword that a common villager would not have he knew that Cero had too be a fellow snonbi or so he taught

"your a retired Nin i see" Angless said with Accumen

"well something like that" Cero said lifting up Fynn and placing him on his solder and beginning to walk in the other direction

"you know we can used the help all the help we can get why aren"t you helping" angless said

"because i have a wife and kid too worry about" Cero said looking back and continuing on

_____________________________________________20 mins later in the medical area____________________________________

Cero had just reach the med area and he put Fynn down Fynn was going to be okay just need a little rest and he would wake up and be ready to guard the southern gate again Cero had walked out of the building and was sitting out side sitting on the stairs with the the thoughts rushing through his head thinking on what he was going to do he could not make up his mind when from the distance the kentro appeared helping kita walk too the med area and when the got closer kita pulled out his sword and began to run at Cero. Cero pulled his white sword from his back and stood up looking calm Kita swang his sword and clashed his sword with
Cero which began to conduct electricty Until they locked swords

" I see so the great general Cero still lives i thought we killed you a while back" Kita

" you weren't the only survivor of that battle" Cero

"you G.R are like cockroaches your so hard to get rid of kita said calmly as the area they were standing at began to shake

"I remember you the boy with the white hair you were the one delivered the blow that almost finished me" Cero said
____________________________________________ the past the battle of Reiketsu _______________________________________

"Sir this battle is pointless we're going to all die if we don't retreat now" a G.R knight pleeded

"No we shall countuie the invasion i will not let my father down and your cowardness anoies me die" Cero said pointing his fingure at the G.R knight

The Knight than grabbed his head and curlued up into ball and began to screem and then his head exploeded

"any one eles question my orderes" Cero yelled out

"sir a group of shnobi have looking through the line and are now....." he paused and fell over to the ground about 10 kunai went through his vital points and then behind him a smoke bomb exploded

Cero stood in the smoke and when the smoke as his comrades around him began to scream when the smoke cleared all of his comrades where dead and only Cero stood with a smirk on his face a group of 20 shnobi along with kita stood sourounding him

"be careful he's a General he can take us all out if were not careful"kita said

"why is a little boy here you guys must be getting pretty desperate" Cero said calmly

all of the shnobi began to charge at Cero

"you can't hurt me" Cero yelled out as his G.R stone began to glow he began to change his skin began to turn black his muscles budge his eyes began to turn red he turned into a demon. He then grabbed two of the shnobi by thier faces and swing them around as if they were weaponds smaking a big group of the shnobi back he quicky broke the shnobi necks ad he threw them in the air

"come on is that all you got " Cero howled out the other shnobi began charge at him Cero had manage to repel thier assault agin but this time they had cut him up a little

"BASTAAAARDS" Cero screemed out as shnobi began to jump on top of him and stab him up Cero then began to push them off he than began to systematically killing them off one by one until thier was one left kita

wounded and out of breath Cero coulld not put up a fight against KIta who was not as tired as CEro

"I'll kill you all" CEro said chraging at kita

Kita began to swing his sword in a circle

"Tatsumaki" kita said

A tornado began to appeared began to suck Cero in

______________________________________________present med area_________________________________

"what the hell is goin on" kentro yelled out

"he's G.R" kita yelled out

"dad what's going on"Shudou Ryouchou jr cried out. Shudou was assigned to this area and was keeping the eye on the patcienc e but heard the noticed and came outside

"your A father i see" kita said still in sword lock with Ceo

" yea and i'm on your side" Cero said jumping back

" we'll that dosen't change the fact that you killed my whole platoon" kita said running at Cero but before he could reachCro he began to black put and fell face flat n the ground Cero put his sword a away and picked kita up

"I'm taking him in " Cero said to kentro



"Master it has been a long time since i have seen you" kaibutsu said bowing down in the dark room

" James it's been a long time" says looking at kaibutsu

kaibutsu stood up and became very angry

"don't call me by that name i have no name" he yelled out charing at

"but it was the name your mother my niece gave too you i like he said removing the big black cloak that i was covering his his face reavling his face

name:Shudou Ryouchou
description; He wears gold knight that covers his whole body but his face and even though he is in his hundreds he looks to be in his 20s this is unknown why most have never seen his face... his eyes are always sore looking as though he is always tired and looking as if he he waiting for someone too put him sleep his hair is blond and heis very built and unlike the brutes he surronds himself with he looks to be a calm and quitr down to earth person his eyes are blue
rank:(jouin or commander or any other rank)
subordinates:the whole GR army
bio:nothing is known about him except he roses from the ashes of war and brrought a golden age

i will slowly reveal more about Shudou Ryouchou to you later on

___________________________________________outside main GR tent ______________________________________________

Hyoma was standing outside the tent just arriving to the base with Ayame when they heard a loud yell from outside the tent
they quicky ran in too see what had happened . and when they got in they found Shudou standing up with his hand wraped around kabistu hair lifting him up by it

kabiistu looking bruised up and beat up while Shudou had not a single scratch

" MY liitle boy james if you were not family i would've killed you a long time ago also you are a great warrior another reasson not too kill you you are very luck child"Shudou said whispering in his ear and throwing him on the floor

"Hyoma take him to get his wounds treated"Shudou said calmy sitting down and picking up the shrouds that cover his face and covering his face back"

"yes i will" Hyoma said ..........................................................


Ayame was sitting in her tent on her futon still pouting about Hyoma interrupting her fight with Kentaro, when none other than Hyoma walks into the tent having just finished taking kaibutsu to the medical tent. “What do you want?!” asks a frustrated Ayame. “Now is that any way to talk to someone bearing good news.” says Hyoma, completely passing her to stand in front of a full-length mirror to admire himself. “Unless you’ve come here to tell me I can fight Kentaro, I don’t want to hear it!” says Ayame, standing up and preparing to leave. “Kentaro is the one we saw earlier, correct. If so, then that’s exactly what I came to tell you.” says Hyoma with a devious smirk. “Are you serious?!” says Ayame, turning to face her brother with nonbelieving look on her face. “That’s right, but if you’re not up to it I could always ask…” before Hyoma could finish, Ayame immediately respond, “No! I’m up for it!… ahem… I mean… I’m ready for it, sir.” Hyoma smirked, “That better. Now you’ll go in the morning. Oh, and don’t disappoint me!” says Hyoma still with that devious smirk. “Yes sir!” says Ayame not bothering to ask any questions, leaves the tent to tell Dorei. She was just happy for the opportunity to go after what she desires. After she had left the room, Hyoma just stood there before the full-length mirror with a devious smirk on his face. “Now to find out how strong he really is. When I first saw him and looked into his eyes… it was the first time I’ve ever experienced a fear… or perhaps, it’s excitement!” says Hyoma rushing his hand through his hair with a heinous laugh.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<That Night Back at Yunaiteddo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Kita having finally managed to leave the medical office, made his way to temporary residence Kentaro and his subordinates were staying in to talk about what happened and strategies about what they should do. Just before he was able to knock, the door opened and standing before him was the giant Domon who immediately placed a finger to his lips to signal him to keep quiet and motioned him to enter. Kita quietly entered to find Kentaro sitting on one of the four beds with Kagura and Kazuma snuggled up against him sleeping. “They were both completely exhausted, but they wouldn’t go to sleep until Kentaro Sensei told them about the Mist Village. They always refuse to sleep until he does.” says Domon quietly with a gentle grin. Kita noticed Kentaro too had a gentle smile on his face. This was the first time he’d ever seen Kentaro smile so warmly. “Well what do you know, the big bad Kentaro does have a softer side after all.” says Kita teasing a bit making sure to keep his voice low enough to not wake them. Kentaro simply smirked and gently moved the two so he could get up and then covered them up. “Kita, let’s go outside.” asks Kentaro stroking their heads. “Sure.” responds Kita. They both walk outside to discuss, leaving Domon to get ready for bed himself.

"whose in charge of these attacks I'm getting sick of failure we should already have been in this village by now whose in charge" Shudou said look down upon all those before him wraped in in a dark cloth

"I am sir" a general said bowing his head before him

"I'll give you until dawn today to break in or i'll do it myself" Shudou said calmy

"how do you plan on doing that my lord" the gernal looked up confused

"have my ways..... either that or i'll walk up the front door" :Shudou said

______________________________in the village___________________________________

Cero had just laid his head down his mind still extremly confused and the only lone time he could get was in his bed his wife was too busy tending to the med-bay patiences too bother but his son would annoy every chance he could get.

Cero i will give you until dawn today too make up your mind" a voice poped into his
head and with that said Cero had made up his mind he stood up and began to take a walk .Cero knew what must be needed too be done

"why do they keep trying...i tire of killing them "spoke Angeless coldly as he stabbed the kodachi into the mans neck.

He let the body fall to the ground and flicked the blood off the blade. He scanned the area with his sharingan and saw them falling back. He sheathed his kodachi wiping the sweat from his brow.

"How many more waves will they send?

"They will send as many as it takes...till they break thru or...till I kill every last one of them "he spoke stretching his arms.

He caught the look he recieved and couldnt help but think to himself.

"They will eventualy break our line...they attack faster and in greater numbers with each wave. My chakra is already halved...at the rate of increase in their attacks we will have to resort to lessening our numbers to allow for rest...if we could show them that only a handfull of ninja can hold them at bay...they may loose moral "he thought to himself as he popped a food pill ito his mouth.

He sat down close to the gate and crossed his legs and began to use hand signs. He focused all of his attention into keeping the hand seals going. His chakra was surging around him as he focused his mind ever more keenly on the jutsu.

"Those signs....they are for a forbbiden jutsu "spoke a medic.

"Leave him...disturbing him now will only endanger his life

"Forbbiden Jutsu: Puppet of the grave "he shouted slamming his hand onto the ground.

It took a few seconds for the chakra strings to spread thru all of the dead ninja and GR.

"Arise "he spoke as his fingers twitched taking control of the dead all around the gates.

The corpes rose like the fresh nightmare that was just passing. He began to make more hand signs using the hundreds of dead to multiply the gestures.

"Forbbiden jutsu: Fire style meteor storm "

The puppet corpse's all released the jutsu sending hundreds of fire balls in wave after wave of scorching heat. it was a simpe and also impractical waste of his chakra but it was also a sound tactic. Demonstrate the ability to send such a devistaing attack and the odds of futher attack decreases for a while.

"to the gate "he spoke

He lined the corpses he was now puppetering in staggered lines at the gates each with faint trails of chakra all leadig back to him. He knew the time was ticking as long as he didnt have to expend any more of his chakra he could use the chakra that still lingered in the corpes for a short time befre he would loose control over them.

"I have brought us time....i can hold these corpses for only a few hours or so before my chakra is too badly depleated. Get people to rest...conserve their chakra. And pray they dont attack again...if they do i only have the chakra to use that jutsu maybe once more...after that i wont be of any use to anybody... "spoke Angeless as he let the control of the GR troops faill and released their corpses.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<At the GR encampment>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Kaibutsu was taking a walk, trying to forget about the embarrassment he suffered via Shudou when he stopped in his tracks. “ Come out, Hyoma. I know you’re there.” says Kaibutsu a bit irritated. “Very good, you haven’t lost your touch, but then again, I never was much for sneaking around.” says Hyoma with a sarcastic smirk, coming out from behind a nearby tent, his sword drawn and bloody. “So who was it this time, a traitor, or a failure?” asks Kaibutsu unconcerned. “A general didn’t know how to get the job done! Our Lord may have given him a second chance, but I didn’t!” say Hyoma with a vicious smile. “So have you come after me or is there something you want from me?” asks Kaibutsu win a hand on his blade. “If I wanted to kill you, you’d already be dead.” begins Hyoma licking the blood of his blade then sheathing it. “What I want from you is for you to lead the attack on the village. I’m sure you will turn up better results than the others.” finishes Hyoma. Kaibutsu is dumbfounded by Hyoma’s request. “You want me to lead the attack on the village?” asks Kaibutsu ecstatic that he can finally prove himself to Shudou. “That’s right. So are you up for the task?” asks Hyoma already knowing the answer. “You bet I am!” says Kaibutsu with a blood hungry smile. “I have six squadrons of souless waiting and ready for your orders. Try not to kill any of them this time.” orders Hyoma. “Not to worry, I’ll make sure the village falls this day.” says Kaibutsu. “Good and I’ve already sent out the others to take care of the stronger ninja. I sent Pizo and his men after Ryuu Uchiha and Takeshi Uzumaki, Ayame and Dorei after Kentaro and Kita. So the only one you need to worry about is Fynn Narumi.” explains Hyoma. “But what about Angeless and my traitorous cousin, Cero?” asks Kaibutsu a bit agitated. “I’ve got a special surprise for Angeless already in progress. And currently Lord Shudou is trying to convert Cero… but if he gets in your way… kill him.” exclaims Hyoma with a smirk. Kaibutsu smiles evilly, but then something comes to him. “What of you, Hyoma?” asks Kaibutsu, curiously. “I had business to attend to.” says Hyoma with a devious smirk and walks away. Kaibutsu heads out, ready to prove himself the best.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Later at the gate of the village>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Angeless was holding his jutsu as best as possible, when the figure landed beside him. “Kentaro, were you doing here? Did they send you to replace me?” asks Angeless surprised by Kentaro’s arrival. “Not exactly.” responds Kentaro unsheathing his claw with the evil smirk. “Prepare to die!” yells Kentaro as he leaps at Angeless, claws bared and an evil smile. Angeless is caught off guard and the claws ripped through his right shoulder. His clothes absorb most of the damage, but the claws were still deep enough to cause bloodshed, sending him sprawling across the ground and forcing him to release the jutsu. Angeless stands up, “Why are you doing this?!” yells Angeless. “Why not! Ha ha ha ha ha!” says Kentaro laughing. Kentaro charges Angeless again, this time Angeless manages to avoid Kentaro‘s swings, but trips over his own feet an falls on his back. Kentaro goes in for the kill, but Angeless thinks quickly and grabs his Kodachi and swings catching Kentaro’s shirt as he jumps back to avoid it. Angeless leaps to his feet. “Your not Kentaro! Who are you?!” demands Angeless after his realization. “Oh, you found me out. What gave me away?” asks the Kentaro look-alike with a curious smirk. “ I’ve sparred with Kentaro before and there are four things. First, Kentaro would never have been caught off guard like that. Second, he is much faster than you. Third, his style, you just swing around your claws aggressively. And fourth, in my current state and him at full strength I wouldn‘t stand a chance. Kentaro would have me on the ground bleeding from every pore and waiting for me to beg for death by now, he’s cruel that way. So trust me when I say you‘re not him.” says Angeless nonchalantly with a smirk. “And yet you say that so calmly and with a smile no less.” says the look-alike a bit confused. “At full strength he and I are even in our own way. It would be an honor to die at the hands of a strong opponent. That is one thing he and I have in common.” says Angeless with a smirk. “That’s why I waited till you were weakened before I attacked. At your current strength you wont defeat me.” says the imposter. “We’ll just have to wait and see. You must be the traitor ninja, we were warned about. Show me your true self!” demands Angeless. “You are the traitors, the villages need powerful leader to rule them with an iron fist and the GR have that power. As for my true form, I‘ll gladly show you. But this place is too crowded, fallow me.” says the imposter running off into the forest. Angeless gives chase, oblivious that he had just started the GR‘s plan.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<in the village>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Kentaro and Kita are standing atop the roof discussing the earlier events, “I see. So that giant sword on your back belonged to Ruzo. That guy must have been drinking something strong if he thought he could beat you even with his horde. Well at least we won’t have to worry about him anymore.” says Kita. Kentaro doesn’t speak, he just nods as he unsheathes his new sword. He pointed to the sky and admires it gleaming in the moonlight. “Well we better get some rest, we’ll need to leave early.” says Kita. “Yes, I have the feeling tomorrow is going to be a very full day.” says Kentaro. They both bid each other farewell.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<At GR main tent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hyoma was currently speaking with Shudou.
“Hyoma, your plan sounds like it may just work.” says Shudou impressed.
“Yes, but I need you to give me this last day to complete it.” says Hyoma bowing to his master.
“Very well, you have one last day before I take action myself. Now go, I must rest.” says Shadou dismissing Hyoma.
“Yes sir, I shall not fail.” say Hyoma leaving the tent.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Back in the village>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

In the medical room Fynn Narumi had just awakened.

The land under him shivered in agony! There was rubble whistling past his face! As Pizo looked forwards, the first thing he saw was the shining horizon. The sky and earth were separated by a thin, yellow line that grew wider and wider. His iris shrank, as burning wood and rubble flew past him. He didn’t blink, for his eyes had seen something horrifying. The G.R. commander had raised his hands in front of his face as the blown earth, rock and wood flew and unraveled a person surrounded by ninja. Head towards Pizo, the man took a step forwards. Pizo shivered for the first time in a long time, as a long white blade pierced through the man’s stomach.


Pizo woke up! His hands were squeezing his long white spear, as a drowning person would grab for a random floating object. He suddenly felt a soft touch on his shoulder. His left hand took the object that was on his shoulder and thrust his spear backwards. The next second he had understood that the object was a hand and that the spear was deflected. He jumped and looked to his back. It was Mohane! She looked scared and confused. That pissed him off, but he did not scowl her, for even if she was shocked she had instinctively deflected his spear in a second level speed. Next to her was Damesk whose shirt was torn from the spear that was deflected his way. He had almost dodged it…again.

“What is it?” he asked in an irritated way as he lowered his spear.

“Some shinobi broke through our lines and are heading towards the camp.” answered awkwardly Mohane.

“This has to do WHAT with us?” asked Pizo agitated to no end.

“Cause a knight came and told us to tell you “7”.” snapped Damesk stepping in front of Mohane. Pizo stood down as he looked at Mohane. Damesk made an angry face turned around and left. Pizo took a few seconds looking at his subordinate. She was quite beautiful at that moment. Her white hair was put back, revealing a strange and in the same time appealing angle of her face that was most of the time before hidden. Her clothes were looser than usually, giving her a more combat look. Pizo took a few steps towards her and opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. He turned his face forward and continued walking.

“Sir! I’m sorry for…” she started but was interrupted.

“No need for that Mohane.” He waved it away not looking back.

“But I…”

“That is an order.” Mohane was silence on the second. Her hands were clench one in another, arching her shoulders. “Hey, Mohane?” he said quietly.

“Yeah, boss.” she said as her eyes fell to the ground.

“When this is over I want for us to go out somewhere.” said Pizo, not turning around yet.

“Yeah, I know, you told us, boss.”

“No, Mohane, I meant, when this is over, I want for the two of us to go out somewhere.” he said calmly. Mohane seemed more shocked from this than a few minutes ago. “So no matter what, I would like you to survive! It is not an order, more like a request.” he said. Suddenly as he turned around to look at her reaction, when her hands took a hold of his neck and her lips pressed against his. Even with the reflexes he had he could not escape her. His eyes opened in surprise. She had actually dared to steal his first kiss, even though the feeling had turned out much better than he had hoped it to be. He put his hands on her chest to push her away, when suddenly he realized that she was no man, but a girl with still-growling breasts. They were soft and round, though still not as big as they appeared. She pulled away the second she felt his hands on her. “You have yet to grow, Mohane! You’re not ready for me.”

“I’m sorry, Boss!”

“ Don’t you dare call me Boss after that kiss!” He shouted. “From now on you call me Pizo, but until the end of the war, we are only soldiers. Understood? Now go get the other, we’re going after the infiltrators.” he orderedsharply. She nodded, solute him and left. He sat on the dusty ground, and started concentrating. “7! I see, so someone was able to get one more day as a time limit. Perhaps Lord Ryouchou might not need to get involved. But who might be that confident? Cero wouldn’t be able! He’s under too much pressure to be thinking straight. Perhaps Hato! That Narcissist might have the guts and power to do it. If it isn’t him… no, it doesn’t matter who it is. As long as we win, it is of no consequence whatsoever.”
Kita was on his way to the gate to meet Kentaro when he was stopped by a messenger ninja who told him to report to the Grand Hall at the center of the village. The Grand Hall is a building created for the Grand Kage. When he arrived and set foot in the building, the doors closed behind him with a slam. “Walk to the center of the room!” ordered a mysterious voice. He did as he was told and stepped to the center of the empty room. Suddenly the lights went out. Then moments later, several candles lit revealing several rows of men and woman. He couldn’t make out their faces because they all wore masks of the same face, but by the looks of their hands, they were all quite old. Each wore the symbol of a different village. “Welcome Kita, we are the Consul.” spoke a man with the Leaf village symbol. “Why have you called me here?” demands Kita. “Quit the impatient one are we.” spoke a man with the Sand village symbol. “I knew we should have brought in someone more competent like Ryuu Uchiha, at least he knows how to be respectful.” spoke an outraged woman with the Mist village symbol. “You know Ryuu Uchiha currently on a mission, and besides Kita is one of the most promising Ninja in the village.” spoke a man with the Stone village symbol. “Let’s get back to the task at hand shall we.” spoke a man with the Cloud village symbol. “Yes, ahem, for many years now you have worked hard and proven yourself to be a great ninja. And as you know, these are dark times. The shadows of the lands are stirring, and strange winds a blowing. We believe that great threat is about to reveal itself to us. The leader of the G.R. has begun to make his presence felt in seeking Cero is already feeling effects. However, there is another threat that hasn’t made it’s presence felt yet. And has hidden itself within the village, and it’s very powerful.” explains the man with the Leaf village symbol. “Any idea who it is?” asks Kita. “Somehow they’ve managed to keep themselves hidden from us, so no, we know not of who it is.” spoke a woman with the Waterfall village symbol. “And how do I fit into all of this? Why not just tell the Grand Kage instead of me?” asks Kita. “The Consul works in the shadows, without the knowledge of even the Grand Kage. If you wish to inform him then do so, but the Consul is not to be mentioned. The reason we chose you is because of you show great potential.” spoke a woman with the Grass village symbol. “Well, I not going to argue with that. Alright, so what would you have me do?” asks Kita more seriously now. “First we need you to keep an eye out for anyone in the village acting out of the ordinary. We believe the person hiding themselves is in league with other ninja in the village.” spoke the man with the leaf symbol. “Any idea of where I should start?” asks Kita. “I’m afraid we do not.” spoke the man with the sand symbol. “Great you are telling me that I came all the way here and you have no one information then I already had.” says Kita in frustration. “Yes, but there is another reason we called you here, and that is to keep you a word of warning.” spoke a man with the rain symbol. “Warning? About what?” asks Kita. “Not what, but who. Keep your eye on Kentaro.” spoke the woman with the mist symbol. “Kentaro? What do you mean?!” demands Kita. “As you know, Kentaro was born with a great darkness inside, and as he grew the Mizukage feared that darkness would one day reveal itself. The Mizukage had cast Kentaro and his mother out of the village, but they were never told the true reason why. He was no longer a ninja, but we could not tell him why. Some explanations mean nothing unless the one who suffers comes to the answer on their own. What he now was, was punishment enough… and the mist village had suffered enough of being called tyrannical and cruel, back in the days when it was referred to as Blood Mist Village, to have the child, imprisoned, harmed, or killed. And so he was merely cast out.” spoke the woman with the mist symbol. “So what is this Darkness?” asks Kita. “The darkness is a powerful Dojutsu (Eye technique) known as The Dragon’s Eye.” spoke the woman with the mist symbol eerily. “The Dragon’s Eye? What‘s that?” asks Kita confused. “The Dragon Eye is similar to the Sharingan- in the fact it allows for the user to suddenly change their movement pattern to successfully dodge incoming attacks. However, there is much more to it than that. It’s not like any normal Dojutsu. It fact, that’s the only part that even qualifies. You see, Kentaro’s Dragon’s eye only appears once in every few generations and only after the original user is dead.” explains the woman with the mist symbol. “But what is it? Is it a Kekkei genkai, a spirit, or what?” asks Kita. “In a way, it is both and yet neither. The Dragon’s Eye has existed too long even for us to tell. But what we do know, is the Dragon’s eye allows him the ability to augment himself.” spoke the man with the leaf symbol. “What does that mean?” asks Kita. “You see, he goes into a Berserker like trance. Not only does he gain incredible physical power and chakra, but suddenly has the combat abilities to fight the opponent. His chakra increases and soon is able absorb chakra that is not created within the confines of the human body. In other words, the chakra that exists outside the body, in the trees and the wind, etc. In addition, the chakra warps the atmosphere around Kentaro, and he gains an elemental advantage. The Dragon‘s eye can call upon the elements without the need for hand signs. However there is a drawback, no one has ever been able to master the Dragon’s Eye and Kentaro is no different and so he only uses it by reflex. In other word, when his life is in danger. So when Kentaro uses the Dragon’s Eye’s power, he loses all sense of his values and morals, he is stripped from who he is and tossed aside. What remains after that is his true potential and a beast who uses it’s immense power to perform feats of constant recklessness. In that state, he will attack anyone foolish enough to come against him. Unless he can learn to master his power, eventually his power will consume him completely. If that happens, he will lay waste to everything that stand in his path and eventually his power will even destroy him.” spoke the man with the leaf symbol. At that, the candles went out and when the lights came on, they were gone. Kita soon left, unsure what to think. When he met up with Kentaro, he remained silent, unsure of what to say. They departed with their teams soon after that.


Angeless had just caught up with the imposter.
??? kaibutsu tent???
kaibutsu was suiting up for combat......It was a misty day perfect for thier assault against the village when a man with brown cloak covering his face began to assimilate into kaibutsu tent This man was not GR

"Hello" The man said as If he was a friendly

"I was wondering if..... " before the man finshed the statement kaibutsu lunged a arrow into the mans chest stuning the man momentarily

"if you could do me a favor? he said handing kaibutsu a paper

kaibutsu looked at the paper and smiled sadistically when he read it
"I Can carless if the world burns or survives as long I as long as i am killing it dosen't matter if it the GR or Yunaiteddo..... killing is the only thing that makes me feel alive" kaibutsu said calmly

"that's what i thought do this only when times right and i promis the war will never end" the man said disappearing

© Copyright 2008 nightmare, Richard_freeman, The Crying Shadow, xx-xx, Lonewolf, xx-xx, AngelinTwilight, (known as GROUP).
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